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Poster research

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When starting our research on posters, we immediately took to short of the week which features a number of short films that we had researched over the course of our film research. We were already familiar with ‘he took his skin off for me’ and ‘the arrival’ and so we started looking at their individual posters, we really like the layout of the text and how it was structured in a different way to conventional film posters. We also liked how atmospheric the posters were and how they perfectly expressed the emotion in the films. We decided that we didn’t want a very dark contrasted poster a like to these, as we felt that Sam should be outside, much like he is in nearly the whole film. However we did take inspiration from the expression of atmosphere and the structure, also the abnormal and unconventional photographs that are so unlike any movie poster.

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These short film posters are a lot more artistic, and have taken to more animated/illustrated styles, which is hopefully the direction we are going

towards. We also picked up on the fact that their film festival awards were featured quite predominantly on the poster, this is something we would like to do, so to make our poster more conventional to short film posters and also to express to our audience that the film already has a

lot of feedback and confidence from professionals.

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Angus thongs and perfect snogging was probably our first thought when discussing what we wanted our poster to look like, although this is life and angus thongs are very different both in storyline and character development, however we were really inspired by the illustrated designs around the main characters head, which provokes connotations of her mind being busy, and slightly not in control of her life. She is projecting her feelings, and this is exactly what we wanted to do with Sam

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We were also quite heavily inspired by the illustration present in the diary of a teenage girl, whose poster played similarly alongside the angus thongs and perfect snogging poster, as in this poster there are again slight illustrations around the heads of the mother and boyfriend whose thoughts the main character is interpreting. We loved the style of illustrations and how they moved almost in the film and on the poster, we knew that we had to somehow incorporate this style of design

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Submarine has the most amount of poster that we have come across, and apart from the few main posters that were used in campaigning and advertising, the rest of posters produced were artistic interpretations, which we both really loved, and after research we have decided to incorporate in some of the styles used.