Download - PLANNING GUIDE 2021


P L A N N I N G G U I D E 2 0 2 1


PLAN• Select someone to lead a team in promoting the California Mission Offering.• Pray about setting an achievable offering goal.• Review the resources available to promote CMO at• Order free promotional materials at• Schedule a time to emphasize Praying for California and promoting the California Mission

Offering to your congregation.

PROMOTE• Use all available church communication tools, including social media, to emphasize prayer

and giving.• Check out the videos and consider using one or more of them on a Sunday morning or several

Sunday mornings during the emphasis.

PARTICIPATE• Pray – Pray specifically for the spiritual needs of Californians and winning the lost.• Give – Give sacrificially so that we can have greater cooperation to reach our state for Jesus.• Go – Re-engage your family, neighbors, friends, co-workers and schoolmates to share the

Good News of Jesus.

WE’RE HERE TO HELPCall us at 559.229.9533 // // [email protected]

@CSBCofficial @californiasbc @californiasbc

Collectively, all California Southern Baptists are part of the story of God in California.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we find ourselves coming out of more than a year of isolation, insulation and separation. It’s time for California Southern Baptists to:


• 39.75 million call California home.• 35 million Californians don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus. If California’s lost

population were a nation, it would rank 40th of 200 countries and dependencies recognized by the United Nations.

• At least 220 languages are spoken in California; 44% of residents speak a language other than English at home.


The time is now.

Together, wecan reach more.




100% of your gifts go to empower churches and reach the lost in California. Learn more or give online at


BE SURE TO ORDER FREE PRINTED MATERIALS• Posters – Chinese, English, Korean and Spanish• Bulletin Inserts – Chinese, English, Korean and Spanish• Offering Envelopes – English only• Ordering is easy by logging on to

These resources may be used any time during the year to promote the California Mission Offering. Video and print materials are excellent ways to educate your church during any season or mission emphasis.

History of the California Mission OfferingArtwork and graphic design elements

Social Media posts and storiesFeature videos related to church planting, church revitalization, evangelism,

Disaster Relief and migrant ministries

The time is now.

Together, wecan reach more.



Through Your Local Church: Designate your offering for CMO and the church willforward the gift to the California Southern Baptist Convention.

Directly to CSBC: Mail your gift to CSBC, 678 E Shaw Ave, Fresno, CA 93710(Make check payable to CSBC, but designate CMO on the memo line)


$1: Paperback Gospel of John for witnessing to the unsaved

$5: Hardcover Bible for a church start

$10: Backpack full of supplies for a migrant child to begin a new school year

$10: Pens to collect prospect information at a church plant outreach event

$20: Bag of groceries containing rice, beans, flour, sugar and maseca to feed a family of five for two weeks

$25: Gift card for a Disaster Relief victim for food, clothing, gas or another essential item while displaced from their home

$35: Clothing for a migrant child – new jeans, two shirts and sneakers

$150: Assist a church leader in crisis

$350: Tank of fuel for the CSBC Mobile Dental Clinic at a migrant center or evangelistic block party

$425: 30 chairs for a church start

$500: Financial assistance to a church conducting evangelistic outreach in their community

$500: Rental assistance for a church start

$1,000: Video projector and screen for a church start

$1,000: Salary supplement for a church planter

$1,500: Portable sound system for a church start


Offering gifts collected in 2021 will be distributed in 2022. CSBC administration will look at the total gifts received and make allocations based on the most pressing needs.

• Evangelism and Missions• Church Planting• Church Revitalization• Small Churches

• Disaster Relief• Migrant Ministries• Associational Missions• More..

2021 CMO GOAL:$400,000

SUNDAY Pray for more Spanish speaking church planters to be raised up. The Central Valley has a growing Hispanic population with roughly one million living between Bakersfield and Modesto. Pray for men of God to answer the call of planting a church along the Highway 99 corridor to specifically reach this people group.

MONDAYPray for CSBC churches to adopt evangelism as a top priority by becoming intentional and strategic. California is one of the largest mission fields in America with more than 35 million people who do not know Jesus. Pray for evangelism to be on the hearts and minds of every California Southern Baptist.

TUESDAYPray that churches and their members would engage a people group other than their own. With more than 220 languages spoken in California, it is easy to encounter other language groups and cultures. Pray for churches to be bold in their outreach.

WEDNESDAYPray for Californians to be open and receptive to the good news of Jesus Christ. CSBC Executive Director Bill Agee is praying for California Southern Baptists to be confident and courageous in sharing Christ. Pray for California Southern Baptists to re-engage their families, friends, neighbors, co-workers and schoolmates with the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

THURSDAYPray for spiritual revival among California Southern Baptist churches. With so many lost souls in California the most powerful thing we can do is pray that many would come to know Jesus as their personal Savior.

FRIDAYPray for the hearts and minds of migrant families to be open to the good news of Jesus. Oscar Sanchez, migrant ministries specialist, enlists and trains churches to adopt migrant communities and minister to them physically, emotionally and spiritually. Pray for volunteers to follow up with individuals who made decisions for Christ this past summer.

SATURDAYPray for California Disaster Relief teams as they re-engage and assist churches to prepare for ministry as fires, earthquakes and other disasters impact their communities. Pray that California Southern Baptists would demonstrate “love in action” when called to respond.


PRINTED MATERIALS• The free posters, bulletin inserts, and offering envelopes are great visual reminders for

church members about CMO.

• Hang CMO posters in high-traffic areas.

• Place offering envelopes in pew backs or insert into bulletins.

• Use bulletin inserts on one Sunday during the month to highlight CMO.

VISUAL REPRESENTATIONGet creative in making visual representations to remind everyone of the theme, “Re-engage.”Here are some ideas:

• Obtain a map of your city and post it on a bulletin board. Above the map display white outlined letters reading: Re-engage. The theme “Re-engage” has eight letters, nine if counting the hyphen. Divide your church’s CMO goal by eight or nine. As each portion is reached, replace the outlined letter with a solid-colored letter. If the theme is incomplete, the goal hasn’t been met.

• Use the theme – RE-ENGAGE – by itself as a visual. Divide your church goal by the number of characters in the theme – eight or nine – depending on whether you count the hyphen. As you reach a portion of the goal, add a letter to visual.

• Mount a CMO poster on foam board and cut it into puzzle pieces. Depending on how many pieces you have, determine how much needs to be collected to add a piece to the “puzzle.” Each time you receive gifts totaling that amount, add a piece. When the puzzle is complete, give a shout-out to the congregation, reminding them that the goal was reached because they worked together to complete the puzzle!

• Think of how you might do this using media to project the church’s progress weekly on the screen during announcements or a specified time for promoting CMO during the service.


OTHER VISUAL IDEAS• Use your church bulletin to promote and keep the congregation informed about CMO –

its purpose, your goal, your progress, etc.

• Don’t forget to utilize your church website to inform members about CMO. This not only shows members, but guests, that your church is missional and involved in reaching beyond its four walls.

• Use CMO logos and theme artwork for worship announcements.

• The CMO social media kit helps on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other social media channels your congregation uses.

• Play a CMO video each week of the month in which you promote the offering.

VERBAL ANNOUNCEMENTS• If your church is like most, the Sunday morning worship service is the largest gathering.

This is the best time to promote the California Mission Offering. The pastor or your most prominent mission leader needs to be the cheerleader.

• Use this time to hear testimonies from members about why they will pray for California and give to the Offering.

• Play one or more of the CMO videos.

• Make announcements in small groups – Sunday School, Life Groups, etc.

OTHER IDEASThere are lots of other ideas you can use for different age-groups such as:

• Have a cookout for men on a Saturday to watch football and talk about ways men can engage other men in gospel conversations. Share the importance of giving to CMO so other men throughout California can also hear the gospel.

• Have a gathering for women with a featured speaker addressing California missions. Highlight the importance of reaching those in California who don’t know Jesus. Also discuss how women can engage other women with the gospel.

• Have youth of your church create their own video based on the theme “Re-engage” and show it during a Sunday morning service. Ask youth to give up one item for the month – soft drinks, snacks, etc. – and donate that amount to help reach other youth in California for Christ.

• For children and preschoolers, make banks out of used containers - such as empty potato chip cans. Ask the children to perform tasks – extra chores around the house, a walk-a-thon for CMO, or simply asking adults important in their lives – to earn money to donate to CMO.

• Keep a bank in your classroom and ask parents to donate spare change to the CMO bank when they drop- off or pick-up their children on Sundays or at activities during the week.