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  • 7/27/2019 Plastic Found in Space


    Plastic found in space: Cassini finds

    propylene on Saturn's moon Titan- the first

    time it has been discovered in another world Discovery could help us better understand how chemistry

    works on Titan

    Scientists claim this is similar to how chemistry operatedon ancient Earth

    Probes had previously failed to identify propylene becauseits chemical signature was overshadowed by other, much

    stronger, chemicals

    ByEllie Zolfagharifard

    You would expect to find plastic in your lunchbox, not on Saturns distant moonTitan.

    But that's exactly where Nasa has found an ingredient of plastic - the first time

    the chemical has been detected on another world.

    The Cassini spacecraft found small amounts of propylene, a chemical used to

    make storage containers on Earth, in the atmosphere of Saturn's largest moon


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  • 7/27/2019 Plastic Found in Space


    The Cassini spacecraft found small amounts of propylene, a chemical used to make storage

    containers on Earth, in the atmosphere of Saturn's largest moon Titan. The moon has a radius of

    about 1,600 miles, is bigger than planet Mercury and is the second-largest moon in the solar


    Titan is among the few bodies in the solar system with a significant atmosphere

    made up of hydrocarbons.

    The discovery could help us better understand how chemistry works on Titan,

    which many scientists regard as similar to how chemistry operated on ancient

    Earth before oxygen became significant ingredient.


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    The small amount of propylene was identified in Titan's lower atmosphere by

    Cassini's Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS).
  • 7/27/2019 Plastic Found in Space


    It is only present in a few parts per billion, and scientists would need to chain

    together the molecules to mould it into polypropylene plastic.

    NASA discovers Propylene on Saturn's moon Titan


    Titan is Saturn's largest moon - with a radius of about 1,600 miles (2,574

    kilometers), it's bigger than planet Mercury - and is the second-largest moon in

    the solar system.

    The atmosphere of Titan is largely composed of nitrogen; minor components

    lead to the formation of methane and ethane clouds and nitrogen-rich organicsmog.

    The climate -including wind and rain -creates surface features similar to those of

    Earth, such as dunes, rivers, lakes and seas (probably of liquid methane andethane), and deltas, and is dominated by seasonal weather patterns as on Earth.

    CIRS measured the infrared light, or heat radiation, emitted from Saturn and its

    moons in much the same way our hands feel the warmth of a fire.

  • 7/27/2019 Plastic Found in Space


    By isolating the same signal at various altitudes within the lower atmosphere,

    researchers identified the chemical with what they claim to be a high degree of


    This chemical is all around us in everyday life, strung together in long chains toform a plastic called polypropylene, said Conor Nixon, a planetary scientist at

    Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center.

    That plastic container at the grocery store with the recycling code 5 on the

    bottom - that's polypropylene.

    The Voyager spacecraft had previously found propane, the heaviest member of the three-carbonfamily, and propyne, one of the lightest members. But the middle chemicals, one of which is

    propylene, were missing

    The detection of the chemical fills in a mysterious gap in Titan observations that

    dates back to Nasa's Voyager 1 spacecraft and the first-ever close flyby of thismoon in 1980.

    Voyager identified many of the gases in Titan's brownish atmosphere as

    hydrocarbons, the chemicals that primarily make up petroleum and other fossilfuels on Earth.

  • 7/27/2019 Plastic Found in Space


    It detected all members of the one- and two-carbon families in Titan's


    From the three-carbon family, the spacecraft found propane, the heaviest

    member, and propyne, one of the lightest members.

    But the middle chemicals, one of which is propylene, were missing.

    It was finally found as a result of more detailed analysis of the CIRS data.

    Cassini's mass spectrometer, a device that looks at the composition of Titan's atmosphere, had

    hinted earlier that propylene might be present in the upper atmosphere

    This measurement was very difficult to make because propylene's weak

    signature is crowded by related chemicals with much stronger signals, said

    Michael Flasar, Goddard scientist and principal investigator for CIRS.

    This successboosts our confidence that we will find still more chemicals long

    hidden in Titan's atmosphere.

    Cassini's mass spectrometer, a device that looks at the composition of Titan's

    atmosphere, had hinted earlier that propylene might be present in the upper


  • 7/27/2019 Plastic Found in Space


    However, a positive identification had not been made.

    This new piece of the puzzle will provide an additional test of how well we

    understand the chemical zoo that makes up Titan's atmosphere, said Edgington,

    Cassini's deputy project scientist atNasas Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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