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Polish KitchenJourney through five Polish dishes and their preparation

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1. Hooves2. Bigos

3. Easter cake4. Sauerkraut

5. Pickled cucumbers

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HoovesDumplings are noodles with cooked and mashed potatoes Prague with the addition of flour and eggs. These components are kneaded smooth batter which roll off the rolls and cut pieces of the so-called knife. "hooves". Just cook them in water and you can enjoy the taste.


A. Wash potatoes, peel, slice larger, cover with water, add salt and bring to a boil. Cook covered for approx. 30 minutes or until tender (a knife stuck into a smoothly not enter).

B. Drain and immediately crush Prague on a perfectly smooth puree. Totally cool.C. Sift the flour on a pastry board, add the potatoes, make a recess in the middle and stick to no egg. The whole season with salt and knead a smooth dough, if necessary lightly with flour. You can use the planetary mixer (shoulder). The less we add the flour, including dumplings are delicate.D. Boil a large pot of salted water. Divide the dough into 4 parts, each formed with a thickness of thumb roller. Knife cut pieces called "Dumplings" with a width of approx. 1.5 - 2 cm.E. Throw to the boiling water and cook for approx. 4 minutes from the time rising to the surface or until tender. During the cooking water Mix gently with a wooden spoon making sure that the noodles stuck to the bottom. Pick out with a slotted spoon and set out on plates.

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Bigos doesn’t have its determi-nation. Traditional Polish cuisine, Lithuanian and Belarusian dish with cabbage and meat. People eat bigos already in 1780.

Components 4servings 500 g pork 200 g sausage rural1 onion2 tablespoons vegetable oil3 cups water30 g of dried mushrooms2 tablespoons plum jam or some prunes1 apple - rennet1 kg of sauerkraut1 tablespoon tomato paste1 tablespoon flour1 tablespoon butter

Spicessalt and pepper, 1 bay leaf, 2 allspice, 1 teaspoon cumin, 2 teaspoons marjoram


• Cut the meat into cubes. Onions cut into cubes and fry in oil in a large pan. Add the meat and fry them carefully.• Pour 2 cups of hot water, salt, season with pepper and bring to a boil. Then add broken dried mushrooms, cover, reduce heat and simmer for approx. 45 minutes.• Add the bay leaf, allspice, cumin, marjoram, plum jam and sliced plums, peeled and cut into cubes peeled apple and mix.• Add the sauerkraut (if it is acidic it must be pre-rinse in a sieve), pour a glass of water, stir, cover and cook until tender cabbage for approx. 45 minutes. About halfway through cooking, add peeled and cut into pieces sausage. At the end add the tomato paste.• flour fry in a dry frying pan, when it begins to brown add a tablespoon of butter and stir until butter is melted. Hold the pan on the fire gradually add a few tablespoons of the cabbage, stirring constantly. Transfer the contents of the pan back into the pot, stir and bring to a boil.

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Easter CakePolish traditional Easter cake. Plantain first arose in the late 17th century. At the time of Stanislaw August Poniatowski became popular.

Traditional mold


200 g butter1 and 1/4 cup of sugar4 eggs1 and 1/2 cup cornstarch4 tablespoons flour1 full teaspoon baking powder4 tablespoons cream 30% (liquid)1 tablespoon lemon juiceOptional: 1 tablespoon alcohol


• Ingredients for grandmother (butter, eggs and cream) removed much earlier from the refrigerator to be warmed. The form of her grandmother with a chimney with a minimum capacity of 2.5 liters (for me with a diameter of 22 cm) thick layer of grease with butter and sprinkle with flour. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C (up and down without convection).• potato flour mixed with wheat flour and baking powder. Mixer, beat the butter at high speed together with the sugar for at least 10 minutes. Gradually add the eggs one at all times carefully and long mixing (at least 3 minutes after each egg added).• The compacted mass add half of the flour mixture and half the cream, mix mixer on medium speed for accurate connection of the components, add the remaining flour and cream, pour the lemon juice, if we use alcohol and mix thoroughly to a homogeneous mass.• Pour into a mold (it should fill it halfway), level the surface and put in the oven. Bake for 35 - 40 minutes (after which time the skewer inserted in the center of the cake should come out dry). Remove and cool down for about 10 minutes, put on a platter upside down and decorate any icing or powdered sugar.

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Sauerkraut is the type of food or one of its ingredients, prepared with shredded cabbage, which is subjected to ensiled by salinity and fermentation. It is characterized by long life and a strong sour taste.

Home sauerkraut

Components2 kg shredded cabbage 2 apples for example. Renety gray (optional) About 40g of salt niejodowanej 2 - 4 grated carrots on a coarse mesh 1/2 teaspoon cuminPreparation

1Cabbage mix with salt, and let stand for an hour to let the juices.

2Then add to it grated on a coarse mesh carrots, diced or grated apples and cumin.

3The whole mix and put into pre-washed and boiled, dry jars. It is important that each layer of cabbage thoroughly whisk, pushing to the bottom. Fill jars to 3/4 of the height (cabbage will increase its volume).

4Cover with a lid, but do not tighten them and set aside in a warm place for 3-7 days. You can put them on any tray in case of leaking cabbage juice.

5Every day several times cabbage push with a wooden pestle, roller or clean hands and raise the bottom end with a long wooden spoon or stick to sushi, in order to degas it (thanks cabbage will not be bitter and will not break).

6After four days of 3- cabbage suitable for food. If we want more ukisić it, we wait a few next days. When the cabbage is already adequately ukiszona, you can then spin and move to a cooler location, eg. In the fridge and use it on a regular basis.

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Pickled Cucumbers

Composed of cucumbers placed in a jar containing stems and baldachów fennel, horseradish roots, garlic cloves flooded with salt water, which are ensiled. Pickled cucumbers for a few days less salt cucumbers, and for a long time - pickled cucumbers

Components quantity: 5 liter jars2 kg of cucumbers groundseveral canopies fennel2 heads of garlic, divided into cloves and peeled2 horseradish rootsZalewa1 liter of boiling water1 tablespoon salt

A method of preparingPreparation: 30min. > Ready in: 30 minutes.1.Ogórki wash. Jars and caps a hot bath.2.Do each jar at the bottom of the insert portion of the canopy fennel, add 2-3 cloves of garlic. Cucumbers arranged tightly, standing, tail up. After stuffing the smaller sides.3.Chrzan Peel and cut into small bars. To each jar put a few pieces. On top add more dill. Fennel stalks cut into small pieces and also poupychać jars.4.We boiling water to dissolve salt, flood pickles in jars almost to the full. Spin and leave in a cool place.


Cucumbers must be so arranged that the water be completely hid can not flow or extend, because then spoil. The brine should be poured slowly to reach everywhere and covered cucumbers.

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Thank for Watch author: Igor Stypułkowski