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TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 25-04-14

MAIN AIM(S): To describe pictures by using indefinite articles a /an. SUB AIM(S): - To use a/an in specifics cases and exceptions.- To choose the correct article a or an by describing each picture. - To discuss each picture using simple sentences with the verb to be.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: students will know the differences between a / an , and they will be able to describe the pictures correctly using simple sentences.



Students might be confused with the 4 rules or exceptions that exist for use of articles.-the best way to solve these problems is that students practice orally if the word sounds like a vowel or consonant in the phonetic sound.

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with visual contact.

AIDS: Whiteboard, markers and pictures.

Language input (if relevant) What is it?


Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Traineers Name: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.

Sub Aim 1: To recognize the rules of a/an in specifics cases and exceptions.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To present the main rules and spesil cases by using indefinite articles a/an .- To introduce different pictures for showing them the differences.- To give students vocabulary about the subject ,so they can use it orally.

-To choose the correct indefinite article.A /an-Teacher uttered only the name of the drawing and students will identify if they have to use a or an.

Sub Aim 2: To choose the correct article a or an for describing each picture.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To indicate that students currently use a or an.-Correctly describe the drawings- Practice with a classmate pronunciation

- To use indefinite articles to describe adequately the drawings.-To write simple sentences using indefinite articles.

Sub Aim 3: To discuss each picture using simple sentences.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To identify in a phonetic way if the word begins with a vowel or a consonant for applying the rules.-To give students examples and how they should use the items describing the pictures with simple sentences.-To oversee the final work of students and if they understood the items correctly and when to use them.

-To practice communication without fear as students work in pairs.-Students should create basic and simple sentences using a and an.-Students at the end of the class will come out in front and will share their final work.

Closures: To use an/a and mention five things (each student has to tell 5 examples by using a and an) .

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera en Sistemas e Informtica.Diario de CampoTema: The indefinite articles a/an.Fecha: 25/04/141.- Explic usted algo diferente que de costumbre? En esta leccin, expliqu las reglas principales de los artculos indefinidos a/an y luego continu con los ejemplos correspondientes, as que no hubo nada diferente. 2.- Qu clase de estrategias emple usted? Apliqu ms actividades orales que escritas, primeramente utilice algunos dibujos y describ los mismos utilizando los artculos indefinidos, y luego guie a los estudiantes para que puedan hacerlo de la misma manera. Tom en cuenta el nmero de estudiantes para as llevar el material necesario para la leccin.3.- Los estudiantes fueron desafiados por la leccin? Desde luego que s, ya que tuvieron que analizar las reglas gramaticales del uso del a/an y pronunciacin fontica, especialmente para aquellas palabras que comienzan con h u: honest/hospital / university/United States.4.- Cmo puedo ayudar a mis estudiantes?Aclarando dudas sobre la leccin, explicacin, etc., llevando distintos tipos de material para cada leccin y desde luego, que llame la atencin de los estudiantes (colorido- creativo) para motivarlos.5.- La leccin de hoy despert inters por la materia?Si les gusto bastante las imgenes, describieron los dibujos usando de manera correcta los artculos a/an , hubo algunas dudas pero se aclar en el momento. Question about what happened during a lesson by Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995)Reflective teaching in second language classrooms. WorksheetsIndefinite articles: a / ana+ consonant sounds( b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t,v,w, x,y,z)an+ vowel sounds( a, e, i, o, u )

A. Check the right answer.1.There............... egg in the fridge.ana 2.There is ................. beautiful garden in front of my house.ana3.There is ................ computer in our classroom.aan4. ................. apple a day keeps the doctor awayaan5.There is .................. TV in my bedroom.aan

Adapted by Melany Irirate Ferrufino

B. Fill in the blanks withaoran:1. Maria: Is Serena WilliamsSpanish tennis player? Lucy: No, she'sAmerican tennis player.2. Samantha: Is your fatherItalian teacher? Victoria: No, my father ismath teacher.3. Amy: Is it raining now, Mum? Mother: Yeah. You should takeumbrella.4. Melissa: Is Camron DiazIrish actress? Amy: No, she'sAmerican actress.5. Sandra: Is your mothernurse. Ruth: No, she'sdoctor.Adapted by Melany Irirate Ferrufino Oral practice Flash Cards a or an

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 21-04-14

MAIN AIM(S): To describe Countries and nationalities by using the verb to be, and wh in affirmative,negative, interrogative(wh).

SUB AIM(S: - To introduce the subject with a video. - To do sentences in negative/positive and interrogative form. -To use verb to be, possessives adjectives and wh questions in order to identify each country and the respective nationality. What is the nationality for China? The nationality is Chinese.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students will know Nationalities and Countries around the world, and they will be able to describe at least 5 nationalities using wh questions and the verb to be.



Students may get confused with the nationality of each country and the correct use of verb to be an wh questions.. - To reinforce the theme ask students orally nationals of a particular country to remember what it viewed the video (What is the nationality of England? is..)

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with visual contact.

AIDS: Whiteboard, video and markers,notebook.

Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Language input (if relevant)

Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.Traineers Name: Irirate Ferrufino Melany

Sub Aim 1: To introduce the subject with a video.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To present Countries and nationalities with a video.-students have to identify that for each country there is a nationality.-To show peoples nationalities.-To enjoy the lesson by learning with the video.-To practice recalling orally memory nationality of a particular country only naming it.

Sub Aim 2: To do sentences in negative/positive and interrogative form.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To write five sentences in negative and positive form.-To change the sentences in interrogative form by using the verb to be.-To read 2 sentences in negative, two in positive and two in interrogative form.

-To distinguish the positive, the negative and interrogative form by using the verb to be.- Students have to read at least 10 sentences.-Every student has to choose just three countries and they have to write on the board simple sentences in negative /positive and negative form.

Sub Aim 3: To use verb to be, possessive adjectives and wh questions in order to classify each country and the respective nationality. What is the nationality for China?, the nationality is Chinese.

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To give many examples by using wh questions and verb to be in answers.- To check previously the possessive adjective for applying them in sentences and questions. -To prepare an oral presentation as an example how they can use wh, possessive adjective according to each person and verb to be.

-To know the importance to describe the nationality of a person using wh questions possessives adjectives and verb to be.-To listen the oral presentation of their classmates.-To discuss in front of class, their simple sentences (question-answer) using all the information and examples that they saw before. What is the nationality of yukomo?his nationality is Japanese. Where is he from?He is from Japan

Closures: To do the final activity question answer in groups of two.

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera en Sistemas e Informtica.Diario de CampoTema: Countries and Nationalities.Fecha: 21/04/141.- Qu clase de interaccin profesor-estudiante sucedi?La interaccin fue Teacher-Student/Student-Student primeramente los estudiantes vieron el video, asimilaron la informacin y el contenido del mismo, despus realizamos pequeas conversaciones donde yo les preguntaba de manera oral la nacionalidad de un pas y ellos me respondieron de acuerdo al video ya que captaron muy bien la informacin (interaccin positiva-activa).2.- Tuviste algunos problemas al ensear esta leccin?No tuve ningn problema, la leccin no era tan gramatical y poda explotar la misma con material extra para una mejor comprensin de los estudiantes.3.- Qu es lo que realmente aprendieron los estudiantes de la leccin? Aprendieron a identificar Nacionalidades de los distintos pases, completaron una lista y al mismo tiempo se guiaron con la misma, les sirvi de mucho ver y escuchar el video para mejorar pronunciacin. Practicaron pregunta respuesta al principio conmigo y para finalizar la clase ya realizaron sus propias preguntas y trabajaron de a 2(un estudiante preguntaba y el otro responda). 4.- Cul fue el principal logro de la leccin?.Como emplear las wh en preguntas, los adjetivos posesivos, y el verbo to be para preguntar y responder el pas y la nacionalidad de una determinada persona.5.- Cules fueron los materiales que usaste para la enseanza de la leccin? Cun efectivos fueron?Utilice los siguientes materiales: VIDEO sobre la leccin, fotocopias a color referente a pas- nacionalidad.

Question about what happened during a lesson by Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995)Reflective teaching in second language classrooms.

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 21-04-14

MAIN AIM(S): To explain The present simple of irregular and regular verbs by using pictures about actions that people do at the moment.

SUB AIM(S: - To apply the main rules of regular and irregular verbs by using the present simple.-To conjugate verbs for each subject pronoun.-To describe pictures by using present simple of regular and irregular verbs.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students at the end of the class will be able to describe a picture using lots of verbs in present simple.



Students may get confused: by doing the conjugation of verbs , the correct use of rules, and exceptions to describe pictures.-To reinforce the topic whit a chart of verbs if it is necessary.- To give them another small explanation with examples.

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with visual contact.

AIDS: whiteboard, pictures, pencils, notebooks.

Language input (if relevant) Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Sub Aim 1: - To apply the main rules of regular and irregular verbs by using the present simple.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To present Present simple of regular and irregular verbs to all class.-To explain the main rules and exceptions by using a small chart of verbs.-To indicate the correct use of verbs at the moment to describe each picture. To know the importance to use the present simple of regular and irregular verbs.-To recognize the regular and irregular verbs and use them in real situations that happens in present.

Sub Aim 2: To conjugate verbs for each subject pronoun.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To give all students lots of regular and irregular verbs.-To conjugate all verbs with all subject pronouns on the board.-To correct mistakes in verbs conjugation.

-To show students the differences with regular and irregular verbs and the use of s just for the third person and the rules that they have to apply for most of them.-To practice the ability of students for doing correctly the conjugation for all verbs on the board.

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To give students many pictures to indicate what do people do? -To describe people using all verbs that they conjugate before.To practice the activity in pairs.-To use the present simple of verbs for describing pictures correctly.- To choose two pictures for doing the description in pairs.(One student is going to hold one picture and he or she will describe according to the first explanation that teacher did at the beginning of the class, and the other student will argue more sentences for helping her or his partner)

Sub Aim 4: To describe pictures by using present simple tense of regular and irregular verbs.

Closures: To relate the last activity with the purpose to practice descriptions in an oral way

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera en Sistemas e Informtica.}Diario de CampoTema: Present simple of regular and irregular verbs.Fecha: 21/04/141.- Se alej de su plan de clase? Si as fuere, Por qu? Los cambios reforzados mejoraron o no la leccin?No me aleje de mi plan de clase, ya que realiz con anticipacin los planes de clase e implemento material a la leccin del libro para una mejor comprensin del tema.2.- Cul fue el principal logro de la leccin?Que los estudiantes conjugaron de manera correcta los verbos para posteriormente describir diferentes imgenes utilizando el presente simple.3.- Qu es lo que realmente cree que los estudiantes aprendieron con esta leccin? Aprendieron a aplicar y reconocer las reglas principales de los verbos tanto regulares como irregulares y a utilizarlos de manera correcta de acuerdo al sujeto.4.- Hubo alguna contradiccin en mi enseanza?No, simplemente hubo varias argumentaciones sobre la leccin que en todo caso, apoyaron mi explicacin.5.- Me prepar lo suficiente para esta leccin?Si, explique el presente simple con sus respectivas reglas, emplee ejemplos precisos lleve material acorde a la leccin y utilice un vocabulario simple para que los estudiantes comprendan la explicacin.6.- Ensear con el mismo material la prxima vez?No, para cada leccin preparo un material distinto al anterior, con el fin de no aburrir a mis estudiantes y siempre sorprenderlos con algo nuevo.Questions by Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995) Reflective teaching in second language classrooms .

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 25-04-14

MAIN AIM(S): To apply possessive adjectives by describing flash cards and classroom objects orally. SUB AIM(S:- To distinguish the uses of possessives adjectives according to each subject pronoun in plural and singular.- To present each item in order correctly. - To use the correct possessive in the photocopies by filling the gaps of Simpsons family .

SUBJECT CONTEXT Students will be to use possessive adjectives orally to practice what they learned in class.



Students might have problems when using the first third person possessive in singular or plural at the time to describe the objects of the class.,second-To reinforce the topic giving a lots of examples

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with visual contact.

AIDS: whiteboard, flash cards, classroom objects and markers.

Language input (if relevant) Whose pencil is this?


Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Traineers Name: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.

Sub aim 1: To distinguish the uses of possessives adjectives according to each subject pronoun in plural and singular.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To introduce possessive adjectives with some examples.- To write some sentences according to each subject pronoun in plural and singular.-To use the possessive question Whose notebook is it? For using classrooms objects.

- To use each possessive adjective in a clear and coherent way, according to each student who owns the object.-To write sentences using many possessive adjectives in singular and plural.

Sub Aim 2: To use each item in order correctly.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To recognize each adjective and how to use it for describing objects and flash cards. -To emphasize the questions in singular it? And plural Whose are these?- Each student will use the question whoseis it? Or whose are.. these? will depend if the object will be in plural or singular.

-To practice orally in front of class by using possessive adjectives.- To practice orally in pairs one student is going to ask and the other is going to answer (question answers).

Sub Aim 3: - To write the correct possessive in the photocopies by filling the gaps of family Simpson..Activities of the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To give additional vocabulary by filling the gaps in the exercises.- To fill the gaps in the exercises about Simpsons family in groups of 3. -To read the exercises and correct them together in the classroom.

-To consolidate the explanation of possessive adjectives.-To fill the gaps in the exercises about Simpsons family correctly.

Closures: To finish the class by talking about Simpsons family by describing all the members with the correct possessive adjective.

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera de Sistemas.

Diario de CampoTema: Possesives Adjetives.Fecha: 26/04/141.- Explic usted algo diferente que de costumbre?Prcticamente toda la explicacin estuvo enfocada en la leccin de los adjetivos posesivos, as que no hubo explicacin fuera del tema o que no concordase con el mismo. 2.- Todos los estudiantes estuvieron implicados durante la explicacin? Desde luego, los estudiantes estuvieron atentos a la explicacin por qu les dije que despus cada uno me dara un ejemplo usando un adjetivo posesivo de manera oral.3.- Los estudiantes participaron durante la clase? Desde luego que s, al principio practicaron con oraciones simples usando pregunta respuesta en parejas para luego consolidar la explicacin llenando los espacios en blanco de la familia Simpson.4.- Enseo a todos los estudiantes de la clase?Claro, la explicacin que realizo de cada leccin, es para toda la clase, empleo un timbre de voz no muy alto ni bajo de manera regular con el fin de que todos los estudiantes puedan escucharme tanto en la primera fila como en la ltima. Tambin en mi clase cada estudiante participa ya sea de manera voluntaria o de acuerdo a la lista5.- La leccin de hoy despert inters por la materia?Si bastante, la clase estuvo dinmica, realizaron actividades grupales y el material que lleve de la familia Simpson los motivo a emplear y reconocer de mejor manera los posesivos ya con las imgenes de estos conocidos personajes.

Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995)Reflective teaching in second language classrooms.

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 27-04-14

MAIN AIM(S): To describe daily routines by using present simple of verbs and time. SUB AIM(S:- To identify the importance by talking about .daily routines-To put in the correct order the words in each paper by making a colash. - To write a paragraph about students daily routine.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students will be able to describe their daily routine using simple present of verbs and time.



Students may get confused by using the correct verb, time at moment to describe their routines.-To give a short description using daily routines as an example.

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with visual contact.

AIDS: whiteboard, markers, pens, notebook.

Language input (if relevant)


Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Traineers Name: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.

Sub aim 1: To identify the importance by talking about .daily routines

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To present Daily routines with one example by identifying the present simple of verbs and time.- To give a list of certain verbs by describing daily routines. -To show them a short paragraph as an example.- To know the importance of daily routines-To circle the verbs in the paragraph and the time.- To write a short paragraph by using the dates of Pattys daily routine.

Sub Aim 2: To put in the correct order the words in each paper by making a colash.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To work in groups of four for doing the activity.-To read the words that there is in each paper for making the colash correctly. -To sneak each paper on the board .

-To develop a dynamic and cooperative activity about the lesson.

- To review the different colash of each group on the board , the group who will put in the correct order the words by making the colash correctly will win candies .

Sub Aim 3: To write a paragraph about their daily routineActivities of the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To work individually for doing the activity.-To write a short description no more ten lines.-To describe their daily routine by using present simple of certain verbs and time.

-To develop students written comprehension.

-To share the daily routines description in front of the class orally.To review the correct use of verb and the time in students description.

Closures: To do work groups one student is going to read his/her daily routine, then another student is going to ask him/her using the two questions: What do you do first in the day?/ what do you do next in the day.

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera de Sistemas.Diario de CampoTema: Daily routines .Fecha: 27/04/141.- Cules fueron los materiales que usaste par esta leccin? Resultaron ser efectivos?Realice 5 descripciones de diversos personajes en papeles de colores, para luego cortarlos en pedazos , di a cada grupo una descripcin de manera desordenada y cada grupo deba leer y pegar los papeles en el pizarrn para formar el prrafo de manera correcta.2.- Tuviste algn problema con la leccin? Realmente no , disfrute explicar rutinas diarias el tema no fue para nada gramatical sino ms bien dinmico y se poda explotar bastante y realice distintas actividades para que la clase estuviera activa.3.- Ocurri algo inesperado durante la clase? Bueno, cuando di la orden de que cada estudiante deba realizar su propia rutina, se pusieron un poco tmidos porque al parecer la mayora venia sin desayunar a la clase ya que la clase de ingls es la madrugada, y que los fines de semana dorman hasta las 11, cosas as, sin embargo fueron sinceros cuando realizaron su descripcin, hubo risas cuando cada uno ley su rutina al final de la clase.4.- cul fue la tcnica que uso durante el desarrollo de la clase?Se us la tcnica del aprendizaje cooperativo.5.- Cul fue el principal logro de la leccin? Hubo varios logros como ser: reconocer y utilizar determinados verbos para describir una rutina diaria, trabajar en grupos de manera conjunta para realizar la actividad de formar el prrafo en el pizarrn, hablar y escribir sobre su propia rutina.Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995)Reflective teaching in second language classrooms

Describe what is Pedros daily routine.

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 07-07-14

MAIN AIM(S): To use the verb to be for describing some pictures about feelings. SUB AIM(S:- To mention feelings in the correct order alphabetic. - To complete the exercises by using the verb to be in the photocopies.- To discuss short dialogues by asking what is the matter/ with you?

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students will be able to use feelings for describing a certain mood.



Students may get confused recognizing and describing certain mood using the verb to be and questions.-To give some examples and review the correct name of each feeling.

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with visual contact.

AIDS: whiteboard. Pictures, markers.

Language input (if relevant) : What is the matter? / what is the matter with you?.


Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.Traineers Name: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany

Sub aim 1: To mention feelings in the correct order alphabetic.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To present feelings with funny pictures with all class.- To give students an alphabetic list about feelings.-To read it by recognizing certain moods.- To introduce feelings and how we can use them.- To identify each feeling and mention not least 10 feelings.

Sub Aim 2: To complete the exercises by using the verb to be in the photocopies.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To read the exercises in the photocopies and complete with the correct verb to be.-To compare the answers with a classmate.- To read loudly the exercises for checking the correct answer.

-To conjugate the verb to be for subject pronouns according to exercises in the photocopies.- To do correctly the exercises for comparing the answers with a partner.

Sub Aim 3: To discuss short dialogues by asking what is the matter/ with you?Activities of the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To write a short dialogues by using certain mood.- To use the question What is the matter /with you? And for answering the verb to be.- To read descriptions and identify mistakes in the dialogues if there is.

-To talk and practice the mood.- To work in pairs for discussing about the mood , it will be interactive.(one student is going to ask what is the matter with you? And the other is going to answer him or her using the verb to be).

Closures: to discuss by reading the dialogues about feelings.

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera en Sistemas e Informtica.Diario de CampoTema: Feelings.Fecha: 07/07/141.- Cmo se dio el desarrollo de la leccin?Al comienzo se present la leccin con caritas divertidas sobre los sentimientos, luego se les dio una lista a los estudiantes en la cual pudieron apreciar la primera palabra de cada sentimiento de acuerdo al alfabeto, luego realizaron dilogos y lo autocorrigieron. 2.- Qu materiales empleo para la enseanza de la leccin? Ayudo al proceso de enseanza?Realice caritas divertidas muy coloridas sobre los sentimientos los recorte y lleve a la clase, alcanzo para todos los estudiantes, luego imprime el alfabeto acerca de los sentimientos, hice en un palelografo una descripcin usando el verbo to be y los sentimientos como ejemplo para mostrar a los estudiantes y desde luego explicar la misma, les sirvi de mucho ya que viendo eso hicieron sus propios dilogos.3.- Hubo alguna reaccin negativa o positiva por parte de los estudiantes? Si hubo reacciones positivas les gusto las caritas que realice , las fotocopias ya que todo fue impreso a colores, las actividades que realizaron durante los 60 min de la clase,etc , ninguna negativa. 4.- Si, volvera a ensear la leccin lo hara de la misma manera o cambiara algo?No enseara de la misma manera con los materiales que lleve , talvez hubiera llevado un video de apoyo al tema pero las actividades el dinamismo con el que guie la clase eso s que no lo cambiaria.5.- La leccin de hoy despert inters por la materia?Definitivamente el inters y la motivacin de los estudiantes estuvo presente toda la clase.

Questions by Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995) Reflective teaching in second language classrooms .

Write sentences with these feelings b y using the verb to be in negative or positive form I am Happy You HeSheTheywe

Elaborated by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 12-07-14

MAIN AIM(S): To recognize Adverbs of frequency in questions and answers by using frequency expressions for doing personal descriptions. SUB AIM(S:- To distinguish adverbs of frequency by using frequency expressions in real situations.- To choose the correct adverb of frequency in order to indicate peoples actions.- To differentiate the use of adverbs of frequency in questions and answers.

SUBJECT CONTEXT: Students will be able to use correctly the adverbs of frequency for describing peoples actions in real situations.



Students might have problems when using each adverb of frequency combined with frequency expressions for answers and questions.-To show them the differences by giving a lot of examples.

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with visual contact.

AIDS: whiteboard, markers, photocopies.

Language input (if relevant)


Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Traineers Name: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.

Sub aim 1 : To distinguish adverbs of frequency by using frequency expressions in real situations.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To introduce Adverbs of frequency to all class giving them some sentences and rules for use each one.- To apply the uses and rules of each adverb of frequency with frequency expressions.-To write the words for making sentences for understanding the subject.

- To Know the importance of adverbs in sentences and question and expressions of frequency just for answers.-To put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

Sub Aim 2: To choose the correct adverb of frequency in order to indicate peoples actions.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To choose correctly each adverb of frequency for describing peoples actions. -To describe adequately peoples actions.-To understand the correct position of adverbs for making a short paragraph.

-To identify the order of adverbs by describing peoples actions.- T o do short paragraphs by using adverbs of frequency for describing students personal actions.

Sub Aim 3: To differentiate the use of adverbs of frequency in questions and answers.Activities of the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To understand the order for making questions and answers.-To use frequency expressions at moment to answers the questions. -To correct mistakes if there is.

-To practice an oral conversation using adverbs and expressions of frequency.-To use question - answers.

Closures: Students will practice frequency expressions , by using the questions : what they do? How often do they watch TV? And for answers of frequency: every day, every night, twice a month, etc.

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera en Sistemas e Informtica.Diario de Campo

Tema: Adverbs of Frequency Fecha: 12/07/14.1.- Qu partes de la leccin fueron las ms satisfactorias? Cuando los estudiantes identificaron que adverbios de frecuencia utilizaran para describir sus propias acciones.2.- Qu partes de la leccin fueron las menos satisfactorias? No hubo ninguna parte de la leccin que no se entendi, ya que los estudiantes hicieron los ejercicios y las actividades de manera correcta.3.- Qu les gusto a los estudiantes acerca de la leccin? Desde luego, fue describir sus propias experiencias trabajando de a 2, usando los adverbios de frecuencia y las expresiones de frecuencia, adecundolo en pregunta respuesta (oral).4.- Cmo puedo mejorar mi enseanza de lenguas?Comunicndome con mis estudiantes de manera sencilla, es decir usando un lxico entendible y adecundolo desde luego al nivel del curso. 5.- Enseara usted la leccin diferente si la enseara otra vez?El mtodo de enseanza no la cambiara, pero tal vez incluira algn juego para cerrar la leccin de manera dinmica y divertida6.- Qu satisfaccin me otorga la enseanza de lenguas?La satisfaccin es enorme y positiva, porque tienes esa responsabilidad de ensear la cultura y transmitir la lengua de manera adecuada y desde luego a expresarse en la misma.Questions by Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995) Reflective teaching in second language classrooms . Worksheets

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, and circle the adverb of frequency. 1. - always France to go we spring in. .. 2.-Stay hotel a usually we in. .. 3. - plane sometimes by go we. 4.-children with never our us come. 5.-We restaurant go a often evenings Friday to on. ..

Elaborated by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino

Here is a chart of frequency adverbs. The percentages show approximately how often something happens. Always 100% Almost always 9599% Usually 9099% Frequently 8090% Often 6080% Sometimes 50% Occasionally 3040% Seldom 510% Rarely 110% Almost never 15% Never 0%

Elaborated by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino Name________________ Date________________ Practice using Frequency Adverbs Directions: Rewrite each sentence on the line. Use the percentages to decide which adverb to use. Then, decide whether the adverb comes before or after the verb. Example: Selma catches the 9:15 bus to town. (8090%) Selma frequently catches the 9:15 bus to town. 11.. We watch the news at 6:00. (100%)

_______________________________________________________________ 22.. My wife drives me to work. (50%)

_______________________________________________________________ 33.. Our neighbors son goes to football practice after school. (9599%)

_______________________________________________________________ 44.. My mom leaves her keys on the kitchen table. (80-90%)

_______________________________________________________________ 55.. The baby is hungry when he wakes up. (100%)

_______________________________________________________________ 66.. The planes take off on time. (9099%)

_______________________________________________________________ 77.. The school bus is here by 7:30 a.m. (510%)

_______________________________________________________________ 88.. I go shopping after work. (3040%)

_______________________________________________________________ 99.. The kids are ready when the school bus arrives. (110%)

1100.. I am happy when it rains. (0%)_______________________________________________________________

Elaborated by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 21-04-14

MAIN AIM(S): To practice demonstrative adjectives: this, these, that and those, using classrooms objects. SUB AIM(S: - To mention classrooms objects by using demonstrative adjectives. - To establish the differences between each adjective (this, that, these and those) in exercises.-To use demonstratives adjectives for indicating objects in the class.

SUBJECT CONTEXT :Students will be able to use demonstrative adjectives not for only signaling objects in class, furthermore in other contexts.



Students dont be familiar with new vocabulary.Students may get confused with the use of each adjective.- To give some examples and establish the differences of each one.- To reinforce the theme ask students orally of a particular object using one adjective demonstrative.

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with visual contact.

AIDS: Whiteboard, markers, some object of class and pictures.

Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Language input (if relevant)

Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.Traineers Name: Irirate Ferrufino Melany

Sub Aim 1: To mention classrooms objects by using demonstrative adjectives.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To introduce the subject by showing different pictures to make the students feel confident in class.-To give students a list about classrooms objects.-To use the demonstrative adjectives signaling each object of classroom..

- To practice each adjective in context the classroom.-To name of a particular object in class using a demonstrative adjective (this, that. These or those).

Sub Aim 2: To establish the differences between each adjective (this, that, these and those).Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To recognize the differences between this, that, these, those.-To complete the exercises in photocopies by using demonstratives adjectives.-To read the exercises and correct it.

-To differentiate the use of each demonstrative adjective in singular and plural.- To do simple descriptions using the four demonstratives adjectives.

Sub Aim 3: To use demonstratives adjectives for indicating objects in the class

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To give some examples with that, this, theseand those.-To reinforce the topic and practicing speaking in class.-To evaluate the learning process.

-To apply all the cases for using demonstratives adjectives.-To discuss in front of class, teacher will show them a picture or an object and students have to use adequately the correct adjective for describing it.

Clousures: To practice the demonstrative adjectives in short descriptions by applying all the explanation during the class.

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera en Sistemas e Informtica.Diario de CampoTema: Demonstrative adjectives: this, these, that and thoseFecha: 21/04/141.- Se alej de su plan de clase? Si as fuere, Por qu? Los cambios reforzados mejoraron o no la leccin?No me aleje de mi plan de clase en ningn momento, por ello realizo con anticipacin los planes de clase e implemento todo lo que se puede explotar y desarrollar con la leccin para una mejor comprensin del tema.2.- Cul fue el principal logro de la leccin?Que los estudiantes identifiquen los adjetivos demostrativos de manera correcta gracias a los ejemplos, objetos e imgenes.3.- Qu es lo que realmente cree que los estudiantes aprendieron con esta leccin?Aprendieron a identificar los objetos de clase, imgenes si estaban cerca o lejos para usar el adjetivo demostrativo de manera correcta, tambin practicaron pronunciacin, nmero (singular-plural), etc.4.- Hubo alguna contradiccin en mi enseanza?No hubo ningn tipo de contradiccin en la enseanza del tema.5.- Me prepare lo suficiente para esta leccin?Si, expliqu las diferencias a travs de imgenes use los objetos de clase para complementar a la explicacin lleve material extra para los estudiantes, los cuales trabajaron de manera grupal e individual para esta leccin.6.- Enseare con el mismo material la prxima vez?Podra ser ,pero para cada clase el material es diferente de acuerdo a la leccin que se avanzara.Questions by Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995) Reflective teaching in second language classrooms .

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino

This - These, That - Those

Type the plural form in the boxes below and change the verb form.

For example:This car is new.These cars are new.That girl goes to my school.Those girls go to my school.1.This orange is very nice.2.That student writes well.3.That house is near the beach.4.This book belongs to George.5.That dog barks all night.6.That computer is old.7.This lesson is very difficult.8.That person sings badly.9.This exercise is easy.10.This man works at my shop.


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 40 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 16-06-14

MAIN AIM(S): To recognize the Countable and Uncountable nouns by using flash cards of food. SUB AIM(S): -To distinguish the Countable and Uncountable nouns.- To identify the correct use and the differences of How much and How many/ Some and Any. - To use how much, how many/some and any in a practice orally.

SUBJECT CONTEXT: students will be able to recognize countable and uncountable nouns using how much, how many, some and any



Students might be confused whit the correct use of: How much, how many, some and any.

To give them some examples. To explain in a clear way in which cases, they have to use How much, how many, some and any.

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with visual contact.

AIDS: Whiteboard, markers, photocopies and flash cards.

Language input (if relevant) What is it?


Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Traineers Name: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.

Sub Aim 1: To distinguish the Countable and Uncountable nouns.

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To look each flash card and tell if it is a countable or uncountable noun.- To write in the gaps some or any according to each flash card.-To read the answers of the activity for all the class.

-- To review the exercises orally. - To fill the gaps of flash cards correctly.

Sub Aim 2: To identify the correct use and the differences of How much and How many

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To differentiate. How much and how many by giving students some examples.- To give students a list for recognizing countable and uncountable nouns.- To write some examples using how much, how many.

- To analyze the use of How much and how many

- To practice How much and How many in questions and sentences.

Sub Aim 3: To use how much, how many/some and any in a practice orally.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To use there is /there are /some and any for describing flash cards of countable and uncountable nouns. - To describe the flash cards correctly by applying how much how many in questions and for answers some and any.- To work in pairs for doing the last oral activity.

- To practice orally the description of each flash card.-To use there is and there are some and any in answers.-To evaluate in pairs: one student is going to ask to his or her partner by using how much ,how many ,and the other student is going to answer him or her by using there is ,there are /some, any (using flash cards).

Closures: To practice the differences of Countable and uncountable nouns by seeing flash cards about food and doing reflective exercises.

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera en Sistemas e Informtica.Diario de CampoTema: The Countable and Uncountable nouns.Fecha:16/06/141.- Explico usted algo diferente que de costumbre?En esta leccin no se explic nada diferente, porque era muy gramatical y necesitaba ejemplos, material,etc. 2.- Qu clase de decisiones empleo usted?Adaptar la mayor parte de los ejercicios y actividades de manera oral e interactiva para que los estudiantes identifiquen las diferencias de los nombres contables y no contables.3.- Los estudiantes fueron desafiados por la leccin? Desde luego que s, ya que tuvieron que identificar si usaban ; many, much,some or any en los ejercicios para describir las imgenes de los contables y no contables en food.4.- Cmo puedo ayudar a mis estudiantes?Aclarando y respondiendo cualquier duda acerca de la explicacin, etc., dndoles varios ejemplos con el objetivo de explicar de manera clara y comprensiva la leccin y motivndolos con juegos dinmicos, canciones, videos.5.- Cules son mis limitaciones actualmente?Hasta el momento no se present ninguna limitacin en el proceso de enseanza aprendizaje del idioma ingles en la carrera de Sistemas.6.- La leccin de hoy despert inters por la materia?Despert inters y motivacin en los estudiantes, uno de los aspectos fundamentales en el proceso de enseanza es motivar a los estudiantes con material extra para el apoyo de la leccin y con juegos dinmicos, lo que hace que ellos gusten el aprender una lengua de manera activa y no as pasivamente.

Questions by Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995) Reflective teaching in second language classrooms .

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino

You have to fill in the blanks with some, any, much and manyDid the teacher give us any homework? - Yes, but not much .2. Nick never does work. He is a very lazy boy.3. Could you lend me fifty dollars? - No, I haven't got money.4. She has had as ..success as her brother.5. I bought some bread, but I didn't buy .butter. I forgot!6. She is a warm and friendly girl. She has so friends.7. I've got any .interesting things to tell you. Let's meet at seven o'clock and I'll tell you everything.8. How lessons do you have on Mondays? - Only three, mum.9. Kate was very afraid of ghosts when she was little girl.10. I didn't see. white cats in the garden, only the black one.11. dogs can be dangerous. Watch out!


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 16-06-14

MAIN AIM(S): To apply the present simple in exercises by using prepositions of time (in, on, at)and frequency adverbs . SUB AIM(S): - To use frequency adverbs in some exercises.- To identify the main rules of prepositions of time : in, on and at.- To practice the present simple and prepositions by filling the gaps in books exercises.

SUBJECT CONTEXT: Students will be able to recognize the prepositions by using frequency adverbs.



Students might be confused with the use of each preposition.Students dont understand the new vocabulary in the lesson for doing the activities. To give them some examples about the uses of each frequency adverbs. To explain in a way clear in which cases, they have to use the prepositions in, on and at.

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with visual contact.

AIDS: Whiteboard, markers, photocopies.

Language input (if relevant)


Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Traineers Name: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.

Sub Aim 1: To use frequency adverbs in some exercises.

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To write some examples about the uses of frequency adverbs by recognizing the main rules in sentences. - To give many examples by using the present simple and frequency adverbs in photocopies.-Students have to use the frequency adverbs and the present simple by writing sentences.

- To practice how to use frequency adverbs in sentences. - To combine frequency adverbs and the present simple in sentences.

Sub Aim 2: To identify the main rules of prepositions of time: in, on and at.

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To recognize the uses and the differences among: in, on, at.- To apply the principal rules of prepositions by filling the spaces in the book.-To give examples with each preposition.

- To remember how we can use the prepositions in, on, at in a written and oral activity.

- To use the frequency adverbs and present simple in sentences.

Sub Aim 3: To practice the present simple and prepositions by filling the gaps in the photocopies.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To complete the sentences about the present simple and frequency adverbs. - To fill the gaps in the photocopy with prepositions of time : in, on, at.-To read the answers for sharing it with all the classroom.

- To practice the present simple and prepositions with frequency adverbs in a written activity.-To use body language for representing some prepositions.

Closures: To complete the spaces in the photocopies adequately.

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera en Sistemas e Informtica.

Diario de CampoTema: Prepositions of time.Fecha: 16/06/141.- Explico usted algo diferente que de costumbre?Algunas veces si lo hago para una mejor comprensin del tema, etc. pero en esta leccin no porque era muy gramatical y necesitaba ejemplos, material y guiar la clase de manera adecuada. 2.- Qu clase de decisiones empleo usted?Adapt la mitad de la clase para realizar ejercicios gramaticales y la otra mitad para realizar actividades de manera individual.3.- Los estudiantes fueron desafiados por la leccin? Si bastante, ya que esta leccin no fue muy comprensible para ellos por el hecho de que en la misma tuve que recordarles como deberan usar los adverbios de frecuencia, las preposiciones de tiempo y el presente simple de manera conjunta.4.- Cmo puedo ayudar a mis estudiantes?Aclarando y respondiendo cualquier duda acerca de la explicacin, etc., dndoles varios ejemplos, etc.5.- Cules son mis limitaciones actualmente?Hasta el momento no se present ninguna limitacin en el proceso de enseanza aprendizaje del idioma ingles en la carrera de Sistemas.6.- La leccin de hoy despert inters por la materia?Despert inters y bastante curiosidad por parte de los estudiantes, realmente fue un desafo para ellos comprender el tema.

Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995)Reflective teaching in second language classrooms.

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 17-06-14

MAIN AIM(S): To apply the auxiliary Do and Does in negative and positive form by doing sentences and questions. SUB AIM(S): - To write the auxiliary do and does in negative and positive questions.- To put in the correct order the words by making questions and answers.- To do questions by asking about student s information.

SUBJECT CONTEXT: -Students will be able to complete the exercises about information questions by using do or do in the book.



-Students might be confused in which cases they have to use do or does.-Students might not understand the writing practice in the book.-Students might not make correctly the activity about the information questions. To give them some examples of do and does in questions. Teacher will make examples for each exercise. Teacher will make examples of how they have to change the information questions.

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with visual contact.

AIDS: Whiteboard, markers, photocopies, book, color papers.

Language input (if relevant)


Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Traineers Name: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.

Sub Aim 1: To practice the auxiliary do and does in negative and positive questions.

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To introduce the subject by giving them examples about the uses of auxiliaries do and does in sentences and questions.-To write many sentences by using the auxiliary do and does.- To complete the exercises with the correct auxiliary do/does. - To practice the auxiliary do and does in questions. - To change the questions for making positive and negative answers.

Sub Aim 2: To put in the correct order the words by making questions and answers.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

-To give students color papers, in each paper there will be one word.-To read the paper and to put in the correct order for making the questions.- To find the correct answer in color papers for each question.

- To remember how to use the auxiliary do and does in questions and they are going to learn how is formed the question.- To sneak on the board all the words for making questions with their respective answer.-To review sentences according questions.

Sub Aim 3: To do questions by asking about student s information.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To practice the structure of information questions in writing activity and they have to read their answers- To work in pairs for doing the last activity.-To read the questions that they do for all class.

-To choose one students for asking his or her information by using the auxiliary do/does.- To use the correct form of information questions with do and does.

Closures: To finish the class by doing oral activities.

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera en Sistemas e Informtica.Diario de CampoTema: The auxiliary Do and Does.Fecha: 28/07/141.- Cul fue el principal objetivo de la leccin? Que los estudiantes puedan reconocer los auxiliares Do y Does de acuerdo al sujeto y posteriormente realizar preguntas para obtener una informacin determinada sobre alguien.2.- Cul(es) fueron los principales logros de la leccin? La explicacin fue precisa con ejemplos sencillos, enfatizando los ejercicios de manera positiva y negativa, los estudiantes comprendieron las consignas para realizar las distintas actividades durante al clase. La misma estuvo dinmica y motivada con ejercicios de manera oral y escrito.3.- Los estudiantes fueron desafiados por la leccin? Si, durante toda la clase realizando ejercicios, participando de manera activa, dando ejemplos propios sobre la leccin, etc.4.- Cmo puedo ayudar a mis estudiantes?Aclarando posibles dudas durante o despus de la clase, dndoles trabajos prcticos para la casa, y realizando la mayor parte de la clase ejercicios.5.- La leccin de hoy despert inters por la materia?Definitivamente el inters y la motivacin de los estudiantes estuvo presente toda la clase por el manejo y la dinmica , las actividades que se realiz para fortalecer la comprensin del tema.

Questions by Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995) Reflective teaching in second language classrooms .

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino

'Do' or 'Does' worksheetFill each space with eitherdoordoes.1. _____ Grant live with his mother?2. _____ you learn Japanese?3. _____ Martin and Clive ride their bikes to school?4. _____ they work at home or in an office?5. _____ Sharon's parrot live in a cage?6. _____ you play the guitar?7. _____ Billy wear white shirts?8. _____ your teacher think you're a good student?

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 1-07-14

MAIN AIM(S): To distinguish will /going to by talking about future plans and actions. SUB AIM(S): -To use the main rules of will and going to in sentences.-To apply the future simple by filling the gaps in exercises. -To discuss about Saras schedule using future simple.

SUBJECT CONTEXT:Students will be able to recognize the differences between will and going to by filling the exercises.



Students might be confused with the correct use of: will and going to.

To give them a lot of examples. To use the main rules for using will or going to in exercises. To clarify students questions and doubts.

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with extra activities.

AIDS: Whiteboard, markers, photocopies.

Language input (if relevant)


Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Traineers Name: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.

Sub Aim 1: To use the main rules of will and going to in sentences.

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To understand teachers explanation about future simple in sentences.- To do ten sentences by using will and going to.-Students have to write the half of their sentences in the board.

-- To review the sentences orally. - To practice future simple by doing positive sentences.

Sub Aim 2: To apply the future simple by filling the gaps in exercises.

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To give students photocopies for practicing the future simple.- To comprehend the new vocabulary in exercises.- To read the answer of each sentence.

- To analyze the use of will and going to.

- To fill the gaps in exercises.

Sub Aim 3: To discuss about Saras schedule using future simple.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To describe Saras schedule by using future simple.- To answers the questions about Saras schedule.-Students have to make a timetable of their week.

- To practice Saras schedule orally.-To evaluate students timetable by using the future simple.

Closures: To clarify doubts and answers possible questions about the subject.

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera en Sistemas e Informtica.Diario de CampoTema: Will and Going to.Fecha:23/04/141.- Explico usted algo diferente que de costumbre?Algunas veces si lo hago para una mejor comprensin del tema, etc. pero en esta leccin no porque era muy gramatical y necesitaba ejemplos. 2.- Qu clase de decisiones empleo usted?Adaptar la mayor parte de los ejercicios y actividades de manera oral e interactiva para que los estudiantes identifiquen las diferencias de los nombres contables y no contables.3.- Los estudiantes fueron desafiados por la leccin? Desde luego que s, ya que tuvieron que identificar si usaban many, much,some or any en los ejercicios para describir las imgenes de los contables y no contables en food.4.- Cmo puedo ayudar a mis estudiantes?Aclarando y respondiendo cualquier duda acerca de la explicacin, etc., dndoles varios ejemplos con el objetivo de explicar de manera clara y comprensiva la leccin y motivndolos con juegos dinmicos, canciones, videos.5.- Cules son mis limitaciones actualmente?Hasta el momento no se present ninguna limitacin en el proceso de enseanza aprendizaje del idioma ingles en la carrera de Sistemas.6.- La leccin de hoy despert inters por la materia?Despert inters y motivacin en los estudiantes, uno de los aspectos fundamentales en el proceso de enseanza es motivar a los estudiantes con material extra para el apoyo de la leccin y con juegos dinmicos, lo que hace que ellos gusten el aprender una lengua de manera activa y no as pasivamente.Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995)Reflective teaching in second language classrooms.

English exercise "Future : will or going to"

1. Why are you turning on the TV? (I/ watch) . the match. 2. Sarah called you one hour ago. Ok, (I/ call) her back. 3. Where are you going? (I/ watch) a movie at the cinema. 4. Be quiet please , the baby's sleeping! (you/ wake) him up. 5. Can you take me to the airport tomorrow? No problem (I/take) you at 9 pm. 6. I've decided to change the colour of my bedroom, What colour (you/ paint) it? 7. Sarah has been in hospital since Monday, (I/ visit) ..her tomorrow. 8. Oh, I haven't got money with me. Don't worry (I/ lend).. you 20 dollars. 9. I've got a headache, (I/ take) .an aspirin.

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino

Will - Going toPut the correct words into the sentences will going wont not going 1. Im _______________ to college today. 2. Im _______________ to college today because its raining. 3. Hasan ________ be at work today. Hes sick. 4. Next week we are __________ on holiday. 5. I _____ see you next week. Take care. 6. Im _________ shopping tomorrow. 7. We are ________ shopping in Leeds at the weekend. 8. The doctor ______ see you at 5 oclock. 9. I ________help you paint your house. 10. I _______ see you next week because Im ________ on holiday. Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 14-07-14

MAIN AIM(S): To recognize the differences between the superlative and the comparative form by using adjectives. SUB AIM(S): -To comprehend the use of comparative form (er than/more than) and the superlative form (the est/ the most) in sentences.-To listen and complete the exercises in the book by filling the gaps.-To change comparative adjectives to superlative form in sentences.

SUBJECT CONTEXT:Students will be able to recognize the differences between the comparative and the superlative form by doing exercises and activities in the book.



Students might be confused with the correct use ,structure of er than more than / the est the most.

To give them examples with the comparative form and the superlative form. To use adjectives in sentences adequately. To explain them the main differences between the use, structure of superlative and comparative form in some exercises.

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with visual contact.

AIDS: Whiteboard, markers, photocopies, book .

Language input (if relevant)


Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Traineers Name: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.

Sub Aim 1: -To comprehend the use of comparative form (er than/more than) and the superlative form (the est/ the most) in sentences.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To comprehend teachers explanation about comparatives and superlatives in sentences.- To recognize the differences between er than- the est / the most and more than. -Students have to write five sentences by using adjectives in the comparative and superlative form.

- To do 10 sentences in the comparative and superlative form. - To review and correct the sentences together.

Sub Aim 2: To listen and complete exercises in the book by filling the gaps.

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To listen Joels conversation and complete by filling the gaps with the correct form of adjectives.- To comprehend new vocabulary in the listening activity.- To read each answer according to Joels conversation.

- To recognize the adjectives in the superlative and comparative form in Joels conversation.- To write the correct form of superlative or maybe the comparative form according to listening activity in the book (check the answers).

Sub Aim 3: To change comparative adjectives to superlative form in sentences.

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To understand the sentences in the photocopy.- To change the comparative adjective to superlative form in sentences.-Students have to read theirs answers.

- To consolidate teachers explanation.-To evaluate students sentences orally.

Closures: To clarify possible doubts about the present continuous.

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera en Sistemas e Informtica.Diario de CampoTema: The comparative and superlative form.Fecha:14 /07/141.- Explic usted algo diferente que de costumbre? No, en esta leccin me enfoque ms en la explicacin de la forma comparativa y superlativa usando adjetivos. 2.- Qu clase de decisiones emple usted?Adapt la mitad de la clase con ejercicios de manera escrita, listening y la otra mitad de la clase la emplee para actividades de manera oral e individual con el objetivo de que, los estudiantes identifiquen las diferencias de usar el comparativo y superlativo al momento de describir una imagen.3.- Los estudiantes fueron desafiados por la leccin? Desde luego que s, ya que tuvieron que practicar bastante al principio con oraciones usando adjetivos de forma comparativa y superlativa, para luego describir imgenes correctamente.4.- Cmo puedo ayudar a mis estudiantes?Aclarando y respondiendo cualquier duda acerca de la explicacin, volviendo a repetir la explicacin si es necesario, y desde luego dndoles varios ejemplos para que posteriormente puedan resolver los ejercicios del texto por si solos.5.- La leccin de hoy despert inters por la materia?Si bastante, ya que los estudiantes trabajaron durante la clase de manera individual, usando adjetivos comparativos y superlativos, tambin realizaron una actividad de listening lo cual fue muy positivo y despert el inters y aprendizaje por la leccin.

Questions by Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995)Reflective teaching in second language classrooms.

English exercise "Comparative and superlative"

1. Canada is (big). than France. 2. The Amazon is (wide). than the Nile 3. Chile has a (small) population than China 4. He is the (good).. at maths. 5. This exam is the.. (easy). 6. You are (low) than your brother. 7. The film is (expensive) than the other. 8. Paris is the (cheerful). city in France during Christmas. 9. The school is (far) than the bank 10. She is the (excited) of these girls. Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 15-07-14

MAIN AIM(S): To describe pictures and clothes by using the present continuous. SUB AIM(S): -To use present continuous in some sentences.-To apply the present continuous in some exercises.-To describe clothes and pictures by using What are you wearing? in an oral way.

SUBJECT CONTEXT:Students will be able to use the present continuous for describing clothes and pictures.



Students might be confused with the correct use of present continuous form (s+verb to be+ verb ing). To give them examples with the uses and main rules of present continuous. To practice the present continuous by describing pictures in the book orally.

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with visual contact.

AIDS: Whiteboard, markers, pictures, book.

Language input (if relevant)


Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.Traineers Name: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany

Sub Aim 1: To use present continuous in some sentences.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To comprehend teachers explanation about the form of present continuous.- To analyze the form of verbs in special cases for applying the present continuous. - To write some verbs in present continuous on the board.- To practice the rules of present continuous by adding ing in verbs.-To review and correct the verbs. - Students have to read the verbs in Present Continuous. After that they have to correct it if there will be a possible mistake in the ing form of .

Sub Aim 2: To apply the present continuous in exercises (photocopies) and activities (book).

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To conjugate some verbs in present continuous.- To fill the gaps with the correct verb. - To read each answer according to each activity.

- To practice present continuous.- Students have to analyze the main rules for applying the present continuous in exercises and activities.- Students have to conjugate the (verb to be +verb+ ing) according to each exercise- activity in the photocopies.

Sub Aim 3: To describe clothes and pictures by using What are you wearing?.

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To introduce vocabulary about clothes.-To describe each picture by using the question what are people wearing in the pictures?- To do short descriptions about what are people doing in the pictures? .By using present continuous in verbs.

- To practice oral comprehension.-To evaluate students descriptions orally.

Closures: To ask each student what they are wearing? , and they will answer me using clothes by applying the present continuous.

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera en Sistemas e Informtica.Diario de CampoTema: Present simple continuous.Fecha: 15/07/141.- Se alej de su plan de clase? Si as fuere, Por qu? Los cambios reforzados mejoraron o no la leccin?No me aleje de mi plan de clase, por ello realizo con anticipacin los planes de clase e implemento todo lo que se puede explotar y desarrollar con la leccin para una mejor comprensin del tema.2.- Cul fue el principal logro de la leccin?Que los estudiantes asimilen el presente continuo a travs de oraciones y preguntas.3.- Qu es lo que realmente cree que los estudiantes aprendieron con esta leccin?Aprendieron a describir imgenes del libro la unidad 11 del Head Way elementary, usaron el presente simple continuo para describir la ropa que traan puesta, realizaron oraciones propias y tambin completaron ejercicios en el texto de manera adecuada.4.- Hubo alguna contradiccin en mi enseanza?No, hubo ninguna contradiccin en la enseanza del tema.5.- Me prepar lo suficiente para esta leccin?Si, explique el presente simple continuo con sus respectivas reglas, emplee ejemplos precisos y utilice un vocabulario simple para que los estudiantes comprendan la explicacin y desde luego la leccin.6.- Ensear con el mismo material la prxima vez?No, para cada leccin preparo un material distinto al anterior, con el fin de no aburrir a mis estudiantes y siempre sorprenderlos con algo nuevo.Questions by Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995) Reflective teaching in second language classrooms .

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 04-08-14

MAIN AIM(S): To differentiate the uses of have got/ have to by doing sentences and questions. SUB AIM(S): -To analyze the main rules of have got/have to in negative and positive sentences.-To use have got and have to in sentences and questions.-To make an oral activity in pairs about the lesson.

SUBJECT CONTEXT:Students will be able to use have got and have to in sentences and questions.



Students might be confused with the correct use of:(+)Have got the (-) havent got/ (?) Have you got..?(+)Have to the (-)has not to/the (?)Do you have .? To give them examples with the uses and main rules of have got and have to To practice the conjugation of each one. To distinguish the correct answer in multiple choice have to or have got according to each exercise..

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with visual contact.

AIDS: Whiteboard, markers, color papers, book.

Language input (if relevant)


Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.Traineers Name: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany

Sub Aim 1: To analyze the main rules of have got/have to in negative and positive sentences.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To understand teachers explanation about the negative/positive form of have to and have got .-To conjugate the verbs have got and have to by knowing the correct structure in present simple for all the subjects.- To analyze the form of verbs in special cases for doing 10 sentences.

- To practice have got and have to in negative and positive form.-To add not for all the negative sentences.-To know the context of each one:

Have got (UK).Have to (USA). Both have the same meaning and the context ,the structure is different.- To review the correct use of have/have got according to pictures in different context.

Sub Aim 2: To use have got and have to in sentences and questions.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To apply the structure of have got for making questions have you got? /or has she got?-To use Do or Does for making questions with have to.Do you have ?Does she has.?- To read each answer according to each verb.

- Students have to analyze the structure of have got and have to by doing questions.- To do five questions with have got, and five with have to by applying the structure correctly.

Sub Aim 3: -To distinguish the correct answer in multiple choice have to or have got according to each exercise.

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To give each student two color papers, which will contain the exercises answers in the data display.-To identify the correct answer in the data display.-To choose the best option in multiple choice for each sentence or question according the papers number.

- To consolidate the explanation. -Teacher will circle with a marker the students option on the board, after that teacher will choose one student for review the answer and her or his will tell if the exercise is correct or not why?.

Closures: To give teacher one sentence by using have got or have to.

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera en Sistemas e Informtica.Diario de CampoTema: Have got /have toFecha: 04/08/141.- Hubo alguna dificultad en la enseanza de esta leccin?En la enseanza no hubo dificultad ya que me prepar e investigu lo suficiente para explicar y que los estudiantes puedan comprender las oraciones, como se formaba las preguntas con have got and have to.2.- Cules son las dificultades que se presentaron el proceso de aprendizaje?Las dificultades que se presentaron fueron: que los estudiantes comprendieron la explicacin de las oraciones tanto positivas y negativas pero, al momento de realizar las preguntas se olvidaron de usar el auxiliar do o does para have to. Sin embargo se aclar y se dio una breve explicacin.3.- Qu es lo que realmente cree que los estudiantes aprendieron con esta leccin?Los estudiantes aprendieron a realizar oraciones en forma negativa y positiva utilizando el have to y el have got de la misma manera cambiaron las oraciones a preguntas. Identificaron la respuesta correcta en seleccin mltiple al finalizar la clase, esa fue la ltima actividad.4.- Cules fueron los materiales que use para la explicacin de este tema?Los materiales que se emplearon fueron: marcadores de colores, data display, papel de colores recortados en pedacitos para que los estudiantes identificasen la respuesta correcta para cada ejercicio de acuerdo al color, la pizarra. 5.- Qu partes de la leccin fueron las ms satisfactorias?La parte de seleccin mltiple por que los estudiantes analizaron la explicacin y puesta en prctica de anteriores ejercicios para realizar correctamente la ultima actividad.Questions by Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995) Reflective teaching in second language classrooms .


Have got - affirmative1. She ________ long hair.2. We ________ short hair.3. You ________ big eyes.4. My dog ________ big ears.5. They ________ black hair.Have got - negative1. She ________ long hair.2. We ________ short hair.3. You ________ big eyes.4. My dog ________ big ears.5. They ________ black hair.Have got - questions1. __________ Mark __________ a CD?2. __________ he __________ a watch?3. __________ Nina __________ a computer?4. __________ Linda __________ a book?5. __________ Peter and Lisa __________ videos?6. __________ they __________ bicycles?

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino

Work in groups See the pictures and discuss with your classmate if you will use have or has got.

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 05-08-14

MAIN AIM(S): To describe pictures by using modal verbs of permission and modal verbs for giving advices. SUB AIM(S): -To use modal verbs (permission, advice) in a writing worksheet.-To recognize the modal verb for each sentence.-To write advices by using some modal verbs according to pictures.

SUBJECT CONTEXT:Students will be able to use modal verbs for giving permission and advice.



Students might be confused with the main uses of modal verbs at moment to applying in sentences and in a written activity.

To give them a list about modal verbs for recognizing the examples and main uses of each one. To explain modals of permission(may,can,could) and modals for giving advices (should, must) in a clear way. To explain with pictures and simple sentences

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with visual contact.

AIDS: Whiteboard, markers, pictures, book, data display.

Language input (if relevant)


Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.Traineers Name: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany

Sub Aim 1: To use modal verbs (permission, advice) in a writing worksheet.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To introduce modals of permission and for giving advice in sentences.-To give students a list about the main uses and examples about modals.- To complete the worksheet with the correct modal verb.

- To practice modals of permission / modals for giving advices.

-Each student will read one exercise in chronological order with the objective that all students can participle.

Sub Aim 2: To recognize the modal verb for each sentence.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To choose one envelop for analyzing the contents.-To stick the little paper on the board that will contain the main use of any modal verb or one modal sentence.- To match the main use with the correct sentence.- To distinguish the main uses of each modal verb for doing the activity.- To find the correct sentence for each main use just seeing the papers on the board.-To review this activity the possible mistakes with all students.

Sub Aim 3: To write advices by using some modal verbs according to pictures. .

Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To use modals for giving advices: should, shouldnt, must in a written activity.-To analyze pictures for giving advices.-To write two advices for each picture.

- To emphasize modals for giving advice.-To show students all the pictures by using the data display-Students will read their advices for each picture by using modals in a correct way.

Closures: To fill the blanks in a short conversation by using modals of permission and modals for giving advice.

Universidad Mayor de San Simn.Facultad de ciencias y tecnologa.Carrera de Ingeniera en Sistemas e Informtica.Diario de CampoTema: Modal verbs of permission and Modal verbs for giving advicesFecha: 04/08/141.- Tuviste algn problema enseando esta leccin?En esta leccin solo me enfoque explicando los modales de consejo y los de permiso, para no confundir a los estudiantes ya que si explicaba todos los verbos modales se hubiese presentado una confusin total.2.- Ocurri algo inusual, o algo fuera de lugar durante la clase?No nada fuera de lo normal, aunque los estudiantes me pidieron que para el examen ponga los usos principales de cada verbo modal y ellos se memorizaran los principales usos segn la lista de cada verbo modal y de esta manera seria ms fcil identificarlos. 3.- Qu tcnica empleo durante el desarrollo de la clase? La tcnica de trabajo cooperativo.4.- Qu partes de la leccin fueron las menos satisfactorias?Las menos satisfactorias fueron que les facilit una lista completa de modal verbs en la cual, estaban todos los verbos modales, y en la clase solo llevamos 2 tipos as que me preguntaron si iba a entrar lo dems al examen y les respond que no solamente lo que se haba visto y explicado en clase.5.- Qu partes de la leccin fueron las ms satisfactorias?Las partes ms satisfactorias fueron que: practicaron los dos tipos de modal verbs en ejercicios, conversaciones, dibujos, etc. Realmente se haba logrado el objetivo de la comprensin de la leccin en su totalidad.Questions by Richards, Jack C y Lockart Charles (1995) Reflective teaching in second language classrooms .

See the different pictures and write one advice for each one

Adapted by Melany Iriarte Ferrufino


TRAINEERS NAME: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany.

LEVEL: Beginners

MENTOR'S NAME: Mgr.Leonila ValdezTIME: 90 minutes

PLACE: Engineer of computing-UMSS.DATE: 11-08-14

MAIN AIM(S): To describe a map by using two types of prepositions: Place/ giving directions. SUB AIM(S): -To distinguish the uses between prepositions of place and prepositions for giving directions.-To identify the correct preposition according to each picture.-To locate each place in the map by using preposition of place and prepositions for giving directions.

SUBJECT CONTEXT:Students will be able to use prepositions of place and prepositions for giving directions in a map.Student will recognize the main uses of prepositions by doing the activities in the class.



Students might be confused with the correct use of each type of preposition.Students could have problems at the moment to describe the map. To explain the two types of prepositions by using pictures and simple sentences. To give student a chart about prepositions of place and preposition for giving directions. To show them a clear example about the location of each place in a map.

PERSONAL AIMS(S) To take control and attention of the class with funny activities.AIDS: Whiteboard, markers, pictures, book, data display.

Language input (if relevant) Mentors SignatureInstitution Seal

Mentors Name: Mgr:Leonila Valdez.Traineers Name: Iriarte Ferrufino Melany

Sub Aim 1: To distinguish the uses between prepositions of place and prepositions for giving directions.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To explain this subject with pictures and simple sentences.-To give students a chart about the two types of prepositions: Place and for giving directions.- To put prepositions in the correct order for making sentences.- To analyze the main uses of preposition of place and prepositions for giving directions.

-To write the complete sentence on the board and circle the preposition.-To recognize in the sentences if the preposition will be of place or for giving direction.

Sub Aim 2: To identify the correct preposition according to each picture.Activities to achieve the aimPurposeEvaluation

- To show students different pictures about a naughty cat and Troll.-To choose the correct preposition in the chart for describing each picture.- To use the question: where is the cat/troll ?- To practice oral activity by using prepositions.- To work in pairs one student is going to ask by using the question. Where is the cat/ troll? And the other student will choose one preposition according to each picture.

Sub Aim 3: To locate each place in the map by