Download - Planning film synopsis charlotte 2

Page 1: Planning film synopsis charlotte 2

The character is female, last year at college who has had her life turned upside down by these three girls and plots her revenge.

What does she want?

She wants revenge for those that have done her wrong.

What has she got going for her? She is a bright student so she has many opportunities in the future but she has been pulled back by these three girls who constantly pick on her because she is an “outsider” at school.

What impediments does she have? Being caught, being accepted by others, she believes that she is doing right when she schemes to murder these three girls.


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What connections to other characters does she have?

She is a loner, an outsider and very independent so she is mainly on her own, the only person who she could have a connection with is her mother but still there is a barrier between her and other people its as if she is living in her own bubble.

Who does she meet?

She definitely doesn’t meet anyone its more herself that she wants to figure out and meet.

What choices have to be made?

She has the choices of whether she is right or wrong

Other characters

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It is mainly based around the home and her lonely life.

Locations in this town?

As I am using the Submarine as a prime source which has a lot of location shots I will be using quite a few shots of the scenery in Hastings mainly along the beach and the East and West hill.

Locations further afield?

Probably not very further afield as I want the trailer centred around Hastings but I might use some shots of woods to add more of a contrast with the beach.


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Invent a 5 part story form

-Introducing characters life Equilibrium

-The main issues (villain)

-A decision about what should happen disequilibrium

-An action that will sort out the issue (villain)

-Conclusion that will change their lives Equilibrium

What do audiences know at the start (or think they know)?

I almost want the audience to judge the main character to be a horrible person but then they will realise her issues and start to feel sorry for her.

What will audiences hope for or dread as the film progresses?

They hope that she comes to her senses but they also hope that she can move on with her life, I think that they will might dread the fact that she will get caught because she is a good person at heart.


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Classic – cause / event / consequence?

There will definitely be a consequence to her actions and I wont make it obvious in the trailer about what that consequence is.

Unexplained event or decisions?

Decisions about what is right or wrong

Flashback or time lapses?

A lot of flashbacks which will give the audience an idea of her life.


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Who will the camera follow most? Between victim and killer

How much CU There will be more close ups than long shots but I will be using long shots mainly for scenery

Handheld? Naturalistic, as it is a low budget film.

Use of dark? Shadow? Lighting? Costume? A lot of night time shots and also shadows, as I will be using the old town as my main location there are a lot of alleyways that I can use. As for costumes, it will just be “everyday” clothes, possibly dark clothes for when she will murder someone. I will probably add some sort of lighting in the night shots as I don’t want it to be too dark but I can use the lights from the street lights.


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What trigger words do you need spoken by characters?

Mainly words that give a sense of loneliness

Voiceover is likely to say…?

I don’t want the voiceover to say very much because I mainly want people to get an idea of what the film is about by watching what actually happens in the trailer- like Submarine.

I want the dialogue to be very quiet so you get a muffle of words that you can just about work out so you can get a vague idea of the film.


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What films will it be like?

In the style of wakewood, unusual like Amelie (camera angles) but mainly based around the film Submarine because it is very niche and relates quite well to how I want my film to be.

What films will it borrow from (and what exactly is borrowed)?

Submarine- the use of scenery and the quaintness of the film is something that I quite like.

Amelie- I like the camera angles that have been used and the unusual colouring, although it will be very hard to manipulate I will attempt to try and bring all of the odd colours that Amelie has to my film.

Wakewood- The sense of the unknown and more of a horror aspect than the other films that I am looking at.


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What will it recognise?

Its not the typical horror, its mainly for a niche market and the audience will relate more to characters than they would do in most horrors.

What will it have to work out?

They will have to ask who the actual “bad” person is in the film; the bullied murderer or the victim that is the bully.

Who will it identify with?

I think the audience will probably identify more with the murderer because you see more of her side of the story.
