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Player Highlighting and Team Classification in Broadcast Soccer Videos for the Next Generation TV

Yu HuangMultimedia Content Networking Lab

Core Network Research Dept., Huawei Technology (USA )400 Somerset Corporate Blvd., Bridgewater, NJ08807


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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies


• Background• Player Detection• Player Tracking• Use Case 1: Object Highlighting• Use Case 2: Team Classification• Demo of Use Cases • Conclusion

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Background• The Next Generation TV (such as IPTV, Interactive TV and

Mobile TV etc.) offers appealing services:– Enhancement;– Personalization;– Interactivity.

• TV contents require to be analyzed and annotated.– Different levels: objects, scenes and events;– Different domains: spatial, temporal and luminance.

• Sports game (such as soccer) is a good application scenario to depict the viability of the next generation TV:

– Players are important clickable objects in the scene with linked rich media information for viewers;

– Scenes/events can be nonlinearly skimmed /browsed with summarization.

• Player localization/team classification provide a nice bridge for object level interactivity in sports programs (work focus).

(To be continued)

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Background• Player Detection in Soccer Game Video

– Segmentation-based detection:• Motion segmentation;

– A special case: mosaic.

• Background modeling (static)-based;• Playfield model-based.

– Statistically learning-based detection:• SVMs;• Adaboost.

• Open questions:– Crowded;– Occlusion;– Body orientation;– Limb deformation.

(To be continued)

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Background• Player Tracking in Soccer Game Video

– Top-down: Filtering and Data Association• Kalman filter, Particle Filter, PDAF;

– Bottom-up: Target Representation and Localization• Template matching, Motion tracking;• Histogram matching, Kernel-based (Mean-shift);

• Contour-based tracking (snake or level set).

• Challenging issues:– Fast abrupt motion (even motion blur);– Size variation;– Shape change/viewing angle;– Occlusion.

(To be continued)

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Background• Main points:

– Segmentation-based player detection: • Gaussian model-based playfield model and updated with

filtered data from dominant color detection;

– Kernel-based tracking: • Incorporate the foreground map from playfield-based

segmentation into the mean shift-based iteration for tracking.

– Use cases:• Object highlighting;• Team Classification.

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Player Detection

• Playfield model– Initialize a single Gaussian model in each

component (RGB) with labeled data;

– Update with filtered data based on the dominant color detection:

• Dominant (Gaussian) mode in color component histograms;

• Check it with the learned Gaussian and update the model.

(To be continued)

BGRixNxp iii ,,),,;()( == σµ

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Player Detection


Labeled data Dominant color detection

(To be continued)

meanh⋅+⋅−= ρµρµ )1('

cov)1(' q⋅+⋅−= ρσρσVariance:

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Player Detection

(To be continued)

Playfield Pixel Detection

Connected Component Analysis

Size Filter

Interior Filling



Connected Component Analysis



Morphological filter (dilation, erosion)

Shape Filter (size, roundness, eccentricity)

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Player Detection

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Player Tracking

Initialization from User Interaction

Foreground Map from Playfield Model-based


Histogram Acquisition

Mean Shift iteration

Histogram Update

Next frame

Initial frame

Location Scale



Player Detection

Player Tracking

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Tracking Initialization

• Player (OOI, i.e. object of interest) Clicking;

• Build the target model (weighted histogram) as

∑ =−−= kn

i iiiqut uxbxkxFCq1

*2**, ])([)())(1( δ

Kronecker delta functionnormalization factorforeground map

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Foreground Map Generation from Playfield-based Segmentation

Foreground mask

BGRixNxp iii ,,),,;()( == σµ

),;(),;(),;(),( BBGGRR bNgNrNvuF σµσµσµ ⋅⋅=





if ,1),(


Playfield model

Playfield map

Simplified Foreground



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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Mean Shift Iteration for Tracking

Initialize with the location and scale in the last frame

Mean Shift iteration Mean shift Iteration

original scale

original scale+10%

original scale-10%

Mean Shift Iteration

Discriminant Similarity Discriminant Similarity Discriminant Similarity

Choose the maximal similarity

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Mean Shift Iteration with Foreground Map

Calculate candidate normalized histogram ∑=

−−−= hn

i iiipu uxbhxykxFCyp1


00 ])([)/)ˆ(())(1()ˆ( δ

Mean Shift vector



























ε≤− 10 ˆˆ yy


10 ˆˆ yy =


Weighted by the foreground map!


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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Discriminant Similarity Function• Choose the “Center-Context” window;

– The inward window size wxh while the outward window size 3wx3h.

• Build histogram from the surrounding background of the target;

• Similarity measure weighted by the discrimination metric between the

target and its surrounding background.

== otherwise






u ,)(

0)( ,0





)(yp f ∑ =−−= hn

i iiufuf uxbhxykvCyp1


, ])([)/)(()(' δCandidate


Similarity function

.)('')](','[max1 ,,∑ =

= m

u ufutft ypqypqρ

∑ =−= kn

i iiuqut uxbxkvCq1

*2*, ])([)(' δ

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

The Target Model Update

• Given the estimated location yt and scale st at the current frame;

• Run mean shift iteration again to disturb the estimated location yt , where

the initial target histogram q0 (u) takes place of the current target

histogram qt (u).

• The update strategy act conservatively like

– If the new estimated location yt’ in the second iteration does not diverge too

far from yt, , i.e. , update the current target histogram with the

candidate histogram at location yt’ and scale st as qt+1 (u) = p(yt’ ), and

update the estimated location as yt’ ;

– Otherwise, keep the old target histogram qt+1 (u) = qt (u) and the estimated

location in the first iteration yt .

ε≤− tt yy'

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Case 1: Object Highlighting

• Ellipse or rectangle window for the object of interests;

• Dimming the other areas except the object window:– Decrease exponentially the Y component in YUV format.

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Case 2: Team Classification• Label the Players/Referees with Team A, Team B and

Referee:– Goalies for both teams are seldom present in the videos, so

temporally not considered.

• Defined Feature for Classification:– a multi-histogram representation (bi-histograms for jersey and

shorts regions).

(To be continued)

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Case 2: Team Classification• Target histogram acquisition for each class:

– For each class, click on multiple samples in the video frames;

– Each object blob is separated into upper (jersey region) and lower (shorts region) parts;

– Collect all pixels for jersey and shorts regions, then build corresponding normalized color histograms respectively;

• Team Classification when the isolated player being clicked:– Acquire its bi-histogram feature as well;– Identify its class by bi-histogram matching.

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Bi-Histogram Matching• Search the best cutting line to separate the object (player/referee) blob into two

parts vertically;

• The maximized objective function (Bhattacharyya distanceBhattacharyya distance) is to realize the most discrimination between jersey and shorts regions.

• Bi-histogram matching for team classification

∑ =−= m

u uudownupper qpqp1


Normalized Color Histogram

Search range

Cutting line

∑∑ ==⋅−+⋅= m

u uiu


u uiuiii

qpqpqqpp1 221 112121 )1()],(),,[(max λλρ

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Demo of Use Cases

• GUI implemented with MS Visual Studio VC++;• User clicks the object by the mouse on the played video;• Real-time segmentation, identification and tracking:• Use Case 1: Object Highlighting;• Use Case 2: Team Classification.

– Flagging of Players/Referees;– For instance:

• Germany ------------- Spain ------------- Referee.

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Demo Video: Object Highlighting

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Demo Video: Team Classification

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

Conclusions• Gaussian model-based playfield model + dominant color

detection for player detection; – A Semi-supervised method.

• Modified mean shift-based with soft constraints from the foreground map for player tracking;– Reduce the risk of tracking failure for fast-moving players.

• Scale adaptation based on discrimination between the target and its surrounding background in tracking;– avoid the “shrinkage” problem;

• Target histogram updating in a conservative way in tracking;– alleviate drifting problems.

• Two use cases for viability of interactive services:– “Object highlighting”;– “Team classification”: bi-histogram matching.

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies


• Collaborators at Huawei Technologies:– Dr. Hongbing LI;– Dr. Jun TIAN;– Dr. Heather YU.

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Yu Huang, Huawei Technologies

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