Download - PowerPoint Presentations for The Canadian Writer’s Workplace Seventh Edition Adapted by Gary Lipschutz, Centennial College Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education.

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PowerPoint Presentations for

The Canadian Writer’s WorkplaceSeventh Edition

Adapted byGary Lipschutz,Centennial College

Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Page 2: PowerPoint Presentations for The Canadian Writer’s Workplace Seventh Edition Adapted by Gary Lipschutz, Centennial College Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education.

Unit II: The Writing Process

Chapter 14: The Four Stages of Writing for a Paragraph or an


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Page 3: PowerPoint Presentations for The Canadian Writer’s Workplace Seventh Edition Adapted by Gary Lipschutz, Centennial College Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education.

Stage One: Prewriting

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Page 4: PowerPoint Presentations for The Canadian Writer’s Workplace Seventh Edition Adapted by Gary Lipschutz, Centennial College Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education.


Follow the four W’s to successful brainstorming:

• Welcome: all suggestions accepted• Wired: fast and energetic• Wild: crazy and free• Wonderful: no comments or judgments

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Page 5: PowerPoint Presentations for The Canadian Writer’s Workplace Seventh Edition Adapted by Gary Lipschutz, Centennial College Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education.

Other Techniques

• Freewriting• Keeping a journal• Letting Your Emotions Guide You• Buying a non-school themed journal• Choosing the Topic and Controlling Idea

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Page 6: PowerPoint Presentations for The Canadian Writer’s Workplace Seventh Edition Adapted by Gary Lipschutz, Centennial College Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education.


• Clustering is a kind of brainstorming that makes use of a diagram.

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Page 7: PowerPoint Presentations for The Canadian Writer’s Workplace Seventh Edition Adapted by Gary Lipschutz, Centennial College Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education.


Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Page 8: PowerPoint Presentations for The Canadian Writer’s Workplace Seventh Edition Adapted by Gary Lipschutz, Centennial College Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education.

Audience and Tone

• The intended audience determines the level of formality of the writing.

• A writer tries to persuade the reader of a particular point of view.

• The purpose of the essay should be clear.

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Page 9: PowerPoint Presentations for The Canadian Writer’s Workplace Seventh Edition Adapted by Gary Lipschutz, Centennial College Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education.

Stage Two: Outlining (or Organizing)

The pattern of the outline for a paragraph is very similar to that for an essay

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Page 10: PowerPoint Presentations for The Canadian Writer’s Workplace Seventh Edition Adapted by Gary Lipschutz, Centennial College Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education.

OutliningParagraph Outline Essay Outline1. Topic sentence 1. Thesis statement2. First major supporting sentence

2. Topic sentence of second paragraph

3. Second major supporting sentence

3. Topic sentence of third paragraph

4. Third major supporting sentence

4. Topic sentence of fourth paragraph

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Page 11: PowerPoint Presentations for The Canadian Writer’s Workplace Seventh Edition Adapted by Gary Lipschutz, Centennial College Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education.

Stage Three: The Rough DraftA rough draft is a first attempt at a piece of writing.

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Page 12: PowerPoint Presentations for The Canadian Writer’s Workplace Seventh Edition Adapted by Gary Lipschutz, Centennial College Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education.

Stage Four: PostwritingRevising, editing, and proofreading.

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Page 13: PowerPoint Presentations for The Canadian Writer’s Workplace Seventh Edition Adapted by Gary Lipschutz, Centennial College Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education.

Writing a College Essay

1. Do some brainstorming, clustering, research, and note-taking.

2. Come up with a worthy topic and thesis.3. Outline your selection of details.4. Write and revise the rough draft.

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Page 14: PowerPoint Presentations for The Canadian Writer’s Workplace Seventh Edition Adapted by Gary Lipschutz, Centennial College Copyright © 2013 by Nelson Education.

Writing a College Essay

5. Edit the second draft (add more specific details; make title or introduction more creative; etc.)

6. Proofread for mechanical and grammatical errors.

7. Type the final copy.8. Check again for errors.

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