Download - PO I NTE R s••'TE - University of … said to be crowded with enthusi astic workers. The need so rnr would be ror a few more copywriters. "Blithe Spirit" Postponed ...


Annual Speech Institute Scheduled Far Saturday

October 13 , 1956 , is the date set for the Hi gh School Speech Insti­tute - lo· be h eld here at--CSC. This Speech Ins litute, an annua l arratr.

• • Is held ror the purpose of helping nnd lntorm lng high school students and t eachers interest ed In fore nsics. Ove r 500 coaches . officials, and s tudents from surrounding high schools are expect ed to be presen t.

The d uy will begin w lc.h r egls trn­tlon. h eld near the a udi tor iu m. This will be followed by a coffee hour in Studio A. and R oom 7S. The n, at 10 A.l\I., a general meetl ug will be held [n tlie aud ito r ium. Mr. A. G. Bostad. principal of P . J . Jacobs High School of Ste,·ens Point, a nd District Chairman of th e Speech In­sti tute, will preside o ve r It. After a we lcoming s peoch by P r esident Wil­liam C. Hansen and· a r es ponse by Ri chard n. Hetland o f t he Unive r­sity Extem!lon, the s tudents will go lo th eir sectional meetings.

" Iris" Begins Organizing . At long last, th e top o ff icials of

CSC's •· Jris" s tate have bee n an­nounced . H eading the "Iris" statr th is yea r a re .. No.ncy Hager as Editor and Sally Mi lle r as the Assistant Editor. Ted Jeske Is the Busi ness Mana~r .· with Dr. T . A. Chang as Photographic Ad\·lsor.

\\' lll.1 only n few· w e e k s o f school gone by, th e "Iris" s tn.rt has already e ncoun te red n fe w diffic ult ies. A l­thou g h th e s tude nts on th e staff we re reO.dy and anxious to get to work, th ey found that they were minus a faculty advisor. This has been s t raightened out an d Dr. Frederick A.. Krem1>le ts now t he-advisor . ~t" has­been l)olnted . out, that th e .. Iri s" Is most fo rtuna t e in be ing presente d wit h nn " Ideal" office in room 35·3, The ortl ce was di sorganized , fu ll of cobwebs a nd lacking of seats, but when t i.l e firs( organizing meetin g was he ld Inst I\londay night the room was said to be crowded with enthus i­asti c workers. The need so rnr would be ror a few more copywriters.

"Blithe Spirit" Postponed Coming Navember 6 and 7

Earl Grow, director ot th e Col­leg_e T)leater's production, " Blithe Spirit", stat·es that the performance dates have bee n postponed until No­vember 6 and 7, T uesday a nd Wed­nesday evenings due to schedule con­tllcts.

The cas t and thei r director have begun rehearsal of this three-act tnrce by Noel Coward. The plot ls based upan e pi sodes which occu r wh en a man 's fi rs t wire appears In spirit form to haun t him and his sec­ond s 110U'Se as a r es ul t of a muddling me dium~ Mad.a.Pl \rcnt l,

The cast of '' Alithe Spi rit ' Includes l\tury Ann Camber as Ruth; Tom Gruman, D r . Dradman ; Judy Hnfe r­bec ker, Elvi r a; Dave Karp , Charles; Natha lie Pie rre. !\I re. Bradman ; Pat Prom:, Edith ; and Rosemarie Steln­turth . Madame Arca(!. The Pointer sta ff wou ld like to apologlzo at this tim e for omitti ng Rosemarie Stoln­turth from a cast listing In th e pre­vious Issue.

These sectional meeli ngs are de- S 1nrt 1111.."Cllngfol will be he ld on Mon- --------------------------------------s igned to give s pecific info rm a tion day night, n t 7 o 'c lock. and these CENTR •L s••'TE t o those delega tes Inte rested in cer- meetings will be .. compe tition" with ~ I .A

· forms o f forensics. Featured at th e "Pointer " meetings which arc

these meetings will be s tudents who, a lso he ld a t the sa me tim e. Some d if- PO I NTE R hlst year . won "A's" a t the State flcultles might a rise with this sltun- ~~ Forensic Contest, and are now re- lion, but none tha t wolild affect the turning to give thei r winning speech- progress o f the press. •

! es as "good examples". Sectional We 'd jus t like to wish the "Irle"

, • :~~e t~~=t:r:~ ~t:s~:!r~~iai~:~~ur~~I: ~~a~~1 ea /1~~:tf ;~:: b~~:eu~~~:; ;:~I:~~ =======V=O=L=.=V=l ============================ Humerous and Serious Declamations. ed at CSC. SERIES VJI Stevens Point, \Vis. O c tober 11 , 1956 No. 2 Arden H offman: Inte r pretative -------~---- =============;========================== R eading, Betty Rustad; Externpor- M" H"II J • H E • Dep· t aneous Speaking and Reading. Ma,y 155 I oins ome conom1cs Jo Buggs; Drama, Barbara _Bowen; One of the two ne wcomers to th e a long, to take an a ctl\'e part In extr a-

U. S. Collegians Are Invited Debate, Patrick Collie r; and a dis- home econom ics 'department this curricular act ivi ties for "you can cusslon g roup. year in Miss Et hel v. Hlll. In a dd!- use and value the expe riences.' ' This

To Apply For British Scholarships At noon tho s tudents w ill adjourn lion to her duties as nn Instructor at most certa inly has been true in Miss

to Nelson Han ror a luncheon. Sec- Central Sta te . s he la th e new director Hill's case. tlonal meetings will be continued ill> of the home management ho use. ;\tl~s Hill hns done a bit or tra\'el­the afternoon. J\llss HIii, whose hometown ts Asll - Ing a bout o ur country and has been

Next year 's would-be winner s .adminis t er the T r ust. The Chairman must npply th is Fdll; sch eme 18 or thi s Commission is . Sir Oliver appr eciation for Ma rs hall Aid; r;\~~: ht:r::;:~ Britis h Ambassador

e~i; sct~ol;rr~~!rn goo~u:o ~a!/~a;~ Announc~ment of the Winne rs Is OfffciO.!s and others wor king on th e land. W iscons in , Is n former grudu- ou ts ide o f It once to vis it f r ie nds In

Hig h School Speech Institute are as ate of Central State. She tl lso atte nd- Newfoundland. lt seems Miss Hlll follows: Dis trict Chairman - A. G. cd the Unlver slt)' or Wisconsin anrt has friends around th e world . This Dostad, Steve ns Point; Sectiona l Colu mbia Unive rsity. where she re- Is du e to the fact that whil e attendln,; Chairman - Ervin :'-larquardt, Wau- c~ived her master's degr ee. She has Colum bia Univers ity In New York she au_;.Jrorenslc- Commllfee - Le land previously taught at high schools In stayed ror one year at the Interna­

M. Burroughs. Miss Pauline. Isaac- Green Lake, Eng le Rh·er , and As h- tlonnl Rouse with s tud ents fro m son, Richard C. Blakes lee, Dr. Peter land. Wisconsin. In addition she has many countries. Some day she would A. Kron e r , a nd Robe rt S. Lewis. served ns home demonstration agent like to visit th em. But now Miss Hill Secre tary-Treasurer of the Wisconsin o f Pierce and Clark counties. Dack Is renewing old friendships and mak-

', 1 5!0 a , ar ~h~ mndo In Washington each April for · >e c th e following October .

H lgh School Student For ensic As- Ing new ones ri ght here a t CSC.

T he li sts are now ope n for U. S. college stude nts to apply for a two­yea r l\l a r3hall Schola rship awnrd, for study a t a British univers ity. Appli­cat ions shou ld be In as en rly as pos­s ible In October, an d In nny case not late r tha n Octobe r 31, 1956, for the schol a r ship to be ta ken uP In the fa ll of 19 5 7.

soclatlon Is Robe rt Scheacht or ! he ._ Uolve.r ~Jty Extt!_nslon. _ SJ_udents~elp­

lng wi th th e Ins titute (besides those a lready lis ted) a r e Re becca Colliga n,

~ Margaret Bloom. Sharon Zentner. and Tom Gr uman.

Schoo ls ·which h n l'o bcccn hn•ltccl to the Speech Ins titute a re: Leag ue 1 - Marshfield. Ne koosa. Stevens Point , Wisco ns in Rapids : League 2 - Ath e ns, Aubu r ndale, Edgar. Mnr a­th a n. Stratfo rd. Pittsv ill e . Rudolph: League 3 - Gr anton, Gree nwood.

m~~ad: ~:c~nnc6ke:a;.~~nflel j-(T~~ CounfYf,- Port Edwards, Wautomn, Wild R ose. Omro; League 5 - Bir­namwood, Bowler, Mattoon, R osholt, Tige rton. Gresham, Scandinavia; League 6 - Amh erst , Manawa, Wey­auwega, Join. Waupaca., Marlon , Mo­sinee, Whittenbe r g ; League 7 -.Adams-Friends h ip, Montell o . Oxfor d , Westfie ld; Leag ue 8 - Antigo, l\te r ­rlll, Rhine la nde r. Tomahawk, Wau­sau ; Leag ue 9 - Abbots ford, Colby. Dorcheste r , Medford , R ib Lake . Westboro ; League 10 - Waus au Jr . .

.) Marshfield Jr., Rhine lande r Jr., An 4

Ugo Jr. ; Inde penden t - Ste \'ens Polq t Marla High, Stevens Point Pa­celli High, Wabe no. E lcho, Mars h­fi eld Columbus High. Wausau New­man High, · Wlscunsln Rapids As­sumptlon High.

Miu Hill

at th e University o r Wiscon s in ·she held the pos it ion of s tate nss lstant 4- H lender ror four

This Is he r firs t experience with n home manage ment set-up s uch as Central State has. but , Miss HIii says, " I feel fortunate In star tin g out with such a nice grou ll of girls."

Mis." HJU"s dullcs nt. the bom~ manage ment house a re to su pe rvi se . adYlse. and assist th e s tudents In o perating the house. Each studen t living th e re h n.e a s pecial project to h e l1> Improve the house. The y will

Education Talk Scheduled soon be busy making new drnpce

.. .. Any Am erican student of e ithe r

UN Day Activities Plannea ~:~-:;~~r~~'Ldw:~:!~~~~v::~ ;:P~:-;~; On Oct. 24 , at 8: 00 p.m .. t he UN Is under 28 years of age a nd .has had

Dny will be ce le brate d in th e Audi- t h r ee years' college education . tori um. There will be some extre me ly Appllcnlions a r e cons ide red by Interesting s peakers prese nt. .hom e re gion _ ._ North , Easte rn,

The Re presentntiYe of the US De- South e rn , Middl e West e rn a nd Pacific pa rtm ent of State. Mrs. Urs ul a Duf- - and awards nre m a de on ·tbe basis fu s will speak abo ut .. The United Na- of char acte r as we ll as scholnstlc a t­lions In Action". Hm•lng been a tnlnmen t. · me mbe r o f the Ca rnegie Endowme nt The i\la rs hnll Scholn rs hlp Award of Int rnntlo nal P ence In N. Y. and hem haB-no In th is capacity organlzln lnterna- th ree yen rs. Set up in 1953 a s a s lg­tlonal r e latio ns clubs a t coll eges and nnl o r Britain's apprec iation for l\l n r­unl versi ties throughout the USA. she s ha ll Aid. it _prO\'lded twe lve awa rd s becam e a me mber of the s taff o f th e cnch year, thrCe tor eac h reg ion . InternntlonnJ Secr etari a l ot th e In­te rim Commission of t ho Food and Agriculture Organ ization o f th e UN ( FAO) and a m e mber o f th e Jnte r­nntlonal Secre tariat of th e United Na­tions Confe re nce on Inte rnational Or­ganization at San F rancisco which drafted the Charter of the UN.

Since ea rl y 1946, Mrs. Duffus has been on the i; ta ff o f the Offi ce of th e United Nations Economic a nd Soc ial Affairs in th e De partment of State. She has just r eturned rrom the most recent F AO conference in Rom e as n mem be r of the UN De legation .

The othe r s11eakers a re as we ll equipped to speak from thei r pe r­sona l expe rie nces. State S uprem e Court j udge the Hon. Thomas E . Fairchild from Milwau kee who bas recently bee n e lected to th e State Su­pre me Court o f 'Wisconsin, will s tate "Our Inter est in th e United Nations". f'atbcr Stephe n Mlecakowskl from Fancher will den t with " Inte rnational Lende rs' Commenda tions o f th e UN."

The St'ho lnrs hlJl."I urc ror lWo years' s tudy at any Briti s h uni\'e rs lty (the s t ude ut ·s prefe re nce will be fo llo wed where,·e r poss ibl e ), plus a cnsh awa rd or .£550 ($1,5 4 0) a yea r to r ll\' lng ex pe nses and tou r h:1 t class trans porta­t ion to and fro m th e UnitCd K ingd o m.

So far. 3G Amerlcn ns - 11 wome n and 25 me n - ha \'O benefi te d from th e scheme. A wid e ra nge o f homo s ta t es - t we nty- th r ee-, Including tho DI.strict of Columbia - ha\•e been represen ted .

Of th ese stud ents, 14 ha\'e gone to Oxford . n ine t o Cambridge, e ight to London Unh·erslty 'R School of Eco­nomics. nnd one each to t he unh·er­.s itics o f J.:::dlnburgh , Glnsgo v..·, Dlrm­Jngham. Manchest e r ll'itd Br istol.

Slutll-111 1:1 wl shlu g to tr;r fur an ti.w a rd s hou ld appl y to t heir r eg lo nnl committee. .Applica t ions should be add ressed tO H. M. Co nsu l Ge nera l In th e ro11owlng cities:

Next week, on Octobe r 1 5, Harry and bedspreads. Also. they will plan Fulle r will give a lecture on "The re's a nd sponso r many social gatheri ngs 'l'oet Mu ch Education in Education ." and e \·e11ts throu ghout the yea r as Mr. Fuller le bead o r th e Botany De- 1mrt of their home management partment of Illi nois. H e has r ecent- tra in ing. Miss Hill will be r ight the r e ly re turne d rro m E urope where he to help the m. So far, It seems th e has visi te d fourtee n fo re ign coun- studen ts a re. doin g n g rand Job or AB chairman of the UN Day, Mayor tries. H e's a. very promine nt s peaker run nin g th e house for Miss Hill says. Leona rd So re nso n of Stevens Point kno wn throughout th e country and with pride. "I feel like a g uest th er e." has a 1l1lo inted Mr. Walte r Dr zewie-

Chlcngo Pfld 4 ern R eg ion) New York (Xorth-Eas tcrn R egion) I\'ew Orlea ns (Sout he rn Reg ion) San Francisco ( Pacl ! lc Region)

and should In clude s uch de ta ils n.s pr fc rc ncc for unh·e rsl ty In Br itain and stud)' sub jects. coll eges as well. Fuller has written Kno wing Miss Hill' s past caree r n leckl.

several books. among wh ich are: the In hom e economics. It Is not s urprls- Those attending th e 11rog ra m will "..Elant World," "General Botan~ lng to lear.n that one of her hobbles also have tho ~lcasuro of see ing n and a lso " College Botany, " wr it- Is sewing. She also likes water color- group of Polish dan cers. ten by ·Fulle r and Tippo. The Ing and especia lly enjoys music. As public 18 · Invited and there will be a s tude nt at csc. s he was a member Mov·1e w·,11 Be -Shown n2 charge. o t th e Glee club. She e nj oyed It im­

me nsely but ne ver th ought that she

Representatives Elected ;~~!~ a!eeha; : ::1; :e~~ ir~~1~1


At a r ecent Nelson Hall m eet.log ~~da~~at1:e~ ~ alt:&~;; s;:a7t~.1; 1;:a\:.:

t b~~~11~

0~~:g_:l~~;r:e ;~~~~:!~t- Indeed, a g rea t task . In th e high

atlve. schools a t which she-tau-ght-lt seemed

Kay Dustin - Freshm a n R epr e- ~~:;1:~:~:·!~ ctC:,~:.~f~=o~!rit:~v7~!:

L....••_•_ta_!.._1v_e_,_• _1•_•_ 0_0 •_m_ c_o•_•_•_11

_· _ ,, this r e porter, who passes th e a dvice

On Oc tober 15th , at 6: 30. a nd 8:30 p.m., the Round Table movie "Young At Heart" wi ll be s hown In t he Library Theater . AdmlMlon will be thi rty-rive cents.

"'Young At H elirt" s tars Dorls1) y and F rank Sinatra, who play the roles of t wo"you n g musicians In show bus iness .

Each regiona l com mittee. wh ic h beHldes t he loca l Consul Ge rJeraLln.­clu des fou r Ame'rlcn n educatorK, Selects t hree firs t-choice names from those s ub mitted, plus a fu rth e r th ree au bstltute ca nd idates, and these are fo rwarded to the Br itish Embassy In \Va11blng ton . ·

There, t he 11s t Is "J'C-exmnlncd and passed on t;y a seve n-member "dis­tinguished persom:1" Advisory Councll headed by th e ll r ltlsh Ambassador . Tli"el na se ectlon Is th en pal(aed to London for rev ie w and a pproval by a Commission of leading British edu­catlonla,te and busl neHmen set u p to

Freshman And Juniors Elect Class Officers

The r esults or the Freshman Class Elections he ld on Octobe r 4th nre : Steve i,~1nhe rt y .. .. . ... . P r esident Nancy Weisne r .... .. .... Vice-Preside nt Judy Copak ..... . Secre tary Bnrbara Zimmerman .. .. .... TreasurJrr._ Lllll e Brown ... . .. .. .. Stude nt Councll

R e presenta t ive The othe r f reHhmen candida t es

we re: Buzz Fe ll.ows , Preside nt; Oer­a ld Kitzman and Kon Zrekor ll , Vlco­Presldent; Rona ld Feltt , Emily Run ge an d Aon Yost for Sec retary; Lor etta P hilli ps an d Mik e Dunn, Treasurer ; Ma rian Koch, Robert Nucre ld, a nd Mary Lo u Crueger tor St ude nt Counc il Re presen tative.

m.c...htllllaut--Ucahmqn.-W.toto-1 candldat s. The writ e-In resu lts were: one vot e for Ste ven son ror Pres iden t; one vote fo r Pogo tor Treasurer ; one vote tor President WI ilia m C. Hanso n for Treasure r; o ne vote for f.; h1,enhower for Vice-­President; one vote tor Presiden t ll an~on tor Vice-Preside nt.

'rhe Junlo rH d cctt.-cl the fo llow ing: Joh n P. J ones ............. President Dl~k S pind le r ... Vi ce-P residen t Val Sp ra nge r .................... Sc<: retary Bob PrleliPP . . ..... .. Treasure r ~ona Marte ns ....... . Stud en t Council

Re presenta t ive The othe r Ju nior candld atcH were :

J orry Bradley, Presiden t ; E lea nor Rosta l , Vlce-P reHl de nt; J oiin J eckle, Treasurer ; Sandra Bloom an d Na ncy Hage r, Stude nt Council Re presenta-t ives. ·

111 i-1>1t e o f th(> publicity t he e lec­t lo nH a nd ca nd ida tes recc ivt:d from 11ostc rs . only 23 4 ou t of 651 Freeh- 1 me n \'Ote d . Only 71 ou t of 240 Jun­iors voted . Ted Hitzl e r , Presiden t o f th e Stude nt Cou ncil , comm ented, " Participation was very poor from both th e Freshme n a nd Junior ClnsseK."

Stevens Paint Welcomes Newest Korean Student

Anothe r Korean s tudent hns come to C.S.C. She Is Yo un g Soon Lee l trorn_Se.oul, Ko rca....---Young Soon- haH ...L bee n on cn mp us tor two weeks an d l sayts s he likes It her e very much. Be­ro ro co ming to Stevens Po int, Young Soon spent two weeks In New Yo r k City wllh an a unt . Sho fl ew from Ko ren via PA.A a nd says s he loves f lyi ng.

Young Soon Is ta king an E nglis h courae here . S he says s he li kes It but finds Lt VU¥ hard . .Young ts a lso.-· taking s horthand an d typing at the vocational sc hoo l. Art er two yea rs

: : ~e b:~~o1~ ~s;~~e:~aos to return t~


Straw Vote ••• THE POI N T E R


Barbara Coburn

O c ,ober II , 1956

Rosemarie and Ge_rtrude Are Welcomed at CSC

'fhc po liti ca l cn rn\'nn is roari ng do wn l he cnmpnlg n s lrc lch, ns both Democr at s n·nd- Hl'JlUhllcnnit- uncovcr- th"Clr blg"guntt ln n hu~t dcspcrntCLsah:o Tha t wi ll br lni LiiC 1101illcn l J)lulnS into on e pa rty 's o u ts t re tc hed hnnd .

ll o wc \'Cr , It 11('Ctn8 ns it t ho po ll llcn l 1mrnd o Is pnsslni; the s tud en ts by; snfe in th e ir h•o r y to we r . li fe goes o n m uch a s u ,m a l.

111 u d es pcrnte 1>lcu, we t u rn to the Stud('nt ( 'oundl fo r he lp. \Ve be ll c \'o t bnt ma n y o r t ho Mtud cnts M we ll ns facul ty wo u ld ho in te r es ted 111 a schoo l e lection to detc rmin u tho nnllomll tnvo rlt cis. We don' t know It It Is l>O KS lblc fo r tho s tud,• nt cou nc il to u nd e r tak e t h ll.i t usk, but wo · nr o ,m r o t hat Ir t ho council wnH hc l 11cd by Young Hopubli cnns and Young Dem s. t ho t a11 k wou l d nol l)ro vo too n rduouB. It wo uld be a s ha me If we paHse d up nn op11orlu nlly to cx 11 rcss o u r ff?<l l!ug8 In t h lK v ita l po llllcnl yea r , and ll wo ul d be wo rse It tho only th in g l hnt 11re,·entcd t h lR Id en was lack o t e ffo rt .

Question: Do r o u be ll e,•e politlcnl o rgan iza ti ons s ho uld be or gan ized Uy Ot' l111011t Smll h on this college cam1ius? Why, or The ir firs t fo~ tbnll game. n W. R.

very e n1,1y. Do we hear nn y cheers? The girls we re m uch inte res ted

by their rl rsl foo tba ll game. Thoy liked both the o rganized. nud un­o rganized cheerin g nnd the parlicl- ' 11ntltm ·o r the ba nd . all or which are lacki ng at European soccer gam es. Ho we,·er . they foun d the gnme s ome­wtu\t. ntus to follow.. "We ha rdly e ver saw th o ba ll ," they snJ4. •·w e would see e veryone scramble t ogethe r a nd th e n we g uessed that tha t was wh er e th e ball was. "

why not? A. cook-ou t . a nd a , ·!sit lo t he Mo-

.. .

Of 1 l s tud e nts polled, ut S a .m. no minee Ind ia n Rosen ·n t lon - t hese o ne morni ng . we r ece ived 9 nf flr mn- are the firs t Impressions or Cent ral live r e plies , one negnt h'e . a nd o ne State ns received hr o ur two new Indif fe re nt. We a lso dlRco ,•ered an German s t udents . RQsemarle S te ln­nmnzin g (o r Is it ? ) la ck o r upper - turth f ro m Ilerlln a nd Ger trud R o­clns~une n r o ,·ln &. th e halls at t.hls se.nkra nz, f rom Vienna. Aus tr ia.

Tradition Challenged ••• early hour . He re are some of t he " Wt, nr e et.Jlt-clnlly lm1>ressed b'y r e mark s : the frie ndliness of bo th the s t udents ) li k e li u b lncz,·k , rrcshm a n , Antigo an d rnache rs:· sa id tho g ir ls . "We

F c\'c r h1h homrcomln g pla ns nro a lrcnd )' In the ma kin g a K t he 195G CSC llo mccominJ,; draws 111 1,: h . Aa a Jln rt o f t ho ho mccom, ng fest iv iti es, t he rnco ro r homeco ming q ueen will soo n bo In fu ll KWi n g.

Yes . I do . I t gl \'es them n cha nce we re \'e rv s ur)lrl sed when wo round to k now wha t to do when they got out that ihe tea chers know o ur na mes •· JL seems to mo to bo n ,·cry cruel

Tho cata hlls hcd t rnd ltlo n di ctates t ha t ge ne ra lly th e cand ida tes for Quee n nr o i; po usorc d b)· t he ,·arlo uK fratern iti es an d t ho S c lu b, a lthoug h once in :twhll c (llK In 1963), tho lndopondcn ts hn\'O run n ca ndid a te .

We fee l t hat th is sys te m o r s po nso ring n ho m ecoming: q ueen ha s beco me lncroas ing l)' burd c mm m c fo r He,•era l reaKons:

1. T he s11011 so ri 11 g ~ro u ps have become so c losely a llie d with the cn nd l­dat o Lhnt IL Is some wha t d if fic ult to j ud ge t ho quee n ca ndida te o n he r o wn me r it. The tinn nclnl burd e n o f 1>utt lng up a qu een hns become so hen,·y that It prnc tlcn ll y pro h lblu:1 a n " inde11c ndcn t " cam pa ig n because o r lack ot tund K.

3. In addi ti o n to s11onsorl ng q ueen cnndldntes . most of thciu~ o r ­ga nl zatlong nh10 e nte r homecoming rtonts w hic h ca uses furth e r dra in o n c nor-i:;:y n1~d resources o f tho s1m nsor g ro up .

111 p rose ut lu~ t his 1iroblem, we also reel obliga t ed to orrcr n solu tion to it. We wo uld li ke to sec th o q ueen cnndld ntes se lecte d by the Stude n t Co un cil in co nj unctio n with tho Denn of W o me n nnd t he coun cil 1' .. nc ult>· ad,•hso r . Cn m 11n li;: 11 s wo uld bo car r ied o n by ,·olun teer committees, u nde r Stude n t Council tm pe n ·is io u a nd with co uncil r eg ula t ion on campai g n SJ)e nd ing .

Ho meco m ing ht the most o utsta nd ing of C.S.C.'s campus cele br a­t io ns . ltK- l rud llio ns uro n pu rl o r coll~ge life - nnd the Queens who re ig n o,•cr il s ho uld be ca m11algncd for nnd e lected by th e who le s t udent body -not Just b)' sl ng lo s udden ly n ll-1io wor ful g rou11s. Let 's cons ide r a new a nd be tte r way of chooain g o ur C.S.C. ca ndid a tes tor Ho m eco mi ng Queen.

J . M. M.

Mike Kubioaelt Ulwis tepolt out o r school - how to ,•ote, e tc . J>nt rkk P r unty, fresh ma n, Bear Cr eek

I th ink th ey. s ho uld . becnuse you ' ll le arn so me th ing a bout 1>olith;s. W hen yo u get out yo u ' ll h a ve to \'Ole, so you mi ght ns we ll learn ns much a s )' O U ca n. 1,: ,·o n Ut·ckwith, senior, Wa usau, Pri mary Div is io n

Ve ry de f inite ly. So ma ny o f the s tude nt s . H t hey 're not of a ge, w i ll be, a nd they will be the citize ns th a t will ca rry th e inter est In years to co me. The re.tore , th ey s hould begin to loo k Into th e s it ua tion a s It s ta nds no w. beca use bnslcn ll y th e Issues s tay t he sa me . I.JCwl,i Lc 1m k , fresh ma n, Am he rs t

a nd e ,·e n s peak to us by our tirs t s 1io rt,'• said Rosemarie , '' we noticed names. In Europonn unh'ersl t lee the tha t about 38 rs ran ou t o nto teacher Is on n mu ch h ig he r leve l the rle ld , wh ich means thnt 27 could tha n th e s rnde nt nnd doea not e\•en be hurt and th e game wou ld s t ill go

know the s t ud ent's nam8." on." . . .. .. Uoth Rose marie and Ccr trud ex- The W.R. A. cook-ou t at Iver -

pressed th e ir usii>reclalion fo r the ad- son Par k three week11 a go a ls o a r-

,•lsory sys tem a t Centr al State nnd ~o;: : ~ gu : r ~;:!~1 ~u~l~~~gox:e;:;:c~~

no t permitted In the parks of Eu­ro11e. Vis itors may only walk o n the side wa lks. a nd ma y be a r rested for wa lking on the g rass. " \ Ve oven fee l g uilty wa lk ing across the g rass In fron t o f school. "

Ono S uudoy m ornlug t hey we re sur prised whe n the wife o f a m e mbe r of t he faculty ca ll ed th em and as ked th e m to go tor a ride . The rid e ter ­minate d •nt th e Me no minee Indian Reser w\ll on. Rosem a rie and Ger­t r ud were both In terested by our na­tl\'o Ame rica ns , a nd tho ught t h at t he yo ung na tives wer e particul a rl y cu te.

What Every CSC Student Should Know About His Campus Laboratory School J t hink they s houl d . It's a g reat fo r th e Inte rest the nd\•lso rs ta ke In

Ger trud and R osemarie are both he re under tho a us of the ln­te rn a tlonnl Insti t u te of Education . Thei r s pecial s tudent vlsns a r e only \'alld to r. o ne yea r , a nd l hoy m ust r eturn lO Ge rmany next s umm er. but th ey hope to return to Ame rica ng nln some dny. \ Ve say - we lcome to C.S.C.

an d se ,·enlh g rade socia l s tu di es: Th ilf 8to ry i!J mennl to te ll what nn d Mrs . Ag nes J o nes . a lso ne w this

o\·e ry CSC s1udc 11 t s ho uld kno w year, home eco no m ics . abo u t t he c,un pus School. We cnu us - Phys ical ed ucation is s upe rvised sum e th a t c ,·c ryo nc k nows th ore Is by Kathe r ine Sle tnrn nn and E ugena a Cillll Jlu 8 Ln bo ra tory sc hool 0 11 our Br od hage n : a r t by l:!dna Carl s te n . CSC ,::rounds. Ou r 11ur11ose he re IR to l lcn rr ll.u nke . nud No r man lieats : t ell you so me th in,:: a bout ho w. IL Is m usi c h)' Patr ic ia Re illy. I\Ti ss Slet­ru n. th e 11co ple \\·h O te nch In It . a nd mann. Mr . JJrodhagen. a nd '.\Ir. Kea ts th e ch ildren who be nefit fro m IL The are n il now to ou r c:1m pus th is yea r . pu r pose o f the sc hoo l: o r cou rse . is A ne w nnd te m porary a dd itio n Is t o gh·e Ntud e nt s a ch nn c<> tor )lrac- 1he Rur:11 Schoo l, prcsen tlr c rowded John ~ onio

:1\~~1te;:.~!~;t ~~~.~ :~e 1~;,ud1~11~ .

1;1~ 0{;~

11~~ ~~~o r~hz~n~ r~~ r::r o}: ~ ::1id~~~~\~: ex perience fo r younge r gene ra.-

Go tham. as lll recto r o f T eacher l:!du - Immo r ta li zed as Bilka Ha ll . to make tl on. They ha ,·e nn 011po r tunlt)' LO

catio n an d Place me nt. is hea d of the ~~: m11

~~~.t ~::e!ta~<!.~n tltU n :~r: s::l~; ~: iu~ r~~~:~~ds~ ~h ~~l!~;a~n~o l~ogn~·ee-Rchoo l ; l\lr . Burde tte \\' , F::q;on Is draws slll d t;mts fro m t wn outly in g te r. Algo ma. co nser n i.t lo n majo r :~:;:~~n~r d:~r~~ ~;~,.1:~~cl~\'l~l:n:.: r ~! di stricts . S upe rvis ors are \'lrg inia C. I don' t think so. I be lle ,·e In sort

wi th th e s tude nt 1ea che rs in 1>re )lar- P unk e a nd Mrs . Cecill a We lch. o ~a!eep~:~n1f1::~: ~ ~~rs:;1f~ " ~~ho~~ - ln t;-a nd.-4.ta r4'-)'+li~~he ir- cla@sroon>-l--~===------- t3a nd discuss It In class - bu t nrter

t\!iSignm cnt s. Harvest Moon Shone at hou rs, no. It s ta r ts aq:;u me n1 s . Stu -

fir: t;~o~ ;H~l~~ '.t':~~ / ~~ 1; ~; ;;·1c! ~l~l:,~; Alpha Sig's Festival f:;1:0 1;: ~h r~~

1~1hf n:~ o:e~:~~>. ~s try-

ls th e s 1111cn · ii!O r . Fo r those u,n Cor · ··s~1.~\ .o n . s hin ~ do i~ ·t:nn :es! l\ 111hlce n 1\d1un , fres hm a n, Wa upacn tu aatcs wh o have ne\'er take n Ge r- Moo n r ings to m n ~ ~ a ~, es 1 t hi nk th e sho uld becnuse we ·re man. we tr:\ns late: kinde rg nrdc n ls_ Fcst h'a l s ponsore d .~~n_._Slgm_a yo ungcillzcns. nnd If yo u~ nt to a ·· i:,mte n o f children". And It Isn ' t ~\l il lia. ctobc r G. "he n studen ts an d ro r m your politi ca l op in ion no w, It's j us t a n Idl e ex 11resi.lon : ch il d r en rncully e ntered th e Ca mpus School up to you. gro w a nd de ,·elo p in n k iud er i,:nrt en Gym . th ey faun~ th~mtte h·es unde r )l n rt'ine Bcmbcr, freshm a n, Vl lsco n­much lik E' 11l nn ts In n J;::tt rden . Yo u·,·e th e clenr b lu e sk ) wi th a t r e me nd o us sin Rapids

::::it h ~:~r~~~~~- fl ~:~:r;tl : ~d ~~: ; ~ ~·~! ~:":~1td ~! ~~: ~·u:: ~~l nt. d~h: n ;:~:1~ peJ ~: ,: : o d: n~~.111: e t~~~ !~o~~tslh~~

~: ~cht~e~rs ~: l~e: ~: ;·1 i;~i;i; c~\~~:,~.n -~~~ : ~d u : n 1

;>>;c k~ ~n ~; ,: ~ ; ;;~~:~d!~n,·:; ~~:~t! c~~~a;~:1~n:\\~nn::u : ;~r~~. tb ey·re

little boy pipE'd up, " Ho w ll ;tlc do corn s tal ks set th e ?a n ·esl m oOd. ) l:tr l11n Koch , Poynette , fres hm a n you ha\'t" to be".' 1·m a lrend,· s ix \'ea r s SllhOU('tt es kept an C) C on t ho !um- It doesu· t m a ke m uch d iffe rence old .'' . . ~~: 1~8 :h~~ li°~~e r:c:rnn t~~ nopr:as!~:

The rlrst i; rade is :llso on the fir s t ce nt er pieces) watched t he g uests a s fl oor lSE): '.\l a ry S. Sann er Is th·e they s at at the tnbl es dr inki ng s u pen-iso r. On th e second rl oo r are punch. g ra des t wo thro ug h fh·e. Second As a n added alt rnction. t he Alpha gr ade "u pe n ·isor is ;\til drede L. W il - Slgs i>rcscn ted n "Medley o r Moons" Il Glad ys \ ' an Arsda l~ su pervises with Ros ie Lee as m ist r ess o r ce re­th lrd A new a nd grati fy ing featu re In the grades Is the Intro• du ca1ion or Ge r man In to 1he cu rri ­culu m: last year In the t hird 1,:ra de nn d lh i.s yea r In 1;rndes fo ur a nd f h·e. We' r e told the chil d re n sl og ,·e ry beautifully "auf Deutsch .. .

mo nies. This medl ey commenced with .. Han·est Moo n" s ung by Nancr Coo n. T re inl An de ra.on . Judy He in tz . Jan '.\l ndiso n . an d Mnr )· Lucas. W ith :l backg r ound o f da nci ng s il houettes. Inga Luhrin g . Suzanne Muck . Joyce ll a nne rmnnn , S ha ron Gjcr mlndon.

Donold Wonlo Moricin Koch to m e. Pe rh aps a bout 2 o'clock lo the morn ing It will . bu t no t now. R ober t Sc he lle r , fr esh man , l\l nr sh­f leld

each s tud ent. In European u nh·er ­s ltles t he ne w stude nt Is comple tely o n h is o wn as fnr as the selectio n of Critique Needs Help

<:crt rud 1,- nmjor lni;: In bus iness The "Cri tiq ue", an Indepe nd ent adm inis t rat ion. He r hobbles a r e s tude n t i>ubllcnllo n , needs w r iters. s1>o rts a nd music. She has ro_und an All tho§e ln ter estcdJn..sllb.wUtlng es o.u.tleL tor..Jier_ ll!_Us lcal t nle n t--ln- th .,.- sa ya . poems, sho rt s tories . e tc. ca n do Girls · Glee Club , bu t Is disappointed so by contacting the Collowlng s tu­tha t s he cannot find ano ther g irl de n ts : J e r ry Knigh t. Dic k Goldsm ith wh o sha r es hei' e njoyme nt ot he r a nd Ed · Hnkn. Ar t icles can a lso be ra ,·orl te s port, which ts tennis . Be- Je t t in th e box on the Criti que bu lle­s ldes the Glee Club, Gertrud a lso ti n bonr d located o n the second n oor belongs to the W. R.A., the Ede lweis o f th e college. T hese artlcle!l mus t be Club, a nd th e Newm a n Clu b. R ose- tho ug htCul ntle mpt s to rte nl wi th an marl e . who Is majoring in American Issue, be signe d . till ed . double s paced , literatu re, has th e theater as he r leg ible . g r nmmatlcnll y correct and s pecia l hobby. She acte d wit h a not e ngaged In p.e rsonal attack .


The pape r wi ll a nionth nn d d istributed during the last we e k or the mon th .

The ro Is nlso a need for peo ple in­te res ted In bei ng o n th e Bus iness Sta ff . Th is In cludes bo th typ is ts nod d istributors. Con tac t cn n be made throug h t he m et ho d mentione d ea r­lie r In this a rti cle .

Y-GOP Holds Meeting; Elects New Officers

A Yo ung R e publica n meeti ng was hold t he o,•c nln g ot October 8th In

~ / ~~~l~~1l!~s;n:~::~~:r : : r:1::::~ : ~ .•J

Roiemo rie St, infurt h

g roup o f playe rs ln'flerlln t hat per ­fo r med ontr E nglish plays. Yo u will sec her as Mada m e Arcat i wh e n t he Co ll ege Then te r ou ts o n "Blithe Sp ir it .. Xo,·e mbe r G and 7. Rose­mari e a lso belo ngs to th e W. rt.A., t he t.:de lwels Clu b, a nd also to tho L.S.A.

Bo th g irls a r e cla ssifi ed ns se n io rs, bu t because of t he nd ,·nnccmc ut o f th e Ge rman u ni l'e rs lllos they nu e nd ­ed. the>· are a lread)' wo rk ing o n th e ir Docto r ·s theses. They confided that they f ind mos t or th e ir co urses

Sat urd ay. the 1 3th ot Oct ober . Ri ch­a rd I-J an ke , Bob l\f cLe ndo n, and Mr . a nd l\lrs. Ge ra ld Menze l nr e go ing to Mnd lao n on October 21 of t his mo n th to atte nd nn 1-::xecuth•o Committee mecli ng . T hey a re goin g to put In n b id fo r Slove ns Point ns t he locntlon fo r t ho a nn ua l s t a te Y .G.O.P . Con­vontlo u.

CamJ}ni,; n mot erl nl was discussed by nn d gh•en out to th o twe nty peo-1110 a t t endi ng. Electi o n ot oftlco rs was held with t hese r es ul ts : Presi­de nt , Ge ra ld Mentel ; Vice -P res ide nt, Wa)·ne L. Schm idt: Sec rotnry, An n Druelle ; T re8s ure r , R obe rt l\l eLc nd­on. Tbo next meeti ng w il l be he ld Octo ber 22.


F our th g rad e supen lsor Is \'!\' Ia n <tnd Syng Al Leo, He len Mats uo ka A. Kellogg; Mr. Frank lin Pea rson . sa ng .. Blue ) loon", accom panyi ng a ne w te acher this yen r . is fifth gr nde he rself o n he r ukulele. A ha n est s upe n ·lso r. )1 arjorl e S. Ker11 t . tor- wo uldn't be a ban-es t without sca r e­me r l)· f ifth grade s upen ·isor . Is cro ws . so Ja n Scheidegge r and Phyl­teachlng se\'e ral Ed ucnllon courses lls Sch wab mad e t he ba n ·est com­th is >·ea r. plete as t hey da nced t o "By th e Ligh t

S h:1.h grnd~ O<"n1plt"s n sect ion o f o r t he Sth·e r y ) loon." Ka ncy Coon the th ird floo r and ts s uper\'lsed b >· the n took the group o u t east as she E dith P : Cu l naw. The libr a ry ts lo- sa ng " Allegheny )loon." The o ld cated on th e s outh end of th is floor sa)·i ng;'Chlldren sho uld be seen a nd an d Is car ed for by Ooro lhy Kam pe n- not bea r d ' was lll ustrat ed a s t he Len­ga. The Junior high school de pa rt- noti Sfs{e rs; Alle ne Gr imm. Ros ie m ent (1ennth and e ight grades) uses Krledle r. J an l\'ottleman, and J ean the r emaining r ooms. Mr. Orland Roeske sa ng " To night You De long

. Radli.e. anot he r ne w teac.her.,_is super- To :\la", while. Ma r gie K le te r called tntendent and s upen dsor tor math&- o n h er fa,·o r lte gi rl , Va lerie H e r­m tlliC8 and s cience. Other eu pervlsors mann. " Medley o f Moons" was com­are Mr. E a gon, eigh t h grade soclal ple'ted as eve ryone Joined the Alpha studies; MLsa L ulu O. K ell og , engllah Slga l.n slnglnJ " Har.est Moon."

lnt~r~~t ktot~!!r:b~~!~·t ft°:e~ea~:~ ;;V:;;O;;L-;Vl;;:;----.,._--_:;T;:h;-e=-~c.;:-n-lr::,'fil=a=s=,=a =tc"'P"'o"',~n-,c-r~-----N--2· (backg ro und , hls torr w hat t hey = ~ ~~='.5;;::';::'::;'';':;''T.::':"';==e~,;;,;;,;;;,;;;;~=====·~ o:;;·,,;; t: >p:i~llil~:~ ;:~~ e:~tua l participa tio n studin~~1;:r~i;i~~cj~lc1l11~:c2i\1~:~'.~f:..O'it;~·sir,~~~~ioguf:::r:i~o:'p~j~;c;; ~oinl; "':.~·· by the ..t

Shcmum h crson , 2 nd se meste r soph- undc~";:c:tls:.n:r! ~ci;t '!s'F:.11cr M.ay 26· 1927· al the J)(hl oHicc st Stcvt.ns P:1ni, Wbconlio, omor e, Roshol t

I s ay t hey should be t o s ti m ulate Inte rest of poten ti a l ,•oters In k now­in g the duties of the o ff ices and th e qualif ica ti ons needed to h old a n of­fi ce. Do na ld Wnn ta, sophomore , R osho lt

I belle\'e they s hou ld. e,·e n rad i­cal groups li ke the aoc la llata, If t her e n re people to represent It. It sUm­tt lates Interest .

October 11 , 1956 T HE POINTER

{adet T eachefs Begin Teaching Careers At P. J.-Jacobs Higti School by

Earl Grow

Busy Little Pointers, How Did Your Summer ,Job Juist. like :'\lllX C\'et lc ot the " I wus

A Communlsl" series, you r reporter hu:; been on the "inside l ooking In'' ror t1lls Ksslgn111enl. P. J . JR.cobs wus vut· beul and we were looking for '.!S college s;mio rs who. !or one hour eac h 11e r day, 111y1,11 e rlously vanish ln­ltl th e rea lm or high school ·en ,•lron­mcnt.

Cous ultlng Dr. Burdene ~agon a t the Cum11us School t or lnConuat lon abou t ou 1· subjects. we discovered thut the\· were loctlled on e ,,err floor nf the b~lldln,;, teach ing and observ­in,;.r a wide varie ty or classes. Track­Ing down 1helr usslgnments. we found th e cadets, us they are ca lled . In the ro110wlng classes:

.\mt·rh-1111:,, l' robl('ms : Robert Clh·­er. Jerry Madison, Cleo Peterso n. Pot Schrllmc r . afld Tom Tnte : 1Jupervls­or11, )t rs. Uoyer, Mr. Hunt. Mr. Wal­lin . Uand: James Ande rson: supervl­i;o r . Mr . Rehfeldt. Biology: Ronald Tho mas; supen·l sor. Mr. lhlge r . Eng­li sh : Diana Bloo m , Marglircl Uloo m . Jeremh,h F'arre ll , Davo n os:;; s uper­vh1ors, Mrs. Bu rrou ghs. ) t rs. Coster­lsan. Mr. Ou rt y. F'oods: Nan cy Mon­ison, Mn.ry Lou Ulter nrnrk: s upe r vi­sor . )trs. He bat. Fre nch: Darlene Schimke. Donna Trlcke)': s upe n •tsor , Miss Schultz. Geography: Howard nuckoskl, Ted Jeske; s upen •ifmr. )tr. Wallin. Hist o ry : Lualyn Gylden­\'and; supen•lso r , Mrs. Boye r . Home­maki ng: Neita Ne lson, Dorothy Ri ch ­ter. Joanne W e ber: s upervisor, Mrs. PnulHe n . Ph yslco l educutlon: Don He fry. J ohn Po tter : s upen· lsors. :\Ir. IJeWlu. )Ir. Kohlm1tn . Phytilcs: To ur We rner; 1mpervh1or, Mr. 1-I ebnl. S11eech: F;arl Grow: su 1,ervlso r. Mr. llunt.

tu 1111.'t!I ht•r 1' 11111•r\'ls111· , anti \\:I ll

uskcd fnl' lwr d11s1' sd1 ,•1l11l t!. Sh~· MI i '·

re111le l'ed h e r 11\nk 111·11~1·a111 ,·ttnl. whit'h th \! 1' lllll'l'\'i!<or l111 1kl•ll 111 J1t~r-11l ex!:'tll y. 1"11mlly, loukini.: 1111 at )la r· die. she .. a id. "OIL yo u're a i:stUd "III 1, ·,wllt'r: The s t11,1t~111 ~ ;ire :-= 1ill trans refrl ni,. C'lu~,.('1' and I thon~hl you •.n,•re u hhd1 ~ehool J•iniur"

\11u1hcr ,·mkt \ \ ' IIJol nu-I Ju lhe h u ll em~: 111 m·11il1A by u 111m1llur The ror· 1•1£'r was :,11a1Hlh1K In trout of th e door or ouf" or t he rreshman <'la~i:ses. The •nonitor said, " The be ll won't rln b f,1r rh·e minutes .. \re you a fresh-1111111 ?" \\'e lun·o on ly o no ob!len· a ­lim1 to mnke. \\'Ill the monitol' uo tlec the dtrre re uce In 11 ix weeks'?

On the mo re tt~rlous side. Oorothy Hkht er told us lhut obsen·lng 1hese 1,ui:ct three weel,8 hus ;.:lv en her a gre1tt tlen l o r s ound . prncllcnl know­ledge In methods and te('h nif1ue11 o ~ her subject. Sh e Kaid, " lt'i- a wo nd e r­ful ex1mr le nce. I th ink I ' ll r ca ll )' lik e tenchlni; here ."

All or the cudct reach ers we me t were t>ulh us l11stl c abo ut beginning­the ir high school exJ)e rl c nco. They wlll h1n ·c one su mester or i;r u<l e nt teach in g 1he re. Six otheri;, who arc d ol nJ; l)rttctlcc tenrhlng Kt !he Cam-1ms school now. wll l lJe~ln ut th e high schoo l ut 1he sll! rt n t th o iiecnnd qUa r­ter. They nre Rl clrnrd AlnPs. Arl e ne Golomskl . Betty Behl llltzle r. Or­\'IIJe Koe11ke. Robert P rnclt. nnrl Wil­liam Ste lnkam 11 . Rei; t ot lu c k. cn deu,:


~: ',',,"._'.'"',',". ,".~,".·.· ,",,'d"···.rla?gn~n J.:,l'llrHl1' U K Compare' w' ·1th These?. "::,..! ht• thru:t- \\'hen• dill this rl111 nl

T iu• flr.,f 11111111•1 •41111( 11 ~ WII~ o ril,:I· Do yoUB;~.~~·;1::1~.I(' (::~•Ir~:~;; tv grade r ~IT~;i:~U~~~~~e \\:~~I:::; ~:::.y l~t r:::. 1rn1C'd hy 8pnrth• u i. Wlykc1· In 1111 I l she S\·en sn w u man come In with l: .C. S 1111r1 k 111' wi ~hed to houol' .n il r,'~~rK~I: o~~· e:;

1: ,::~~~~ ~~ 1;;ii~~~t:,:.;: his head In hl s hnnds.

:1!\:~\t.::::!t~-~ ~~~: .. :1

~~::~~ ll erf!'s 1h.e wuy fl ~oes :· It you had

11nd ln\'lted all old gladlutors lu r~- ~,e't0


\ t~lr~~: ~::~0 ,!~1:~~

~~n:ito~:\~~3>·~~:0:;;" ,..\:\·e:110 k~::;;; 11111rk you rse li nu ·· A ". If your Job

And now we have th e Art Ca r­ney of Central State: T om "Tiger" Tate worked on tho \\'l iJcom,ln Rap­Ids "sewer" fo r lhe third year s trafght. ihing us a·n old gladiato r. th e or vncn tlon was more lnterei; t lng

mortallly rate not o nh· bel111 than some or ~hei:se. g l\·e your~elf .:• Tall Poul ;\Iasser worked for the distres~ ln ;; lr high in th e giaditorial "H". Otherwhte . gl\'e yo urself~ "C · Highway Commission us a drufts­ranks bu t ahn ust n il in clush'e. So This Is o ne course :,ou cant fnll man . He used an e lectric e m se r.

at if yo u tried. no bod )' showed up, S11arllcus there­by cons um ed n il th e ·.ambros ia nnd necltlr himself. geuiu g terribly s ick a nd t he reuJ)on s tarling a nother homel'O llllng cu i;to m kn own as o\'er• Indulge nce.

... or l11~11111 N.', K,•n ltolorr. CSC football hero. tried out for a. profes­s ional football ten m al Burlington. Ver mont ( SO miles from \Ves t Point), where the New York Giants have a summe r training grouud. Re­

The (lrKt homeco ming In whi ch malnlng the r e ror ubo ut two weeks . mo re than o ne pe r!\0 11 1mrtlclpa.ted Ken says he llla.yed with fe llows w~ In IO G> when William tUe Con- from Notre Dame. No rthw este rn , a nd queror threw a big soiree fo r nil th e a ll over. Flying both to and from. ,·eternns or the Battle of Hast ings. h e 1rn 11 pened to he at 1he New York Afte r 11111t1 s ln g thtmu;e l\'eti by r end- docks whe n the Andreu Do r in came Ing aloud some or t he mure rh;qu e In. sections or the Doomesday Oook . s ,ieu kln K or 1,ro football . N,.ubbs th e Norman ~ sul dow n lO :i meal of Mill er , Rno1her or our h e roes. tried 11hensnnt, duck, d eer, and wild pig, out for th e Bulllmore Colts. Tiring These 11111111:tl~ nuturttlly we re th e or that. he looked o,·e r Canadian first Mmn ecomln g ~nm(•. football. Jus t getti n g back here t1

Homecomlui;:s fell into ge ne ral !lule while ago. abandonmenl during t h e Dark Ages Bu i now 1hut. w,•'r,· In C1uuuh1 , ao no bo dy could tell In all that g loom let'" remembe r that Do n lloolh s 11en1

Slwnrn l'O<'luurnyon :;lR)'ed at De l­zell Ha ll th is itumme r . One night , o.fler n movie, he found hi s $55 English bi cycle nnd $12 harmonlcn stolen . Since the Stevens Point Po­lice co uld do nothing, Slwarn Is s till walking and whis tling. Any clues w ill be grateCully accepted.

Sonja Shield worked In Wheaton . llllnols. for th e Water Conditioning Reseuch Counci l. She had a part In • the National Sort Water connntlon tor five days. N~xt yea r. 1h a 11 ks to this c us hioned 1-1 20, she gets an a ll ex11en8e 1mid trip to San Francisco.

Tom Gruman from Wisconsin Dells drove hon1es In Lost Canyon (part of th e De lls tour). One day h e d rove too c lose to tho canyon. wall and ht -so doing, ripped off a lady 's skirt. ~

Result: two embarrassed people. 1


-------------, whether he \\'11!1- h o me or uot. The a s u mm e r school ses!'l lon ut 1he Uni~

From A to Z At CSC :~:~0~~~1t1u;,':: ~:~:iu


11~::e~1:!:~~~ ;~~:1t~·a0: i:f~::t!~y ~~,;~::~"~·a';r,?:~

By Buch ;~: 11~1~: :b:1~r:~;g ~·:,~- t~:1ieu.:~~c;a ,~~ :::1~=~ ~~d a~;::: ;;1~~:n tll\~e ~~:~=~ ·------------' J er cheerl f:'S8 a ftulr s - a nd mosll y were :ilso · In French . Don noticed

Hurh·>' P oli('<' arc g o ing lo ente r Lily Sturkol In the 100 )•ard das h. • In the drugs tore where she worked this s ummer, she caught two eight· c year-old boys aten llng some $ 15 pipes. e She ch ased J.hem down t he s treet . ,

\\'t• wt•rt• lnt 1._· N"~ l<'d In Clw use o r E'"ery year &e\'era. \ o rgnnl:w1lon l'I one Wit)'. After the lm·eutl o n of the ,mme differences be tween o ur Am er -the 1uu11e "cade t " t encher. inKtead nn ca 11111us ~11omm r g irl !-! 118 candl- c le<:trlc li g ht nnd the Saulk \'acc ln e lcun an d Ctinnd lan sc hoo ht In that n of th e uKua l s tudent teache r . Mr. Al- elat es for HonH' (·o mln ir Quc(' n . Mu ch the Ourk A~eli and the 11l ag u e fe ll hi g he r tic holasllc s tandard li,1 de mand· Ian G. Bostad, th e principal o r th e J1re1mru llnn lu the form ot tim e. ex- ou t or 1io11u laritr and n e ither were ed . oue c1utttot majo r until a thor­hlgh 8c hool , informed us tha t those tr:a wor k . a nd mun <')' I~ s 11ent by heard from aguin. o ug h lmc kg r ound 111 libe ral :1r1s hHK 11eo11le a re not s tud ents In the s tr ict these 1; ro u1ls to mu J:. e thl~ £'\'ent. on e Hom t·~·o uil nJ,;" now 11 111rk+-. I time for been o btul ned . and also t he elosc i;ense o t the term . The)' nrc lenchers . o r the lllO!l- l exc iting or Homecomln ~. 1he 111,·entlon or t he rootbnll. This coo11eru1lo11 or schools and tilute.

Not forgetting the wo rking por- , tlon or our co llege . we muHt say that ) Mr. Richard C. Blakeslee and Dr . . Taylo r wenl to the Na1lonnl Domo­rrallc Con\·entlon . Any Republica n . re1,ret1enttttlves are u n known. J

but st nee t he)' ure not )'et full-tl e dged a big ~Uf'l'e1t1t. The bl~i:;e1tt 1·~1,i•n:,1,· wai:s flually acco11111li !1h ed In 191 t Unck ut our own CSC. tio me h n \'E' t eu1 hen;, they are ca lle d cad ets . ln \'Ol\'ed in thh~ e \·ent 1~ th e pre1m· by TedtlY RoOiiC\'Olt and homecom· probably noticed new paint and re­worki ng toward their " commissions." rat iou or pos te rs whlrh ure 1tl1tced at tug becurne the g reat American 11as- furbishing jobs In the 1htrd story

The second part of this reporter's l.d\'lllltai,;eous loca ti ons nil O\'Pr th e 1\111e I next fO Sfl \'ln.!,: th e world tor music de11art meut , Nelso n Hall. und

Consen·atlon Jobs c laime d a few . 1 Jim Purcell . fo r Ins tance, wo rk ed t o ut of J."'ond du Lac se ini ng lakes. 1 p 1 a n t I n g tlsh. and "shocking" 1 streams (st u nning fi s h mom entaril y J

t0--mn ke-n..count.--and s urvey-). 1 --,l88~11ment was. to (Intl 11q111 e humun c11111 1>11 11. As most or 11 11 know , th e>1e n e moc rucy). th e Cnm1ms school. Delle\'8 It or !merest an g le11, "to cre11tc lnt en~11t", uosters us u1tlly lrn\'e llu·~p a nrl ex· T he fOO llmll tenm beca me th e clll ef not; there were college Stud o11t11 . who llid you get an "N' or posa lbly a e

"B'''? If you did , why not submit . what you did to th e Pointe r office telling about wh)' you thi nk so, who i rou are, n nd wbere from . If we 1 think so too, wo' II print It. E

1~::;E,~;r~~~. ~::~·:~~~~::!·;:·:~':! ~~~·:~':E.~::.:~:.:.~/:::~~f'{.'.!t:::~~ :·.~:·::·.:~ .. 0

: •• ~:;e:: ,:0~~·!\ .. :~ .. :~:~ :~~::·;n~"~:.t,~~. ::~:-~.~~-·\::! ~~ from. now? w·e· 11 ha\'e so me real s to- 1n1t u11 for the sole purJloi>e or de- ~eu~.'ro:~~~

01\ \ e~:~


1 ,!:f~11'.~~j ~~~;,~:e11~;:.e~~a:~1~d~~~~-e~r~obo;;u1tt~~ rl cM to tell you th e n ." l-'oolsore but i;oratln),{ !he ir ro11 rns. The!'te !)h OIO:t ro ug hl buck a,i::alnst thl i:s tyrau uy hy 1111tn, Ru ss Gardne r , Rudy Proha11ka ,

:;~~~:;1t: r1;: ~~e; : :: t:!~ ten~h~i~i:~!~~ : ; el;:1:~:::;:r~l:1\~e;:ea::.

1~1~~~ori;:~ blowing out the dtllll and was hill ),{ and n ob Tabor. dd II O

,lt•rr\' J,'urn•ll ~lll h.·~ 111111 om· day, :;how th e Queen s 11o n11orln~ ori,:a nl~a- Yal e t\l.'ClllY Jole \' (:11 miles dow n Cn- .-\c·n,~~ IIH" 1'l ln't' I In S I. :'tl h-lull'I':, We ing Be $ - Past,~ '.''. Or

.11,e s tude ,ol8 1,, tl1 c noo n-1,our t lo ns lhli:s yea r 1l11H we clo ai111recl a 10 yu gu '11 w:11 cr :o. 'l'he boa rd or dlrec- l-loi:1plu1I, oth e rs or u 11 co uld ha\'e p d f I.ors we re forced to d ig th e Erl e Canal bee n found In , ror h1 11 tnnce. th e resent, an UfUfe

fr erthn11:1n r; ngllsh class brought with the work ther ,tu to nrn.k P. Ho111 C('o111 - Hnd dru y th e colle. b11 Lu11meu1 labo ra1 orv whe r J n o la Form,•r C,"C'e- •1a~ed hi111 1t companio n. Un[ortu.nately, lug Lhe...exci tln i,t tlme-h,-ls--h-: Th iM gK \'e rise to t h e Jlllpular !I-U n.It amon ;:;- other things, 11i cks 11eo11le In ;-, ..,. ., .-n wwf'\•e r hh+ co mp1tnlon couldn ' t lhese 11kture11 wh e re th ey belong. "Tole that barge und lift th a t Ya le" 1he Vt!lns for rich red blood . Dave Butler nod Mary Bartelt

read y r ·write. so h e W&M lld,·lsed l~ and gn\•e Old r:11 the h o nor or be lu)l; Caro l)' n Nordland wa11 11 rece11- J e rry Boettch er and Ca rol Harde r trn11 11for th e poor crea ture e1!1ewhere. Afl er look in g O\'e r th e third floo r th e firs t Homecom ing f loat. Frank Brocke r and Ruth Solbe rg fl;·:.: :t:~~:es:: 11: ;;:r~db::~stance :~1Ut~t11:nc;:}::!~::.': 1-17~'.~,~:~~n·:;o~;:: l·lo mecomln~ httd finally ro und il s Five Girls Pledge Omeg ~~1~

1~;:~':Y n;!d L~;0 ~~u;:~~ow 111 the o ld a d nge " you're as o ld ns planned soc k hop fo r t he llomecom- tr~~ nl~h~dln lil~tory a nd th ed lmrn~r- Omega Mu Ch i soro rity held HK Rny Cook nn rl Nancy Court

m u feel." On he r first day at the Ing fei; tl\·i li es In th e Uni on. I here will ~:,11 0;~r mei:s/~\i e i~ cl~! ss~/i~1.11

~. l t u::1t:: ~;~~d~~ 1;~1:ty R~~:; ~; Y J:1::·i1~:~· 11:~111

1!: ~10,cmk c,,'n:~,• :nndd




_i, ,_._ .. _•_ch_o_o_t. _, _13_'•_•_r_e t_ l_" _oo_ n_, _~_·e_n<_ ln_ b_e _a_ b_e_d_ t_,o_t•_. ------- rn~~~I) or a! Utn ll to mnke II hom eCO III - ~lrs. Jenkins ht a 11at ro11e11s of the Vlrjean Dre xle r and Pat r ick llarde n- '

l Alpha Sigma Alpha Holds Pledge Party

T he Alphn Sl~111a Al11ha soro rity he ld It s 11lc rl ge 111t r ty nntl ceremon)' Sundlly e\'enlng , September 30 th , at 7: 00 P . :'t1. at the Baptlxt c hurch .

The .\11,ha SigM h a d as the! r them e "Grecia n F'anfare.'' Padd led with the ,mrorhy cretil and •·ce111ral State College" on them were g h ·en to th e ne w 1, led i;es to bt> m1ed during 11Jed g­lnK. The pJ edgcs ure Jean Roes ke nnd r.:vle P ol h ummc. Cake a nd co ffee we re Ren ·ed a fter lhe ceremony .

group. Roy Hackbart and Ruth Ann ( 'f lw 1lt',·or111l11ns 111111 f1n·111~ car· Cha rl eswort h l

rle d out n theme o r "Pre mi e re." The Dave Hurlbu t and Jo Broetzman front d oor was adorned with a to11 Ron Hunter a nd Gerry Jankowski h nt , cune. and whi te g lo\'es. The Phil LaLelke and Judy J ohnson acth·es· favors were mlnlaLure pa1)e r John Mallo w and Be t ty C rook ca nes and g loves. T he gues ts at the Doris Moss a nd Norm Balko 1111rty rece ived lndlvldun.1 co rsages Dorothy Ome rnik and Walte r made or small small la,·ender and Danczy k ye ll ow muma. The 11ledgeR wore co r- Mary Ortlieb and ..J.ack Picke r t s n.gei:s or yellow cnrnat lon 11. Placed Do n Pago and Robe rta Netzel : about the room were dollti dretuted Ed Prohuka an d Delores Omernik i ht yell ow and la\·ende r rormalM. r:uch Robe rt Reed and Lo ue lla Cram I doll had a ribbon or the a.He rnate Joe Sanks and "Sis" Parmete r color with th e name o r n pledge and Ara Se rgeolan a nd Jane Skinner the Greek sy mbol s of th e so rority. Con ni e Stoehr and na,•ld Kuckuk r.:ach gir l was given th e do ll with J oyce Thurston and Ha rold Frebe r g! h er name. Ray Wilde and Paith Pome renlng ~

The cen terpi ece for the table Wll8 Tom Wlrkus and Lois Lqngteldt I The comm ittees we re: Gene ral a canopy aud red carpe t with th e Ron Young and J oanne Chapman

1'11a lr111a n : Kathalle Pie rre: Tranll- word "Prem ie re" pr inted In s li ver . CSC 8tudt· n U' S e wl)' l\lttrrlcd 1u,r1111 i" n an d Place : '.\la rdle Bloo m : In a ca ndl e lli.:ht cere m on)'. pre- He len Bovee and Joe Jersoy 111,·hatlon~: l 'h)' III R Sd1-.·11h : 1-"'ood : s ided O\'er br t he 11or oril)·'s preside nt. Lou -Grobe and Margret Bolander 1 \'aJ .. rle ll rrm:111, Chr .. S111:anne '.\lu t·k. Uetty Hitzler. four girls offl clall )' Btll Han !Kln a nd Mary Lou DloczynHkl Synl{ .\ I l.t>• ' . and J an SrheldlRger : became pledges. They nre: Rose lla Ted Hitzl e r and Dott y De bi 1>e,·oru1l1J11~ : Jan So11!,•ma 11 , ,·h r .. Draun . Jt>u n Ho he nMte ln . Pattie Ke!, Dave J e~ey and Gall Gee Xanry Sel:1011, Tre h ·a ,\ n de r ico n. \'I - le )', n nd )lartha Walke r . A fifth Wayne Jeck le and Carol Rollo \'Ia n '.\lon:an . 11 urhKrll J Pnkl nfl. Shur - girl, Helt )' Hus t11.d Is an Omega )tu Gene Koehn and Cathy Leonard on Ojer111und1mn . Mury Ann Puwalo· C hi pl edgP but was n ot preice nl Sun- Harold (Don ) Smith and Nona Mki : 1''1t\·or :-c: Allen<' r.r1111111 . 1'11r .. Jkn d11r . Qrotike )fa dlaon, a ud )Iona Sm ith ; Centor- <.m-,.1~ 111 1lw 1•ttrt)' wrn• )ll ss Pa - Doug Tanner and Pat Reed pi ect! nnd Table: '.\ l 1t ry ll1111 M('11, 4·h r .. trlc la Re illy, )l r8. Haymond Goth1un , Connie Weber and Royce \\'ade Jlo14P nll.r)· Krnldler, ll elt-n :'tl a1irnok11 , Mric. Ho be r t Jenki n8, Mrs. I. F.;. Clay• Nancy Young and Tom Cayce and '.\l arge Ke ife r : r.:111 e rtulu111e ut : to n . :'tfrM. A. r~. Barrows. l\J lss Be rtha .Frank Zaakey and Marjorle..Martlo 1:1 MHr)' Lund , chr .. Hosie, lnKra Luhr- Gle:111011 , . lrs. , hert H11rrltt. nnd F.:ng111i(1•me nU1 Ing. and Lil)' Sturkol: Clean u1t: S a. '.\lr11 . Ma ry Sanuer . Audrey Blaskowskl to Jim Spagowsk t lrnll e Pie r re . chr .. J oyce II Knnemaun Gt>ueral co--c halr:uen for th e party J oa n Cotzke to N'abeel Mansour -------------1were Sherr i Ze ntner a nd Veruu Tom- Sharon Oodson to Ke n Exworthy

Mention The


fohrde. Comnthlec cht1 il'me n were~ J\.fnry Lucott lo Oon'Bu7a ,.{..: --;:::- ' Ente rtulnment. l\f1tr le Doro : Dishes. Gold l?no Sc hruo ke r nnd Jim Purcell ='-and- Jenl'!en; r,ood, Oonna T oe1>· Alie<• \ 'alalt b to Oon Fred r ic kso n 1>er : ll•icorntlons. )l:iry J o BugKM : l'h uwd • Tranaporl:tt lon. ArdPlle Rohctak : n ru l I Joan Ou 11 uls to J ac k Zcl ('l elill· Ul' , :,; ;1111·y !-;kal ltzky PIil Rendin g to 8tnnl ('y Smith


Meet Our 19 56 College Diagnosis ·

Su1a•r lo r o ,·er Sto u t - Sto u t 11' the doorm at o f 1hu cunft'reuce.

ll.lver t 'all !-1 u\' tlr WSCSP ~- :\111 -wuu k ee. )'eli, but not on this one.

Oc1ober 11 , 1956

CSC Eleven Aims For Third Loop Victory Football Coachi!lg_ Staff _ _sy Eau Cla lrt" u,·er I.a CrosHe - Hoping to Increase -t his yenrs con-

.... t ·o .\C 'H ,JOHX HO B EHTS of -M lchl ,:nn. Bor n l u :\Iu r iou . \\' iK- "Doc" ll u n1t: rle l<l is 1rn 1,11osed to be ~ootl ference record to 3 In th e win col-John Hohe rts. t he J)enon11hlc_,

youn,: ht·nd ma n o f C nt ra l Sta te's fuo t h11ll tcnm, be,;:an h is seco nd llc<·:1dt• In t h<• coach ing b usl n esH th iK M.·aKon ;111d h is firth yc>.nr at the helm or t hl· Poin ters

~~:::1::;/ t· Jin•rl moNl of hi~ )'OUth In I!::,===================== forl'l: t!1: ,~~~: · 10 d efcUl ;\l llwaukee - ~;;:c·o~~~ ~ I ;,~~:~=k~:i,·:;!!fr~1~: ()umuh I, 111111•r l, •d , t h e fa t her o f

P II •' :toll. :, ud 11 111t~ 1f St. l'au\'ii .\l<'lhmlbt Chu rc h hl· rc In l'ol nt .

, :lull 10 ~ .. e t h at t h •• l'oin l ti r 'li htl\'1~ ,::011t• n had;; luto th •· wlu 1·u lu111 n . T h t• \\' h l!,•wa 1er :a nrl " Tlt u n tru111 11-Ji 11 i,: '' ~huu M bo th hun, hCl'n i.:ood for 1he 111uralt" o f 1he 1e11m .

ll u 111 ect1 111i 11 ~. e t c .. , n n (IOint t o n n ight. October 13. T hu s fa r th l11 sea­l'i oneer tea m 1·11111J oyl up a Gull Shoo t. sou , UW - Milwa u kee has go ne wi n · \\'lil u •wa te l' n ve r Oshk os h - Trnm- less bein g defont ed la s t wee k by E nu

All o f Robe rts' coachiuJ; ca ret' r 1111K .\ 11,.\\' ri~tll'•· in th \! (',· 11tral St;He pl eL'~~~~~--\ ·.rilt~lt~~i n o ve r CHliforu lu , Cl~~ ,:!5;,l,i:hl.'i;i J:RlTI C wi ll be th e

1)('1' 11 :-c11ent i n Stc,·c n t1 Point a lt hough foottmll ,·u:H'hlog ran ks t hlH yea r ht

It wn1,;11 ' t 11 ntil 19:; 1 thnt he cn mP to f: t ·II " ll ro,lliii~,.11 who COlll l':-1 to Stl'\"· .\ t1c111i11n llc\zell 1'1' sillc11ls who the ,·olll'J: l'. li e spent 6 r ears nt P . ••n:,. l'o!n l n rt <·r 10 yea r:. ut \\"I nonu ha\' t' ru,1111 :,1 nn th e \\' l'll l 111<1..:. IC yo u .I. .Jncobs lliJ.:h School before nrn k ln,:: St:ttt· Tt•ae h,•rs l'ol l•\i;t' in .\l inn l•Hot ;i . i.::ot a r~• \ \ :,. 1,art· m_i.n utc.l;\. i 11 t he...morn• t ht• s witc h. T tW l'-;;iiii;. r •:,. JU' \\" 11:,.:,.1,., fmi l ,~ II . rn~ lake u ,::lath,:{• a.t Sdnnc.cklt>

·''1 nu1-.111 111l h 1i.:- ""·,·un i 11f 2i, ,•le• who b s .. n · ing iu t he P hysic.t i Ed uca· 1-'ield . IC the 11hy. eel. d11s .. es a rc 0 11 1 torle~. on l'.1,· sh: tli •ff!uti; :11111 one th: ion l l1;:Jllll't nh' nt o f t h e l'Olll•J::f:' Is a there. you'll get to 1:1ee :-come goud belo n,:11 to Ro lwrt11 m; n l'ol11tl'r cm1eh. nntl~·" of Bo nduf! I, \\"isco n~ln nn d ro, tthnll.

Whu·o u!ll n IJ n 1011 or Pu rd ue - 26th game betwee n t he t wo teams in lladi:t·r!-1 :-c ho u ht he :.:ou,t Cur a t lea>:1t s tate college competition . Unc k Ill on+! Hi~ 111 ,\In thl:-c year. 1921 th ey m el fo r the fi rs t li me with

')l~U .. will belU.-..ll tce.. - Lou.k o u t. Po int winning 12-0. Since th e n c ~n­Qw l:-c' 1h~ .\ fu,i.urn g~ a rc on th e Jl)o~o. i r nl Stn to h nH n 11 -1-l record w ith

~IH' Y 11 \'t: r Clu ncluatl - )lo re )Illwnu keo. Lns t yenr l\l ll wnu koe 1iru h\e111s lu tui·11 dul ng . placed 6th In th e confer Ance with 11

T lrnt'K II wlnnin,:;: IWrl'l' llln!: e o f .SOG. 8ha t· :rno ll it-h School where. h e 1mrt-

Orego n Suu e O\'Cr Wus hlni; tu n 2-3 win -loss record . In our free scor ­S111 te - Cougu rs h n\'e II new conch, Ing g a m e wi th them In 19 5 5 th e

con11idf> rab ly hlJ:hcr t han the \'nHI U'i]latf'd In h h; h Kc hoo l a thl etics. li e E ,·ery 1m often, ) ' OU hea r a bo ut und litt le e lse. sco re wus 3&-2 7.

;,·::t:::,.~·.::;i:h:: .... :::, .. :;~::·:, ·::~ ~;::;£i:~~~·:J:~·:·;.:~t·':'; ,~~;:·;~:.':: ;! ::~~/ 0~'~E:l~~1~·~::i·fE::::;~j;f,; Okla homn O\'Cr Kunsas - So me- Under Hea d Couch Armin Krae fl.

duy 11 0111 ebOd)' will . b u t n ot thi s the Gree n Gull s will be o ut to wi n game. t he ir Hom eco m ing tilt. P robnb lo

gITTnt'S In 1955, tm s ilr h is rl nest cam- Arter gradu ntlon fro m W isco ns in . t ry and get a littl e o f It fo r a ll his pnli; n a t th e co ll e.:e le vel. Incl ud ed Urodha~a: n conc hed o ne yea r a t Gre n- Pointers Trample Titans In th a t ach ie \·emcn t was th dis- uel ( Io wa) o llege, the n lll O\'Cd In- d tinctlo n o f bel ns t he r1ri:1t un bente u- to tht: hlJ; h school run ks fo r two yeart1 CSC cu n he 1,roud of tl1 e >-6 win For Secon Loop Victo~ CSC u n t it'd tc um in CSC h hno ry nml th e at Ph llli 11:-1. \\' iKcons ln . h e t h e n wt: nt they ,;ot o ,·e r \\' h lte wnt e r . Platte· The P 11q1le n ull Go ld o f firs t u ndlKPUtf! d \\' hu:0 11 gl 11 Sta te Col- i u lO :-lf' l' \' lce li f te r whic h h e wiu; on vill e o n ly mu nnged to s qu eeze liy th e e me rged vic torio us In its to p o • h•g\c\•' ht l·o,cnf•c•,el~.cuJ· .CJha"c'o"1',','ohn.'. 1, •. , d l···o th<-' co1.11;h lug s tuff tll \ \' 1110 11 11 fo r I O Quakeni 9-0 Snturdny. te ns ive gn me o f t he seaso n by t ra m•

... .. Y<-'ars until com lni; ht: re th l:-1 lut mm e r . 111!11g t he Os h kosh 'rltuus a t Goe rk e und efeated i;easo us. In 1!149 a nd 195 1 ll t· :,..t• r,·i·cl 1.,. lwml r ourh und 11-8_ Due Ill the fnct thnt our in·ofes- Fldd :rn·7 Sa turday ni g h t , O~ot e r \



::~. cn,i;~:r~1s l~h:ch:~~c~~~s,~:~ ~ : ~le~ ~1:!~:~ ;~~ ~\ l::: '~\l~~f~~r~~~:: 11


110 : :~: :/:,;rntlo ~~o::~~, 1~)r:r~~~tl:~e ~1;;~1~ :11: t h t:!~~0 ~


t~ kll~~g fti; : to:: ~1~1g }1:~o~f n .'<'orll o r 33 wins, l O lotiseg n 11 rl 3 J.he r t! durl n,1; th a t time. will no t be bac k u ntil th e e nd o f th e n nll mn rcb ln g 76 ya rds in 1 11 J~Y8

th.i:k.,hl, ·:,. r oa t'lalnJ: routlm ll , llo bc rt tt fa tll~~~d:;i~~1: !i~n . mnrrl ed and th e )eur. we lll' ~ forced to d ro 11 t h a t ~o;e,~t~~ ~

1::~e~nl~;1 °!11

1h: n:a~~e~ 1u~

hi wrestlin g conch . II IH teu m loKt sectio n wit h fl lou1ty . :? 5 0 fl \'e rage. I)a lt.l Sc hn ll e r t co m ·e r ted to mnk e It unl y 0 1u• du a l rn eel la s t IHH t ye:i r nud J. \'. C'O:\f'HIX G Ug h! 7-0. T he b ig pluy In t h e drh·u wiu; cn 11tur •d t h~ Sta te A. A . ti. Cro wn. A tri o o f fo rm e r Cen trnl S1 11 1e He rb Sc boetz's 36 ynrd r un .

~.>;; st~= ~,~~1~Ja;f c~;;1c,~,!~:1~~1~e ~;l:~~:= 1 ~.\~~I:~~\ n;.-J n~u ';~:ttf!~t l~~: r ·se:~~\:: n r:i!:~d cor~!f ~ ;. g:::. pr~~: lc~ll~t s o~n•; ; ch :~:~e. ~~,~~o~~·~1 b l: ~r:1 a nllof~~·~~; ~

Lio n Uc pnrt me ut 11 11d 11e n ·es ns Lh e nH J . \ '. coaches thi s fa ll . Ke n Rol o rr fo r n . iOO . Da le Sch ull e r t reco\'e red on th e ,·oll cgc !Jen n o f Me 1t. :-1 t 11 rtecl th e seu1m n but le ft for a n 1'1tnn' s 45 ya r d ma rk e r . Ch nrl cs-

llobc rts ntu•nrl t' ll t hu Un lvc rslt)• 11 s t1H1t:1 11 t conc h iru::: Job n t Pn ce lll Oo nn a go wny o u t o n a li mb rnHI wo r t h 11nssell to B oe ni sch , ta kin g the o r \\'l ttco ns in w l\l' rc he p\uyed g ua rd ll lgh . g aze for t\\'O wee l. :,1 l ns tea1l o f o ne. 1>l i;: s kl 11 to t he T ita n 30. Se ve n 11Jaytt o n the llnd1te r"K 1,::rcut tea m o f 194 &. • ( Go t ta h a \"C !lomethl ng to fill u 11 th is a n d 13 ya rll i:1 Inte r Ron Hoe nl sc h A nuth•c of Iowa. llo ber liJ 111.1 rtl cl· 11 r ------------,, I 1m,;e lu cnse a ll th e ni;11lg nm e nt11 don ·t bro ke lose fo r 17 ynrd~ ttrouud und

:~~ e~111~1hh~~1h ~~="~o\;:~11 ~~!~~1;st v ~tl~ WSC Standings come lu l.Octobcr 1:J, 10:;u ~o:1 11~·h~11~-~)J)::~~~ t~ o~c~h~; e 1:ee:1~11:~

wo n 1>re 11 ho nors In u ll s 11urt 1:1 In I ::::,, d e ni ed t he m th e sco re. ad tlltlo n to foothnll ,at \\ 1:,1co 11 s l11 , W L )Tlchl;:-n u O\'er Armr - The Wol - In th e seco nd 11erlod th e T ILa n 's llotu.: r tis bccnmc o ne of th e i;chool':J l'l utt (•\ ille O \'erlnes wil l he o ut to a ,·e nge th e Olson too k the bu ll o ut o f Ch a rl cs-ul l· tlme g reat c rs. cu 11tu rin ,:: l 1::11 u C ln i r,· O co n,iuest o r i he S11artu ns. worth 'IJ h 11 11d1:1 o n the Po int e r '.!2 :11111 two Big Te n Ch 11 rnpio nshl11s. ll h'(' r Falls. ........ 0 Uosto n Co ll e i::e u ,·e r ) l a ri i ue tt e - ra n to t h e I O be foro be ing d ras~ed

.\ :,. 11 c·o rruuun l11·-111l 11d1 "1I dli 'l.1'11 o f s11• , ·1•11, 1'11 1111 t :\l o~~1~1· ~:::e:i ; ; ::·11

11:ii nols _ Too duwn . T he Pol n le re t1 tlffeu ed a nd

~~Ct\;~~1~, 1

1:~~:~~ ~l:~7 :,\:dl~n~e: ' ~1:

11'~~ ~ ~~l~~;,:; t ,•r muc h u f rense. not e no u g h de fe nse. ~~:~1~~ve;f~

1~ t: ~~ 1! ·g O~~,:~::\\~:;t:,!

l ule rcst In Lhe )'outh basclut ll 11ro- Os hko11 h ..... :\l ic h hom Slllte O\'e r lu ll lann - 1mm. cli mn:c. lng th e ir drl\' e on ;1 11ru1,::r11111 . li e se n ·ell as 11re:-1lde ut o r L:i C rosse ~nodt~~n~:~:tiebdu~ ~~o d gnrn e ngtthts t three )' n rd 11\un ge by Uo~ uze ws kl

~ 1\ ~ ~ ~ 1~·~:":i~~1t!;':~ )~e~1

: 1: :d1!~118

r1~?; ~~!>~,\ _ :\l llwau kec . Io wa orn r W isco nsi n - Io wa h ad ~!t~~o~ e1a0/ : ~: ~a::J/;~ ';.'a~J~:~: ; ~,.h~!

y1•ars o r OJ)t'ra ll o n In the ci ty. :\lar- It ea sy Ins t wee k . ru n on fourt h llo w by Ka ndle r ha d )llunesotn o ,·e r ~orth wei,tern - set It u 1,. Olson's P AT lied It u11

8tn r ters fo r th e Unl vers lt )' extensio n a re Dress le r an d Ca rlso n . e nds; Ziol­kows k i an d Kn lshl a n , tackles; Ru uch nnd Tebay . g u a rds: F ablch , center : Ge nO\'R n t q u a rte rback : a nd Kubia k , h a lfbacks : nnd Ra gan . full · bnck .

Aft('r tho , ·frtorlouN Oshkosh gu me. CSC will be gunnin g fo r Lh e lr wi n a nd If tlwlr lm1)ro ,•ed offenah'e nud de fe ns ive ga me w ith the Tita ns was a ny Ind ica tion, th ey s hould do Ju Ht that. Conch Drodhage n . n e w line coach for CSC this year po inted o ut that h e has n o ti ced that '' th e t ea m has g reatl y lm1>ro ,'ed on blocki ng u nd a ss ign m ent s . Fas te r s tart a. bet ­te r timin g , nnd In creased e uthuatas m n nd SJ)lrlt hi a lso ,•e ry n o ticeable ."

The s tarte r fo r th e Purple and Go ld wil l be BoKtad and Keslly nt e nds. Sortmso n and Ro m a n n t guard11 . Le udtk e nnd Jurge lla at tackle po­s itions, S hall ert nt center. Ohar leK­wo rt h a t q uarterback , Sch a tz at full ­back . 8 nd e ithe r B oenisch , Vance or Lude ma n n t th e h a lfbac k s po t 11.

Co11d1 Robt•rt s expressed his ,·le wi-1 of th e game In saying that s ince Its the Green Gull s H o meco min g Gnme, It will n a tura ll y be a high s pirited tea m to ch a lle nge CSC. The me rg· Ing o f Milwa ukee with the Universi­t y or W isconsin a lso e nte rs Into th o picture . He bell e ,·ed th a t the Pointe r" w ill be up for th e ga m e, thou gh , and becn use of th e g re atly mP,rQ.Y.ed...Jlt­fe ns lve and d e fens ive p lay displaye d In the Oshkosh tilt. Ce ntra l Stitt~ should certai nl y g l\'e Milwaukee a r enl tough tim e.

: ~·~1

1:~~~ ~~~:~t;1~; :r .. ~;;1:b: ~r:f :~: WRA Has New Constitution ~,:·:rcc:i:~:!~~~1ce has ki ll ed mo re th a n n nd It 1:1 tood t hnt way nt t he half.

St. Pa u l's Methodl 11t Church he re In \\'IL \ , a lso kn o wn as csc·s Wom - P u rd ue o\'e r Xotre Dame - tip- o,, ,',' ' ',,',',',r"on n• lnc,1Sncuhha·s,1eg•olm1,.1c'"• •'dh co,rr"c,-, Pointer Gridmen Edge P oi n t . I e n 's H~cr eatl u11 Assucl atluu. no w has •

H;\I.E QC\X l>T a ue wly o rg a n ized co ns tl 1111lo11 . One ;;eto~ll~ h~:~;:t o~~.e~n~·e;~~H':.::,:_ Soone r8 T itn n pa ss n n d ra n It bnck 35 yardM Vfhitewater 7 to 6 T h is Ii. II Rlc Qu n ndt"t1 10th y<>ar a t uew fea ture ur this co ns1ltu t io n Is kee i• ro lling o n . to th e Os hk os h 7. Os hk os h s tl ffe 111~d The CSC Polntel"S won their fi rst

CSt' a nd h iK 30 th yeHr In t he conc h- lhat a ll .col h.•ge wu me n u re co ns ider- W hit e w:n e r O\'er S to u t _ Sto ut : ~1:

11 ~~~: a ~e~ u~h~~~e!=~rt~i° ; ~nrs


11~ ~nme o f the se nson 7 to 6 In a h a rd

Ing fie ld . Th i!! will he h is fir t h y1•a ~ l~d membe rs o f \ \ ' RA . and 11re ~,·e l- Jus t h a~ r~:,~Jot l~·.·e·- Sr•·i-·lo·~. Jc ru rd IOS!I. On t h is la J e rr· V ~~~!_0h·•',.•n. m

1~ ~.~Whllbeitw.,.ale•rt



;is Conc h Ro bert i:1 ' 11t1s ls11111 t. li e wn11_i_:u111~ to 1111rt lc lpa te In an y \\.- l~lA..+-~~......_...... • ,. .._, ,--;-----.:iu D'C'T--.:. .. " ., , . -- l " "

L hl'rtd conc h until 19fi ! wh e n "The cot- , .. port t h ·l t l H. . reetl n~s are h e wit h )luacle -Tec h . 3 11 ac k W l 111>lch e ngaged In 60111 \! d e fea t of th e Meason. : lt•gc HJllil it ti bns k{•tball a nd foot ba ll o n :\l und1ty a nd We d ueslluy arter- C.S.C. o \·u( Mil wa u kee _ Poin ters ext ra-currlc u lnr ncth·lty nnll w re Tti e Po inte rs n nd Quakers s lugi,;cd I d u t ic :,1 be tW C<' II tw o co11 cht•s. Qu1111dt 1ioo 11~ at •I : 15 In tlie co lle ge g y m. are a lways good bird dog,i , ~:;~~~!1~~e!r~;

1; ~~! n t~: ~1~

11 ;~:;~: ~; It o ut durin g mos l of Lhe first two

'. : ~l~e:~:~~~e::o~~all C:IJ:C me ntor nnd lj 111 i~1to ::res7~11~ ~,~-,~:i. :~ har~~';; r n I~\\~~ T h:1;~: 1c:i;~1~111~:e~ :~~'~'in C!1~1::. - 1111:-111 a nd Ro n mad o o ne of th e se11 - f:~1~!:! \ !~~::e 1:: 1:1:; po~sst ~:'~:~~

(11111 11111 ' :,. rulh·i,.:::1· 11•11111 lll' t't ' i n 1 949 1·0111t~>1 a rew weeks o r t umbling - P la l le \' ll le O\·er Osh kosh _ Cham- ;~;:~s b';:,O:!nb~~~:: n~ u:1~

1~:~ .d l~il:~·!1:.; whe n \Vhlte wa te r completed tw o

~~:;1rf: ~ e ~~: ~ ~~~;:~~~s l~l\~.t\.feo l:,~:: 0

1•~;:; ~1:~~i : ~,!:tu7 \~::~~~= ~~t~~1~:1: ~: 1llons h l11 bou nd P loncee r8. In to th e end zone . Sc hall ert·~ co n· passes In a row. The firs~ waa good

Yal e o \'e r Co lu mb ia - 1:: 11 onh· \'e rs lo n Wns " OOd a nd Point led .H for 48 yards, wh en quarte rback J erry • conched ma ny ch 11 m 11i u 11 t1 hlJ) o utfi ts. 1,::t111 izatl o11 a re th e ··cookouts wlt li lost two rnc ktes to grad u uilon . · to

1. 0 Ba we passed to Tony Motl He wbo wn s

, ~~:\'i' 1!~ :~11: :~t!~,~rt: '.



11 1:11 ~

1~ ~~

1,:~'. Cl~~:~t1\ " 11 J~~::~r .:\i~:.t' ;~~e~c~1~!t~ Te xus. Ch r h1tlau o ,·er Alu bamu - Buldi Sort•n:,.on , 1,llt)'illK head H up fina lly drng god down on the CSC 16 .

1 ttchoo l lc \·el. His 11re11 tuto ring caree r uu t 10 11r);a 11 ize t hese coo ko u t pie- T .C.U. looks lik e confere nce cham iis . ba ll , recove red a fum ble on t h E! Tltu u ~~rr~h ~ b:~:t\a :!: ~ 1~a7hee : ~1:e:on~~ 1 r11rrled him In to thr •e s tateir- Ue n- nil•:; o n Saturday . She a n d th e ~ Iris o ,•er S. '.\t. U. - Cunna be !: i~~ep ~~n~::s tf~~: ~·~~ ~=·rt;::-

0: : ,:ce~ Da le Hu ebne r's try for poin t w ns '!::~ ~:t r1~~i~~~ /~~~lg~~~;u1:1~ou~t~fa~:= ~~-.~ ~1~:1~ ; n: 1:~~~r~;:ea:t )~.oo~ ni:e~; Georgia Tech O\'e r J..o us lana State s ho wing good drh' e we nt 14 yi rd's to wid e a nd a t th e half th e Pointe rs

'ford . (' uba Ci ty a nd To ma h In W l8- CSC":-1 fo re ig n s t ude nts was heard to ~ ;:1:,~:!/;1~;~aa~~b~~~ Wrec ks ··. but t he 16 an d t he n ca r ri ed agai n to th e ;;:~\:~ ~n~! u : tet~f ~im;so~n:rt:~s:::

, co1111\ 11 . . ·o m 11 1e 11 1 that th is cooko u t rood wus O C I o ne bu t a ba ckfield In mo ti o n pe n a lt y firs t h a ir. The best opportunity came 1 A h ig h sc hool uthl ctlc i; tR r at \\" a u · the bes t Kh e ha d en re n s ince 11 he cnme Oeu ~: ~:

11wl~~a ~~e:ve;he arie'::;i i:O\~ cn ll ed the lllll y bac k . Two plnys Inte r wh e n Ca r l Jurge lla r ecove red 8 tum­

~ t-H u . Quandt g rndu nted from R h·er 10 t h is coun t ry. to s ize. · J im Tre me l, on a u o ff tackl e tiln y, ble on the Quaker 16 In the tlret m in­- i-


1t lh1 Sta t e Teach e rs Co ll ege, receh ·ed Glrl K, fo r a good time - cookout, Stan for d o ,·e r San J ose _ Ureathlu g ~ ~' ;:,:t~:: ~:lvt:;d::~rn t ~~ ute, bul the Polote ra bad a r ecorre ncQ

:!;d UH~~ t; t " ~~h; r~:.h:.t: l~·of!e~: ~ : :;8~11~ ~~; · \/:11!bllng, o r auyth ln g pe r,!•.?.,·. o ,·e) T u la ne - P•o blem on th o e nd of th e g am e ba ,·lng th e ba ll of the ir old troubl e Wh e n th ey tum-• • ·o n th e Oshk osh 29 w he n t h e fin a l bl ed th e ba ll ba ck on Whitewa t e r's

}ud..Lto .rt.... lfroi,g ·, ight o,m of-Lo-Ve,""'tut1b.dorTwho pltthed f he Phi Slg1 'to the lfC Softboll Champkln•hlp Lo•t 1pri"g. lfC PJ H id•"' Don Whilu ld• i1 •how" owo,di"g tM ltcrteli r,g ttophy to lo1t yeof"'1 Phi ·Sig Predd.nt lovi1 K"vth,

how 111 n nr. torped oes to u se. whis tle sou n ded . If th e o ffe nse looks se,•e n . Oo three other tim es Point 88 good for t h e r est of t l\j! yea r the was d ee p Into Whitewat er t e rritory Poin ters will gh'e n lot o f tea ms l ro u· - on th e 36, 31. and 30 - but each Now that th e limb Is ull but sa w­

ed ot f . we will ma k e th e tl n ul few s tro kes n nd see wh a t ha pJ1e ns.

blc. ~~~ eb;l~e:w:~.h er stalled o r tumbled

· Early In the second half Point

Octo• - r "°· 10'" Campus Cafe Keglers ocond on a pa .. from J ack Cbarler -V'C" .n1 wort h to Ronnie Hoenlach from aevon

Minnesota to bea t Illi no is - Com- Head College League yar ds out, a ft er Jim Luedtke had re-petlt h e sco res gi ve It to th e Oo phers . cove red a Whitewat er tumbl e on th e

Iowa O\'e r Hawaii - Should be a After on e week o f bowling th e Quake r'• e ight. Defore Charles-good game. 11 t a nd lngs In th e Cam p uK Lea g ue are: worth's touchdown pasa , th e Polntera

Co ll ege ef P acific ove r :-.turque tte ,v L only gained one yard In three trlea . - Marqu e tte does n 't ha " e e no ugh Ca m pus Cafe .... ............ 1 Dale Schallert 'a extra point p roved

11 ~5u5s~"&Cl:~11 ~:~ ............ 1 to be the winning margin .

u:: a~° Ct.';.PP.8

: : ·k ~!~~e:~:· ::n::: Moeachl er 'a ... /. ..... , . 1,i ~% mo~:9tb~u:e::;d

0:!r:•:ut 8~:7netd w!:

e rage o( every Uh time. College Eat Shop ..... .. . 1 Y.t l % saved t wice whe n 16 yard penalti es :\fll-hh;un Stal e to win o ve r ~ otre Bu tc h & Millie 's ...... .... l 2 called back -40 yard runs by Roge r

Da me - Sh ouldn 't be too tou g h . Ease r 's : ... .. ..... .. ......... .. .. l '> Kerkman a nd Evan Wiec hmann . In- ,

Mlc h lgun o ,·e r l",;ortb weate rn - Un~: ~: r -~i~t·1·~ ;_·j~~ .. f~~"ib: firat " e k t erceptlona played an tmPQrtant PJ r t.-­

i~.e b!l~d.catK are s till In the Dig o f bo wli n g Incl ude th e tea m nnd In - ~l=ta:lt:Otr~~:te~!a;:ro/n~uat:~

Ar~y o ver Syracuae. d lv ldual ave ra gea. The team with th e paaaee deep In Point territory In t h e Ohi o State to beat Penn Slate - hl,che:t total points fo r thr_e.!.,_~ames w11.n ln &: . mom enta oC Lbe-game:-"'ito-

St ll l ,;-a-with th e Big 10.~ Twbu t. e-Ga m-pas-Cate With 250·1 pins. a lso w~ reapon1 lblo for Ju rgolla'a r e- • o hi g h Individua l bowler for tbroo covertng a tumble on the Point 16

oft~\g~~tirho~ - T ,vo wee k lay- ~:r ,,ei:.. l~h~ ~:;:~~le~~ the Campu" ;::: .a h:.:;,ock ed th e bllll out of

October II , 1956 THE POINTER 5

-.Pee!less Pointers Find Employment Second College Book Credit Without Classes Cqnstruction-Continues

h SforeOpens at est Students! Hnve you heard nbout On Delzell Hall Addition On t e Trail of the Lonesome Pine The tunnel to the college library ~::uf~:r::s 0°t:;;: ::~. c;l~~~tsmi:e~~ In the studen ts' "dlctlonnry" of

B>· Din•e Kubach less area along the British Columbia ::: ~.1:i~:. 0t~:;:~!kf~:~~:;!,i.o~1:~w~~~= Inga? ' ' , . ~:;t•::e.0~:e~!,~c:~


0:!u:~~~:lstt::; The green machine coughed, shook line. Under the leadership of Don tnin , and t.wo College Oook Stores. Speech 126, for f r eshmen and sounded familiar: "The new build-

and rattled its war along an irregular Zellhuber. who knew a shortcut, they The College Book Store at the end sophomores and Speech 226 tor Juni- ing will be ready" _ which detin­rlbbon of gray which twisted its w:1y 1iroceeded to get caught In a blizzard, of the tunnel Wlls established ors and seniors are ofrered malnlr ed really means ··we'll have to use along a mountain ridge thnL t.ried to to get caught In a sleet storm, to get. year, and sells all sorts o( school sup~ for speech minors. Admission ts by the old fire trap for the rest of the pass Itse lf off as a road . Abo,·e. the caught in a rain storm, and finally plies to studen ts. The second book consent of the lns tructpr, either Mr. semester".

:::eg~~tw!!P~::;e~/h~0~1:c! .hat~: ~~u?:s~:~~vea ~·t:!l~~lv:;~~n!a~~~nT~~ store, and feature or this article, ~~a~:ac:~0 ~ur;ohuegh:ss~;0!::t;:10url~ But, In the case of the construe--

marched beside the road like some 23 hours. By Zellhuber's shortcut. "'~a~~st ~stn~llshed at the beginning generally practical work In speech lion or a third floor for Delzell Hall,

great army Teached up into t.hJs the men the lake- in nine hours O

1t yo~~'r:0

1~:~~ tor the second and dramatics. - i~s- ho~e(\, bnccordli°f 10

present. prana darkness as It to pull the sky down and It took them tlvo hours to get or the College Book Stores. these aie Thero Is 110 cl nss meeting nt a !e:ttle~ ~n t::~r ;~~m:\/~i;:,f~:~~~ over this sputtering bucket of bolts back by a well defined trail lu the the directions to follow. Slart regular time, but attendance Is re- Ing. as it forced its way deeper into the middle or the night. Some fish were through the tunnel from 1~f. college quired nt certain activities or up- The future residents or the new

mo;::ii:i~~.\~s ::~~:tn:~:nt~~~a~md ca~ihatn~:n~~s"~:::!ien;e;n~:;::::;· In ~:~·h~s~ll~l;h1: ~~~1! );~o:r~;J;!1~:/~~ ~l~lst~~;es~:~~tn~rr~~=1~!:t:~~to:~ 0~~~ addition are presen tly lh'ing in "811-

forked and as the machine took a Montana's fishing he should talk to the stairway where you turn to go halt credits, depending on the work ko Hall" (the Rural Demonstration sharp left turn. It reached the end or anyone of the tiYe, when he has a few up to the libra ry. Enter the door. You required. Grades are !\)•en accord- school) and In part or the Student Its 1600 mile journey. Three dirty spare hours. will be inside the now College Book Ing tp the Quality of the work ac- Union. EYen though conditions are diahe,•eled tlgures were disgorged Tho tearless fh'c were not the only Store. complished. ~:!~~~ent~:::!r .!I~~/~:: ~~w c;=~ ~f~ i;:c~ ~t~::::;:-:=E:·t~i~~::~~ r~t;~1t:~;.~·t:1?~~:\=1i::l::; :~~~? £ii~:'r~~~ :ri~i ;r~:::r~i~ ~:?:;·;:::!::::;~.~~r:~ti:f.~;;CE; r~~~:~~;1,~~i~·:.;~~ t~·~:~.=t~::: Ranger Station located along tl).e or Wisconsin extension in l\lllwaukee, about starting a book sto re to be run Is Mr. Norbert S. Lewis o.nd there Flathead Rh•er in Montana's Flat- was a smoke chaser stationed at Ave- by the college. Nothing came or it un- are two required meetings per week. The local carpenters are presen tly head National Forest. ObYiously, the ry, Idaho In the St. Joseph National Lil this year, when the finances wero Applied Music 122 _ 222 con- lnstnlllng the partitions , closets, and three travelers were not expected as Forest. He fought 14 fires this past arranged through Mr. Kenneth w. slsts or priYate lessons. Tbey are woodwork. Thi8 Is s low going but there was a notable absence of a summer and sti ll found time to haul Boylan, and many ot the plans ror- offered by the following Instructors: they are not behind their tentative brass band and a veh•et carpe t. garbage for the Forest service. mu lated by Mr. Jack L. Cross and ~r. !\Ir. Ruppert; piano ; Or. Hugo · o. schedu les.

The next day J ack Franson, pilot Dean Ktle, a second semester fresh- Nelis R. Kampenga. The room in the Marple, clarinet and saxophone;. l\tr. Cross reassu res us that ar-of the green machine, Tom Vander man. was a foreman of a trail crew al tunnel was rented. and the book brass and strings, Mr. Joseph B. rangements wil l be made 80 that

., , Velden and this reporter . all students the Wenatchee National Forest In store was on Its wny. Henr}·; \'olce, Mrs. Gordon Meyer. the Homecoming activities can pro--

~ri:~i~:;l~~nft~;?~i:,;~1::i f:~;t::i:i~:hl~:~~;· ::lt0 ~~: :;;:! ::2;:;:'.~{:fE:~Hi;~::,~1~~1r; ~:f::1=:~::: 11: h:::c~··:· ;~·:: ~~:_~_d_t:_:_~_··-~-~~---w-lt_h_•_d._n_c_._"_.1·_·_·_·d

promptly nicked himself In the knee trees. Dean also did some fire fight- book In print . If you'll supply the F..:conomks 230 {home management). with what he found lo be a very Ing work. He had an Interesting time name, and preferably the author and One credit ls earned In class while Haasels Print Shop

:::~~2~~:1f;'~/~';; ;;;~.:;"~~g~~= E~~1·!~:::r~t1::~·~:J: frJ;:1;!m ~:;~~.-~;~:~:;i~~.~.~1:i1:::=,;rf t;~.~,;.~1~~·~~~~;~;:;'we:·::;~·~~: 231 :';~N;;~;;>AVE. Creek Ranger Station. EYlden tly Dan of the t ires which wasn't a bad. per- Cntologues are n,·allnble tor order- History 250 Is another course usu- Tel. 1808R

::i7ha:i:; ;:r:c~oo ~:!:~~r/;,~en~~~ centage under those conditions. ~:!·k ~~!;e t::nra~:~e~.\v:t::l~r~t ~!\~ al ly taken by history minors or ma- ,__s._, _" M_I_h_" _A_,_rh_,_c_o_m_p,_•_S<_h_oo_t__, Big Creek as they were Immedia tely f (' nyone who vlsl s tho \Vest camwt leglate Dictionary" and se,•era l other jors. The instructors g h·e assign- ------------shipped thirty miles deeper Into wh~t a I to be Impressed. A person who supplementary texts tor CSC Courses. ments ln reading or research work Com.pliments ls known unh·ersally as the boon• could obsen•e the hugeness of the But- the best Is this: any book or that Is worth one credit. docks. They found themseh·es at a mountain ranges and the· \'astness record which you order from the Col- Art 250 courses are based upon small t ent \'illage known as Ford or the country as a whole without Iege Book Store will cost you 10 % this same principle. Students do Ranger Station which is loca ted some degree or awe would be devoid less than the list price! extra-curricular work In some mean­about 10 miles from British Colum- or emotion. In some places o. man Personnel of U10 nook Store are: lngful phase or art such as water­bla. This writer soon round himself can see a country as it was when the Tex Potter . Manager : Ted Hitzler. coloring, oil painting, or crafts. at t he same place one week later as world was sti ll thought to be flat. To Assistant Manager; Ke nn y Snlzwed­the good people ot Big Creek seemed this retired brush cutter, it was good el. Secretary·Treasurer. These tel­to think he would function better it to see an area unmarred by "No Tres- lows do all the waiting-on-trade. plus

::u:·:: :t~~a~~•ther away rrom the ::~s1~og·~.:te": as~~e~~:bt~:i;ew~esn:e:~ ~::. ~~!~·~nia:~~ ;:~:;~"~e:!s f~~t:~ Frank's Hae_clwate Actually these fh·e colle&__!! me n,~or__ cloud~ by the ~!_Land fllth..oLa__mls- -does lite typing tOr Us." SU)'S Ted.

DOji;--dependltlg on the viewpoint, used land. At present, Book Store hours are Phone 2230 were not playing Dan Boone. They S:30 A.!\t. to 5 P. M. Monday through


f~1.°~~~ !~n~~~ru~n~· Meet Wisconsin's Best ~:1:e°d' r~:1i~ ~hoe:: :~e~cr~~

1:)?t ~~·: 117 North Second St.

;re::h g!;1~:g~be unglamorous job of 1956 Rural Teacher ~:o; :~:5T~


0y~';':;~:~~a~·~:u::: * SIMPLE way to get things

BADGER PAINT 317 Main Street JOE STREtKE Manogor




te:;~t:b:::o~~ !7e:I~ r/,~!;: ~~~oe:!: Dow,n In the hi ll y southwestern ~:u:.:,n;~~;!,u'~The~v::~!'/ours free done - Classified odsl

~:~i::~~~r~ri;1:~J£~nrD}::~:~ ~!;.~~:/~·:::;trf ~·;~:o~·:c~~~~ :.~::: :--:~~:t~t~:11~:,~f" ;~,:,:~ v.1tJ * so;~,T~~,~ • .'.° .:;.;;i~~-~.~~:k =~ ~·:b:;~::~:r~:~.u;:: :::::~·:.~~ :."~~~1f:~~~r::::?o::t·-..: . .::::::::co::::::.:::l;::..:~'.+=P~o'..:i-n..:te=r=s=;,W~e"'1c=o=m=e=,,N"'e=wc,-. --cfl-*-lo:-en joy-a-qoick-lifrw1,..-- 1+1-- 1~!P~

~~:~r 1: ~::'::e~\7necs0

~";1~P~~~u1~!:; not red. Everything else. though, Is Student From Norway * PROBLEMS, use Classified ads ~ I to compete with fallen logs and dead In the tradition. On the way to CSC welcomes Anne Cn tbrlnc Mel- every time! branches for sunlight nnd moisture. school one passes the "boy's" and bre. n new student trom Hamar. Nor- For on ad-writer's frie ndly he lp

So, with this in mind , this crew or "girl's", a storm cellar , a pump, and way. Anne urrlYed in Ste,•ens Point five Joined forces with college men under the rope to the schoolhouse September 21 by airplane from Ham­from the East, the south. the North . bell at the doorway. Inside ls a nr, which Is Just north or Oslo. She and the West and Middle West In an table where seven cowboy pistols rccel\'Cd a Home Economics scholar­all out attemept to pile all the brush and holsters have been "checked in:'n shh> which .enab l~d her to come to In the state or Montana In one sum- l\Jrs:.Neuenschwa nder Is a thought- C.S.C. She's toking courses here that mer. They put up a stiff fight but the tu! small woman whose bright smil- lend to a home economics major: brush won in the Jong run desplto Ing blue eyes deny he r age of 53. among them, blo-chemlstry which the valiant leadership or two hard· But she has retired th is year, retlr- she finds most Interesting since it's working foremen. ed from playing sottball with her pu- a subject she did much work with In

~ · ev!:.;w~,~e;• t~~r~,~~!y ~1!'~)(.p:~d ~I~ pll~~~he:t :.:u· know!" she declares. Nol7t~~· a year at C.S.C., Anne plans thoughts of this noble goa l aside. She was the school pitcher. to return to Norway. She' ll work at

r::: ~~~~r :·::a:rce:;~~a{~rn~~~!stri':; A teacher for 16 years, Mrs. Neu- a r1~~:a~;o;;: 1?./hl~kc:e:ll~~;e lahb~re

moose, chasing bears, and driving r:s::a~::d~. t~~;~:d y::; a~d~toa:~~: ,·cry well." She sa)·s further that, around the country. This little article County Normal School, then two "e,•e ryone Is so kind ."

CALL 2000

For The


Shop At

was not meant to be a trave logue, years of teaching , a 15-year " res t", a C.S.C. welcomeu Anne and hopes but Glacier Park, which was ri ght 12-week retresher course, and then that she'll continue to enjoy her stay across the ri\'er from Ford Station. steady teaching with summers ott ::h:::• '::_

0:_· ----------...:..:============

possesses scenery wh ich must be seen to earn her bachelo r degree at the to be appreciated. Even a co lor mm Wisconsin State College at Platte­cannot do Justice to the Alpine beau- ville In 1953. ty of its ru gged mountains and mile deep valleys. "And now I'll continue to teach

as long as I enjoy it," she says , and adds, .. I expect to enjoy it !ore\'er."

She has raised two boys of her own n.nd ts convinced that the present crop of youngSters Is excellent.

The main entertainment on week­days was fishing the Flathead River tor trout, grayllng, and whitefish. Some Dolly Varden trout were taken that tipped the scales as high as 14 pounds. Unfo rtunately none ot the "Today's children rock 'n' CSC expedition did quite that well. rollers just as w4t....were flappers when This poor man·s Isaac \Valton took I was young," she says. "Many good great. delight In fly fishing tor Mon- citizens came out or the flapper age

i tana Grayling, one of the rarest fish and I expec t to live to see good cltl­to be found In the U. S. Gra)•ling can :tens come from the rock 'n ' roll be distinguished by their huge tan- age." like dorsal fin which wh ile In the For parents and students who wor­wafer takes on a distinct sky blue ry that Mrs. N'euenschwander may color. Most ot the Grayling landed move on to another teaching posl­were relensed to swim again as such tlon after being honored as teacher

~---'a~!t~shLl;,e!•~ce!.!Sc!th/!.&~w:,,.a!,!!e,:_r JJS!.L!!!l!!.lUJ"""'ffi~b~'i,:',th';s~o(b~:i s~~~e!:f~!:gr.ade

1t :::.:s r~i!:niivo, mJnus Franson " Don't you think she's a wee bit and Vander Velden, who were luckHy too old to make a change?" iie ask-

. ;~t~!~a;•;:k~ Jt::t f!!o 0:~a~nete:;~ ed J~'~s a~:~~rlte story of the school's

propr!Stely named Frozen In a road- favorite teacher. TheM ~mben of th• TICE floot commlHff 1J<1mutfy 1triving for on id10 fo r a.winning floot, afford ompl• proof that " Homecoming i1 in th• oir" at CSC.





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WHAT IS A COLLEGE BOY? .---------~ Between the senility or second

childhood and the ltght hearted le­tbai:gy of lhe.. teens we find the loathsome creature called the college boy. College boys come in 11Ssorted sizes, weights . and stages of sobriety.

Mothers lo\·e th em, big girls lo\'e them. and Satan protects them. A college boy is the hope of the future with an overdrawn bankbook In bis





HOLT DRUG CO • . Cosmet[cs

Soda Fountain 111 Strong1


Phone 3

pocket . . t.\ college boy Is a composite - BARBER SHOP

he bas the enersy of ti Rip Van Win- 510 Briggs St. Phone 1310W 2nd Door from Jour"ol Building k l e, the sll'Ynei.s of Mr. McAwber. the LEO LASKA ELM.ER KERST

October-II, 19!16

SERVING PORTAGE ·coUNTY • SINCE i933,- ..---------+ ----c

FIRST NATIONAL BANK :rhe Bonk That Sponsors CSC's Sports

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Hove You Heard ~bout Our Stud ent Checking Account Plan?

r::c~\~~~:aso~r a(l ~~:rq~~:x:!eSa~:~ '--------------' 1;;;;:;;;;;:;;;=====:::c:c:::==~ L------------------------.J t he Imagination of Bill Sykes. th o appet ite or Gnrgantua, the asp ira­tions ot a Cassano\'a, and when he wants something It 's usually money.

He likes cancelled cl11Sses, double­features . and girls home on football weekends . .

Nobody Is so late to rise nor so early to dinner. Nobody else can cram into one pocket a slide rule. a



WESTEN BERGER'S For Best Se rvice and

Drugs - Cosmetics Cigarettes - Magazines

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HANNON Marilyn Monroe Calendar. Kant's 113 Strongs Ave. Phone 1179 " Critique ot Pure Reason". n collap- Stevens Point, Wis. Walgreen Agency slble pool cue. n Mugsy Spaniard rec- Prescription Phormocy ord. the latest Issue of Odyssey, and INSTRUMENT RENTALS Phone 555 a YM C~\ towel. 441 Main St.

tu ~ ~l~~ue c!~Y101:k ~1:;a;~~n~r C:oe:; '------------.l ~-----------JI heart. you cnn get him off your mind, but can't get him off your expense account. You might 119 well gi\'e up - he Is your Jailer, your boss, .your albatross - n bleary eyed, no-ac­count , girl-chasing bundle of worry.

NORMINGTON Laundering & Dry Cleaning Women's Apparel

But when you come home at night with ·on ly the shattered pieces ot '--------------' ~-----------..J hopes and dreams, be can make them ,-----------~ ~----------­seem mighty Insignificant with to ur magical words , " I tlunked out. Dad."

(Reprinted from the September l_!~ Issue of the TEKE.)

Only real · friendliness from the photogfcpher

helos vou enjoy t he picture toking - - -

a p leasure that glows in the

~ finished portrait.

Don Warner STUDIO

Across from the College Phone 499






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