Download - Posititude - August 14

  • 8/11/2019 Posititude - August 14


    posititudeAugust 14 (Issue 7)





    A positive attitude Change your life 1

  • 8/11/2019 Posititude - August 14



    Rajinder Singh Mann

    1st August 14


    Building relationship and wealth are done byinvestments. In relationship, we need to invest our

    trust, support, love, affection, etc., and in buildingwealth we need to make systematic investments atdifferent stages of life.

    In this issue we have tried to bring some topics whichwill strengthen your relationships, help you to be aHappier and healthier person. We have also includedone section on how to beat and face problems in life.Adversities always give learnings and strength to faceadverse conditions in life. Dont go on back foot, come

    forwards, face the situation and you will see theproblem has now been converted into an occasion toenjoy and opportunity to encash results. Instead ofloosing, you gained. Actually there is nothing likeProblem, it is only unawareness, pessimism and lack ofknowledge which convert any situation into a Problem.This is life, keep reading, acquire knowledge on dailybasis and keep yourself charged with good thoughts, lifeis yours, Enjoy it, it is meant for enjoyment only.

    Hope this issue will motivates you to buildup newrelations, fortified you with more tools to faceadversities and help you to plan your financials.

    With Best Wishes.

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  • 8/11/2019 Posititude - August 14


    Contents August 14

    How to be Happy ? 4 to 9

    Happiness helps us perform

    Positive relationship 10 to 13Relationships are building stones

    Appreciation and respect 14 to 14Every one have something to be.

    When the going Gets Tough 15 to 19

    Nothing is tough, it is you..

    Health body, Healthy mind 20 to 22

    Turmeric, a mood booster

    Financial Planning 23 to 26

    Different Stages of life

    Investment in 80C

    Learning 29 to 32

    Thomas EditionSwami Vivekanand

    Inspirational Poem


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  • 8/11/2019 Posititude - August 14



    Happiness is a psychological feeling which make us light, jolly, contented and

    motivated. All of us always wants to be happy so that we can concentrate in our

    work. Nobody is jolly and elated all the time, but some individuals are definitely

    more fulfilled than others. Lot of research has been done and it is concluded that

    happiness has little to do with materialistic needs, goods, or wants, or highachievement. It is all about your outlook on life, relations with others. Here we

    present few topics, which are important to be in happy mood.

    1Be Optimist :

    There are two types of people, Optimist and pessimist. Optimist always see hope,

    duty, success in every difficulty and situation, where as pessimist sees difficulty in

    every situation and opportunity. It all about how you think and see the things and

    situation and your action proves the thoughts. If we want to analysis our barometerof Happiness, then add up all the little joyful things that happen to you during the

    day. Write them down. For example, if your boss appreciate you for a small task, if

    you get to eat the breakfast which you love to have, your friends make to laugh,

    etc.,. Your outlook will change.

    Feel deeply grateful for the things you have. This is a very effective way to be happy.

    If you feel grateful for the things you have, you not only become more happy but it

    also helps you to bring more into your life.

    View the glass as half-full instead of half-empty. Your

    girlfriend/ boyfriend broke up with you? Now you have the

    chance to meet someone else! You lost your job? Now you can

    seize the opportunity to find a better one! Adjust your

    mentality so that, in everything that happens to you, there's

    some kernel of good. Put yourself in situations where fabulous, fortunate things are

    likely to happen to you. It's easier to remain optimistic if you set yourself up forsuccess. Cheating on a partner, or stealing someone's bicycle while temporarily

    thrilling rarely end well for any party involved. Ask yourself before you act: Am I

    setting myself up for success or for failure?

    Think of your current situation (however hard it may be) and then think of how much

    harder some other people have it. Just be happy that you are not in that worse

    situation. Learn to enjoy your life!

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    2. Own yourself.:

    Never act in double manner. Always behave in you natural way. This will give

    you happiness, no matter how many people like you how many rejects you.

    Always accept the mistakes you do, talk in your original manner, and always

    project your YOU. Try to be comfortable in your own skin and subconsciously

    communicate to others that, 'This is me take it or leave it'. It means don't

    apologize to anyone for something which is a part of you, like your personality,

    your voice, habits (good or bad), basically anything; remember there is always

    someone who likes you for the way you are. For example if you want to wear

    something which is weird but you find it cool, wear it, no one is stopping you.

    Its a deeper step towards building a good relationship with yourself.

    3. Earn enough money to meet basic needs:You should evaluate your daily (short term needs) and future needs (Long term

    needs). Any money excess than your need will never make you happy. You are

    happy with the money which fulfill your requirement. Once you make enough

    to support basic needs, your happiness is not significantly affected by how

    much money you make, but by your level of optimism. Your comfortmay

    increase with your salary, but comfort isn't what makes people happy. It makes

    people bored. That's why it's important to push beyond your comfort zone to

    fuel personal growth.

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    4. Health body matters most.

    In a healthy body resides a healthy mind. Similarly in a Happy body resides a

    Happy mind. More your are happy with your body more you will be active,

    enthusiastic and optimistic. Lot of research has been done to have a healthy and

    happy body. Research say that exercise, healthy diets, and regular sleep are key

    factors in growing more happy. Scientists hypothesize that exercise causes thebrain to release chemicals called endorphins that elevate our mood.

    Eat right. Eating healthy foods fruits and vegetables, lean meats and proteins,

    whole grains, nuts, and seeds gives your body and brain the energy it needs

    to be healthy. Some scientists speculate that unhealthy diets, especially those

    rich in processed carbohydrates, sugars, and industrial vegetable fats, is

    responsible for brain shrinkage and certain brain diseases like depression and

    dementia. This has been discussed in other issues of Posititude.

    Get enough sleep.Sleeping is the time when our bodys metabolism is at thelowest, thereby generating less of heat. This calm our body and mind. Both are

    relaxed and fresh after a sound sleep. Relaxed body and mind gives us happiness

    and energy. Therefore always take enough sleep to be happy.

    5. Stay close to friends and family:

    Our relationship with friends and family members effect our happiness. Always

    be closure to them. Even money is not a substitute for Friends and familymembers. Many of us, relocate ourselves to get more salary package or to earn

    more. You may get more money, but will miss them and may not be happy and

    always be craving for love and associations of them. Relationship with your

    friends and family members have a far greater impact on happiness. Money will

    never compensate you happiness which you will get in association ship with

    friends and family members.

    To be always happy, stay close to your friends and family member. There presence

    give you enthusiasm, peace of mind and happiness.

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    8. Be compassionate.

    Compassion is all about doing something kind for someone in need, or someone

    less privileged than yourself. A brain-imaging study (where scientists peek into

    people's brains while they act or think) revealed that people gain as much

    happiness from watching others give to charity as they do receiving moneythemselves![ Think of effective ways that you can make your community or the

    world a better place by being compassionate. Compassion is a key part

    of sustainable happiness:

    Tutor, volunteer, or get involved in a church group. Countless children

    are looking for someone to teach them and act as a role model.

    Make a microloan. A microloan is when you give someone (usually in

    the developing world) a very small sum of money for an economic

    project of their own. Many microloans have 95%+ repayment rates. Give a person in need food, clothing or shelter. It's so basic we often

    forget to think about it, yet so easy to do.

    Increase the happiness of those around you by giving gifts. This will increase your

    happiness as well - in fact, the one giving the gift usually feels a larger pulse of

    dopamine (the neurotransmitter responsible for feeling happiness) than the

    person receiving the gift!

    7. Have deep, meaningful conversations.

    A study by a psychologist at the University of Arizona has shown that spending

    less time participating in small talk and more time in deep, meaningful

    conversations can increase happiness. So next time you're beating around the

    bush with a friend, instead cut right to the chase. Talk to the point. You'll be

    happier for it.

    8. Enjoy your job and find happiness in it:

    Always choose the job which suits your skills, capabilities and interest. Right job

    will give you more happiness even though you are low paid, then a job which

    dont like, but highly paid. Loving you job will inculcate confidence, enthusiasm,

    innovation and happiness. You will automatically buildup a healthy relationships

    with the colleagues, peers and seniors. By understanding you skills and capability

    and success in your job, makes you a successful and happy person.

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    9. Smile a While:

    When you visit an office the receptionist welcome you with smile and greeting

    you also be happy and greet here in reciprocation. And of the receptionist does

    welcome you with a smile, you will not look at her and will also not wish her back.

    Same rule applys to you also.

    Always greet every one with smile, you will get more than what

    you give and buildup a healthy relationship with others. Science

    suggests that when you smile, whether you're happy or not, your

    mood is elevated. So smile all the time if you can! Smiling is like a

    feedback loop: smiling reinforces happiness, just as happiness causes smiling.

    People who smile during painful procedures reported less pain than those who

    kept their facial features neutral.

    10. Forgive and forget:

    In a study of college students, an attitude of forgiveness contributed to better

    cardiovascular health. You could say forgiveness literally heals the heart. While it

    is unknown how forgiveness directly affects your heart, the study suggests that it

    may lower the perception of stress.

    11. Make Friends:

    While travelling in train, normal we met some people whom we

    get attracted while talking. Some topic of discussion will start

    and you start discussing along with other passengers. Some of

    the members will oppose the topic and some will favor the topic.

    It is seen that the members who favor the topic becomes friends

    in the entire journey. Research also says the same. So two people become

    friends when their wavelength and mutual interest and beliefs matches.

    When you interact with people who share your interests, you feel happier due

    to sensations of reward and well-being. This is because during such

    interactions, serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitters responsible for

    feelings of happiness and relaxation are released into the body. In other

    words, your body is designed to feel happier when engaged in social


    Source -

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    Relationship Boosters

    1) HappinessThink positive and be happy always. Like attracts like. Therefore

    if you are happy, then you will attract happy persons and buildup a happy

    relations. If you are Happy at Home or at Work all the person who are in

    touch with you will also feel the happiness and reciprocate the same.

    2) TrustTrust is the great tool to buildup a good and healthy relations. At

    home trust your spouse, children and at work trust your colleagues, peers

    and also make them realize the you trust them and expect the same from

    them also. This will bond the relation further and bring cooperation and

    transparency in the relationship.

    3) LoveLove is the divine power we have inside us.

    We are born with love and love the best feeling

    which a human can experience. Love brings positivity

    and power in us. Love brings us closure to each other.

    4) AffectionGiving affection and care towards all the

    family members and colleagues at work place bring

    closeness and reciprocate the same bonding

    in the relations.

    5) EqualitySee all the with the same view and our behavior should not be

    effected by the biased actions. Always give time to others to present their

    views. Dont talk always, be a good listener also. Everyone wants to express,

    therefore give others also chance to talk.

    6) Mutual Respect - If we give respect we will

    get respect in return. If we disrespect other,we cant expect respect in return. It is

    natures rule, what you sow is what you ripe.

    7) FriendshipAlways see friends in other, you will definitely find friends. If

    you see other with envy, you will get only foe. If you want other to be friend

    with you, first be friendly with other. Initiation has to be done by you first.

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    8) LaughterLaughter is a good best tool to buildup

    relations. It is also said that if you laugh all are

    with you and when you cry you are alone. Everybody

    wants to be in a good mood and happiness. Laughteris a sign of Good Health and relations.

    8) Common InterestsAlways find common interest in the relationships

    and talk on those only. This will strengthen the bonding and

    participation by others also.

    9) SupportRelationship are meant only to help each others when

    needed. If we dont help each other in bad times then there is no usemaintaining relationships. Relationships are nurtured by timely

    support in adversities.

    10) AcceptanceAccept the friends with all

    positives and negatives. All are born with

    good and bad traits. Choose the good and

    positives and ignore the bad part of the

    character. Always talk of the positive part of

    the personality. Relationship will live long.

    11) ComfortFeel and convey your comfort in the presence of your

    friends, this will keep the relationship live and fresh always. If you start

    discomfort, others will catch that immediately and will behave


    12) KindnessBe kind always. Whenever others are in trouble, help them,

    give emotional support, be with them in the adverse situation. This will

    strengthen the relationship.

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    13) Strong Self esteemRespect your and others self esteem. Never hurt self esteem of others.

    Hurting other will weaken the relationship.

    14) Be Right and not PerfectPerfectness brings rigidity, whereas rightness is flexible and give

    chance to others to participate. Whereas in Perfection, you think you are 100% right and

    there is no place for others. Relationship are build when there is participation. Alwaysdiscuss with others, this will value the relationship and strengthen it.

    Believe in giving.

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    We all are social animal. The difference

    between animal and human being is that

    human being can express his feelings andcan share happiness and sorrow with each

    other. We all have our own capabilities,

    strengths and weaknesses. No one is

    perfect. Our strengths and capabilities

    helps us to achieve our goals, whereas

    weakness opposes our success and makes

    us face adverse situations and failures. But

    failures, if taken positively can teaches usto face adverse conditions with courage

    and confidence next time.

    All human beings are born with strengths and weakness. No one is perfect in all field

    and sphere of life. Every person has his/her own areas of concerned and expertise.

    We all are complimentary to each other.

    No one can do all his/her tasks independently. Others assistance and help is always

    required and solicited. To make our life more happy and easy we should maintain agood relationship with all the person who are connected with us at home, work place

    or in society.

    To have a good relationship with all the people we should maintain a good repo with

    all the persons. The best way to maintain is to see always positives in others. The

    positives are the qualities which we posses and like to see the same in others.

    Therefore we like the others due to the similarity of thoughts. When there is

    similarity of thoughts, then there is always a bonding of good relationship betweenthe two persons. Therefore always appreciate the person having similarity with you.

    This bring his/her more closure to us and ease our working.

    The difference of view are not always wrong. May be the difference of view is due to

    our own short comings and other person is right in his views. Therefore we should

    review our views first and then only advice the other. We should always respect

    others point of view, even though it may be different from ours.

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    Everyday we all face various situations, various persons, various

    conditions of life. Some of the situations are very pleasant and

    keep us cool and keep going. But there are some situations

    which are very difficult to face and some times they break us,demotivate us, suck our energy. There are persons who are

    very good and cooperative, their association ship solve even a

    bigger problem in no time, as if that was not a problem. But there are persons

    with who even a small task become a mountain. They become bottleneck and

    reason for our demotivation and failures. These are part of life. Difficult

    Situations and tough persons test our acumen, patience and power to fight


    Life gives us both thing Happiness and Sorrow, Healing and pain, Good and

    Bad, positive and negative. It is our choice and attitude how we take them.

    Happiness, Healing, Good and positive are always welcome, but sorrow, pain,

    bad and negative situation are unwelcome by us. In good times we have help

    from life, similarly in bad situations also life give us help to solve in one way or

    the other. Help is always there, it is only matter of recognition and acceptance.

    Here are some tips how to handle the bad situations in life.

    1) Keep and ignore the Bad PartThere are many situations and pains for

    which we dont have any solution, but we also

    dont want that pain to effect our life. Therefore

    we should ignore it for time being, and keep

    going, finding better options in life. Time will

    come when this pain will get cured easily and in

    no time. Every situation or problem has its life

    cycle. In the beginning it will start disturbing us

    and in peak it will try to break us. If we are

    undeterred, it will start dying and vanish after some time automatically.

    Ignorance is a bliss. Basically we divert our attention from the pain and

    able to concentrate on our daily routine task. It will die its own, when

    time come. Therefore detach from it and keep going.

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    2. Some things cant be controlledThere is a quotation said by unknown

    person - Why worry about things you cant

    control when you can keep yourself busy

    controlling the things that depend on you?

    ~Unknown. In rainy season some times we stuck

    up at home itself and unable to move for office.

    We start cursing the rain, which is not in our

    control. We spoil our mood and others also. We get pain and negativity rather. I

    have tested that when situation is not under control start diverting your

    strength /attention towards what you can do if cant overcome the situation.

    Best solution is to do what you have in hand. Keep yourself busy in some other

    activity which will benefit you and overcome to face the bad situation. With

    passing of time either you will get control of the situation or the situation will

    pass itself. But yes you will be in better situation rather than fight with the

    awkward situation. Keep going is only the Mantra.

    3. Have patience, understand and learn from failuresSome times we are in a

    situation where we take wrong decisions in our life and get

    demotivated and unable to think to go ahead and face the

    new challenges of the life which are in front of us. By the

    negative fruit of the failures we get dishearten. We tooldown and keep remembering the failure. The solution is

    with the failure itself. Understand the failure. Why we

    failed? What are steps which push us to fail? Where we

    when wrong and what went wrong? By asking these questions, we get the

    reasons and solutions which we could have done to prevent failures. When we

    learn from the failures, we understand our shortcomings and by knowing these,

    we become more strong and equipped to face the same situation again and we

    win, because we have already learned how to face and overcome the situation.Therefore understanding and learning from situations/failures is the basic rule

    to upgrade knowledge and progress in life.

    4. Ups and down are part of life, better understandLife is full of ups and

    downs. No person in this world is spared by the lifes oscillations. With Birth

    come death, with happiness comes Pain, etc., All these are complimentary to

    each other. If we have on Happiness in our life then the meaning of happiness

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    will vanish and if there is all pain in our life, the meaning of pain will also vanish.

    Therefore dont worry in life , ups and downs are part of life and they infect boost

    our immunity system.

    According to a fable of Akbar and Birbal, Akbar drew a line on a wall and asked to all

    subjects to make this line shorter without touching or removing any portion of this

    line. All people thought at every angle, but did not get any clue how to make it

    shorter without touching it. Birbal was a witty minister; he was well-known for his

    presence of mind and providing the solution of the complex problems. At last,

    Birbal took this challenge to make the line shorter without touching or removing

    any part of the line. Everyone was surprised how Birbal would do that. Birbal took a

    chalk and drew a bigger line parallel to the existing line. In comparison to the biggerline, the existing line was looking short. Birbal did it, without touching or harming

    the existing line.

    Larger line is called larger only if there is another smaller line and a smaller line

    exists until there is no other larger line. Therefore Ups and Downs are relatives

    terms and should be understood and keep going ahead despite of ups and downs.

    Life is full of oscillations, ups and down are inevitable.

    5. Keep going, the world is not going to wait for youToKeep going is only the

    way of life. Life means keep going, once you stop it is

    end of the life and death is accomplished. We all are

    competing with each others. As long as we are useful

    and helpful for other they will be with us. But as soon

    as we are unable to help or unable to move along, no

    body will wait for us. They will leave us alone and move

    forward. This is practical aspect of life. Therefore always keep moving and becauseno one will wait for you. The only one person can move along with you is only you.

    Keep yourself healthy and positive and keep moving without get effected by the

    negatives of the life. The person who wants you will come along and who have

    other way to go will take their own course.

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    6. Change is only constantThe day we born, we are put into the cycle of

    change. Physically our body changes from

    baby to boy, boy to young man, young man

    to Man and Man to an old man. This is how

    human life cycle is. When we were young,we were having curiosity how we will be

    when we will grow up as man. When we are

    in our middle (around 45-40) , we start

    feeling now the life should stop and we

    should be young for ever. Which is not

    possible. Change is inevitable and it has to

    occur. Without change nothing is possible.

    Change is life and life is change.

    Therefore dont get afraid of changes.

    Changes are always for good and betterment only. But we human being always

    Resist change. This is due to fear and insecurity. It is not that we cant cope-up

    with the changes, it is because we are afraid of the unknown effect (good/bad)

    due to that change. It is all mind set. If we think change is for good, believe me it

    will be good for us and we assume that the change is going to hurt us, it is also

    true it is going to hurt us in one form or other.

    Therefore accept that changes are always necessary for going ahead in our life

    and scavenging the old dirt from our life. Change always bring newness, zeal,

    learning, maturity, escaping from old junk, etc., in our life. Accept the change,

    enjoy the change and explore the change, it is going to benefit us.

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    Maintain the body

    you will maintain your life

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    Turmeric is that bright yellow spice most often used in

    curry recipes. Tumeric comes from the root of

    the Curcuma Longa plant, hence the active ingredient in

    tumeric is known as curcumin. Aside from its excellent

    flavour (if you like curry that is), tumeric offers many

    health benefits that put it into the Superfoods category.

    Health Benefits of Tumeric

    Tumeric is one of many spices that offers amazing medicinal benefits when it is

    consumed regularly but it isnt a cure-all magic pill. Everything we eat, tumeric

    included, can be used to help our body function well. At the same time, poor food

    choices can contribute to dysfunction in our body. As Hippocrates said,

    Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food

    Tumeric is an example of a food that can be a powerful medicine for many common

    health concerns people face today. Here are just 7 reasons why you should consider

    eating more tumeric in your weekly diet:

    1. Fight Cancer

    When combined with Cauliflower, tumeric has been shown to prevent certain

    kinds of cancer and even inhibit the growth of existing cancers.

    2. Shed Fat

    The curcumin in tumeric is one of many foods that can be used to boost your

    metabolic rate and therefore help you shed fat and maintain a healthy weight.

    3. Be Happier

    In Eastern medicine tumeric has long been used a natural treatment for


    4. Detox Your Liver

    The liver is the processor of all foods you put into your body. With increasing food

    contaminants, and poorer quality foods in general, your liver is working

    overtime. Tumeric can be used to detoxify your overworked liver, thereby

    reducing your risk of developing many diseases due to chemical liver damage.
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    5. Reduce Inflammation

    Chronic inflammation can be the source of so many common health problems

    including sore joints, poor digestion, and weight gain. Tumeric is a

    powerful natural anti-inflammatorythat can work just as well as many anti-

    inflammatory drugs but without the side effects.

    6. Soothe Arthritis

    Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, tumeric can be used as a natural

    treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

    7. Have Beautiful Skin

    Not only does tumeric speed up the healing of wounds but it also assists in

    re-modelling of damaged skin. It can also be used in the treatment of psoriasisand other inflammatory skin conditions.

    Source :
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    Dont regret act now

    still you have the time..

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    Financial Planning at different stages of life

    In our life, we passes through different stages of life. At the different stages of life

    our financial needs changes. Our life priorities also changes. Our liabilities at

    different time and stage also change. All of us plan according to time and need.

    Some live life king size and some end up with regrets. SO financial planning is

    must for all of us at different stages of life.

    We should know how to plan our financials so that we live our life full of fun.

    Following factors to be considered

    Family Structure





    Family StructureIn a typical Indian family the Eldest Son/Daughter are treated

    as the role model and are considered to be the part of family earners, as soon as

    in job. But, younger children enjoy the leverage of being young. If you are eldest

    in the family do support your family till your other brothers and sisters are

    educated. As soon as they finishes their education help them to get appropriate

    job. While supporting the family keep some fund in regular income plans, may be

    in a small amount. In long term these small amount will help you and induce

    positive confidence in you. No one will help, only money is the best friend in the

    adversities. Even if you are only one kid, dont ignore habit of saving. It is always


    Being family head, Education of the kids is prime responsibility. For financial

    freedom, you should take life insurance policies for you, your spouse and

    children. This ensure your and your dependents security even after life. For old

    parent should have some planning for their welfare and happy living. Some times,

    you may have to help your brothers and sisters also. Being responsible for other

    affect you attitude and potential of taking risks in life.

    HealthThis one of the most important aspect of our life and cant be ignored by

    any chance. Now a days getting medical treatment is very costly.

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    As we grow older, our body system needs care and sometimes it breakdown and

    Immediately emergency medical treatment is required. Even we have to take

    care of all our dependents like spouse, children and old parents. To get all of the

    dependent timely medical treatment we should enroll all in a combined medical

    policy. In combined medical policy the sum amount can be used for any or allthe members.

    If we dont do it, we may end-up expending lot of money in getting the

    treatment. By doing so your tolerance for risk also decreases.

    Career ChoiceYou career planning fetch you the appropriate job and you job

    will give you the money you want. Based on the earning only you can plan your

    financial planning. Priorities changes from person to person and family to familyand circumstances to circumstances. For example if you are office going, you

    have low risk of accidents than a person in sales. Therefore Sales /Field /

    Manufacturing / Transporters are more exposes to risks, therefore should opt

    for accidental policies.

    AgeAt different stages of life, we have different level of liabilities, risks and

    responsibilities. Therefore our financial planning should also be accordingly to

    our needs and values at different stages of life. At the young age we have theabilities to take risks, we have abilities and willingness also. Therefore taking risk

    and earning more at this stage of life is must. Investments, if any should be long

    term. But we will be on the low earning and also low liabilities.

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    In the middle age, our income grows along with liabilities like education, housing ,

    health related, premium on Insurance, House loans, education loan, health,

    Income taxes, etc.,. Also this is the stage of accumulating the money for future

    liabilities like health, retirement plans, marriages of the children, etc.,. Be

    cautious and priorities your liabilities and risks involved. Dont stake your future

    on stake for the benefit of others. No one, but your strong financials will help you

    in future.

    At Older Adulthood, stop doing long-term

    investments. Now is the time for big

    liabilities, like marriages and establishing

    your children. The money you saved will

    be start help you in executing your

    responsibilities. But keep spare money for

    your self for retirement and old age eventualities.

    At older age incomes decrease, liabilities

    decrease, expenses also decreases. This is

    retirement life. You should have a regular

    income from retirement plans in which you

    have invested in long term investment

    at the time of adult hood. Otherwise you

    should have other income from other resources you have building.

    Depending on children in this age is going to give you helplessness, agony and

    pain. So who are at the Adult age, should start investing in long term plans for old

    age liabilities and livelihood.

  • 8/11/2019 Posititude - August 14



    The Budget has raised the deduction limit. Here are the options in which you

    can invest to save tax:-

    PPF (Public Provident Fund)

    The PPF is an all-time favourite investment option and the Budget has only

    made it more attractive by enhancing the annual investment limit to Rs 1.5

    lakh. The PPF offers investors a lot of flexibility. You can open an account in a

    post office branch or a bank. The maximum investment of Rs1.5 lakh in a year

    can be done as a lump sum or as instalments on any working day of the year.

    Just make sure you invest the minimum Rs 500 in your PPF account in a year,

    otherwise you will be slapped with a nominal, but irksome, penalty of Rs 50.Though the PPF account matures in 15 years, you can extend it in blocks of five

    years each. The PPF is useful for risk-averse investors, self-employed

    professionals and those not covered by the EPF.

    ELSS funds (Equity-Linked Saving Schemes)

    Equity-linked saving schemes (ELSS) have the shortest lock-in period of three

    years among all the tax-saving options under Section 80C. But this should notbe the most important reason for investing in this avenue. Being equity funds,

    these schemes can generate good returns for investors over the long term.

    The minimum investment in ELSS funds is very low. Though regular equity

    mutual funds have a minimum investment of Rs 5,000, you can put ..

    SCSS (Senior Citizen Saving Scheme)

    This assured return scheme is the best tax-saving avenue for senior citizens.However, the Rs 15 lakh investment limit somewhat curtails its utility. The

    interest rate is 100 basis points above the 5-year government bond yield. The

    interest is paid on 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December,

    irrespective of when you start investing.

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    Its low-cost structure, flexibility and other investor-friendly features

    make the New Pension Scheme an ideal investment vehicle for

    retirement planning. The scheme scores high on flexibility. The minimum

    investment of Rs 6,000 can be invested as a lump sum or in instalments

    of at least Rs 500. There is no limit. The investor also decides the

    allocation to equity, corporate bonds and gilts. Be ready for a lot of

    legwork before you can buy.

    Bank FDs and NSCs

    Don't get misled by the high interest rates offered on the 5-year bank

    fixed deposits. Interest income is fully taxable so the post-tax yield may

    not be as high as you think. In the 20 per cent and 30 per cent income tax

    brackets, it is not as attractive as the yield of the tax-free PPF.

    Life Insurance plans

    Though the Irda guidelines for traditional plans have made insurance

    policies more customer-friendly, they are still the worst way to save tax.

    The tax saving is only meant to reduce the cost of insurance. It is not the

    core objective of the policy.

    Pension plans

    The charges of pension plans offered by life insurers are significantly

    higher than those of the NPS. The difference can snow .

    Sourcetimes of India.

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    never stop in any situation any time

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    1. Http://Wikipaidia2.

    3. Medical Encyclopedia (

    4. News PapersHT, TOI, Dainik Bhaskar


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