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  • 7/28/2019 Polar Pattern Measurements - Medicin de Patrones Polares



    Acoustics Instruments and Measurements April 2013, Caseros, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina



    1Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    [email protected]

    Abstract This work seeks to analyze and describe the radiation directional behavior of two sound sources with

    completely different nature characteristics: a recording studio loudspeaker and a human voice (biomechanical

    source). The procedures, considerations and limitations of the measurement process are explained as well as theobtained results are analyzed.

    1. INTRODUCTIONThe polar pattern is one of the most important

    characteristics of a sound source, allowing to known

    the spatial behavior that the sounds will have in terms

    of relative sound pressure levels and frequency. Such

    behavior does not consider any acoustic phenomenon

    linked to the room where the source is used, it refers

    to the dynamics of irradiation in a so-called "freefield" where no sound reflections exists. In practice,

    in order to obtain these patterns the measurements of

    the sound source are performed in an anechoic

    chamber, which are specially equipped to eliminate

    any kind of reflection and to achieve completeisolation from external noise. This condition of"room without reflections and without noise" could

    not be fulfilled in this report because the

    measurements were made in a room with no acoustic

    treatment used as classroom. Therefore we studied

    various methodologies to minimize systematic errors

    that would occur in the measurements, which will be

    detailed later. It is important to remark that there is

    no a standard which specifies the correct way to

    perform polar patterns measurements. For these

    reasons the results obtained do not have a high degree

    of accuracy, although can be used as very good

    approximations to the actual behavior of the sound

    sources. For this work a recording studio loudspeaker

    and human voice were used.

    2. ROOM CHARACTERISTICSThe dimensions of the classroom where the

    measurements where performed are 9.31 x 9.34 x

    3.21 meters, with a double-layer ceiling with 60 cm

    air cavity between as seen in Figure 1. There were a

    total of fifty chairs placed on the periphery of the

    room and a table on where it was installed thecomputer used for audio recording. The side wall

    exposed to the outside of the building has fiveWindows that remained closed during the tests.

    Figure 1: Classroom where measurements were made.Loudspeaker and biomechanical sound source position.

    Circular array for the microphones.


    For both sources measurements, it was used the

    same data acquisition system. The following list

    details the equipment and software employed:


    M-Audio Fastrack audio interface

    XLR-XLR cables

    Microphone tripods

    Svantek model Svan959 sonometer

    Extension cable for the sonometers


    Adobe Audition

    o Sample rate: 44100 Hz

    o Resolution: 24 bits

    o Channel mode: Mono

    AURORA plugins


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    In addition, only for the biomechanical

    measurements it was used a turntable OUTLINEmodel ET250-3D.

    4. LOUDSPEAKER MEASUREMENTSIn the first instance, measurements for the

    loudspeaker were made.

    4.1Loudspeaker CharacteristicsThe loudspeaker measured is a KRK

    SYSTEMS Rokit8 model as shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2: Rokit8 loudspeaker used for the polar pattern


    Its most important characteristics provided by the

    manufacturer are:

    Configuration: 2-Way

    System type: Active Studio Monitor

    Low-Frequency: 8" Aramid Glass Compositewoofer

    Mid-Frequency: N/A

    High-Frequency: 1" soft dome tweeter

    Frequency Response: 44Hz - 20kHz

    Max Peak SPL: 109 dB

    Amplifier Class: Class A-B

    Power Output: 90W

    High Frequency: 20W

    Mid-Frequency: N/A

    Low Frequency: 70W

    Input Impedance (Ohms): 10 K Ohm

    balancedHF Level Adjust:-2dB, -1dB, 0, +1dB

    System Volume: (-30dB - +6dB)

    Enclosure Construction: MDF

    Dimensions (H x W x D): 15.5" (394mm) x

    10.83" (275mm) x 11.73" (298mm)

    Weight: 26 Lbs. (12 Kg.)

    This loudspeaker consists of one woofer and atwitter to cover the complete audible spectrum. It is

    mainly used for near field monitoring in recording


    4.2 Microphones characteristicsThe two microphones used for the recordings

    were EARTHWORKS model M50. Their most

    important characteristics provided by the

    manufacturer are:

    Frequency Response: 3Hz to 50kHz 1/-3dB

    Polar Pattern: Omnidirectional

    Sensitivity: 30mV/Pa (-30.5dBV/Pa)

    Power Requirements: 48V Phantom, 10mA

    Max Acoustic Input: 142dB SPL

    Output: XLR (pin 2+)

    Output Impedance: 100, balanced (50 ea.

    pin 2 & 3)

    Min Output Load: 600 between pins 2 & 3

    Noise: 22dB SPL equivalent (A weighted)

    Dimensions L x D: 229mm x 22mm (9 x.860 inches)

    Weight: .5 lb. (225g)

    Figure 3: Earthworks M50

    4.3 Loudspeaker and microphones locationThe loudspeaker was placed at a distance of 4.71

    meters from the lateral walls and 3.71 meters from

    the front wall (which supports the board), as shown in

    Figure 4, to minimize the coloration effects at lowfrequencies due to the "eigenmodes" of the room [1]

    and to maximize de arrival time of the first reflection.The loudspeaker was oriented with its front face

    pointing towards the center of the room.

    Figure 4: Loudspeaker Location

    The loudspeaker is held fixed during the entire

    measurement process while the microphones varying

    its position around it. To accomplish this, the floor

    was marked with different microphone positions

    following a circular array centered at the geometricalcenter of the base of the loudspeaker and a radius of

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    90 cm. That distance was used to place the

    microphones, ensuring that it works in the activezone of the loudspeaker [2]. The measurement points

    were defined by steps of 10 degrees, the degree zero

    corresponding to the longitudinal and symmetrical

    location of the front face of the loudspeaker. The

    microphones (and the loudspeaker too) were placedon the floor to minimize the effects of cancellationgenerated by the floor reflections, known as "comb

    filter" [3].

    4.4 Measurement signalTo measure the polar pattern of the loudspeaker it

    was decided to use a "Long-sine sweep", defined in

    equation (1).

    This type of signal has some advantages that

    favor the measure, primarily considering the signal-

    to-noise ratio is achieved. Because this type of signal

    increases in frequency proportionally with time, all

    the sound energy is concentrated moment to moment

    in a single frequency, producing a markedimprovement in the signal-to-noise ratio compared to

    other types of signals that distribute all their energy

    in the entire spectrum at each instant of time (white

    noise, pink noise, MLS) [4]. The AURORA plugin

    allows generating the sine sweep and simultaneously

    creates the inverse filter of the same that is used with

    the signal measured by the microphone to perform

    the convolution between them and thus obtain the

    impulse response of the loudspeaker [4]. The decision

    of using this method is that once the impulse

    responses is obtained at each measurement point, we

    can apply a temporal windowing to remove all

    spectral information generated by the room

    (reverberation) as it is explained below. It was

    generated, then, a sine sweep signal with the

    following characteristics:

    Bandwith: 8012000 [Hz]

    Duration: 10 [s]

    Time increase type: Exponential

    Fade-in / Fade-out: 0,1 [s]

    Silence: 2 [s]

    The exponential time increase gives more

    duration to the low frequency time section regarding

    the high frequencies sweep duration, allowing auniform energy distribution in time and frequency.

    4.5 Sine sweep recordings for both Horizontaland Vertical Planes.

    Using the microphones distribution abovementioned, it was proceeded to the sine sweep

    measurements at each point. Twenty measurements

    were recorded between 0 and 180 for the horizontalplane with a spacing of 10, since the loudspeaker is

    considered as a horizontally symmetric radiation

    source. One microphone measured between 0 and

    90 while the other did the same between 100 and

    180. In 180 there was an additional recording withthe other microphone to evaluate the difference

    between them and adjusting the levels of the recorded

    audio signal.

    For the vertical plane the procedure was similar,

    but with the loudspeaker supported on one of its

    lateral faces (lying). In this position it cannot be

    assumed a symmetrical distribution of the sound

    field, thus it was measured the 360 full

    circumference with 10 separation. As with the

    horizontal plane, each microphone measured half the

    entire circumference and one measuring was repeated

    at 0 for the same compensation of levels as in the

    previous case.

    Figure 4: Loudspeaker and microphones positions for

    the horizontal plane measurements

    Figure 5: Loudspeaker and microphones positions for

    the vertical plane measurements

    4.6 Background noise evaluation.Although we already know the advantages

    provided by the sine sweep with respect to signal to

    noise ratio, an evaluation of the background noise (it

    will be useful for the human voice measurements). It

    was measured for 3 minutes with the sound level

    meterin mode equivalent sound pressure level and

    obtained a Leq value of 46 dBA. To improve the

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    results, it was chosen the maximum loudspeaker

    volume (defined as "+6 dB" by the manufacturer) butit was not modify the HF gain, letting it in 0dB


    5. HUMAN VOICE MEASUREMENTSThe second part of this study was to measure the

    polar pattern of a male singer.

    5.1Characteristics of the recorded singing.The singer was requested to sing in three different

    scales a C note, the first corresponding to C 130.81

    Hz, the second to C 261.63 Hz and the last to C

    523.25 Hz.

    5.2 Testing MethodologyThe procedures for measurements were different

    to those made for the loudspeaker. Firstly, it was used

    a measurement microphone in a fixed position (0) ata distance of 60 cm from the mouth of the singer and

    a height of 1.30 meters corresponding to the height of

    the mouth, and placed the singer on a turntable

    (Outline ET250-3D). On the same platform it was

    placed another microphone so as to rotate with the

    singer, always maintaining a constant distance with

    his mouth (Figure 6). This reference microphone is

    used to adjust the levels with the fixed-position

    microphone, as it is explained below.

    At the same time, the sound level meter

    microphone was placed at a distance of 2 mm from

    the fixed-position microphone, using a 10 meter

    extension cable (Figure 7). The purpose of this is to

    evaluate the signal to noise ratio between the singer's

    voice and the background noise, which affects

    directly the effectiveness of the results (besides thecontribution of the reverberant room). If for some

    reason the level difference between the singer's voice

    and the background noise was less than 8 dB, the

    measurement was repeated.

    Figure 6: Singer, microphones and turneable positions.

    Figure 7: Location of the sound level meter microphone.

    Once all the necessary elements were located it

    was proceeded to take the measurements. The singer

    and the reference microphone were rotated in steps of

    10 from the position 0 to 350. At each step the

    three scales of the sung note C were recorded by bothmicrophones and the background noise was evaluated

    during the recording session.

    6. ANALYSIS AND CONSIDERATIONSOnce acquired all sound recordings from both

    sources, corresponding analyzes were performed

    considering the factors that impacted negatively on

    the measurement processes.

    6.1 Analysis of the loudspeakerThe recordings obtained at every point between

    0 and 180 for the horizontal plane and between 0and 350 for the vertical plane of the sine sweep

    signal were processed as follows:

    First, it was necessary to adjust the audio

    recordings from both microphones in order to

    eliminate the sensibility differences between them

    and equate the signals amplitudes. As it is described

    in 4.5, both microphones performed a measurementin the 0 position for the vertical plane. To equate theamplitude levels in that position, it was decided to

    seek the maximum amplitude measured by each

    microphone and then amplify the lowest until it

    matches to the higher. This allows us to know which

    microphone produce lower signal levels and howmuch lower is regarding the other microphone. Thisamplification process was performed for the nine

    positions in which that microphone was used. The

    same procedure was performed for the horizontal

    plane (in this case, the 180 position was measured

    with both microphones). Then, the impulse response

    of the loudspeaker at each position was obtained byconvolving the recorded signals with the inverse sine

    sweep filter using the AURORA plugins (see Anex).

    These impulse responses should be enveloped by

    applying a temporal windowing to remove all

    information relating to the reverberant field of the

    room. Thus it was decided to silence the signal from

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    the arrival of the first reflection. This process was

    done manually by observing the waveforms of eachimpulse response as shown in Figure 8.

    Thus it was possible to obtain the impulse

    response of the loudspeaker minimizing sound

    contribution due to room reflections. All impulse

    responses were loaded and analyzed spectrally withEASERA software. It was used the "ExportSpectrum" option to load the data into an Excel

    spreadsheet so as to generate the polar plots with the

    spectral values filtered in octave bands between 125

    and 8000 Hz. The results below 125 Hz could not be

    taken into account because of background noise was

    comparable to the maximum level of amplification of

    the loudspeaker for this frequency range. This is the

    reason why the lower frequency of the sine sweep is

    80 Hz. Figure 9 shows the spectrum of an impulse

    response analyzed with EASERA.

    Figure 8: Impulse response for one position in theloudspeaker analysis. Top: Original impulse response.

    Bottom: Time windowing applied to the impulse response.

    Figure 9: Spectrum of an impulse response in EASERA

    It is necessary to make an important consideration

    on these measurements about the acoustic center ofthe source. To perform a highly accurate polar pattern

    it is required a microphone location such that it point

    towards to the center of the acoustic source. It was

    chosen as the center for the measurement the

    geometrical center of the loudspeaker, as there wasno information about the acoustic center, so the polardiagram curves must be adjusted manually to avoid

    asymmetry problems. The acoustic center of a

    loudspeaker varies depending on the frequency and

    also it must be considered that this loudspeaker

    consists of a woofer and a twitter (different acoustics

    centers)[5]. This consideration produces systematic

    errors in the measurement process.

    6.2Analysis of the human voiceThe recordings obtained at every point between

    0 and 350 of the three C scales were processed as

    follows:Firstly, each recording was divided into three

    parts, separating into individual audio files each

    recording of the C note according to their key (Figure

    10). In this manner the levels differences can be

    adjusted individually. The adjustments consisted of

    find the maximum value of each recording made by

    the reference microphone (the one that rotated with

    the singer) in each position between 0 and 350. The

    amplitude of the signal in the 0 position was taken as

    the reference value. All others signals (between 10

    and 350) were leveled to that reference value,

    attenuating or amplifying. And then, the same

    amplitude adjustments were applied to the

    measurement microphone (the one that was kept in

    a fixed position) for each position. It should be noted

    that not always the maximum value of amplitudebetween different measurement positions have the

    same instant of time, suggesting that the analysis

    leveling errors will affect the final results. A longer

    study is required to analyze temporal variation of

    maximum values and seek for better solutions.

    Figure 10: Signal divisions

    To analyze each signal individually, it was

    proceeded analogously to the loudspeaker analysis by

    using the "Export Spectrum" function of EASERA.

    Figures 11 to 13 show three spectra corresponding to

    First reflection without

    temporal windowing

    First reflection after

    temporal windowing

    C-130.81 Hz C-261.63 Hz C-523.25 Hz

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    a C at each of its tuning to the 0 position. It can be

    observed the presence of the fundamental tone, itsharmonics and the background noise contribution.

    Figure 11: Spectrum of C 130.81 Hz

    Figure 12: Spectrum of C 261.63 Hz

    Figure 13: Spectrum of C 523.25 Hz

    The most important factor that is observed in

    these graphs is the background noise level which is

    comparable with the source levels. This situation is

    further exacerbated for those recordings made with

    the subject positioned back to the measurement

    microphone, as the C of 130.81 Hz cannot exceed by

    more than 10 dB the background noise according to

    the sound level meter measurements, which

    introduces serious errors in the final results. Another

    problem that introduces this method of measurement

    is the degree of precision regarding the singer's pitch,which can be seen in each position as tuning slight

    variations for the three notes. It cannot be possible to

    eliminate de reverberant contribution of the room

    with this method neither. Knowing these limitations,

    the spectral analysis of source directivity was limited

    and only took into account the values given in the

    bands of 125 Hz (close to C 130.81 Hz), 250 Hz

    (close to C 261.63 Hz) and 500 Hz (near C 523.25

    Hz). Increase spectral range of analysis introduce

    levels errors which, added to the limitations

    mentioned above, would deliver in values that do not

    correspond with reality.

    7. RESULTSThe results of the analysis are presented for both

    sound sources:

    7.1Loudspeaker polar pattern results:Figures 14 and 15 shows the graph obtained for

    the polar patterns in the horizontal plane.

    Figure 14: Polar patter of the loudspeaker. Horizontalplane. 125, 250, 500 and 1000 Hz octave bands.

    Figure 15: Polar patter of the loudspeaker. Horizontal

    plane. 2000, 4000 and 8000 Hz octave bands.

    From these results several conclusions may be

    drawn. Directivity behavior according to the working

    frequency shows how the loudspeaker directivity

    increases with frequency, tending to be more

    omnidirectional for low frequencies. Whereas the

    acoustic center of the source at lower frequencies is afew inches past the physical center, sound pressure

    levels remain fairly constant in all directions in the

    bands of 125 and 250 Hz. It also shows a noticeable

    drop of about 3 dB at 8000 Hz on the front radiation

    axis (0). This level can be adjusted manually

    between -2, -1, 0 and +1 dB offset so as to accentuate

    Background noise C 130.81 Hz

    Background noise C 261.63 Hz

    Background noise C 523.25 Hz

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    or attenuate the SPL. During the measurements, this

    value was maintained at 0 dB.

    Finally, considering the above mentioned, it

    denotes a homogeneous power distribution for allbands in front of the loudspeaker addresses (between

    90, 0 and 270). This ensures a good listingsituation regarding the energy balance. Figures 16

    and 17 shows the graph obtained for the polar

    patterns in the vertical plane.

    Figure 16: Polar patter of the loudspeaker. Vertical lane.

    125, 250, 500 and 1000 Hz octave bands.

    Figure 17: Polar patter of the loudspeaker. Verticalplane. 2000, 4000 and 8000 Hz octave bands.

    As we can see, the directivity behavior in the

    bands of 125 and 250 Hz is similar to that obtained in

    the horizontal plane, and meets the trend to be

    omnidirectional considering moving the acoustic

    center. As frequency increases, the sound radiation ofthe source becomes more directive on the front axis

    (0) with a significantly attenuation of the radiation

    level from the rear face of the source (between 15 to

    25 dB for 4000 Hz) due to the loudspeakers

    enclosure.It is important to note what happens between

    positions 330 and 350 in the band of 2000 Hz,

    where a marked fall in the sound pressure level is

    appreciated (about of -5dB). It is estimated that this

    band is the junction between the crossover filters andbecause the microphone position measurement acancellation occurs between the phases of the

    reproduced signal. There was no official information

    on this matter, so that there should be further

    investigation to verify this hypothesis.

    7.2Biomechanical source polar pattern results:Figures 18 to 20 show the polar pattern obtained

    for the horizontal plane of the human voice recorded.

    For the band of 125 Hz, it can be seen that the

    maximum sound pressure levels were measured in

    the lateral directions, not in the front direction as one

    might expect. However, the differences are verysmall (less than 3 dB) and can be considered that the

    radiation is omnidirectional with the exception of the

    positions 160 and 200, wherein we can see a

    marked attenuation of the sound field of about 6 dB.

    In the 500 Hz band we can appreciate the attenuation

    of sound pressure level at the rear due to the singer's

    acoustic shadow generated by the head, while the

    frontal lobe takes a more directive shape comparing

    to the band of 125 Hz

    The measurement difficulties mentioned in 6.2that could not be offset or eliminate produce errors on

    these results as can be seen from polar patterns of

    speech in 250 and 500 Hz. It is observed that the

    sound pressure level in the back side of the singer's

    mouth is much lower (about 10 dB) at 250 Hz

    compared to 500 Hz, when in reality this is not so [6].The reasons that cause this type of error may be due

    to reflections within the enclosure, which generate

    constructive and destructive interference. In addition,

    displacements out of the referral center, that occurs

    when the singer flips around the circle, makes

    difficult the correct location of the polar curveswithin the graph axes.

    Figure 18: Polar patter of the shuman voice. Horizontalplane. 125 Hz octave band.

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    Figure 18: Polar patter of the shuman voice. Horizontalplane. 250 Hz octave band.

    Figure 18: Polar patter of the shuman voice. Horizontalplane. 500 Hz octave band.

    8. CONCLUSIONSThe measurement and analysis methodologies

    employed and the results obtained deserve to be

    studied. On one hand, it was found that themethodology used to measure the polar pattern of the

    loudspeaker generates reliable results because, as it

    was described, applying a temporal window to

    eliminate the reflections in the impulse responses

    allow us to become independent of the room

    influence. In addition, the use of the Log-Sine sweep

    signal to obtain the impulse responses improves thesignal-to-noise ratio, minimizing the background

    influence too. It achieves appreciate clearly the

    omnidirectional trend of the source for low frequency

    (up to 500Hz) and, conversely, a directional radiation

    tendency for higher frequencies (above 500Hz). The

    physical foundations associated with this "directional

    behavior" have been widely studied and

    demonstrated by L. Beranek [7]. The difference of

    levels in each frequency band can be due to various

    factors, such as air absorption at high frequencies, theloudspeaker response itself, distance between source

    and microphone, etc. However, the method can be

    used to get a rough idea of the actual behavior of the

    sound source.In the other hand, the results obtained for the

    polar pattern of the biomechanical source are more

    affected by external conditions imposed by the

    environment in which the measurements were carried

    out. Variations in pitch of the singer, reflectionsinterference and displacements of the acoustic centeralso generated systematic errors in the measurements.

    Another important consideration is referred to the

    signals analyses. As it was explained, the maximum

    value for each C tone was taken as the reference for

    the level adjustment, but those values not always

    correspond to the same time position for the same C

    tone in different measurements positions, so there is a

    deviation according to the actual polar pattern values.

    The last consideration is about the background

    noise. The noise levels detracted the dynamics of the

    recordings and contaminated the spectral analysis of

    the voice. At the moment of the human voicerecordings, there was a lengthy impact noise due to

    the work of some workers who handled hammers on

    a wall of a construction site, besides the train noise.

    The background noise mainly affects the low

    frequency results (125Hz). The results obtained mustnot be taken in account because they are too much

    influenced by the external conditions (rooms

    reflections, background noise) and by the signal post-

    processing. For all these reasons, it is required better

    external conditions to perform this type of

    measurements for a human voice. An anechoicchamber is the best option due to its absence of

    reflective field and noise isolated characteristics. Inaddition a set of several microphones is also

    recommended to avoid the leveling process.

    9. REFERENCES[1] Ballou, Glen. Modal Room Resonances.

    Handbook for Sound Engineers. Cap. 6, pp. 128-137.

    Focal Press.

    [2] Keele, Jr., D. B. 1974. Low-Frequency

    Loudspeaker Assessment by Nearfield Sound-Pressure Measurement. JAES Volume 22 Issue 3 pp.


    [3] Wikipedia, Online enciclopedia. Comb filter.

    [4] Farina, Angelo. Impulse Response

    Measurements by Exponential Sine Sweeps.Parma,

    18 October 2008.

    [5] Vanderkooy, John. The Acoustic Center: A New

    Concept for Loudspeakers at Low Frequencies.

    AES:121 (Oct 2006) Paper:6912.

    [6] Marshal, A. H., Meyer, J. The Directivity andAuditory Impressions of Singers.

    [7] Beranek, Leo. Acoustics. American Institute of

    Physics; Editin: Rev Sub (1986).

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  • 7/28/2019 Polar Pattern Measurements - Medicin de Patrones Polares




    Aurora is a suite of plug-ins for Adobe Audition: acoustic impulse responses of rooms can be measured and

    manipulated, to recreations dimensional simulations of acoustic and acoustic space.

    Powered by Angelo Farina, its use allows rapid and effective assessment of the impulse responses acquired in the

    room. Such responses are obtained by recording signals generated by the same plug-in.

    Aurora plugins are XFM modules, created for being use as "native" plugins of Adobe Audition (formerly


    The XFM format was created by Syntrillium, the developer of CoolEdit, as their "native" plugin format.

    Currently, if you explore the directory where Audition is installed, you will see dozens of files with the XFM

    extension, which perform most of the "effects" already coming with the standard Audition package.

    From a technical point of view, an XFM plugin is simply a DLL (Dynamic Linked Library), with the extension

    changed from DLL to XFM. In practice, for developing these XFM plugins, a specific API (Application

    Programming Interface) must be employed. The CoolEdit/Audition API was originally available form the

    Syntrillium web site, but later Adobe dropped its availability, and so it is now not anymore officially possible to

    create new XFM modules.And this is a pity, because the other formats for external plugins, such as Active-X (Microsoft) and VST (Steinberg),

    although supported by Adobe Audition, do not allow to perform many of the tricks made possible employing XFM


    This is the main reason for which, albeit the XFM format is not anymore supported officially from Adobe, theAurora plugins are still in XFM format, instead of having being recompiled as VST plugins.

    It is still possible that, in the future, the Aurora plugins are ported in other formats. Some modules have been

    already ported under Audacity, for example, and are currently under Beta test.

    Keep a look on this forum for the latest new about porting Aurora to other formats...

    A. Farina

    Long-Sine Sweep generation

    The function x(t) is a band-limited signal of the sine sweep, whose frequency varies exponentially with time from f1

    to f2. It is defined as follows:

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    Selecting Generate/Sine sweep in the Adobe Audition Menu, the sine sweep is generated once the frequency

    range and duration settings were made, and it is reproduced through the loudspeaker:

    Once this signal is created, the same program stored in the "windows clipboard" the inverse filter z(t), which is usedto perform the deconvolution process to obtain the impulse response.

    Inverse filter z(t)

    Then it proceeds to measure the signal reproduced by the loudspeakers. We call this signal y(t):

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    Recorded Signal

    The nonlinear behavior of the loudspeaker produces the appearance of harmonics.

    Then, selecting Aurora/Convolve with clipboard function in the Effects menu, the deconvolution for theimpulse response is obtained by convolving the signals z(t) and y(t):

    IR = z(t) * y(t)