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Spatiotemporal Visualization Method for Interrelation-based Analysis of Agriculture’s GHG Emissions and Agricultural Productivity

in Asian Region Using the 5D World Map System

Ahmad Muzaffar bin Baharudin1, Siti Nor Khuzaimah binti Amit1, Shiori Sasaki2, Yasushi Kiyoki2

{muz, sitinork90}; {sashiori, kiyoki}

1 Keio University, Graduate School of Science and Technology, JAPAN 2 Keio University, Graduate School of Media and Governance, JAPAN

1. Research Background

2. The 5D World Map System

3. Research Objective

4. Methodology & Procedure

8. References


5. Spatiotemporal Visualization

6. Analysis of Results

7. Summary


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has reported a dramatic increment of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions

from agriculture activities. Conversely, the increment in GHG emissions induce climate change and eventually affect the agricultural

sustainability and food security. This work presents spatiotemporal visualization to analyze the interrelation between agriculture’s GHG

emissions and agricultural productivity in Asia by using the 5D World Map system. The capability of 5D World Map system as an

educational tool in climate knowledge-sharing system is demonstrated.

- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions originated from agricultural activities

have increased approximately two times over the past five decades. [1]

- GHG emissions induced climate change and agriculture activity are

interrelated processes.

- A database system provides semantic, spatial and temporal analysis by

visualizing data on 5-dimensional historical atlas. [3]

- A capable tool for storing, organizing, visualizing and analyzing

information for cross-field educational purposes.

Statistic of world Agriculture’s

GHG emissions [2]

Average Agriculture’s GHG emissions

by continent from year 1963 to 2012

The concept of


Data Search

Overview Data Upload Data Analysis

- To analyze the interrelation between GHG emissions and agricultural

productivity in Asian Region through spatiotemporal visualization method.

- To explore the application of 5D World Map System in real-world climate

change related issues.

Process data

Add metadata

Gather raw data

Visualize & analyze

- The sources of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions are mainly from

cultivation of organic soils, meanwhile Methane (CH4) and Nitrous Oxide

(N2O) in Gigagram unit are from crop and livestock production and

management activities.

- The crops yield in Hg/Ha unit is the sum of total yields of cereals, coarse

grain, fruit, vegetables, pulses, roots and tubers, treenuts and rice.

CO2 Emission Crops Yield CH4 Emission N2O Emission

Upload into

5D World Map

- As an insight from these results, we classified these countries into 4 clusters:

- Clusters are considered according

to agricultural productivity and

GHG emissions trends as follows:

- The interrelation between GHG emissions and agricultural productivity in

Asian Region is spatiotemporally visualized using the 5D World Map

System and is explored as an educational tool in climate change issues.

[1] FAO:

[2] FAO Statistics Division:

[3] Shiori Sasaki, Yusuke Takahashi and Yasushi Kiyoki, "The 4D World Map

System with Semantic and Spatiotemporal Analyzers," Information Modelling

and Knowledge Bases, Vol.XXI, IOS Press, pp. 1 - 18, 2010

Time lapse visualization by year

This work was funded by Global Environmental Leaders Program (GESL) and

supported in part by MEXT Grant-in-Aid for the Program for Leading Graduate

Schools in Japan.

1963 1963 1963 1963

1993 1993 1993 1993

2013 2013 2013 2013

2013 1993 1963



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