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Pop Culture Wrap-Up

Pop Culture Wrap-Up

Page 2: Pop Culture  Wrap-Up

TodayTodayGoal: Continue to clarify your thoughts on the relationship between the media and consumers

Finish viewing The Merchants of Cool

Discuss your observations from The Merchants of Cool as a group and class

Create your own description/metaphor for the relationship between the media and consumers

Explore the possibility of authenticity

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Time MagazineTime Magazine

“This is not a story about that conversation. This is a story about the big public conversation the nation is not having about education, the one that will ultimately determine not merely whether some fraction of our children get "left behind" but also whether an entire generation of kids will fail to make the grade in the global economy because they can't think their way through abstract problems, work in teams, distinguish good information from bad or speak a language other than English.”

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Time MagazineTime Magazine

Kids are global citizens now, even in small-town America, and they must learn to act that way....Developing good people skills. EQ, or emotional intelligence, is as important as IQ for success in today's workplace. "Most innovations today involve large teams of people," says former Lockheed Martin CEO Norman Augustine. "We have to emphasize communication skills, the ability to work in teams and with people from different cultures."

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So, our goalSo, our goal

Goal: Clarify your thoughts about the media landscape and gain EQ by working in a randomized group to...

1. Finish viewing The Merchants of Cool

2. Discuss your observations from The Merchants of Cool as a group and class

3. Read and respond to a supplemental article (jigsaw)

4. Create your own logo/graphic depicting the media landscape

5. Writing a prescription for “cool”

6. Create guidelines to remain as authentic as possible and avoid the gravitational pull of the media

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Discussion GroupsDiscussion Groups

George, Lauren, Annaliese

Corey, Lindsey, Buck

Grace, Stephen, Kevin

Preston, John, Timmer

Natalie, Karen, Dave

Peter, Kathleen, Adam, Emily

Melissa, Elisabeth, Erik

Sarah, Anthony, Katie

Rita, Kristen, Brett, Emma

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Discussion QuestionsDiscussion Questions

1. So…is there anywhere the commercial machine won't go? Why?

2. Is it leaving any room for kids to create a culture of their own?

• Do they have anything that is theirs alone? Do you see any teens at PR who have retained things that are their “own”? If so, what? If not, why not?

3. How can we remain authentic?

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QuickTime™ and aSorenson Video 3 decompressorare needed to see this picture.

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What would be your icon/logo to represent the American media?

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Groups—P2Groups—P2Tim B., Mike G., David H.

David L., Sam L., Steve

Chris, Ashley, Jon

Cameron, Amy, Kyle J.

Pat M., John G., Sam C.

Juliet, Andrew, Jeff

Laura, Karl, Pat

Brittany, Courtney, Addie, Tyler

Jen, Pam, Brandyn, Kelsey

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Groups—P4Groups—P4Amy, Phil, Marissa

Tim, Sam L., Amanda

Ryan P., Jessica, Morris

Chris, Jenna, Jyle, Andrei

Melanie, Emily, Aaron

Zach, Dan, Becca

Rich, Mark, Jim

Brandon, Megan, Sam Z.

Jeff, Ryan S., Chelsey, Jenni

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Metacognitive Moment...

Metacognitive Moment...

What role did each person in your group play (what data did they gather, etc.)

What was the group dynamic like?

Did anyone dominate the group? If so, why? Was it necessary?