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Poetry Where You Live – RepriseNHTI – April 19, 2011

Raymond A. FossPoetry Where You Live

160 Main StreetSuncook, NH

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Beach SandMaybe it is the memoriesthe change of pace that brings us therethe sense of vacationmaybe the smell of the placethe sights of the gulls, the dunes, the grassesbut oh it is the feel of it, the crunch and slide of itthe feeling of beach sandso different from dirt, soil, loamno, not earthy, moist, rich, but oh so granular and grittyeven when wet,moveable paper spreading under toessliding beneath the solessmoothing my skinclearing my mindunburdening me of the restdrawing me to the tactile, the feelof beach sand

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Casting StonesCasting stonesout into the deep waterscreating ripplesto wash across the worldWords of loveof comfort, of hopesharing messages of Christhis lessons for our livesto bring us back to God January 28, 2010

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The Rich Man – haiku – 2

Told to follow Christto sell all his possessionshis sorrow profound

November 14, 2009

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In Denial, Following

In turning, submissionin turning, graceresponding to His callto focus on Godin denial, followinggiving up controlcentering on Christwalking with our Saviorall the days of our lifeMarch 26, 2011 and March 27, 2011

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A Rainbow of HopeAn urgent calla race down the dark stairsa flicker of color as I ran outsidean arc, His bow, His promiseshown down on usstanding in awe and wonderthe rich color muted in the cityIt curves over the alleyabove the tenements, the wiresthe clutter, the stresses of lifea timely reminderin good times and badof your faithfulness,your covenant with your peoplea beautiful arc, a shimmering bowa pleasure to beholda piece of hope placed for a moment, a few seconds unnoticed by so many,lost in the push and pullof daily livingshared with those lucky fewwho stopped for a moment or twoand looked up

July 28, 2006 20:02Manchester, NH

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Marigold Monarchs

Fidgety, shy, tremulousintroverted royaltyhide, run, burst to flightnormally, as I approach with my predatory posturesudden motion toward thembut not this day,posing for the camera, star after starready for their closeup this dayholding still, primping, pining for the camerafor their moment in the sunfor stardom October 15, 2006 15:45

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The Words of Creation

God of creation, speak your wordsto me through your worldlet me hear your voice in the heavensin the earth, the seas, in all that dwell,all that live, all that exist within your creationLet me hear the glory of you, shouted by the mountains,sung by the wind, preached by the plants, written by the animals,witnessed to by the grains of sandproclaimed by every star in the sky,beyond my vision, my ability to perceiveShare your love in the voice of creationfor all to see, to know your graceand feel your loving presenceMay 8, 2008Psalm 19:1-4

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A Fruitless TreeA tree, not bearing fruitA landowner impatient,ready to pass judgment,A gardener, ready to work,asking for more time, to nurture and feed the fruitless treeWho are the players, the actors in the parablethe tree, the landowner,and the gardener?We aren’t told, but it is a very telling storyfor the lessons it can teachabout so many things March 15, 2007 13:22Luke 13:6-9

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Living Water, the Stain of His Blood

The altar this morning draped,brightened by living water,by the royal stain of His bloodvivid shimmering color, textured, flowingbeside the open bible,below the cross, the lighted candlesa mere hint of the grandeurthe hem, the robe of the creator, filling the templeOctober 19, 2008

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Immersed in LoveDrenched in the watersimmersed in lovecalling us everout of God’s great loveSeeking our acceptancethe beginning of our faithsaying yes to God’s offerimmersed in his grace

March 19, 2011

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On Wings

Eagles’ wings, rising uprising on wings,like wings of eaglesmounting up on highno longer weary, able to flywe rise, up from our pathclimbing up, rising upon wings as of eagles September 26, 2008

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The Mystery of Her GiftWe cannot understandwe won’t comprehendthe mystery of her giftwhat it means to me The power of her faithbeyond my feeble mindleaving all to Godtrusting in him All she had she gavein the offering plateon the altar clothunto our sovereign God Believing in himthat he would provideall she had she gavehumbly, to the Lord Luke 20:45-21:4The scribe and the widow’s offering

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The Cries of the Martyrs

Do they hear their criessteeling them to actiondo the people hear the criesthe cries of the martyrsSo many innocentsgunned down by the madmanmurdering his peopleto hold on to his powerTorturing protestorsstealing them in the nightremoved from their own homesin terror and frightThe world complicitwhile it sits in silenceallowing the tyrantto prowl the darkened streets March 5, 2011massacre in Zawiya

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Buoyed by Your Love

Standing on waterbuoyed by your loveeven when the winds make somestanding confidentlyknowing you can hold me upin the storms of lifegoing where you would lead meheld within your embracefeeling you with meguiding my feetstanding on living waterbuoyed by your love August 2, 2010

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If we were Christians If we were faithfulif we were Christiansfollowing Christliving by God’s commandsto love our neighborsour enemiesas ourselvesWhat would we sayhow would we speakif we were faithfulif we were Christiansfollowing Christliving by God’s commandsgoing where we were sentinto this worldbearing his loveoffered freelyfor allwithout exceptionreservationWhat would we sayif we walked as we claimbearing his nameWould we be silentin the face of injusticeWould we be silentwhile they were in chainsFebruary 20, 2011Matthew 5:38-48