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Short film analysis – less detail.

Colour: Two contrasting colours have been used red and black this can represent danger, however the use of the red can connote love heightening and conforming to the fact love can be dangerous. This can be further extrapolated by the use of the white slogan, ’love,betrayal,revenge’. This juxtaposes with the red colouring as white is a symbol of purity in which the text displays otherwise. A black background has been used to accentuate and lighten the characters face. The use of the dull colouring around the other faces can imply that she is being affected by something; the use of the dullness can imply an illness as the face looks lifeless. Red lipstick has been used to connote a sense of love as this is seen as a promiscuous colour. From the uses of colour it can relate to the drama genre as the use of the contrasting colours can show that she has something affecting her life. The use of the contrasting colours relates to the drama genre as it exaggerates the effects which are common in this genre so the audience can relate to it.

Character positioning: The character is positioned in the centre of this poster this creates an importance the use of the red lipstick connects with the title heightening the fact that she is involved. Surrounding the girl is shadows of her in the background this has been darkened emphasising the idea that love is like a fever causing betrayal and revenge. The image is reflected both sides this can represent the idea of two personalities as the images are behind it could resemble the fact that the nasty side of someone Is hidden away showing that you can only see what is portrayed on the outside. The use of the red lipstick and the stance of the character implies a danger this is from the use of the numerous eyes in which emphasises an interrogation. The use of low key lighting surrounding the character conforms to the drama genre enhancing the fact of the fever changing the way she behaves. From focusing a main character on the page this heightens to the audience that it is going to be based around her this also conforms to one of the stereotypes of a drama genre.

Text: The title is used to empower the poster as the use of the bold capital letters contrast with the black background focusing the eyes towards the title ’Fever’. The use of the tagline love, betrayal, revenge, can link to the drama genre as people can relate to what the character may be going through. The colouring of the text is also dramatic heightening the fact that this is going to be based around the drama genre. The bright text also contrasts with the low key lighting used. The credits have been laid out to increase the aesthetics of the poster whereby the text is positioned around the girls picture. This also accentuates the use of the low key lighting as it is focused all in one area. The credits are used to display to the audience the cast and promote the film and other films through their website.