Download - Popular Uses Aromatherapy


Popular uses[edit source | editbeta]

Popular uses[edit source|editbeta]

Lemon oil is uplifting and anti-stress/anti-depressant. In a Japanese study, lemonessential oilin vapour form has been found to reducestressinmice.[18]Research at The Ohio State University indicates that Lemon oil aroma may enhance one's mood, and help with relaxation.[19]


Peppermintoil is often used to deter ants, by applying a few drops on their trail.[21]

BothlavenderandTea tree oilare used as antiseptics, sometimes in lotions or soaps. Lavender oil is said to help heal wounds and burns.[citation needed]

Lavender,Jasmine, Chamomile andPeppermintare used for anti-stress, anti-anxiety and as an anti-depressant.

Sage oilhas been suggested to boost short-term memory performance in many using it as a dietary supplement.[22]