Download - PipeliningTerminology

  • Shankar Balachandran*

    Associate Professor, CSE Department

    Indian Institute of Technology Madras

    *Currently a Visiting Professor at IIT Bombay

    Digital Circuits and Systems

    Spring 2015 Week 8 Module 44

    Pipelining Terminology + Methodology

  • Acknowledgements

    MITs Open Course Contents of 6.004

    Pipelining Methodology 2

  • Pipeline Conventions


    A K-Stage Pipeline(K-pipeline) is an acyclic circuit having exactly K registers on every path from an input to an output.

    A COMBINATIONAL CIRCUIT is thus a 0-stage pipeline.


    Every pipeline stage, hence every K-Stage pipeline, has a register

    on its OUTPUT(not on its input).


    The CLOCK common to all registers must have a period sufficient

    to cover propagation over

    combinational paths + (input) register tPD + (output) register tSETUP

    Pipelining Methodology 3

  • Latency and Throughput

    The latency of a K-pipeline is K times the

    clock period that is commonly fed to all


    Example: Latency of 12 ns

    More common, latency of so many cycles

    Throughput of a K-Pipeline is the frequency

    of the clock

    How many inputs can be processed per time


    Example: FLOPS, MIPS Pipelining Methodology 4

  • Ill-formed Pipelines

    Bad Pipeline

    For what values of K is the circuit a K-

    pipelined circuit?

    Answer: None Pipelining Methodology 5

  • Reason:

    Successive inputs get mixed:

    A(Xi+1) and Yi will be processed by B

    This is not a well formed pipeline

    Some paths have 2 flipflops and some have one

    Pipelining Methodology 6

  • Pipelining Methodology

    Pipelining Methodology 7

  • Pipelining Strategy

    Step 1:

    Draw a line that crosses every output in the circuit, and mark the

    endpoints as terminal points.

    Step 2:

    Continue to draw new lines between the terminal points across

    various circuit connections, ensuring that every connection

    crosses each line in the same direction.

    These lines demarcate pipeline stages.

    Adding a pipeline register at every point where a

    separating line crosses a connection will always generate

    a valid pipeline


    Focus on placing pipeline registers around bottleneck elements

    Pipelining Methodology 8

  • After Pipelining

    Pipelining Methodology 9

  • Pipeline Example

    Pipelining Methodology 10

  • Observations

    1-pipeline improves neither Latency nor


    Throughput improved by breaking long

    combinational paths, allowing faster clock.

    Too many stages cost Latency, dont improve Throughput.

    Back-to-back registers are often required to keep

    pipeline well-formed.

    Pipelining Methodology 11

  • Summary of Pipelining


    Allows us to increase throughput, by breaking up long

    combinational paths and (hence) increasing clock



    May increase latency...

    Only as good as the weakest link: slowest step

    constrains system throughput.

    Isnt there a way around this weak link problem?

    Pipelining Methodology 12

  • End of Week 8: Module 44

    Thank You

    Pipelining Methodology 13