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King Edward school promotional video analyse

In this essay I am going to analyse the promotional video of King Edward School. I am going to look at certain aspects analyse of the video and discuss them in details.

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Figure 1Figure 2

To begin with in the promotional video there are lots of mid shoots of some teachers and the students when they are talking about the school, here is some screen shots to show you some examples.

Here as you can see those are the mid shot of a student from year seven and a student from the six forms. This makes it look effective because the students in the video talks about how they felt when they first started the school and how they felt afterwards when they got to know the school. Consequently this makes it very appealing to the audience because its shows that they feel much more confident and joyful to be in this school, which therefore makes the school, look very positive.


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Additionally if you look closely there are title and text of the names of the students and the year that they are from. As a result this tells the audience exactly who they are and what year they are from. So this makes it very helpful and clear for the audience to notice who they are. Furthermore the reason why the video has mid shot of the students when they are talking is because; it makes the audience focus more on their face expression and they way they speak.

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Here there is a mid shot of a teacher helping a student. This shows a very positive part of the school because it makes the audience feel like the school is caring and very helpful to students. Therefore this will show audience that the school really wants the students to achieve on their work and to do well.

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Here above as you can see this is the part when the video shows the outside of school building. In figure 1 it shows the school flag waving in a mid shot, so for this reason it makes the school look very well presented to the audience, which also shows them the identity of the school. Similarly if you look at figure 2 it shows a long extreme shot of the school building. Therefore this makes the school very attractive and appealing to the audience because of the eye-catching classic looking building.

Figure 1Figure 2

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Here is a mid-shot of the student working and concerting with their work in science. Accordingly this makes the students look very stand out in a positive way because it shows that the students in the school takes their education very seriously. Beside the science lab makes it very appealing to the audience because of the test tubes, Bunsen burner and the chemicals liquid that are inside them.

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As you can see here in a video there is an Archival footage background of the history school. Therefore it has classic music and also it shows black and withe pictures to show how the school was back in the olden days. However it is a long extreme shot of the old school building. This makes it effective because it makes it very appealing to the audience because of the traditional old background that the school has.

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Here are clips of different subjects that school dose such as sports. Therefore when the teacher speaks about sports and other subject there is an L cut. As a result this makes the video look very engaging to the audience as the teacher talks and explains what the school provides for the entire student. However there are lot fades as they go along and show each clip. This makes it effective because the transition keeps the audience engaged.

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Above as you can see there is a close up of a student’s art work and a close up of some paint rollers. Therefore this makes it very eye catchy for the audience because of the details of the paints and the colour of the paints. This is effective because it visually appealsto the audience.

Also in the video there is a long extreme shot of students playing with their violin. This makes it very engaging because it makes it stand out and interesting to the audience because of the way the student is focusing with their violin. But there is also an L cut as the teacher goes along talking about these topics above.

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Above as you can see those are the mid shots of teachers, however in the videos it only show teacher who are the head of a certain subject. Such as the assistant head, therefore this makes it very appealing to the audience, because those specific teachers makes the video look much more important and charming, specially when they say all the positive things about the school and the students. As a result this makes audience realize how significant and good the school is.

Figure 3 Figure 5 Figure 4