Download - Powerpoint game on communication

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By Mitchell Cornell-Steggles


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Question 1

What is a effective way of communication when communicating with someone who is hearing impaired?

Sign language.

Yelling at them.

Not communicating at all.

Misleading gestures.

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ExplanationSign language is an effective form of communication and is recognised internationally although there are small changes depending on where in the world you are. This is the most common and easy way to communicate with someone that is hearing impaired. Although this form of communication is quick and effective , people can sometimes find it hard if they have other disabilities which restrict hand movement. Sign language is also the 3rd most common language in America.

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Question 2

What is an effective way of using a computer to assist in communication?

Plug loads together.

Downloading loads of music.

Shouting at it.

Using relevant programs such a Word or Skype.

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Using programs like word and Skype can IM (instant messaging) have helped society communicate in a quicker and more effective manner, they also help people who are communication impaired such as deaf or blind. Deaf people who use this software can use the visual aspect to this, for example with Skype you have 2 options; you can use the text to talk or you can have a video call where sign language is able to be used. For blind people Skype offers a call feature where you can talk to the other person.

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Question 3

True or False:Sign language is not an effective form of communication

True. False.

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Sign language is an effective form of communication , it helps to overcome the deafness barrier , sign language is internationally know although there are small changes where you are . Although it is quick and effective , there are disadvantages and advantages such as ; when verbal communication is not an option because of loud noise or too far away to hear then sign language is a good alternative

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Question 4

Which of the following is a barrier for verbal communication





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Although blindness is a barrier to communication , deafness is a barrier to verbal communication and according to the NHS approximately 28% between the age of 16 and 60 suffer from some sort of hearing impairment

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Question 5

When is it appropriate to talk to other staff members in a working environment

When you need help with some work.

When they are on the phone.

When they are in a meeting.

When they are very busy.

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To effectively communicate with someone , you want to be able to have their full attention and in a working environment they may be busy so you need to make sure it is appropriate to work that you talk to them , for example when you need assistance with work. If they are busy , for example on the phone or in a meeting then you could be interrupting them, it is better to talk to them when you think they are not busy , even better to organise a time where you can sit down and talk .

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Question 6

True or false:When asked to repeat something, it is polite to shout it a lot louder and slower to ensure they hear

False. True.

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There could be many reasons why you might need to repeat something , the recipient may have misheard or not heard at all therefore you may need to repeat for clarification, there may also be other factors that could effect the conversation like noises such as other people or movement which means you may need to speak a little louder.

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Question 7

If someone is stuttering and pausing a lot , what is a effective way to help them

Yell at them to hurry up .

Tell them to slow down and take a breath before carrying on.

Throw paper at them.

Do nothing.

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If someone is pausing and stuttering it is properly because they are not a confident speaker, therefore the worse thing you could do is making it worse by yelling at them or throwing stuff at them. It is better to help them by encouraging them , telling them to slow down and take a breath can help them as it shows you are willing to help and are not going to be angry at them , this will make them feel more comfortable talking in front of you.

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Question 8

What is the best way to effectively show emotion


Doing nothing.

Verbal and body gestures.

Physical violence.

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Verbal communication and gestures are the most effective form of communication which can help you show and communicate your emotions and feelings to other people.

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Question 9

True or false:Someone who is deemed as mute are unable to talk

False. True.

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Muteness or mutism is the inability to communicate with the verbal communication method

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Question 10

Which of these is a barrier of communication


Eye contact.

Lip reading.


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Lip reading, eye contact and gestures are all features of good communication where as jargon ( the use of in depth terminology) is a barrier of communication

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Incorrect answer

Try again

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