Download - Posperity Slides - Elevating Financial Performance

  • 1. Prosperity Workshop

2. Stages of Financial Discipline
3. Stages 1,2,3
Stages 1, 2, 3
Focus here only:
Earned Income
4. Stages 4 & 5
Stages 4 & 5
Focus is on
Passive & portfolio:
Interest income
Real Estate
Other income streams
5. Elevating financial performance
Where can you control your spending?
Pay bills on time to avoid late fees. & use only one credit card until you get control of your spending.
Find a credit card with a lower interest rate and no annual or transfer fees, then consolidate your debts so you will pay less in interest and fees.
You can also adopt wiser shopping habits:
Switch to less expensive brands of everything from shampoo to cars. When buying big-ticket items (necessities only, of course), read magazines like Consumer Reports to make sure youre getting quality along with a lower price tag.
Shop at wholesale clubs and discount department stores.
Respect your budget; if youve reached the $200 food limit, skip the potato chips or the ice cream.
6. Elevating financial performance
Step1. Tell Yourself the Truth
Step2. Stop Accumulating Bad Debt
Step 3. Make a List of all the Debt You Owe & differentiate between good debt and bad debt
Step 4. Pay Yourself First
Step 5. Make A Visual Picture of Each Debt
7. Step 5. Make A Visual Picture of Each Debt
8. Step 5. Make A Visual Picture of Each Debt
9. Elevating financial performance
Step 6. Determine the Order for Paying Off each Debt
Step 7. Find an extra $100-$200 per month
Step 8. Except For Your #1 Debt, Pay Only the Minimum Payment Required of Each of Your Debts
10. Elevating financial performance
Step 9. Move On To Debt #2
Step 10. The Monthly Amount You Paid on Your Final DebtInvest It!
11. More Information:
Taimour Zama
[email protected]