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Professional Immersions for Networking &



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Welcome to PINC PINC Internat ional specializes in 360 -degree abroad exper iences for ambit ious, open-minded and adventurous young women. At PINC we understand the importance of internat ional immersion and the impact it will have on you to grow personally, academically, professionally, and beyond! A PINC program is designed

to challenge you to act as an ambassador and become a global cit izen throughout your t ime abroad. All PINC programs focus on language, culture, and career, so that you leave with new skills and a boost to your resume. We look forward to welcoming you into the PINC legacy of future woman leaders!

© 20 17 PINC Internat ional

A Shor t HistoryPINC Internat ional was founded in 20 14 by CEO Lisette Miranda. Lisette, a lover of all things Spain, was inspired to star t PINC after living and working in Madr id, the Spanish capital for 5 years. There she became cer t if ied as an English teacher, taught and worked to market Spanish language programs, and received her Master 's in Bilingual and Mult icultural Educat ion at the Universit y of Alcalá de Henares. PINC star ted with it s f lagship 8-week internship program, before expanding to 2-week summer and winter immersions in both Madr id and Barcelona.

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I started PINC because I lived this experience! I'm passionate about giving young women professional and personal growth. And finally, PINC is my passion because I believe empowering and educating young women on an international level is the key to building

confident and innovative leaders of the future! Our mission is to help bridge the gender gap by giving young women a competitive edge on their resume with international experience. I hope you take this journey with me...

-Lisette Miranda, PINC CEO & Founder

Lisette is one of the most personable people you will ever

meet. From my initial inquiry to my arrival in Madrid, even to this day, she has been there as a plentiful resource

and a positive influence.

Amanda P.

Columbia University

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INTERNSHIPMay 19, 20 18 -

July 14, 20 18

The PINC Int ernship Program is an 8-week

advent ure designed for young wom en look ing for int ernat ional and

professional exper ience, all while

having a sum m er abroad t hey w il l never

forget .

A PINC int ernship placem ent w il l set you apar t f rom your peers and t each you how t o leverage your new ly

acquired sk il ls: int ernat ional work

exper ience, Spanish lanaguage sk il ls,

cult ural awareness, and net work ing abil i t ies.

The program is not only a resum e-buil ider , but also m eant t o build up your conf idence bot h

personally and professionally!

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Welcome letter and invoice.

Confirmat ion of f light it inerary. Spanish level test .

Group Webinar : Introduct ions + W hat to Pack Or ientat ion.

Pre-Arr ival

Week 1: Spanish ClassesAll program part icipants take par t in one week of intensive Spanish classes at La Aventura Española, accredited by Inst ituto Cervantes, the highest accreditat ion for language schools in Spain.

What to Expect

Day 1: May 19Airpor t greet ings and pick-up!

Or ientat ion: Icebreaker act ivit ies, Spanish customs, safety t ips, and program informat ion.

2-hour tradit ional Meet & Greet Luncheon.

You attend class in the morning with act ivit ies planned afterward to d iscover Madr id in the afternoons. Classes are fun and engaging, leaving you confident to communicate in your day-to day life in Madr id!

The way I have always put it is, "I don't like

Spanish and Spanish doesn't like me." ...At the end [of PINC], I was

having full conversations and acting as a translator.

Sarah S.

Barnard College

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Discover Madr idPINC schedules act ivit ies t hat w il l int roduce you t o t he cit y l ike a local. Wit hin no t im e, you'l l be head over heels in love!

Som e act ivit ies include:

- Walk ing Tour - Food Market s - Royal Ret iro Park - Ret iro Boat Rides* - Prado Museum- Reina Sof ia Museum- Pool Par t y* Picnic - Tapas Tour*- Flam enco Show* - Madr id Royal Palace- Access t o t rendy clubs- Language Exchanges- Real Madr id St adium


* Please note some entrance fees not included in price.

Week 2: Workshops

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Discover Madr id Week 2: WorkshopsPINC programs are about helping you to d iscover your passions, develop your skills, and then share your exper ience. How do we do this?

- A var iety of or ig inal, interact ive workshops led by professional female trainers. and light breakfast provided. Sample workshops include: Madr id Then & Now ; Mentorship: paying it forward; Communicat ing Effect ively: Authent icit y, Confidence, How to facinate, Benefit s of Travel on Your Resume; Meditat ion

- One day of volunteer ing and giving back to the Madr id community

- Networking events and mentorship to expand your connect ions overseas.

- Ongoing connect ions with PINC women to build deep professional relat ionships and become part of the PINC legacy!

Once I came back from Madrid I was able to

land two internships in just 1.5 weeks of being back home.

Gisel O.

University of Miami

I am going back to the U.S.A a more

confident woman who is excited to expand my growth in

the professional field.

Ashley A.

Indiana University

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Weeks 3-8: Internship PlacementWeekend in BarcelonaBarcelona is t he second largest cit y in Spain, fam ous for it s r ich hist ory, vast beaches, and fam ous archit ect ure.

Included in t he pr ice of t he program is a 3 day/ 2 night t r ip t o Barcelona. We provide t ranspor t at ion via high-speed t rain, accom m odat ions, Cit y coordinat or , and break fast .

We w il l have t he oppor t unit y t o explore all of t he fam ous sight s including:

- Park Güell- La Sagrada Fam ilia- Barcelonet a Beach- Las Ram blas Shopping- Beach Picnic- Barcelona Walk ing Tour- And m ore!!

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PINC Interns will par t icipate in six weeks of work placement . Interns are placed with companies that will help them to hone pre-exist ing skills d iscussed in their pre-departure interview. Internships are available in a var iety of industr ies, including, but not lim ited to Market ing, Finance, Customer Service, Tour ism, Design, Social Media, Event Planning and more! Internships are Monday to Thursday, allowing for down t ime and explorat ion.

Each intern will have a supervisor at their placement who will be responsib le for organizing daily tasks and projects. The t ime spent at work placements are also meant to help with goal-sett ing, provide useful and construct ive feedback, leading up to a f inal appraisal of intern work. Throughout these six weeks , interns will also have access to weekly social and networking events in Madr id.

Weeks 3-8: Internship Placement

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Last Day: July 14

FAQAre int ernships paid?

Internships are not paid. PINC recommends that all interns contact their career services or study abroad off ice on campus to d iscuss the opt ion of receiving school credit . We will g ladly work with the appropr iate off ice on your campus to ensure that you have all necessary paperwork.

Which com panies of fer int ernships?

We work with many different companies ranging from large global names to dynamic star tups. Each placement is customized to maximize your learning and contr ibut ion.

What w il l I do at m y int ernship?

PINC interns are not just cheap labor! A PINC representat ive meets with every placement company to confirm that they are aware of the PINC Program goals and are able to involve you on a project or in an atmosphere where you are supported and able to both hone and learn new skills.

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WeekendsOver the weekends, you are free to explore more of Madr id or Spain with Fr idays through Sundays dedicated to some independent t ime! If you stay in Madr id, the PINC Reference Guide provided at Or ientat ion has plenty of ideas to explore the cit y (on the cheap). Your PINC City Manager will also be out and about in Madr id and you're welcome to join her !

Plenty of PINC Interns have spent their weekends explor ing excit ing new places, such as..

Last Day: July 14Move out and fly home or extend your tr ip to travel in Spain or Europe. Once you've crossed the pond, why not take advantage of it ! Opt ions for how to travel to the airpor t or train are provided.

Par is, France Valencia, Spain Tunis, Tunisia

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PaymentPr ice: $7,199.00


- +25 hours of Spanish classes- Internship Placement- 4 Workshops - 'Discover Madrid' activities- 3 days in Barcelona- Transportation/ Housing/ City Manager

- Sagrada Familia & Park Guell tickets- Beach Picnic- Guided Yoga/Meditation Session - Networking/Mentorship Events- Housing (Safe neighborhood, doorman,

renovated, fully-furnished, wifi, weekly

cleaner)- Light breakfast stocked in apt. (croissants,

oranges)- Basic apartment necessities provided

(sponges, dish soap, hand soap, detergent, garbage bags)

- 24/7 On-site City Coordinator- Airport pick-up- Meet & Greet luncheon- UNLIMITED 1 Month Metro Pass- Cell SIM with data- Medical & accident insurance (valid 1 year)

- International student card (valid 1 year)- VIP Access to nightlife- Assistance with travel arrangements- Access to PINC Alumna group and discounts

Deposit : $499.00 to secure spot.

Paym ent : Check, Direct deposit, or bank transfer.

Apply TodayNext steps to start your PINC adventure:

1. Apply online.2. Phone int erview.3. Accept ance st at us.4. Welcom e Pack and join t he

PINC legacy!

Contact us with any questions at: [email protected]

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Contact Usinfo@pincinternat

to request more informat ion on:

A: PINC Workshop Descr ipt ionsB: Housing, Safety & SupportC: PINC = Invaluable InvestmentD: Frequent ly Asked Quest ionsE: Or ientat ion & Next Steps