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Planning the cast:

The protagonist: jade- Jade is a 17 year old girl who lives with her mum her sister millie. Everyone seems to think she is a ‘girly girl’ who loves dresses and makeup. However she is hiding something from everyone ,that she is a lesbian. Will she ever be able to tell her family and friends and how will they react. From looking at Erving Goffmans character theory this is suitable for jade as she is the main character.

The deuteroganist Millie- Millie is the second main character who is jades sister she is a 19 year old who also lives at the house with jade and her mum. Millie is very popular at university and also has a boyfriend. How will the events back at home affect her relationship with her boyfriend and will she ever be happy again? From looking at Erving Goffmans character theory Millie suits this role as she is one of the secondary characters. This is due to her having a vital role at the end of the story in which she reveals to jade that she was adopted. She would not be seen as a protagonist as the narrative doesn’t directly follow Millie’s personal journey.

The deuteragonsit Cara – Cara is a 17 year old who is best friends with jade, Cara is openly lesbian, Jade hasn’t been able to tell her friends yet. Cara wants Jade to come out with the truth or she will be willing to break up with her as they have been secretly dating for the last couple of months. Will Cara accept that it is hard for Jade or will Jade come out with the truth or will the relationship be destroyed by the bad news. I feel that Cara also fits the deuteragonist role as she is a main part in the main characters live and can influence jades decisions. She also has a minor role of being jades best friend and girlfriend.

The deuteragonist Carol- Carol is a single mum who owns her own bakery. Carol has been single since jade was born. But is she telling the truth? How will jade react to Carols big secret? I have linked this to Erving Goffman’s theory as the mum is the second main character but is not the main focus of the film. I have also put her in this category as I feel this is suitable as she is one of the main people that affect jade the main character the most.

The family liaison officer- The liaison officer is a minor character who is involved in revealing to jade that her mum has passed away In a car crash. According to Erving Goffmans theory he is seen as the bit player as he only has a minor role. The liaison officer is going to be played with a man which juxtaposes with the stereotypes as social workers are mainly woman characters as women are seen to be more sympathetic.