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1 What are the basic needs of a green plant?

I Soil III Water

 II Food IV Sunlight

A   I and II C   II and III

B   I and IV D   III and IV

2 Which of the animals lays eggs?



3 Among the following pairs which is not correct?

Animal Characteristic

A Scorpion Sting

B Chameleon !roduce loud sound

C Bed bug !roduce bad smell

D !angolin "ard scales


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4 Diagram shows two types of animals # and $%

Which of the following is correct about the breathing organs of animals # and $?

X Y 

A &ungs 'oist s(in

B  )racheal structure *ills

C 'oist s(in )racheal structure

D *ills &ungs

5  )he following information is a food chain in an ocean%

Maklumat berikut adalah satu rantai makanan di sebuah lautan.

  algae   prawn   +sh   sea lion


What will happen if the population of sea lions increase?

! the +sh population increases, the algae population decreases

- the prawn population decreases

S the sea lions need more food sources

A ! and , C , and S

B ! and - D - and S


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6 Diagram shows a con.ersation between Shah -u(h a nd Sharul%%


What will happen when Shah -u(h and Sharul eat the /asi &ema(?

A )hey will ha.e malaria C )hey will ha.e dengue

B )hey will

D )hey will ha.e food poisoning

7 Diagram shows three groups of fruit%

"ow do the seeds of the di1erent groups of fruits are dispersed?

Group J Group K Group

A wind water animals

B animals e2plosi.e



C animals wind e2plosi.emechanisme

D water wind animals

!  )he diagram below shows the condition of plants in the forest%

What is the reason plants in the forest compete to grow taller?


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A )o get food C )o get nutrients

B )o get air D )o get sunlight

"  )he diagram below shows a type of plant%

Which of the following is facing the same problem as the plant shownabo.e?

A lallang C mangro.e tree

B cactus D rose plant

1#  )he diagram below shows a human acti.ity%

Which of the following are the e1ects of the acti.ity shown abo.e?

I )he number of animalsincrease

III )he 3arth4s temperature increases

II *lobal warming IV "urricane

A I and II C II and IV

B II and III D III and IV

11 Which of the following shows the correct eye position to read the .olumein the measuring cylinder?


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12  )able shows two groups of acti.ities that are classi+ed by Sholihein%

Which of the following acti.ities are classi+ed into groups ! and ,correctly?

$ %

A hitting a ball drawing a bow

B s5uee6ing a sponge pressing a ballon

C turning the steering wheel of acar

streching the rubber band ofcatapult

D po(ing a piece of meat to ma(e

a sate stic(

compressing a spring

13 Diagram shows how water is circulated on 3arth%

Which process ta(es place at #?

A melting C e.aporation


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B free6ing D condensation

14 Which of the following acti.ities pushing and pulling force?



15  )he diagram below shows a trolley that is pushed by a woman%


Which direction of force needed to be applied to the trolley to ma(e faster?

A ! C -B , D S

16 Which of the following ob0ects will tra.el at the shortest distance when it hasbeen pushed?



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17 What is the e1ect of friction?A 'a(es the surface cold C Causes wear and tear

B 3nables the ob0ect to gofaster

D 'a(es the ob0ect to mo.e easier

1!  )he diagram below shows a boy putting lubricants onto the door latch%

What is the purpose of the acti.ity carried out by the boy?

A )o increase friction C )o reduce friction

B )o eliminate friction D )o ma(e the door latch shiny

1" Firdaus cycles a distance of 78 (m in 9 hours% "ow fast did he ride hisbicycle?

A 78 (m:h C 9 (m:h

B ; (m:h D 7:; (m:h

2#  )he table below shows the distance tra.elled by four cars in one hour%

Car ! , - S

Distance tra.elled <(m= ;> 798 8 @8

-earrange the cars from the fastest to the slowest%

A ! , - S C S , ! -

B , S - ! D - ! , S


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21 Figure shows an ob0ect that is made of material #%

What property of material # that ma(es it suitable to be used for the ob0ect?

A Waterproof C Conducts heat

B Sin(s in water D Can be stretched

22 Diagram shows a man painting an iron gate%


 )he gate is painted to

A (eep it beautiful C protect it from rain and sun

B ensure that it will lastlonger

D protect it from coming contact withair and water

23 Which of the following sources of energy is nonrenewable?



24 Diagram shows a rice coo(er%



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Which se5uence shows the correct transformation of energy when we useit?

A electrical enery  sound energy

B potential energy  electrical energy

C electrical energy  heat energy sound energy

D heat energy  electrical energy sound energy

25  )able shows the classi+cation of two groups of substances%

Which of the following classi+cations correctly represent # and $?

X Y 

A tamarind 0uice sugar solution

B soap honey

C coo(ing oil bitter gourd 0uice

D .inegar (etchup

26 Diagram shows two obser.ations made by a pupil in an in.estigation%

 )he abo.e obser.ations show that

A light can be reected C light tra.els in a straight line

B light is a form of energy D light can be transformed into otherforms of energy


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27 Diagram shows gaps between railway trac(s%

What will happen if railway trac(s are not laid with gaps between them?

I )he train will s(id and o.erturn

II )he trac(s will e2pand and bend on a hot day

III )he cost of building the railway lines will be .ery high

IV )he trains will not be able to change from one trac( to another

A I and II

B I and III

C II and IV

D III and IV

2! Diagram below shows a constellation%

What is the name of the constellation?

A rion C Big Dipper

B Scorpion D Southern Cross

2" Diagram shows the mo.ement of the 3arth and the 'oon%

Which of the following statements are true?

I )he 'oon around the 3arth

II )he 'oon and the 3arth mo.e around the Sun


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III )he mo.ements of the 'oon and the 3arth ta(e the same time

IV )he mo.ements of the Sun 'oon and the 3arth ta(e the same time

A I and II

B I and III

C II and IV

D III and IV

3# Diagram shows a mos5ue%

What are the shapes of ! , - and S?

$ % & '

A sphere cylinder hemisphere cone

B hemisphere cone cylinder cuboidC cylinder pyramid cylinder hemisphere

D pyramid cuboid cone cylinder