Download - POWERNEWS - uaw local · 28/02/2019  · (Tłusty Czwartek), the last Thursday prior to Ash Wednesday and the beginning of

Page 1: POWERNEWS - uaw local · 28/02/2019  · (Tłusty Czwartek), the last Thursday prior to Ash Wednesday and the beginning of




2019 “Get WISE” (Get Women In Science and Engineering) Program

May 9th, 2019 at 10 AM – 2 PM

Applications will be available for pick-up/returnFriday February 15, 2019 at the following locations:

Plant 1 – Tonya Huss - Suggestions Office, Regina Dix – Maintenance Building, or Sonia Mendez - SafetyPlant 2 – 1st Shi ft Mary Boyd, 3rd and 2nd Shi ft Clerk in Maintenance Building

We have 50 openings reserved for daughters and granddaughters of plant employees

Openings will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis

*We need full-size Pringles cans for the Get Wise Activity. Empty, full-size Pringles cans can be given to Sonia Mendez, Tonya Huss, Karen Hackworth, Mary Boyd and Regina Dix.

• Plans to sell tickets on March 14 & 15

• Lima “March for Babies” will be May 18

More details coming soon!

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He’s Seen the USA In His Chevrolet

I love my … 1963 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray with 557,000 miles...

The Earth is 238,900 miles from the moon. This means Steve Stone, the original owner of a 1963 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray, has driven his black convertible the equivalent of traveling to the moon and back and then circling the Earth three more times — that’s more than 557,000 miles!

After purchasing the car as an 18-year-old with some help from his parents, Stone was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1965 during the Vietnam War. Thinking he didn’t need a ve-hicle for a few years, he put his “ride” up for sale, but luckily for him, it was never sold.

Fast-forward 53 years and Stone still sees his beloved Cor-vette “as not one-of-a-kind ‘built,’ but one-of-a-kind how it is used and appreciated.” Stone notes the car has withstood the test of time through raising four sons, two jobs and 29 years of wedded bliss to his wife. He’s taken so many road trips that it takes a notebook inside his trunk to remember them all!

“Mine [Corvette] was junked five times before being re-paired; one rusted and broken frame (kids helped with this as did salted roads) and four new front ends due to wrecks,” shared Stone. His Corvette has made it through 48 states and the Canadian provinces.

He’s driven his Corvette in parades, through storms, forest fires, a mountain lion sighting, national parks, national monuments, deserts, floods, museums, race tracks and out-of-state car shows. Stone’s dedication is unwavering and he enjoys sharing his car with the world during his excursions.Everywhere Stone goes, “We have people who want to get pictures of us” — meaning him and the car. He once was pulled over by the police so the officer could inquire if the car was for sale! He generously allows others to drive it.

He knows the date the vehicle was delivered and how many miles were logged each year. He keeps track of the number

of miles the vehicle runs before maintenance and all en-hancements made to it.Stone’s ‘Vette has been featured in videos, articles, forums and television shows, and he even passes out business cards for those interested in hearing about his love for his ‘Vette! It’s a match made in car heaven.

Every year at this time we see paczki in the bak-eries. What are they, and where do they came from? Here is the story according to Wikipedia.

Paczki are deep-fried pieces of dough shaped

into flattened spheres. Although they look like German ber-liners, North American bismarcks or jelly doughnuts, pączki are made from especially rich dough containing eggs, fats, sugar, yeast and sometimes milk. They feature a variety of fruit and creme fillings and can be glazed, or covered with granulated or powdered sugar.

In Poland, paczki are eaten especially on Fat Thursday (Tłusty Czwartek), the last Thursday prior to Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. The traditional reason for making paczki was to use up all the lard, sugar, eggs and fruit in the house, because their consumption was forbidden by Chris-tian fasting practices during the season of Lent.

In North America, particularly the large Polish communities of Chicago, Detroit, and other large cities across the Mid-west and Northeast, Paczki Day is celebrated annually by immigrants and locals alike. The date of this observance merges with that of pre-Lenten traditions of other immi-grants (e.g., Pancake Day, Mardi Gras) on Fat Tuesday. With its sizable Polish population, Chicago celebrates the festival on both Fat Thursday and Fat Tuesday; paczki are also often eaten on Casimir Pulaski Day. In Buffalo, Toledo, Cleveland, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Milwaukee, South Bend, and Wind-sor, Paczki Day is celebrated on Fat Tuesday.

These pastries have become popular in the United States as a result of Polish immigrants and marketing by the bakery industry. Sold in bakeries mainly on both Fat Tuesday and Fat Thursday throughout Chicago, they are particularly pop-ular in areas where there is a large concentration of Polish immigrants: Milwaukee Northcentral and Southeastern Wisconsin, Chicago and Northern Illinois, Northwest Indi-ana, the Greater Detroit and Mid Michigan areas, Toledo, Greater Cincinnati, Greater Cleveland, Philadelphia, Pitts-burgh, Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, Northern and Central New Jersey, Central Connecticut, Western Massachusetts and greater Chicopee. The Polish community in Buffalo has probably one of the largest Fat Thursday events outside of Poland.

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Father Thanks GM for “Dedication in Building Safe Cars”By Tom Wickham

Customer survives freeway car crash...

At GM, we know Think Customer is more than helping people find the right vehicle for their specific needs. It is driven by a passion to ensure that our customers and anyone using our vehicles remain safe.This effort hit home recently when a Chevrolet owner sent a letter to the company, thanking everyone “for your dedication in building safe cars.”We’ve seen plenty of these letters and emails from customers, extolling the virtues of active safety sys-tems that may enable the driver to avoid a crash, the strength engineered into the vehicle body to with-stand a roll-over and other crashes or the quick response provided by the convenience of OnStar. It’s understandable to feel a bit of pride for the work we have done to help ensure our customers’ safety.Yet, the real driver here is putting ourselves in the shoes of the people who send in these thank you notes. In this case, it’s the father of a 19-year-old girl, who was driving an Orion Assembly-built 2013 Chevrolet Sonic to junior college last August.“She would drive the Sonic to school every day, a 10-mile commute through moderate traffic,” the father said in his letter. “August 30 was no different. Traffic was pretty busy and there were spots on the free-way where traffic was at a complete stop. As my daughter was driving to school she was caught in one of these traffic jams. She had to come to a stop fairly fast but was able to stop in time. However, the person in the same lane behind her did not notice that traffic had stopped and he slammed into the rear of my daughter’s vehicle doing 65-70 mph. He was driving a full-size pickup. It pushed the Sonic into/under the car in front of my daughter and them into the car in front of them. It had a massive impact.”This letter was penned months after the crash. The writer is calm and methodical in describing what happened. At the time of the crash, one can imagine the father’s emotions ranging from panic to an-guish and then relief upon learning his daughter had survived.“I believe my daughter walked away from this accident because of the engineering design of the Sonic. Every airbag went off and the car became an accordion around my daughter, keeping her as safe as possible,” the father wrote. “You wouldn’t think anyone walked away from this car but because of how you built it, my daughter did.”The vehicle did what it was supposed to do and the driver survived. Yet, there is more to the story.“There is a lot of healing, physically and mentally that my daughter is going through still today,” the fa-ther added. “She will not ride in a small car or on the freeway, but she feels safe in my Traverse.”The family’s confidence in the GM products they own is helping their daughter in her recovery, the fa-ther said.“When my daughter is ready to drive again, we will be getting her a large vehicle and it is going to be Chevy!”

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In the event of an emergency affecting the General Motors

Defiance plant call1-800-782-9621

for the status of the situationand report-to-work instructions

Communication Manager Kevin Nadrowski (313) 498-5464

[email protected]

UAW Communication Coordinator Tonya Huss

(419) [email protected]

Tangible calculation on suggestions used more than one year• Award can be calculated on 6 months of actuals/6

months forecast and is payable in full after 6 months of Actual usage

• If you have more than 6 months of actual data at award calculation time, use the full actual data you have plus forest data for a total of 1-year of data

Suggestion is used less than one year• If you know the suggestion will be used for less

than one year you pay based on all actuals

New Tangible Calculation Process

Do you need to submit scrap savings data for a sug-gestion? Tim Hauenstein is offering Office Hours to help with GSIP. Stop in the Plant 2 Manufacturing Of-fice on Wednesdays to get your questions answered.

Available Office Hours 3rd - 5:30 a.m. - 6:30 a.m.1st - 8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.2nd - 3:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Justin HughesGray Brain Cancer Bracelets are still Available for $10

To support Justin Hughes. See:

GMS team Plant 1 Eng. OfficeTonya Huss Sugg. Office

Denise Voltz Training Center

Suggestion Award Support

Suggestion SubmissionA suggestion must be in writing and submitted on an official UAW-GM Suggestion Plan form, (paper or elec-tronically in the on-line system), prior to implementa-tion, or WITHIN THE FIRST 60 DAYS AFTER IMPLE-MENTATION.

Need Help Evaluating a Suggestion? Contact me at:

[email protected] or 419-784-7727.

My hours can be adjusted to accommodate any shift.

Baseball caps, pocket calen-dars, t-shirts, travel mugs, pens and are available in the Sug-gestion Office between 6 am - 2:30 pm

Pocket Calendars, Pens, Travel Mugs and Baseball Caps Available

Wear Purple on Friday, March 8 to Support

International Women’s Day

March is Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day

is Friday, March 8th! The theme for this year’s

International Women’s Day is “Balance for Better”, in the spirit of the journey toward

greater gender equity.