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ACTIVITIES ELIGIBLE FOR THE GRANT OF SERVICE CREDITS SERVICES CREDITS MAY BE GRANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES:Q: To what activities may service credits be granted?A: Service credits maybe granted to the following activities:a. Services rendered during registration and election days as long as these are mandated duties under existing laws;b. Services rendered during calamity and rehabilitation when schools are used as evacuation centers;c. Services rendered in connection with the conduct of remedial classes during the summer or Christmas vacation or outside of regular school days;d. Services rendered in connection with early opening of the school yeare. Services rendered during school sports competitions held outside of regular school days;f. Service rendered by those who train teachers in addition to their normal teaching loads;g. Teaching over load not compensated by honoraria;h. Teaching in non-formal education classes carrying a normal teaching load;i. Work done during regular school days if these are in addition to the normal teaching load;j. Conduct of testing activities held outside of school days; andk. Attendance / participation in special DepEd projects and activities which are short term in duration such as English, Science and Math mentors training, Curriculum writing workshop, planning workshop, etc.,.if such are held during the summer vacation or during weekends.

PROCEDURE IN THE GRANT OF SERVICE CREDITSQ: What steps shall be followed in grant of service credit?A: The following steps shall be followed in the grant of service credits:a. Head of office/schools recommends approval of request to render vacation services.b. Schools division superintendents approve / disapproves request.If reason for request is not among those listed above, request should be forwarded to the regional director for action if activity is region wide and to the central office through the regional director if activity is DepEd wide. For attendance /participation in DepEd wide programs and projects, the central office shall make the necessary issuance on the grant of service credits

PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES AND SANCTIONS OF THE PTAsQ: What are the prohibited activities and sanctions of PTAs?A: PTAs are prohibited from:a. Interfering in the academic and administrative management and operation of the school, and of the DepEd, in general;b. Engaging in any partisan political activity within school premisesc. Operating a canteen/school supplies store, or being a concessionaire inside the school or nearby premises, or offering these services to the school as its client either directly or indirectly;d. Selling insurance, pre-need plans or similar schemes or program to studentsand.prtheir parents and;e. Such other acts or circumstances analogous to the foregoing.PTA Officers and members of the board of directors are prohibited from collecting salaries, honoraria, emoluments or other forms of compensation from any of the funds collected or received by the PTA.PTAs shall have no right to disburse, or charge any fees as service fee or percentages against the amount collected pertinent to the school publication fee. Supreme Students Government (SSG) Development fund and other club membership fees and contributions.In no case shall a PTA or any of its officer or members of the Board of directors call upon students and teachers for purposes of investigation or disciplinary action.The recognition of any PTA shall be cancelled by the division PTA affairs committee upon the recommendation of the School Head concerned for any violation of the above mentioned prohibited activities and these guidelines.