Download - Planned Giving and Anderson


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Explanation of planned giving:

Planned gifts provide flexible strategies

for your estate. Certain gifts provide

immediate income to you while others

are outright gifts specified in your will or

through beneficiary designation. Many

of the options may greatly reduce your

taxes. Your financial adviser and legal

counsel will be able to address the

question of how to maximize your gift.

However, the most meaningful benefit, is

knowing that Anderson will continue

providing superior care to your loved


Benefits (to name a few):

Simple steps you can take today to

ensure our tomorrow:

Name Anderson Foundation for Autism

as a beneficiary of a portion of, or entire:

Life Insurance Policies

401(k) retirement plan

403(b) retirement plan

Individual Retirement Plan (IRA)


Execute a Transfer on Death Designation

in favor of Anderson Foundation for

Autism for your:

Investment Account

Bank Account or Certificate of Deposit (CD)


Other ways in which you can benefit

Anderson through planned giving:

Name Anderson Foundation for Autism as a

beneficiary of a set dollar amount or

percentage of your:

Estate in your Last Will and Testament

Trust in your Trust Agreement

Child’s Third Party Supplemental

Needs Trust or For Benefit Trust

(remainder beneficiary)

Establish a Charitable Remainder Trust or a

Charitable Gift Annuity

Dear Anderson Parents & Families,

It is time to demonstrate your long-term

commitment to Anderson Center for

Autism to make certain that your loved

one remains safe, happy and productive

for his/her entire life. No doubt, most of

our children will outlive us. While we are

alive we can control how our time and

money is given to Anderson, but if you

want to protect your child beyond your

passing there are a few simple things you

can do today (some without an attorney

or any expense) to insure Anderson's

vitality and longevity. Please take a

moment to review the summary below.

Please, act now.


Robert A. Rosenfeld

Anderson Parent

For more information please visit our website at or call 845.889.9224