Download - PKU3105 Adjectives

  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives



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  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    What is an adjective?yAn adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by

    describing, identifying, or quantifying words

    yAn adjective usually precedes the noun or the pronounwhich it modifies

  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    yAdjectives usually answer three questions about the

    nouns they describe :-y What kind of?

    y I found a redrose in the cave.

    y What kind of rose? Red.

    y How many?

    y Three tickets, please.

    y How many tickets? Three.

    y Whichone(s)?

    y I would eat these muffins.

    y Which muffins? These.

  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    Type of Adjective

    y Possessive Adjectives

    y Demonstrative Adjectivesy Interrogative Adjectives

    y Common Adjectives

    y Proper Adjectives

  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    Possessive Adjectivesy Apossessive adjective ("my," "your," "his," "her," "its,"

    "our," "their") is similar or identical to a possessive pronoun

    y However, it is used as an adjective and modifies a noun ora noun phrase, as in the following sentences:

    y I can't complete myassignment because I don't have the textbook.

    y In this sentence, the possessive adjective "my" modifies"assignment

  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    y What is your phone number.

    y Here the possessive adjective "your" is used to modifythe noun phrase "phone number

    y We have lost ourway in this wood.

    y In this sentence, the possessive adjective "our"modifies "way"

  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    Demonstrative adjectivey this, that, these, those are called demonstrative adjectives.


    They point out nouns.

    y They always answer the question whichone?

    y Example:

    y Lets playthis game and later watch that movie.

    y This apartment needs to be fumigated.

    y Here, "this" modifies apartment and game & thatmodifies movie

  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    Interrogative Adjectives

    y An interrogative adjective ("which" or "what") is like aninterrogative pronoun

    y Except that it modifies a noun or noun phrase rather thanstanding on its owny Which plants should be watered twice a week?

    yLike other adjectives, "which" can be used to modify a nounor a noun phrase

    y In this example, "which" modifies "plants"

  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    Common adjective

    yA simple, regular adjective

    y It describes a noun in a general way

    y Example :

    y sharp, flexible, hot, red, hidden, dripping, nice, huge,small, big, tall,

  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    Proper adjectivey Derived from a proper noun and is capitalized

    y Proper noun Proper adjectivey

    China Chinesey California Californiany Mars Martiany Spain Spanishy Christianity Christiany Japan Japanesey

    Hollywood ollywoody Texas Texas

    y Sometimes, as in last two examples, a proper noun does not change atall to become a proper adjective.

  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    Where an adjective goes in a

    sentence.y Usually an adjective comes in front of the noun it is



    The big balloon floated over the darksea.

    yAn adjective can also come after a linking verb like tobe, and describe the subject of the sentence.

    y In this case it is called predicate adjective.y The balloon was dark.

  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    Comparison of adjectivesy Positive degree the simplest form.

    y Comparative degree comparing two things or

    persons.y Superlative degree comparing three or more things

    or persons.

    Positive Comparative SuperlativeLargeHorrible

    LargerMore horrible

    LargestMost horrible

  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    How to compare adjectivesyAdd -erand -est to short adjectives of one syllable

    (sometimes two syllables)

    Positive Comparative Superlative

    short shorter shortest

    great greater greatest

    small smaller smallest

    Old older oldest

  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    y If a short adjective ends with consonant and y, change

    they to i and adder


    Positive Comparative Superlative

    lucky luckier luckiest

    heavy heavier heaviest

    ugly uglier ugliest

    happy happier happiest

  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    y If a short adjective ends with e, add -erand -st.

    Positive Comparative Superlative

    fine finer Finest

    little littler littlest

  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    y Put more(less) and most(least) in front of longer

    adjectives (with two or more syllables) to showcomparison.

    Positive Comparative Superlative

    appealing Less appealing Least appealing

    remarkable More remarkable Most remarkable

    beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful

    alert More alert Most alert

    Ifyouare uncertainwhethertoadderandest ortousemore andmost, thencheckdictionary.


  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    y Some adjectives are irregular adjectives and don't followthee rules.

    y They change form considerably from one degree to thenext.

    List of irregular adjectives

    Positive Comparative Superlative

    bad worse worst

    far further Furthest

    far farther Farthest

    good better Best

    many more Most

    Well (healthy) better best

    Never use eror est at the same time youuse more or most.These are incorrect: more shorter, most


  • 8/3/2019 PKU3105 Adjectives


    Incomparable adjectivesy Some adjectives cannot be compared because the

    positive (simplest) form expresses the only degree


    y List of incomparable adjectives:

    y perfect, unique, fatal, universal, dead, wrong, straight,

    blind, final, vertical, right, left