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Positive. Productive. Powerful. Using optimism as a corporate wellness strategy.


• TotalWellness provides tailored corporate health and wellness services to help you deliver better wellness programs to your employees.

• Services: biometric screenings, flu shots and a wellness portal.

• Since 1998, we’ve worked with companies that are interested in the happiness and health of their employee population.

• We believe the true value of a wellness program is the longer-term positive effect they have on an individual’s life.




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Today’s Discussion

Benefits of optimism Role of optimism in wellness Your shift towards positivity

No one ever injured their eyesight by looking

on the bright side.


Optimism is a good thing. Research shows there are a variety of benefits to living an optimistic lifestyle.

Health Benefits

Increased Productivity

Stress Management

Improved Engagement

Career Growth


Optimism is a good thing. Research shows there are a variety of benefits to living an optimistic lifestyle.

Health Benefits • Lower levels of distress

• Greater resistance to the common cold

• Lower rates of depression

• Better psychological and physical well-being

• Increased life span

• Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease


Optimism is a good thing. Research shows there are a variety of benefits to living an optimistic lifestyle.

Increased Productivity • Avoids time wasted on complaining

• Promotes positive action

• Keeps energy levels high

• Builds teamwork and brings people together

• Determines confidence, which leads to success

• Solves problems instead of creating problems


Optimism is a good thing. Research shows there are a variety of benefits to living an optimistic lifestyle.

Stress Management

Minimizing stress means avoiding:

• Physical health problems (headaches, muscles pain, fatigue)

• Mood problems (anxiety, irritability, restlessness)

• Behavioral problems (overeating, alcohol abuse, social withdrawal)


Optimism is a good thing. Research shows there are a variety of benefits to living an optimistic lifestyle.

Improved Engagement

Happy workers are more engaged, meaning they will:

• Have higher job satisfaction.

• Incite higher customer satisfaction.

• Be more productive.

• Produce higher quality work.

• Be safer in the work environment.


Optimism is a good thing. Research shows there are a variety of benefits to living an optimistic lifestyle.

Career Growth • More likely to find jobs.

• More likely to get promoted.

• More likely to make more money.

People who have infamously looked on the bright side:

Steve Jobs | Oprah Winfrey | Warren Buffet | Winston Churchill


Optimism and Wellness

• The key to healthy change is consistent motivation.

• Two types of motivation:

– Extrinsic (incentives; doctor’s orders; punishment for food choices)

– Intrinsic (desire to feel good; stress relief; confidence)

• Scare tactics are common, but they’re extrinsic motivation.

• Positivity can be harder, but it’s intrinsic motivation.

• The trend needs to shift towards positivity for motivation.


Making the Shift towards an optimistic approach to wellness.

Positive Messaging

Seeking Out the Good

Strategic Celebrations

Resilience Training

Be a Resource

Take it to Heart


Making the Shift towards an optimistic approach to wellness.

Positive Messaging • Use words and communication laced with optimism.

• Check out our guide for the four key components.

• Talk the talk and then walk the walk.


Action Plan Positive Messaging

Use success stories, not facts and figures.

Replace words like “should” with words like “can” or “will.”

Whenever possible, communicate as “we.”


Making the Shift towards an optimistic approach to wellness.

Seeking out the Good • Creating good things is as simple as noticing them.

For wellness:

• Everyone is healthy!

• Start with even the smallest healthy habits.

• Celebrate small wins to build up to bigger wins.


Action Plan Seeking Out the Good

Start with the easier habits—like hydration!

Broaden the definitions you use.

Look for employees who use healthier alternatives.


Making the Shift towards an optimistic approach to wellness.

Strategic Celebrations • Seeking celebration serves as extra motivation.

• Soak in the sense of accomplishment.

• Positive reinforcement leads to empowerment.


Action Plan Strategic Celebrations

Avoid celebrations that sabotage healthy behaviors.

Use PDA—Public Displays of Acknowledgement.

Take advantage of giveaways, if you can.


Making the Shift towards an optimistic approach to wellness.

Resilience Training • Many benefits of optimism stem from resilience.

• Resilience means being able to bounce back quickly.

• Slipups will happen, but you can’t fear them.


Action Plan Resilience Training

Value a sense of humor at work.

Embrace change as a company—don’t dread it.

Demand flexibility, but notice stress levels.


Making the Shift towards an optimistic approach to wellness.

Be a Resource • You need happy and healthy employees.

• Positivity is easier to come by when it’s a team effort.

• Being there for employees fosters positive feelings.


Action Plan Be a Resource

If you don’t have an open door policy, make one!

Share positive, healthy information with employees.

Care for the whole employee.


Making the Shift towards an optimistic approach to wellness.

Take It to Heart • Any corporate culture shift starts at the leadership level.

• You need to practice it before you can preach it.

• Lead by example.

• Culture shifts can take time.

• It starts with you!


Action Plan Take It to Heart

Intentionally shift to more positive messaging.

Seek out your own healthy habits to create even more.

Celebrate you and your wins.

Here at TotalWellness… • We do these things. Because positivity matters to us!

• Not only our corporate culture, but in the services we offer to you.

Biometric Screening Events • We want to change the conversation about wellness.

• We know screenings can seem scary and uncomfortable.

• We’ve realized that positivity works.

A Screening Experience worth talking about.

At TotalWellness Screenings You’ll Find: • Qualified professionals who know what they’re talking about.

• Materials with a positive message.

• A safe, comfortable environment.

• Health educators who want to find your employees’ healthy habits.

If this sounds interesting to you…

• Get ahold of your account representative or go online.

No one ever injured their eyesight by looking

on the bright side.

#PositiveIsPowerful 1.888.434.4358
