Download - Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-18) - ITU · Active Interaction with Global ICT leaders High-levels and global C TOS at ITU Telecom World 2017 Global Al leaders at 'Al for Good Global

Page 1: Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-18) - ITU · Active Interaction with Global ICT leaders High-levels and global C TOS at ITU Telecom World 2017 Global Al leaders at 'Al for Good Global

Further to the information published in Document 3, I have pleasure in transmitting to the Conference, in annex, the candidacy of:

Mr Chaesub Lee (Republic of Korea)

for the post of Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union.

Houlin ZHAO Secretary-General

Annex: 1

Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-18) Dubai, 29 October – 16 November 2018

PLENARY MEETING Document 11-E 7 December 2017 Original: English

Note by the Secretary-General


Page 2: Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-18) - ITU · Active Interaction with Global ICT leaders High-levels and global C TOS at ITU Telecom World 2017 Global Al leaders at 'Al for Good Global
Page 3: Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-18) - ITU · Active Interaction with Global ICT leaders High-levels and global C TOS at ITU Telecom World 2017 Global Al leaders at 'Al for Good Global
Page 4: Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-18) - ITU · Active Interaction with Global ICT leaders High-levels and global C TOS at ITU Telecom World 2017 Global Al leaders at 'Al for Good Global
Page 5: Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-18) - ITU · Active Interaction with Global ICT leaders High-levels and global C TOS at ITU Telecom World 2017 Global Al leaders at 'Al for Good Global
Page 6: Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-18) - ITU · Active Interaction with Global ICT leaders High-levels and global C TOS at ITU Telecom World 2017 Global Al leaders at 'Al for Good Global
Page 7: Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-18) - ITU · Active Interaction with Global ICT leaders High-levels and global C TOS at ITU Telecom World 2017 Global Al leaders at 'Al for Good Global
Page 8: Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-18) - ITU · Active Interaction with Global ICT leaders High-levels and global C TOS at ITU Telecom World 2017 Global Al leaders at 'Al for Good Global