Download - Please see the topic web and June, when some children will be · Please see the topic web and ... I think it will take you longer than a week to complete, but I felt that this would

Page 1: Please see the topic web and June, when some children will be · Please see the topic web and ... I think it will take you longer than a week to complete, but I felt that this would


Good Morning Parents and Carers

Welcome Back Everyone. I hope this letter finds you all well and you all had a lovely break.

This half term the topic is ‘Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside!’ Please see the topic web and

knowledge organiser attached to this newsletter. This leads us nicely onto our first learning pack.

It is based on Tiddler by Julia Donaldson. I think it will take you longer than a week to complete,

but I felt that this would be helpful as we transition into the 8th June, when some children will be

learning from home and some learning in school. Please let me know if you would like me to print a

copy and leave it outside school for you to collect.

Mrs Mann’s Tapestry Videos

Although I am going to be in school for at least 3 days this week, I hope to create a couple of

videos to upload, so please look out for these.

Please practice the following:


Please continue to hear your children read. If you need any new books, continue to let me know. I

will be in school quite a lot in the coming week as we prepare for the 8th so I can arrange for more

to be left.


If you haven’t watched all the videos yet, please catch up on these. They are on Tapestry and we

have completed set 2 sounds. The final two videos support your child in writing a sentence. If you

have completed all the videos, please may you check your child on how well they are progressing on

learning their sounds so far. Attached to this letter is a sheet you can tick, this will help me

understand if we are able to move forward with the next set. Once completed, please may you

photograph and upload to Tapestry or alternatively post it to school. If there are any gaps, I would

recommend that you play games using these sounds. Games such as matching games, hide the sounds

and ask the children to find them. If you have any queries on this, please get in touch.


Page 2: Please see the topic web and June, when some children will be · Please see the topic web and ... I think it will take you longer than a week to complete, but I felt that this would

Please encourage your child to write at least one sentence. They should be able to write a couple

even if they can’t spell every word. As they write the sentences, they can have sound prompt cards

and tricky words available for them to check in with. When completed, if there was a tricky word or

sound they should have remembered, gently remind them and show them this word or sound on the

prompt cards. You could suggest that you will practice this word or sound sometimes during the

week to help them remember. (Please note if they have made lots of mistakes, DO NOT pick all of

them, just select one which they can practice for the future.)


Keep practicing reading, writing and counting to 20 and back. Any numbers which they pronounce

incorrectly for example they may say 30 instead of 13, gently remind them and encourage them to

practice this by counting out toys, food items, objects around the house. While outside they could

count steps, jumps, bounces with the ball or jumps over a skipping rope. To practice recognising

numbers to 20, play a game like Race to 20. This requires each player to have a number track 1-20.

Each player takes turns to roll a dice. If they roll 1-5, they collect that number of counters (cereal

pieces, raison, coins etc.) If they roll a 6, they go back to the start.

Tricky words

How are your children progressing with the tricky words. I have listed these again for your

information. Perhaps this week, your child could play I-Spy and hunt for the words in the books

they are looking at. Maybe after they have found 5 words, they get a very small reward.

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Page 3: Please see the topic web and June, when some children will be · Please see the topic web and ... I think it will take you longer than a week to complete, but I felt that this would

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‘New’ You’re a Star! Certificates

For this half term we have created a new certificate- You’re a Star! I would like to send these to

children who are demonstrating positive learning attributes. This week we will focus on creativity

and using imagination. I would like them to demonstrate that they have begun to think of their own

ideas. They have found ways to solve their own problem. Maybe they have found a new way to do

things. For example taking this weeks story, they have come up with a new idea and found a way to

tell the story. Or they have noticed something at home which they could change, like they are

feeling so hot all the time, what ideas have they come up to change this, and did it work? I look

forward to seeing how you get on.

One last thing

I will be sending out a communication later in the week, to help those who will be coming back to

school to prepare for their return. If you feel your child has any concerns or worries about coming

back, please let me know.


Please keep in touch and have fun. If you have any questions, queries or would like some support,

please contact me through my email address [email protected].

Miss Crowe, Miss Oldman and I can’t wait to see what you share with us next.

Kind Regards

Carolyn Mann

Reception Class Teacher

St Marys RCPS

Page 4: Please see the topic web and June, when some children will be · Please see the topic web and ... I think it will take you longer than a week to complete, but I felt that this would

Oh I do Like to be

beside the Seaside!

What do we do to

keep safe today?

What did they do

in the past?

Today we take lots

of things to the

beech– can you list

them? What do you

think they took in

the past?

Page 5: Please see the topic web and June, when some children will be · Please see the topic web and ... I think it will take you longer than a week to complete, but I felt that this would

Summer 2

Oh I do Like to be

beside the seaside


The Snail and the Whale

Commotion in the Ocean

Light house Keepers


The Night Pirates

Personal, Social and Emotional




Changing for PE

Play co-operatively

Learning Behaviours

Healthy Eating

Physical Development

Outside play

PE- ball skills

Fine Motor skills- writing,

tweezers, sewing, weaving etc…




Read letter sounds

Form letters correctly

Blending/ Segmenting

Writing words/ phrases


Finger spaces

Full stops

Text Types

Sea Poem

Riddles about sea creatures

Pirate stories

Instructions for finding treasure

Sea creature scientist log book

recipes for ice creams


Understanding the World

RE Looking at fish, crustaceans, invertebrates- comparing and

contrasting fish

Comparing coasts around the world and their habitats

Geographical vocabulary- cliffs, coasts, estuary


Look at video’s, powerpoints, non-fiction texts, play interactive



Taking away and addition

Maths songs

Flip Flop count in 2’s, Starfish count in 5’s

Seaside shop- money

Shape Beach huts- 2d and 3d

Seaside games- fishing for numbers addition/ subtraction

Capacity- how many objects containers hold.

3D shape names- learn/ identify/ name/ properties of

Expressive Arts and Design

Jelly fish art

Beach art

Sea inspired collage

Musical combinations based on sea

creature rhythms

Pirate songs and sea shanties

Moving to Pirate themed music

Pirate Treasure Maps

Communication and Language

Speaking and Listening

Asking questions

Listening to others and responding

to them.

Correct use of tense

Talk for writing stories

Role Play

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Name: __________________________________________________________

Sound sound sound

m f ng

a e nk

s l ay

d h ee

t sh igh

i r ow (Snow)

n j oo (soon)

p v oo (look)

g y ar

o w or

c th air

k z ir

u ch ou

b q oy


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