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Page 1: Pink: delicacy, subtlety, femininity, reduction of anger

Walk around the room to the colored sheets of paper and write the first thing that comes to mind when looking at that color.

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Pink: delicacy, subtlety, femininity, reduction of anger

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Red: stimulating, exciting, passionate

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Orange: value, economy

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Yellow: sunlight, safety, happiness, brightness

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Green: nature, serenity, friendliness, being


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Blue: coolness, being soothing; like the sky, water,

and ice; trustworthiness, friendliness. (Typically the number1 favorite color.)

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Purple: Drama, regalness

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Black: sophistication, formality, death

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White: lightness, airiness, purity, cleanliness

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Brown; warmth, comfort, earthiness, home, nature

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Gray coolness, formality, oppressiveness

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Warm colors are based on yellows, oranges, browns, yellowish greens, warm reds...

Cool colors are based on blues, greens, pinks, purples, blue-greens, magentas, and true "blue-based" reds.

Color Hues

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To maintain or decrease attention and apparent size, to appear taller and slimmer◦ Cooler hues◦ Darker values◦ Duller intensities◦ Close contrasts

Examples: navy, khaki, grape, charcoal, mauve

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To increase attention and apparent size, to appear shorter and heavier◦ Warmer hues◦ Lighter values◦ Brighter intensities◦ Strong contrasts

Examples: shocking pink, pumpkin, tangerine, raspberry

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Color personalities!!

To appear refined, romantic◦ Warm to cool hues◦ Lighter values◦ Dull, muted to medium intensities including

pastels◦ Close contrasts, subtle

Examples: shell pink, lavender, misty rose, orchid, blue, peach, all pastels

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To feel and appear happy, youthful, sportive◦ Warmer hues◦ Light to dark values◦ Medium to bright intensities◦ Strong contrasts, bold

Examples: coral, red, khaki, ivory, brown, camel, cinnamon, brick

Color Personalities!!!

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Color personalities!!!

To appear mature, serious, somber, classic◦ Cool hues◦ Dark values◦ Dull intensities

Examples: navy blue, taupe, charcoal, maroon, gray, black

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Color personalities!!

To feel and appear dramatic/exotic◦ Warm to cool hues◦ Dark values, deep◦ Bright intensities, rich◦ Strong contrasts, bold

Magenta, fuchsia, emerald green, royal blue, regal purple, sapphire, amethyst

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Senses Worksheet

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Take out a piece of paper Write your favorite color at the top of the sheet.

Write two paragraphs (each paragraph should consist of 3-4 COMPLETE sentences) on whether or not you agree with what it has to say about their color personality according to the favorite color.

If you don't agree, choose the color that you feel best fits.

Hand in completed work.


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PINKIf your favorite color is pink you are probably

laid back and carefree. You may be somewhat sheltered and innocent, or you

wish you were. Words that describe you are shy, romantic, and feminine. You are gentle,

almost to the point of being weak. You have a calming effect on those around you and people who need a friend seek you out.

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REDIf your favorite color is red, you want to be part of the

action and are quite impulsive. Outspoken, quick-tempered and intense are words that describe your

personality. In a crowd you are dynamic and noticeable. If you are not careful you can become

overbearing. You are emotional, exciting and athletic. You give your opinion whether others agree with you

or not. Life for you must be lived to the fullest.

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YELLOWIf your favorite color is yellow you are

intellectual and drawn toward the new and modern. High spirited, cheerful, and idealistic

best describe your personality. You are vivacious, extroverted and comedic. You have strong opinions and can be stubborn. You live

by high standards and give sound advice.

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ORANGEIf your favorite color is orange you are

unique. You are friendly and get along well with others. You radiate warmth and

inspire those you are with. You tend to be social and drawn to groups of people. You

are the hearth of the home and grateful for family and friends.

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WHITEIf you like white you expect to be happy

most of the time. Your personality is light, good and pure. You have a sense of

innocence about you. You seek perfection and expect others to do the same, which

sometimes make you appear cold.

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BLUEIf blue is your favorite color you are cautious,

conservative and sensitive to the needs of others. Your basic need for harmony often

thrusts you into the role of peacemaker. Words that best describe you are business-like, calm,

and capable. You are a loyal, trustworthy friend, but expressing your emotions in a relationship is

difficult for you.

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GREENIf your favorite color is green, you are fresh,

friendly and natural. You are persistent, well balanced and stable. The environment is important in your life and you like things

basic to the point of being simple. As a friend you are frank, sensitive, affectionate

and loyal.

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BLUE/GREENIf your favorite color is blue/green you are

sensitive and need loving care and adoration form others, but you maintain

your independence. Showing emotion difficult for you and others perceive you as

self-centered. You have excellent taste and a mature outlook.

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PURPLEIf you like purple you are creative! You consider yourself unique and you set yourself apart from

others. You are an artist at heart. Scheduling and mundane tasks bore you. You can frequently be

found daydreaming and would actually prefer fantasy to reality. While you seek cultural events and luxury, you do not put yourself out to serve humanity. Many

inventors claim purple as their favorite color.

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BROWNIf you like brown you are likely to be seen

as stable and unchanging. You are self-disciplined, conscientious and dependable.

You like the rugged outdoors and the ultra natural. You are warm, comfortable,

intimate and accepting.  

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BLACKIf you like black you are sophisticated,

mysterious and dramatic. You are dignified and keep to yourself. You may be unhappy

with how things are, but aren’t quite certain how you can change existing

circumstances. A young child who chooses black exclusively may be depressed.

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Colors are often symbolicChina, yellow is religiousPurple was restricted for use

by nobilityEgyptians tombs adorned with

brilliant colorsChristians colored stained-glass windows

History of Colors

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A ray of light is the source of all color Without light, color does not exist The longest wavelength is perceived as red

and the shortest as violet Pigments are substances that can be

ground into fine power and used for adding color to dyes and paints

Color can alter the appearance of form and space, affect our performance abilities, and change our moods

Basics about Color

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Hue Another name for color

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Value Lightness or darkness of a color

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Intensity Brightness or dullness of a color

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Tint Color with white added to it

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Shade Color with black added to it

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Hue – the name of a color Value – the lightness or darkness of a

color◦ Tints – values lighter than normal; adding

white◦ Shades – values that are darker; adding black

Intensity – the purity and strength of the color◦ Tones – lessen add gray or the

complementary color

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Munsell system◦ Five principal hues and

five intermediate◦ A numbering system that

helps designers identify exact hue

Ostwald system◦ Three pairs of

complementary colors◦ Color circle has 24 hues

Color Systems

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Primary: Red, Yellow & Blue

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Secondary: Green, Violet, & Orange (made by combining primary colors)

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When you mix primary colors together, you get secondary colors.




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Tertiary: yellow-green, blue-green, red-violet, red-orange, and yellow-orange (made by combing secondary colors)

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When you mix primary colors with secondary colors, you get tertiary colors.

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Color Schemes

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Mono means “one”, refers to the tints tones and shades of one color

Possible color combinations are limitless!◦ Mint green and forest green

Generally calming, however it depends on the hue

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One, two, or three achromatic neutrals, may or may not vary in the degree of warmness or coolness, lightness or darkness, brightness or dullness

Possible colors: black and white, combination of browns

Effect: vary in mood depending on the degree of light and dark value contrast◦Are most effective if the degree of lightness or darkness

in your hair and/or skin coloring is repeated in the lightness or darkness of the clothing

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Accented Neutral

One color added to other neutrals to form a scheme.

Possible colors: black, white & red, browns with light blue

Effect: draws attention to the one added hue

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Uses colors (3-5) that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel.

One color is used as a dominant color while others are used to enrich the scheme


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Possible colors (Can include tints, tones & shades)◦ Yellow-green, yellow, yellow-orange, orange

Feeling created: can be calming or exciting depending on whether they come from the cool or warm side of the color wheel.◦ This color scheme is most effective if one of the

hues repeats some aspect of your personal coloring… eyes, hair…

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Built by combining hues opposite each other on the color wheel

Tend to be livelier than other schemes

Values and intensities must be handled carefully


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Possible colors: red & green, blue & orange

Feeling associated: stimulating due to opposite visual characteristics. By dulling the intensity or value, calming effect may be achieved.◦ Can be very flattering to personal coloring, and


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When three colors, evenly spaced from one another, are used.

The triadic scheme is not as contrasting as the complementary scheme, but it looks more balanced and harmonious


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