Download - Practic the English

Page 1: Practic the English

Exercise 1

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 2

2.  A: What’s her first name?

B: Her first name is…

3.  A: Where is your teacher from?

B: My teacher is from…

4.  A: How is your English class?

B: My English class is…

5.  A: What are your classmates like?

B: My classmates are…


Exercise 3

2. Nice to meet you, Young-hoon.

3. Welcome.

4. Joe King.

5. A-N-T-O-N-I-O.

6. Everyone calls me Ken.


Exercise 4

2. What’s your last name?

3. Who’s that?

4. What’s her name?

Page 2: Practic the English

5. Where’s she from?

6. Who are they?


Exercise 5

2. Our

3. your

4. He

5. My

6. Her

7. They

8. It


Exercise 6

Lisa: …?

Amy: …are…is…

Surachai: …

Lisa: …are…?

Surachai: …am…

Amy: …is…is…

Lisa: …


Exercise 7


1. Mario | Cali, Colombia | Spanish and French | Volleyball

2. Charlotte | Brussels, Belgium | French and Dutch | No

Page 3: Practic the English

3. Su-Yin | Wuhan, China | Chinese and English | Volleyball

4. Ahmed | Luxor, Egypt | Arabic and English | Soccer


*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 8

Sarah: …

Rich: …?

Sarah: …?

Rich: No, I’m not. I’m on vacation, Are you a student?

Sarah: …

Rich: What are your classmates like?

Sarah: …

Rich: Oh really? Is Susan Miller in your class?

Sarah: …?

Rich: No, she’s not. She’s my sister!


Exercise 9

Alex: Hi. I’m Tina Fernandez. And this is my sister Amy.

Tina: Hi. I’m Tina Fernandez.

Amy: Are you from South America, Tina?

Tina: Yes, I am. I’m from Argentina. Where are you and your sister from, Alex?

Alex: We’re from Taiwan.

Tina: Are you from Taipei?

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Alex: No, We’re not. We’re from Tainan. Say, are you in English 101?

Tina: No, I’m not. I’m in English 102.


Exercise 10

1. A: Are you on vacation here?

B: No, I’m not on vacation. I’m a student here.

2. A: Are you free?

B: No, I’m not. I’m very busy.

3. A: Are you from Spain?

B: No, we’re not from Spain. We’re from Mexico.

4. A: Is your teacher Mr. Brown?

B: No, my teacher isn’t Mr. Brown. I’m in Ms. West’s class.

5. A: Are Natalie and Mika in your class?

B: Yes, Natalie and Mika are in my class.

6. A: Is it an interesting class?

B: Yes, it’s an interesting class.

7. A: Are they on the same baseball team?

B: No, they’re not on the same baseball team. They’re on the same volleyball team.


Exercise 11How are you doing? [Hello]

See you tomorrow. [Good bye]

Good night. [Good bye]

Good morning. [Hello]

Talk to you later [Good bye]

How’s it going? [Hello]

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Have a good day. [Good bye]

What’s up? [Hello]


Exercise 12

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea

United Numeric 2Exercise 1

2. Fitness instructor

3. Flight attendant

4. Newspaper reporter

5. Tour guide

6. Website designer


Exercise 2

1. He’s a website designer. He works in an office. He likes computers a lot.

2. She works in a gym. She’s a fitness instructor. She teaches aerobics.

3. He’s a tour guide. He takes people on tours. He travels a lot.

4. She works for an airline. She assists passengers. She’s a flight attendant.


Exercise 3

2. She works for a travel company. She arranges tours. She’s a travel agent.

3. He has a difficult job. He’s a cashier. He works in a supermarket.

4. She’s an architect. She works for a large company. She designs houses. It’s an interesting job.

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5. He works with cars in garage. He’s a mechanic. He’s also a part-time student. He takes a business class in the evening.


Exercise 4

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 5

TOM: What does your husband do exactly?

LIZ: He works for department store. He’s a store manager.

TOM: How does he like it?

LIZ: It’s an interesting job. He likes it very much.

But he works long hours. And what do you do?

TOM: I’m a student. I study architecture.

LIZ: Oh, really? Where do you go to school?

TOM: I go to Lincoln University. My girlfriend goes there, too.

LIZ: Really? And what does she study?

TOM: She studies hotel management.

LIZ: That sounds interesting.


Exercise 6

MARK: Where do you work?

VICTOR: I work for Cybotics Industries.

MARK: And what do you do there?

VICTOR:  I’m in management.

MARK: How do you like it?

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VICTOR: It’s a great job. And what do you do?

MARK: I’m a salesperson.

VICTOR: Really? What do you sell?

MARK: I sell computers. Do you want to buy one?


Exercise 7

1. He’s a chef.

2. He practices cooking new things, and then he writes cookbooks.

3. He makes TV programs about Thai cooking.

4. She’s a lifeguard.

5. She works at city pool.

6. She finishes at noon.


Exercise 8

Possible answers.

2.  Where does he work?

3.  When does he start work?

4.  How does he like his job?


Exercise 9

Everyone knows Pat at the hospital. Pal is a part-time nurse. He works at night on weekends. On Saturdays and Sundays, Pat sleeps most of the day and wakes up a little before nine in the evening, usually at 8:45 or 8:50. He has breakfast very late, around 9:30 or 10:00 P.M! He watches television until eleven o’clock, and then starts work at midnight. Early in the morning, usually around 5:00 A.M., he leaves work, has a little snack, goes home, goes to bed, and sleeps late, it’s a perfect schedule for Pat. He’s a pre-med student on weekdays at a local college.


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Exercise 10

1. Starts

2. Takes

3. Types

4. Works

4. Writes

5. Gets

6. Sells

7. Serves

8. Does

9. Goes

10. Answers


Exercise 11

2. What does he do?

3. She works in the garage.

4. He goes to university.

5. She stays up late.

6. He works part time.


Exercise 12

1. New York Hospital needs nurses. Work during the day or at night, weekdays or weekends, full time or part time.

2. Interesting job for a language student. Morning only. Take people on tours. Need good English and Spanish.

3. No need to work long hours! Only work from 6:00 until 11:00 four evenings a week. Our restaurant serves great food! Work as our manager.

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United Numeric 3 Exercise 1

Sam: …

Rebecca: Which ones?

Sam: …

Rebecca: Yes. But I don’t really like light blue.

Sam: …

Rebecca: Which one?

Sam: …

Rebecca: Well, I like it, but it’s expensive.

Sam: …

Rebecca: Oh, Sam. Thank you very much.

Exercise 2

1. A: How much is this backpack?

B: …

2. A: How much are these bracelets?

B: …

3. A: How much are these shoes

B: …

4. How much is that cat?

B: …


Exercise 3 (Undone)

2. boxes

3. companies

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4. days

5. dresses

6. gloves

7. hairbrushes

8. necklace

9. rings

10. scarves (or “scarfs”)

11. sweaters

12. ties


Exercise 4

Possible answers:

2. That’s not bad.

3. That’s pretty expensive.

4. That’s reasonable.

5. That’s pretty expensive.

6. That’s cheap.

7. That’s not bad.


Exercise 5

1. Clerk: It’s

Luis: one

Clerk: It’s

Luis: …

2. Meg: those

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Clerk: They’re

Meg: this

Clerk: one

Meg: one.

Clerk: It’s.

3. Sonia: those

Clerk: ones

Sonia: ones

Clerk: They’re

Sonia: …



Exercise 6

Cotton                  Gold                Leather

pants                bracelet            boots

gloves               ring                   pants

shirt                  necklace           gloves

jacket                                       jacket


Silk                 Plastic             Wool

pants                boots                pants

gloves               bracelet            gloves

shirt                  ring                   shirt

jacket               necklace           jacket


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Exercise 7

1. A: They’re also more expensive.

2. A: … more attractive than…

B: …warmer.

3. A: …

B: …prettier than…

A: …

B: …better than…

4. A: …cheaper than…

B: …smaller than…

A: …bigger than…


Exercise 8

Clothing                            Electronics                     Jewelry

athletics shoes               DVD player                  bracelet

cap                               Mp3 Player                 earrings

dress                            television                    necklace

T-shirt                          video camera               ring

Exercise 9

*Your own idea**Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 10


1. b

Page 13: Practic the English

2. c

3. a

4. d


1. False

2. True

3. False

4. False


*Your own idea**Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*

United numeric 4Exercise 1

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 2

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 3

1. Katy Perry is a singer.

2. The Kings of Leon are a rock band.

3. Colin firth is an actor.

4. Nani is a soccer player.

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Exercise 4

1. Ed: Do you like country music, Sarah?

Sarah: …like…

Ed: …does….?

Sarah: …does…

2. Anne: What…do…like…?

Jason: …like…

Anne: …are…like…?

Jason: …don’t…

3. Scott: …do…like…?

Teresa: …don’t…

Scott: …does…?

Teresa: …sings…!


Exercise 5

Responses will vary.

1. What kinds of movies do you like?

I like…

2. What is your favorite movie?

My favorite movie is…

3. What kinds of movie do you dislike?

I dislike…

4. What kinds of TV shows do you like?

I like…

5. What is your favorite actor or actress?

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My favorite actor is…

6. Who is your favorite song?

My favorite song is…

7. What is your favorite rock band?

My favorite rock band is…

8. What is your favorite video game?

My favorite video game is…


Exercise 6

Possible answers:

2. Science fiction films are more interesting than musicals.

3. Horror films are scarier than thrillers.

4. I’d prefer action films.

5. Crime thrillers are more exciting than westerns.


Exercise 7


Listen to                      Play                 Watch

jazz                              the piano          videos

music                            the guitar          a sport match

the radio                       the trumpet       a movie


*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Page 16: Practic the English

Exercise 8


1.  Ahead of Time

2.  House of Laughs

3.  Coming Up for Air


1.  a science fiction film

2.  a comedy

3.  a Clime thriller

Exercise 9

2. I can’t stand it.

3. Great. Let’s go.

4. That sounds great!


Exercise 10


1. Yes

2. No

3. Yes

4. No

5. Yes


*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Page 17: Practic the English

Exercise 11

1. Kate: Yes, I do. I like it a lot.

Robin: …Would you like to go …?

Kate: Yes, I’d love to. Thanks.

2. Carlos: …Would you like to come over and watch it?

Phil: I’d like to, …

Carlos: Well, do you like soccer?

Phil: Yes, I do. I love it!

Carlos: … Would you like…?

Phil: I’d love to. Thanks.


Exercise 12

2. Richard can’t stand classical music.

3. I love horror films!

4. Celia is not a fan of pop music.

5. Would you like to go to a baseball game?

United numeric 5Exercise 1

Males               Females

brother            aunt

father              daughter

husband           mother

nephew            niece

son                   sister

uncle                wife

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Exercise 2

Don: …are staying…

Joel: …are they doing…Are they taking…?

Don: … is looking…

Joel: …Is she working?

Don: …

Joel: …am studying…

Don: …are you taking…?

Joel: …am starting…

DON: Really? That’s exciting!


Exercise 3

2. Peter is Liz’s husband,

3. Frank and Liza are Isabel’s grandparents.

4. We have two kids. (Or “We have two sons”)

5. My father-in-law is a painter.

6. Michael is looking for a job right now.


Exercise 4

Chris: ….?

Philip: …

Chris: …?

Philip: Yes, I do. I like it a lot.

Chris: …?

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Philip: Yes, he is. He loves it there.

Chris: …?

Philip: No, they aren’t. They living in New York these days. …?

Chris: Yes, we are. We really love San Francisco.


Exercise 5

1. This is my aunt Barbara. She lives in Rome, but she’s visiting Chile this summer. She takes some summer classes there.

2. And these are my parents. They work in London. They’re visiting my aunt in Chile this month.

3. And here you can see my grandparents. They’re not working right now. They’re retired.

4. This is my brother-in-law, Edward. He wants to be a company’s director. He’s studying business in Canada right now.

5. And this is my niece, Christina. She’s going to high school.

She likes mathematics, but she doesn’t like English.


Exercise 6

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 7


*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


1. False:  Many college students live in university housing.

2. True

Page 20: Practic the English

3. False:  Few young people in the United States live with their parents.

4. False:  Nearly all university students live with their parents.

5. True

6. False:  (Rents in the city are very expensive.)

Many young people continue to live with their parents after they marry.


Exercise 8

1. all

2. nearly  all

3. most

4. many

5. a lot of

6. some

7. not many

9. few10. no


Exercise 9

1. Most children go to public schools. Few children go to private schools.

2. Many young people go to college after they finish high school. Some young people look for work.

3. Not many people over 65 like to spent time on the Internet. A lot of them like to spend time on a hobby. Nearly all people over 65 like to talk to family and friends.


Exercise 10

…couples…stay together…divorced…live at home…


Page 21: Practic the English

Exercise 11

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*

United numeric 6Exercise 1

Team sports





volleyballIndividual sports














Page 22: Practic the English

Exercise 2

2. They hardly ever play tennis.

3.  How often do you go jogging?

4. We often do yoga on Sunday mornings.

5.  Does Charlie ever do aerobics?

6. What do you usually do on Saturdays?


Exercise 3

2. What do you usually do on weekends?

3. Do you ever go to the gym after work?

4. How often do you exercise?

5. Do you ever play sports on weekends?

6. What do you usually do in your free time?


Exercise 4


*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 5

Susan: What time do you go jogging in the morning?

Jerry: I always go jogging at 7:00. How about you, Susan?

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Susan: I usually go jogging around noon. I jog for about an hour.

Jerry: And do you also play sports in your free time?

Susan: No, I usually go out with my classmates. What about you?

Jerry: I go to the gym on Mondays and Wednesdays. And Sometimes I go bicycling onweekends.

Susan: Wow! You really like to stay in shape.


Exercise 6

1. free (Down)

2. fitness (Down)

3. aerobics (Down)

4. exercises (Across)

5. football (Down)

6. do (Across)

7. shape (Across)

7. swimming (Down)

8. training (Across)

9. goes (Down)

10. jogging (Across)


Exercise 7


Hiking Club: For more information go to

Adult Education Program: For more information pick up their brochure at any Star supermarket or the public library.


Page 24: Practic the English

1. Play indoor sports (Community Center)

2. Do outdoor activities (Hiking Club)

3. Take evening classes (Adult Education Program)

4. Go dancing (Community Center)

5. Learn to cook (Adult Education Program)

6. Meet new people (Hiking Club)/ (Adult Education Program)/ (Community Center)


Exercise 8

2. About 45 minutes.

3. I’m about average.

4. Not very good, actually.


Exercise 9

2. How often do you go for a walk?

3. How long do you spend jogging?

4. How good are you at soccer?

5. How well do you play basketball?


Exercise 10

2. Tom doesn’t exercise very often.

3. Philip tries to stay in shape.

4. Jill often works out at the gym.

5. I always go jogging with my wife.

6. How well do you play tennis?


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Exercise 11

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*

United numeric 7Exercise 1


2. enjoyed

3. invited

4. loved

5. studied

6. tried

7. visited

8. washed

9. watched


2. give

3. meet

4. see

5. sleep

6. spend

7. take

8.  go



*Your own idea*

Page 26: Practic the English

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 2

2. I met someone very interesting.

3. We got home a little after 1:00.

4. We liked the art exhibition a lot.

5. We bought some new leather boots.

6. They spent their vacation in the country.


Exercise 3

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 4

A: How did you spend your weekend?

B: …

A: What did you do on Saturday?

B: …

A: And did you do anything special in the evening?

B: …

A: Where did you go on Sunday?

B: …

A: How did you like it?

B: …

A: Really? What time did you get home?

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B: …


Exercise 5

2. A: …?

B: No, I didn’t take the day off. I worked all day until six o’clock.

3. A: …?

B: No, I didn’t spend the weekend at home. I went out with friends.

4. A: …?

B: No, we didn’t. We finished our homework on Saturday.

5. A: …?

B: No, I didn’t drive to work. I took the bus.

6. A: …?

B: No, we didn’t go to the game. We watched it on T.V.


Exercise 6

2. d

3. e

4. c

5. a

6. b


Exercise 7


*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*

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2. visited the  floating  market (William & Sue)

3. bought fruit (Sue)

4. saw some  historic ruin (Sue)

5. traveled on the  river (William & Sue)

6. loved the food the most (William)

7. enjoyed everything (Sue)


Exercise 8

A: How was your vacation in Peru, Julia?

B: …was…

A: …were…

B: …were…

A: Were…

B: …weren’t…were…

A: …was…Was…

B: …wasn’t…was…was…were


Exercise 9

A: How was your vacation in Africa?

B: …

A: How long were in South Africa?

B: …

A: And how long were you in Namibia?

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B: …

A: Wow, that’s a long time! How was the weather?

B: …

A: And what was the best part?

B: …


Exercise 10

1. make

2. good

3. did

4. foggy

5. on business


Exercise 11


*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*

United numeric 8Exercise 1


2. gas station

3. grocery store

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4. Internet cafe

5. karaoke bar

6. movie theater

7. pay phone

8. post office

9. travel agencyB

2. A: I want to send an email. Are there any Internet cafes near here?

B: …

3. A: I want to send this package. Is there a post office around here!

B: …

4. A: I need to make a phone call. Are there any pay phones around here?

B: …

5. A: We need some gas. Are there any gas stations on this street?

B: …

6. A: We need to make a reservation for a trip. Is there a travel agency near here?

B: …


Exercise 2

Possible answers:

3. There’s a Laundromat on the corner of 1st Street and Oak in Aver, but there isn’t on in Bailey. There’s a hospital.4. There’s a restaurant on the corner of 3rd Street and Oak in Avery, but there isn’t one in Bailey. There’s a drugstore.5. There’s a supermarket on the corner of 2nd and Elm in Avery, but there isn’t one in Bailey.6. There’s a barber shop on 4th Street in Avery, but there isn’t one in Bailey. There’s a coffee shop.7. There’s a grocery store on Elm Street in Bailey, but there isn’t on in Avery.

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8. There’s a post office on the corner of 3rd and Birch in Avery, but there’s isn’t one in Bailey. There’s a movie theater.9. There’s a bank on the corner of 2nd Street and Oak in Avery, but there isn’t on in Bailey. There’s a department store.10. There are some houses on 3rd Street in Avery, but there aren’t any in Bailey. There are some apartments. 


Exercise 3

Possible answers

2. Is there a post office near here?

– Yes. There’s one on the corner of Lincoln Street and 3rd Avenue.3. I’m looking for a drugstore.

– There’s one opposite the gas station.

4. Is there a Laundromat in this neighborhood?

– Yes. There’s one next to the gym.

5. Is there a department store on Lincoln Street?

– Yes. There’s one between the travel agency and the gym.

6. Are there any pay phones around here?

– Yes. There are some in front of the post office.


Exercise 4

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 5



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Downtown (Advantages)

– Safe– Near the bus station.Downtown (Disadvantages)- Very noisy, streets full of people.- Parking is a big problem.Suburbs (Advantages)– Safe– A lot of parks– Good schools- Very little crimeSuburbs (Disadvantages)- Too quiet- Not many shops, no clubs or theaters- Nothing ever really happens


*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 6

Count nouns

-bank               -people

-hospital           -school

-library             -theater

Noncount nouns

-crime              -pollution

-noise               -traffic

-parking           -water


Exercise 7

2. How many buses are there?

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– There aren’t any.

3. How much traffic is there?

– There’s only a little.

4. How many banks are there?

– There are a couple.

5. How many people are there?

– There are many.

6. How much crime is there?

– There’s a lot.


Exercise 8

Luis: …any…

Alex: …a lot…across from…

Luis: …any…

Alex: …a few…one…

Luis: …?

Alex: …between…

LUIS: So let’s go!


Exercise 9

1. birthday card

2. gas station

3. apartment building

4. downtown

United numeric 9

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Exercise 1

2. light

3. young

4. short

5. tall 

Exercise 2


2. fairly long

3. good-looking

4. medium height

5. middle aged


2. A: How long is his hair?

B: It’s fairly long.

3. A: What color is his hair?

B: It’s dark brown.

4. A: How old is he?

B: He’s middle aged.

5. A: How tall is he?

B: He’s medium height.


Exercise 3

Jim: What does she look like?

Steve: She’s very pretty, with straight black hair.

Jim: And how long is her hair?

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Steve: …

Jim: How tall is she?

Steve: …

Jim: And how old is she?

Steve: …

Jim: Does she wear glasses?

Steve: …

Jim: …


Exercise 4

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 5

1. late sixties / bald

2. sneakers / standing next to her motorcycle

3. glasses / jeans


Exercise 6

Formal            Casual

shirt                              boots

dress                            jeans

scarf                             shorts

skirt                              sneakers

suit                               T-shirt

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necktie                         cap


Exercise 7

2. Alice is the woman talking to the man.

3. Mandy is the tall woman carrying a jacket,

4. Edward and Kate are the ones wearing sunglasses.

5. William is the one wearing a suit and tie.


Exercise 8

2. He’s the one behind the couch.

3. They’re the ones dancing. (*I don’t see Cindy either!)

4. She’s the one sitting on the couch.

5. He’s the one with short black hair.


Exercise 9

2. A: Who are the teachers?

B: They’re the ones sitting on the couch.

3. A: Who is Larry?

B: He’s the guy in the coat.


Exercise 10

– is walking

– are waiting

– is asking

– is using

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– are standing

– wearing

– carrying


Exercise 11

2. The handsome guy near the door.

3. That’s right.

4. Pretty short.

United numeric 10-Exercise 1

2. called

3. done

4. eaten

5. gone

6. had

7. made

8. run

9. seen

10. tried

Exercise 2

2. A:  Have you done your homework yet?

B: …

3. A: How many phone calls have you made today?

B: …

4. A: How long have you had those sunglasses?

Page 38: Practic the English

B: …

5. A: Have you eaten at Rio Cafe?

B: …

6. A: How many times have you gone shopping at the mall this month?

B: …


Exercise 3


*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 4

1. since

2. for

3. for

4. since

5. for

6. since

7. since

8. for

9. since


Page 39: Practic the English

Exercise 5

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 6


[1] stayed in the mountains

[2] lost a wallet

[1] enjoyed the view

[1 and 2] got no exercise

[2] spent time on boat

[1] waited for help

[2] went swimming

[1 and 2] had a terrible day


*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 7

1. A: Have you ever watched flamenco dancing?

B: …

2. A: Have you ever seen a sumo wrestling match?

B: …

3. A: Have you ever eaten oysters?

B: …

Page 40: Practic the English

4. A: Have you ever gone wall climbing?

B: …

6. A: Have you ever been camping?

B: …

7. A: Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?

B: …


Exercise 8

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 9

A: Have…lost…

B: …lost…

A: Have…found…

B: …have…bought…

A: …did…buy…

B: …got…have…lost…

A: …left…

B: …did…go…

A: …called…


Exercise 10

2. Yes, really good.

3. For two hours.

Page 41: Practic the English

4. Yes, I’ve already eaten.

5. Twice.

6. I’ve never, have you?

7. No, just a few minutes.

8. Yes, I saw him this morning.

United numeric 11Exercise 1

1. expensive

2. modern

3. boring

4. safe

5. crowded

Exercise 2

A: What’s your hometown like?

B: …

A: Is it big?

B: …

A: What’s the weather like?

B: …

A: Is the nightlife exciting?

B: …


Exercise 3

2. Sapporo is a very nice place. The winters are terribly cold, though.

3. Marrakech is an exciting city, and it’s a fun place to sightsee.

Page 42: Practic the English

4. My hometown is a great place for vacation, but it’s not too good for shopping.

5. Our hometown is somewhat ugly. However, It has some beautiful old homes.


Exercise 4

2. Correct.

3. Copenhagen is a clean city.

4. Correct.

5. Correct.

6. Dubai is a very hot city in the summer.

7. Correct.

8. Rio de Janeiro is an exciting place to visit.


Exercise 5

Ever-Popular London

London is … It has …It is …, and it has…

It also has… London is …, but it is …

It is … and has … The city is… and has …

London has …, so it is …


Exercise 6


Helsinki: 1550; 2 million people; very cold in the winter; Walking and bicycling.


Vancouver: 1870s; over 2 million people; not very hot or cold; foods.


Page 43: Practic the English

Salvador da Bahia: 1549; 2.6 million; hot and humid; architecture, beaches, foods and music.


2. Salvador

3. Helsinki

4. Helsinki and Salvador


Exercise 7

2. shouldn’t stay

3. shouldn’t miss

4. can take

5. shouldn’t walk

6. should get


Exercise 8

B: You shouldn’t…you should…

A: Should I

B: you should

A: Should I

B: you shouldn’t

A: should I

B: …


Exercise 9

The answer can be:

2. What can I see and do there?

Page 44: Practic the English

3. What shouldn’t I do there?

4. What special foods should I try?

5. What should I buy there?

6. What other interesting things can I do?


Exercise 10

2. The street are always crowded.

3. It’s an ugly city.

4. When’s a good time to visit the city?

5. You really shouldn’t miss the weekend market.

United numeric 12Exercise 1


Suggested answers:

2. go to bed and  rest

3. put it under cold water

4. take  some  aspirin

5. apply anti-itch cream

6. use some ointment


Possible answers:

2. A:  What should you do for a bad cold?

B: It’s sometimes helpful to go to bed and rest.

3. A: What should you do for a burn?

B:  It’s a good idea to put it under cold water.

Page 45: Practic the English

4.  A:  What should you do for a headache?

B: It’s important to take some aspirin.

5. A: What should you do for an insect bite?

B: It’s a good idea to apply anti-itch cream.

6. A: What should you do for sore muscles?

B: It’s sometimes helpful to use some ointment.


Exercise 2

Possible answers:

2. For a sore throat, it’s a good idea not to talk too much.

3. For a burn, it’s important not to put ice on it.

4. For insomnia, it’s a good idea not to drink coffee at night.

5. For a fever, it’s a good idea not to get out of bed.


Exercise 3

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 4


*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


1. False

2. False

Page 46: Practic the English

3. True

4. True

5. False

6. True

7. True

8. True


Exercise 5


Bottle: ear drops, eye drops

Box: cough drops, bandages

Can: insect spray, sunburn spray

Tube: anti-itch cream, muscle ointment


Possible answers:

2. She should get a box of cough drops.

3. He should buy a bottle of ear drops.

4. They should get a can of insect spray.

5. He should buy a tube of anti-itch cream.

6. She should get a box of bandages.

7. They should get a can of sunburn spray.

8. He should buy a tube of muscle ointment.


Exercise 6

1. Pharmacist: Can I help you?

Page 47: Practic the English

Customer: Yes. Can I have a bottle of aspirin?

Pharmacist: Here you are.

Customer: And what do you have for sunburn?

Pharmacist: I suggest this lotion.

Customer: Thanks.

2.  Pharmacist: Hi. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. Could I have something for sore muscles?

Pharmacist: Sure. Try this ointment.

Customer: Thanks. And what do you suggest for the flu?

Pharmacist: Try some of these tablets. They really work.

Customer: OK, thanks. I’ll take them. And could I have a pack of tissues?

Pharmacist: Sure. Here you are.


Exercise 7

A: …?

B: for

A: …at…to…

B: …

A: with

B: Anything else?

A: of


Exercise 8

Possible answers:

2. You should get a bottle of vitamin C.

Page 48: Practic the English

3. Try and hold your breath.

4. I suggest some multivitamins.

5. You should work less and play more.

6. Try counting sheep.

United numeric 13Exercise 1

2. So do I.

3. I am, too.

4. Neither can I.

5. I don’t either.

6. I do, too.

Exercise 2

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 3


1. Camile, *, Awful!

2. Luke, *****, Fantastic!!

3. Adam, ***, Pretty good.



Trattoria Romana

Food: Italian

Atmosphere: quiet and relaxing

Page 49: Practic the English

Specialties: desserts

Service: very good

Price/Person: about $32

Reservation: yes



Food: American

Atmosphere: boring

Specialties: steak and potatoes

Service: slow and unfriendly

Price/Person: $36

Reservation: no


Brierut Café

Food: Lebanese

Atmosphere: lively

Specialties: meze

Service: very friendly

Price/Person: about $18

Reservation: Yes


Exercise 4

1. fish

2. peas

3. octopus

Page 50: Practic the English

4. chicken

5. ice cream

6. sushi


Exercise 5

Server: May I take your order?

Customer: Yes, I’ll have the beef with potatoes.

Waiter: …would you like…

Customer: I’d…

Server: …anything…

Customer: …I will…

Server: …

Customer: …

Server: …

Customer: No, thanks. That’ll be all.

Server: OK. I’ll bring it right away.


Exercise 6

2. I’d like french fries, please.

3. I’ll have a cola.

4. No, thanks.

5. Chocolate, please.

6. That will be all, thanks.


Exercise 7

Page 51: Practic the English

1. greasy

2. order

3. dressing

4. bland

5. flavor


Exercise 8

Sherry: …

Whitney: Neither…

Sherry: …like it a lot!

Whitney: …too…favorite kind of food…

Sherry: …

Whitney: So…would…

Sherry: …

Whitney: …am …will have…

Sherry: …

Whitney: …do…

Sherry: …

Whitney: I can’t stand them.

SHERRY: Actually, neither can I.

United numeric 13xercise 1

2. So do I.

3. I am, too.

4. Neither can I.

Page 52: Practic the English

5. I don’t either.

6. I do, too.

Exercise 2

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 3


1. Camile, *, Awful!

2. Luke, *****, Fantastic!!

3. Adam, ***, Pretty good.



Trattoria Romana

Food: Italian

Atmosphere: quiet and relaxing

Specialties: desserts

Service: very good

Price/Person: about $32

Reservation: yes



Food: American

Atmosphere: boring

Specialties: steak and potatoes

Page 53: Practic the English

Service: slow and unfriendly

Price/Person: $36

Reservation: no


Brierut Café

Food: Lebanese

Atmosphere: lively

Specialties: meze

Service: very friendly

Price/Person: about $18

Reservation: Yes


Exercise 4

1. fish

2. peas

3. octopus

4. chicken

5. ice cream

6. sushi


Exercise 5

Server: May I take your order?

Customer: Yes, I’ll have the beef with potatoes.

Waiter: …would you like…

Customer: I’d…

Page 54: Practic the English

Server: …anything…

Customer: …I will…

Server: …

Customer: …

Server: …

Customer: No, thanks. That’ll be all.

Server: OK. I’ll bring it right away.


Exercise 6

2. I’d like french fries, please.

3. I’ll have a cola.

4. No, thanks.

5. Chocolate, please.

6. That will be all, thanks.


Exercise 7

1. greasy

2. order

3. dressing

4. bland

5. flavor


Exercise 8

Sherry: …

Whitney: Neither…

Page 55: Practic the English

Sherry: …like it a lot!

Whitney: …too…favorite kind of food…

Sherry: …

Whitney: So…would…

Sherry: …

Whitney: …am …will have…

Sherry: …

Whitney: …do…

Sherry: …

Whitney: I can’t stand them.

SHERRY: Actually, neither can I.

Exercise 1


2. b. forest

3. a. valley

4. a. lake

5. c. volcano

6. a. desertB

2. Amazon River

3. Lake Superior

4. Mount Fuji

5. Mediterranean Sea

6. Angel Falls

7. Pacific Ocean

8. Sahara Desert

Page 56: Practic the English


Exercise 2

2. cooler, the coolest

3. friendlier, the friendliest

4. heavier, the heaviest

5. nicer, the nicest

6. noisier, the noisiest

7. older, the oldest

8. safer, the safest

9. smaller, the smallest

10. wetter, the wettest


Exercise 3

Ian: …the most famous …

Val: …the best time…the most beautiful…the most popular…the most crowded…

Ian: …

Val: …the worst…the coldest and foggiest…


Exercise 4

1. higher than

2. The hottest

3. longer than

4. the largest

5. larger than

6. The highest

Page 57: Practic the English

7. the driest

8. the wettest

9. colder than

10. the most dangerous

11. the lowest

12. deeper than


Exercise 5


1. False

2. False

3. True

4. True

5. False

6. True

7. True


Exercise 6

2. How far is New Zealand from Australia?

a. It’s about 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles).

3. How long is the Yangtze River?

a. It’s 6,300kilometers (3,917 miles) long.

4.  How cold is Antarctica?

b. It gets down to -88.3 degrees Celsius

(-126.9 degrees Fahrenheit).

Page 58: Practic the English

5. How big is the Amazon Rain Forest?

a. It’s 6 millions square kilometers (2.5 million miles).

6. How deep is the Grand Canyon?

b. It’s about 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) deep.


Exercise 7

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 8

1. colder

2. smallest

3. larger

4. most crowded (mostcrowded)

5. hottest

6. good

7. longer

8. better

9. best (Across)

9. biggest (Down)

10. far (Across)

10. famous (Down)

11. highest (Across)

11. hot (Down)

12. worst

Page 59: Practic the English

13. wettest

14. cold

15. tallest

United numeric 15Exercise 1

1. baseball game

2. beach party

3. bicycle race

4. dance performance

5. rock concert

6. singing contest

7. tennis match

8. volleyball tournament

Exercise 2

Possible answers:

1. On Sunday afternoon, Anna is going to Jeremy’s birthday party.

2. On Monday, she’s working overtime to finish the report.

3. On Tuesday evening at 7:00P.M., she’s seeing a play with Tony.

4. On Wednesday night, she’s watching the tennis match with Kate and Sam.

5. On Thursday at noon, she’s having lunch with Candy.

6. On Friday, she’s staying home and watching the baseball game on TV.

7. On Saturday evening, she’s going to the dance performance with Maria.


Exercise 3

Marta: …are…going to do…

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Mark: I’m going to go …

Marta: …

Mark: …

Marta: … are going to see …

Mark: …are…going to do…

Marta: … is going to visit …am…going to do…

Mark: …am not going to have …

Marta: …


Exercise 4

1. I’m sorry. I’m working late tonight.

2. Great! But it’s my turn to pay.

3. Sure, I’d love to.

4. Oh, I’m sorry I can’t.


Exercise 5

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 6

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*


Exercise 7


Page 61: Practic the English

2.  e

3. f

4. i

5. j

6. b

7. a

8. g

9. c

10. d


Exercise 8

Possible answers:

1. Could you ask her to bring the fax from New York?

2. Could you tell Mr. Alvarez that we need the report by noon?

Please ask him to call Ms. Jarnes as soon as possible.

3. Would you tell Miss Lowe that the new laptop is ready?

Could you tell her to pick it up this afternoon?


Exercise 9

Possible answers:

1. Please ask Michael not to meet me at the airport until midnight.

Would you tell him that the plane is going to be late?

2. Please tell Lucy that we’re meeting at Dino’s house before the concert.

Could you ask her not to forget the tickets?

3. Could you tell Christopher that the beach party starts at noon?

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Please ask him not to be late.


Exercise 10

Secretary: Hello. Schmidt and Lee.

Ms. Curtis: May I…

Secretary: I’m sorry…Can I take…

Ms. Curtis: …Would you tell her that…Could you tell her to call to me?

Secretary: …give her…

Ms. Curtis: Thank you very much. Good-bye.


Exercise 11

1. Yes. That would be great. Thanks.

2. Yes. My number is (303) 555-3241.

3. My name’s Graham. Graham Lock.

4. Yes, please. Could you tell him Roz called?

5. Let me see if he’s in.

6. That’s OK. I’ll call back.

United numeric 16Exercise 1

1. Well, my hair is a little longer now.

2. I know. How have you been?

3. That’s terrific!

4. I’m doing really well.

Exercise 2

1. …has moved to a new apartment…

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2. …have stopped eating in restaurants…

3. …has started going to the gym…


Exercise 3

Possible answers:

2. Elena doesn’t wear glasses.

3. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have another child.

4. Eddie is thinner now.


Exercise 4

Possible answers:

1. Alice eats healthier food now.

2. James is thinner now.

3. Mary has changed schools.

4. Tess isn’t married anymore.

5. My hair is longer now.

6. We stop going to gym now.


Exercise 5


1. Luis

2. Rosie

3. Aki


1. Aki : C

Page 64: Practic the English

2. Luis  : A

3. Rosie : B


1. Aki

getting up early.

I dress up now.

My hair is shorter.

2. Luis

I got married!

My wife and I often have friends over for dinner.

We’re taking evening classes.

3. Rosie

Now I work as a computer programmer.

I’ve gained several kilos.

I feel much happier and healthier.


Exercise 6

1. graduation

2. career

3. responsibilities

4. loan

5. broke

6. successful


Exercise 7

Page 65: Practic the English

Melissa: What do you plan to do…

Leo: … want to get…would like to save…

Melissa: …would you like to go

Leo: I’d love to travel…?

Melissa: …I’m not going to get…I want to go…

Leo: …are you going to pay for it?

Melissa: I hope to borrow… I plan to take…

Leo: …

Melissa: …hope to take…

Leo: …


Exercise 8

Possible answers:

I hope to find a new job.

I want to make more money.

I plan to take a computer class.

I’m going to go to a gym.

I’d like to eat healthier food.

I’d love to get more sleep.

I’m going to join a singles club.

I want to be more outgoing.

I plan to do something fun in the evenings.


Exercise 9

1. to get

Page 66: Practic the English

2. lower than

3. to work

4. more stressful than

5. to move

6. engaged


Exercise 10

*Your own idea*

*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*
