Download - PLAY-GROUP Co-Curricular Activity Curricular · PLAY-GROUP Colouring of shapes (Circle and Rectangle) Story telling Stuffed parantha


Colouring of an apple

Thumb printing

Story telling

Cut out pasting (apple)

Cartoon show

Fruit bonanza (bring one or two fruits)

Colouring of mango

Hand printing

Foot printing

Mango party (bring one mango)

Movie day

Origami (paper napkin making)

Music and dance

Maggie party(bring one pkt of maggie)

Red colour day (send your ward in red colour outfit)

Co-Curricular Activity Curricular Activity


Sit up doggy, Rain Rain Sheet No. 59

Standing Lines (English) Sheet No. 27, 112

Sleeping Lines (English) Sheet No. 28

Colour the Fruits Sheet No, 62, 74

Slanting Lines Sheet No. 29

Slanting Lines Sheet No. 29

Numeral 1 (Tracing) Sheet No. 32(a)

Curve (English) Sheet No. 30

Curve (English) Sheet No. 30

Circle (English) Sheet No. 31

Summer Season(Colour the Water & Sky Blue) Sheet No.91

Numeral 2 (Tracing) Sheet No.33 (a)

Colour the Object in Red Colour Sheet No. 92

Co-Curricular Activity Curricular Activity


Pepsi drinking

Story telling

Movie show

Colouring of tomato

Frooty drinking (bring one frooty)

Fun with computers

Leaf pasting

Origami (birdie making)

Apple eating(send one apple)

Cut out pasting (potato)

Cartoon day

Colouring of capsicum

Green colour day (send your ward in green colour outfit)

Alphabet A (Tracing) Sheet No. 1 (a) (b)

Concept of Near and Far Sheet No. 83

Colour the Vegetables Sheet No. 63, 75

Alphabet B (Tracing) Sheet No. 2 (a)(b)

Alphabet C (Tracing) Sheet No. 3 (a)(b)

Numeral 3 (Tracing) Sheet No. 34 (a)

Numeral 1 (Dots) Sheet No. 32 (b)

Alphabet D (Tracing) Sheet No. 4 (a)(b)

Alphabet A (Dots) Sheet No. 1 (c)

Alphabet B (Dots) Sheet No. 2 (c)

Alphabet C (Dots) Sheet No. 3 (c)

Alphabet D (Dots) Sheet No. 4(c), Match the Alphabet with the Correct Picture (A to D) Sheet No. 52

Numeral 2 (Dots) Sheet No. 33(b) Green Colour Sheet No. 93

Numeral 3 (Dots) Sheet No. 34 (b)


Leaf printing

Story telling

Panner pakoda eating (bring paneer pakoda in your lunch box)

Cartoon show

Bits of paper pasting (flower pot)

Maggie party (bring 1 pkt of maggie)

Fun with computers

Origami (paper boat making)

Movie show

Visit to the park

Green salad eating(bring sprouts in your lunch box)

Colouring of a tree

Movie day

Music and dance

Co-Curricular Activity Curricular Activity

Alphabet E (Tracing) No. 5(a), 5(b)

My Family (Paste the photograph of my family)Sheet No. 73, 76

Numeral 4 (Tracing) Sheet No. 35(a)

Alphabet F (Tracing) Sheet No. 6(a), 6(b)

Alphabet G (Tracing) Sheet No. 7(a), 7(b)

Numeral 5 (Tracing) Sheet No. 36(a)

Alphabet H (Tracing) Sheet No. 8(a), 8(b)

Alphabet E (dots) Sheet No. 5(c)

Numeral 4 (dots) Sheet No. 35(b)

Alphabet F (dots) Sheet No. 6(c)

Numeral 5 (dots) Sheet No. 36(b)

Alphabet G (dots) Sheet No. 7(c)

Worksheet of manners Sheet No. 106

Worksheet of Hot & Cold Sheet No. 107

Alphabet H Sheet No. 8(c)

Match the alphabet with the picture (E to H) Sheet No. 53

Worksheet of colours (sky, sun, tree.) Sheet No. 80

Co-Curricular Activity Curricular Activity


Colouring of sun

Movie show

Friendship day (bring friendship band for your friends)

Cotton dabbing (sheep)

Fork painting (cat)

Yellow colour day (send your ward in yellow colour dress)

Independence day

Colouring of duck

Movie day

First Term Assessment


First Term Assessment

First Term Assessment

First Term Assessment

First Term Assessment

First Term Assessment

First Term Assessment

First Term Assessment

First Term Assessment

First Term Assessment

Alphabet I (Tracing) Sheet No. 9(a), 9(b)

Alphabet J (Tracing) Sheet No. 10(a), 10(b)

Alphabet I (dots) Sheet No. 9(c)

Alphabet J (dots) Sheet No. 10(c)

Worksheet of Parts of body Sheet No. 70, 85

Worksheet of Rainy Season Sheet No. 116

Worksheet of yellow colour Sheet No. 94


Co-Curricular Activity Curricular Activity

Story telling


Colouring of scenery

Teacher’s day celebration

Origami (rat making)

Maggie party (bring one maggie pkt)

Colouring of Lily

Blue colour day (send your ward in blue colour outfit)

Blob painting

Wool dabbing (tree)

Festive 2013 (play group & nursery)

Alphabet K (Tracing) Sheet No. 60, 11(a), 11(b)

Numeral 6 (Tracing) Sheet No. 37(a), 113

Concept of Tall & Short Sheet No. 71, 95 Colour the objects in blue colour

Alphabet L (Tracing) Sheet No. 12(a), 12(b), 54, Match the alphabet with the pictures (I To L)

Numeral 7 (Tracing) Sheet No. 38(a)

Alphabet M (Tracing) Sheet No. 13(a), 13(b)

Numeral 8 (Tracing) Sheet No. 39(a)

Worksheet of Colour the Days No. 87

Alphabet K & L (dots) Sheet No. 11(c),12(c)

Numeral 6 & 7 (dots) Sheet No. 37(b), 38(b)

Alphabet M (dots) Sheet No. 13(c)

Alphabet N (Tracing) Sheet No. 14(a), 14(b)

Alphabet O (Tracing) Sheet No. 15(a), 15(b)

Numeral 8 (dots) Sheet No. 39(b)

Alphabet N & O (dots) Sheet No. 14(c), 15(c)


Colouring of shapes (Circle and Rectangle)

Story telling

Stuffed parantha eating (potato)

Balloon dabbing (Balloon)

Fun with computers

Origami (kite making)

Maggie party (bring one pakt of maggie)

Pink colour day (send your ward in pink colour outfit)

Movie day

Second Term Assessment

Co-Curricular Activity Curricular Activity

Second Term Assessment

Second Term Assessment

Second Term Assessment

Second Term Assessment

Second Term Assessment

Second Term Assessment

Second Term Assessment

Second Term Assessment

Second Term Assessment

Alphabet P (Tracing) Sheet No. 16(a), 16(b)

Alphabet Q (Tracing) Sheet No. 17(a), 17(b), 55, Match the alphabet with pictures(M to P)

Numeral 9 (Tracing) Sheet No. 40(a)

Numeral 10 (Tracing) Sheet No. 41(a)

Match the alphabet with pictures (A to K) Sheet No. 89, 110

Alphabet R (Tracing) Sheet No. 18(a), 18(b), 66

Alphabet S (Tracing) Sheet No. 19(a), 19(b), 81 Worksheet of basic shapes

Alphabet P & Q (dots) Sheet No. 16(c), 17(c)

Numeral 9 & 10 (dots) Sheet No. 40(b), 41(b)

Worksheet of Festivals, Pink colour Sheet No. 98, 103

Alphabet R & S (dots) Sheet No. 18(c), 19(c)


Co-Curricular Activity Curricular Activity

Colouring of lotus

Diwali celebration (diya decoration- bring one coloured diya & few mirrors)

Story telling

Visit to the park (bring some snacks)

Movie show

Stick puppet making (bring one ice-cream stick and some wool)

Origami (flower making)

Cartoon show

Orange colour day (send your ward in orange colour outfit)

Music and dance

Pav bhaji eating (bring pav bhaji in your lunch box)

Colouring of hibiscus

Fun with computers

Movie day

Alphabet T (Tracing) Sheet No. 61, 20(a), 20(b)

Numeral 11 & 12 Sheet No. 42, 114

Worksheet of flowers Sheet No. 64, 77

Basic Shapes (use the colour codes) Sheet No. 111

Worksheet of orange colour Sheet No. 97

Alphabet U (Tracing) Sheet No. 21(a), 21(b)

Numeral 13 & 14 Sheet No. 43

Alphabet T (Dots) Sheet No. 20(c)

Alphabet U (dots) Sheet No. 21(c)

Worksheet of computer Sheet No. 102

Match the alphabet with the correct picture (Q to T)Sheet No. 56


Co-Curricular Activity Curricular Activity

Colouring of mouse


Flower making with pencil waste

Puri sabzi eating (bring puri sabzi in your lunch box)

Movie show

Donating food and clothes to the poor (bring old clothes and packed food)

Cut out pasting (cat)

Cartoon show

White colour day (send your ward in white dress)

Maggie party (send one maggie pkt)

Story telling

Origami (dog face making)

Christmas celebration (bring one candle and sparkle tube)

Movie day

Alphabet V (Tracing) Sheet No. 22(a), 22(b)

Numeral 15, 16 Sheet No. 44

Alphabet W (Tracing) Sheet No. 23(a), 23(b)

Alphabet X (Tracing) Sheet No. 24(a), 24(b)

Alphabet V (dots) Sheet No. 22(c)

Numeral 17, 18 Sheet No. 45, 67, 119

Worksheet of winter season Sheet No. 115

Alphabet W (dots) Sheet No. 23(c)

Alphabet X (dots) Sheet No. 24(c)

Match the pictures with alphabets (O to W) Sheet No. 90


Co-Curricular Activity Curricular Activity

Music and dance

Story telling

Sandwich eating(bring sandwiches in your lunch box)

Maggie party (send on pkt of maggie)

Cartoon show

Fun with computers

Movie day

Colouring of a lion

Origami (aeroplane making)

House making with ice cream stick (send some ice-cream sticks)

Republic day

Plantation day (bring one plant sapling)

Outing (visit to a park)

Brown colour day (send your ward in brown colour out fit)


Match the pictures with their parts (wild animal) Sheet No. 68, 86

Alphabet Y (Tracing) Sheet No. 25(a), 25(b)

Numeral 19, 20 Sheet No. 46

Alphabet Z (Tracing) Sheet No. 26(a), 26(b)

Alphabet Y (dots) Sheet No. 25(c)

Alphabet Z (dots) Sheet No. 26(c)

Worksheet of Fat & Thin Sheet No. 72

Colour the things brown Sheet No. 99

31-01-2014 31-01-2014 Colour the things brown Sheet No. 99


Co-Curricular Activity Curricular Activity

Annual concert

Colouring of peacock

Burger eating(bring burger in your lunch box)

Movie show

Cut out pasting (birds)

Finger printing

Movie day

Story telling

Maggie party (send i pkt of maggie)

Macroni eating(bring macroni in your lunch box)

Origami (owl making)

Movie show

Fun with computers

Violet colour day (send your ward in violet colour outfit)

Worksheet of Birds around us Sheet No. 65, 82

Match the alphabet with the correct picture (U to X) Sheet No. 57

Worksheet of good habits Sheet No. 104

Worksheet of rainbow Sheet No. 88

Worksheet of Right & Left Sheet No. 109

Match the alphabet with the correct picture (U & Z) Sheet No. 58

Worksheet of clothes & clothing Sheet No. 101

Worksheet of soft & hard Sheet No. 108

Colour the objects in violet colour & spring season Sheet No. 100, 117

Worksheet of Birds around us Sheet No. 65, 82


Co-Curricular Activity Curricular Activity

Music and play

Sandwich eating (bring sandwich in your lunch box)

Fun with computers

Movie day

Annual Examination

Worksheet of Autumn Season Sheet No. 118

Match the pictures (seasons) Sheet No. 69, 84

Trace the name of the colour and colour the crayons Sheet No. 79

Colour the fat fish & house Sheet No. 78

Annual Examination

Annual Examination

Annual Examination

Annual Examination

Annual Examination

Annual Examination

Annual Examination

Annual Examination

Annual Examination