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Powerpoint JeopardyMixture Sets Mixture Venn Diagrams Mixture

10 10 10 10 10

20 20 20 20 20

30 30 30 30 30

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How many different outfits could be formedwith two skirts and three blouses.

Show the different options using a tree diagram.

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A home owner’s association is to elect achairman and a secretary. There are four

candidates for chairman and five candidatesfor secretary. In how many different can

the officers be slated?

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A quiz consists of four multiple choice questions with five possible responses to each

question. In how many different ways canthe quiz be answered?

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Jamie goes to the food court to get a salad and sandwich for lunch. The Daily Deli has 5

varieties of sandwiches and 2 salads. BetterBites has 3 varieties of sandwiches and 6 salads.The Lunch Spot has 8 varieties of sandwichesand 5 salads. Determine the number of ways

she can select a sandwich and salad.

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In how many arrangements can 3 men and 3women be seated in a row if no one sits next to

a member of the same gender?

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What is the symbol for element?

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A = set of all positive even integersB = set of all positive multiples of 3

Describe and list the elements in the intersectionof the two sets.

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A = all multiples of 3B = all multiples of 4

Are sets A & B disjoint?

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List all of the elements of the set{x | (x + 2)(x – 5)(x – 7) = 0}

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A is the set of students at Winfield CollegeWho had a 4.0 GPA for the Fall Semester.B is the set of students at Winfield College

Who had a 4.0 GPA for the Spring Semester.

1.Describe the union of A & B2.Describe the intersection of A & B

3.Is A a subset of B?

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A = {a, b, c, d, e, f}B = {a, e, i, o, u, y}

Compute n(A), n(B), n(A and B) and n(A or B)

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The union of A & B has 48 elements.Set A contains 27 elements.Set B contains 30 elements.

How many elements are in the intersectionof A & B?

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Evaluate P(4, 3)WITHOUT a calculator.

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Eight guys are candidates for the “Big Man on Campus” competition.

In how many ways can 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placebe awarded?

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In how many ways can the letters of the wordREARRANGE

be permuted?

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A = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, x, y, z}B = {c, r, a, z, y}

Find …n(A), n(B), n(A and B), n(A or B)

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Two sets are formed using 100 elements.There are 60 elements in one set and 75 in theother. How many sets are in the intersection

of the two sets?

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If a universal set contains 500 elements,n(A) = 240, n(A or B) = 460, n(A & B) = 55.

Find n(B’).

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Given two sets A and B where n(A) = 5,n(B) = 10 and n(A or B) = 15.

Find the intersection of A and B.What is the intersection of A and B?

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Charlie interviewed 135 students for his Sociology project:

65 said they like to go to the movies77 said they like to go to football games

61 said they like to go to the theater28 said they like movies & football games

25 said they like movies & the theater29 said they like to attend football games & the theater

8 said they like to attend all three4 said they don’t like to attend any of them

The professor refused to accept Charlie’s paper because theinformation was inconsistent. Was the professor justified

in claiming the information was inconsistent?

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Professor Sendon and Professor Barr werecomparing their class rolls. They observed thatProfessor Sendon had 28 students, Professor

Barr had 21 students, and 4 students wereenrolled in both classes. If they held a joint

meeting of their classes and all students attend, how many students are present?

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The Student Life Committee asks that 2members from a service club attend the nextcommittee meeting. The two students will

be selected from one of the following serviceclubs: Alpha Club with 22 members, Beta Club

with 19 members, Gamma Club with 25members, and Zeta Club with 14 members.

In how many ways can the 2 students be selected?

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A committee of 5 people is selected from a group of 6 men and 7 women. In how many

ways can the committee be selected so it contains at least one woman?

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An Honor Council consists of 4 seniors, 4juniors, 3 sophomores, and 1 freshman.

15 seniors, 20 juniors, 25 sophomores, and11 freshman apply. In how many ways can the

Honor Council be selected?

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How many different words are possible usingall the letters of the letters of …