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Piling Industry Canada


Issue 2 | 2013

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Our support systems extend far below the surfaceThe only company that offers you all four types of support systems:

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> Concrete Pile > Steel Pipe

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Page 3: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

1-800-376-6000 •

Celebrating Forty Years of Quality Tube Products




Can You Find The Four Differences Between These Two Pipe Piling Products?

Answers: On-Time Rolling Schedule,Inventory, Quality, Customer Secure Portal.

Since 1972, when Independence Tube fi rst opened its doors, its reputation for being customer focused has never wavered. While our entry into the Pipe Piling Market may be relatively new, Independence Tube has fast become a dedicated supplier and partner. Here are just a few of the reasons why Independence Tube’s pipe piling is no ordinary product.

On-Time Rolling Schedule. With an on-time rolling schedule second to none in the industry, customers can manage inventory more closely, knowing that material will be ready when promised. Our on-time delivery record has been maintained for over forty years.

Inventory. Independence Tube stocks A252 Pipe Piling from 6.625"OD through 16"OD in 30', 40', 50' and 60' lengths for immediate delivery. In addition to our 4 week rolling cycles, Independence Tube either has the stock to get your project started or a rolling is just weeks away.

Quality. Customer feedback has led to a Dynamic Quality System that exceeds industry standards. Our Inspection, measurement and testing procedures not only complement our manufacturing systems and processes, but they virtually ensure consistency, shorter delivery lead times and containment of costs. Customer Secure Portal. This allows customers 24/7 secure, real-time access to all their account

information including: browse and search stock inventory, order from fl oor stock or rolling, submit and view inquires, release shipments, view price sheets, view open orders and Bills of lading, print test reports and invoices, search order history, and view rolling schedules.

All pipe piling may look alike, but there’s a world of difference when you choose Independence Tube

Page 4: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

From process integrity to project support.Atlas Tube was founded in Harrow, Ontario, in 1984 with a focus on high-quality service. Through continued dedication to meeting customer needs, we’ve grown to become the largest construction supplier of straight-seam ERW pipe piling products. Our Atlas Pipe Piles division rolls 1,000 tons of pipe per shift, ranging from 14" to 20" OD.

For availability and inventory info, call 800.265.6912or visit


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Northstar provides piling services including design, supply, and fabricating across Western Canada with track and truck mounted piling units for both driven and helical piles. Northstar also offers pile installation with it’s unique patented EXCA-Driver (Excavator Mounted Pile Driver). With these units Northstar is capable of driving piles up to 18m in length, switching attachments to install helical piles, or operating as an excavator all in under 30 minutes! This can de done all while navigating the most difficult of terrain.

The choice is yours.


Page 6: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

6 PIC Magazine • December 2013

Table of ContentsPICDELCommunications Inc.Piling Industry News ............................................................................................................................8

Righting the Costa ConcordiaCReatINg a stabIlIzatIoN aNd holdbaCk system foR the shIP ......................................................................16

With a twistIhC fUNdeX eqUIPmeNt offeRs NeW teChNIqUes foR the CaNadIaN maRket ...............................................................................20

Special centre pull-out Section – 2014 piling induStry canada directory

Perfect Pair UpCamIlle blaIs et fIls Chooses selIX aNd mdt foR the tURCot ReCoNstRUCtIoN PRojeCt ............................................26

first turnPRemIeRe oPeRatIoN of the lIebheRR lb 44-510 RotaRy dRIllINg RIg IN the CoNstRUCtIoN of a PaRtICle aCCeleRatoR IN daRmstadt, geRmaNy ............................28

Piling helps Poland Import its lNgPolaNd’s lIqUId NatURal gas (lNg) PlaNt at sWINoUjsCIe NeaR szCzeCIN Is sChedUled foR ComPletIoN NeXt jUNe ..............................................................................32

In The greenthe CIty of baRRIe’s CeNteNNIal PaRk to get bIggeR aNd betteR ................................................................................34

China’s Nautical treasuresRePUblIC to WelCome NatIoNal maRItIme mUseUm of ChINa ............................................................................36

Come togethermUltI-ageNCy PRogRam IN the WoRks WIth $308 mIllIoN IN Road, RaIl, aNd PIle ImPRovemeNts ........................38

going the distanceNeW bRIdge to sPaN ameRICaN WateRs.....................................................40

Index to advertisers ..................................................................................................42

Published by

Suite 300, 6 Roslyn RoadWinnipeg, ManitobaCanada R3L 0G5

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Page 7: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

Your True Project PartnerSkyline Steel is a premier steel foundation supplier with an extensive network of manufacturing and stocking locations. Our wide range of products include H-piles, Pipe Piles, Steel Sheet Piles, Threaded Bar, Micropiles, Piling Accessories, and Structural Sections.

See how Skyline Steel can help with your next project. Visit or call. In Western Canada (BC, AB, SK, MB, YT, NT, and NU), call 1-866-461-6367; In Eastern Canada (ON, NB, NS, QC, PE, and NL.), call 1-866-461-6366.

© 2013 Skyline Steel, LLC. Skyline Steel is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nucor Corporation, the largest producer of steel in the United States.

Saskatoon, SKCanal de Chambly, QC

Port of Baie-Comeau, QC

Now providing the most comprehensive product offering from a single company in the geotechnical industry

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8 PIC Magazine • December 2013


Conductor Installation services ltd (CIs), an acteon company that provides pile and conductor driving services to the oil and gas industry, announced the launch of a new ser-vice line: subsea Piling services. 

The announcement coincides with the intro-duction of the new CIs subsea Piling system, a remotely-operated system that the company developed to drive piles as large as 36 inches in diameter, in water depths to 300 metres. 

Self-TenSioning WincheS enhance SafeTy and conTrol

“What sets the new subsea Piling system apart is that it features self-tensioning hydrau-lic winches that lower and raise the hydraulic hoses and electrical cables that connect to the hammer,” says andy Penman, group manag-ing director of the CIs group.  “While other systems rely upon technicians to carry out this critical action by manually operating the winches, the constant-tensioning capability of the new subsea piling system’s winches means that they automatically heave and lower ac-cording to sea conditions. In essence, we have removed the guesswork and risk of human er-ror, making the process more efficient, reliable, and much, much safer.”

greaTer accuracy = improved efficiency = reduced coSTS

driving piles with the innovative technol-ogy offered by the subsea Piling system has been streamlined, making it very straight-forward.  The entire process is carried out by an experienced pile-driving engineer from a

control unit and monitoring system located on-board a vessel or barge.  a hydraulic ham-mer, which is connected via an electronic um-bilical cable to the control system, is lowered into the water and placed directly over a sub-sea pile. once it is accurately positioned, the pile is driven into the seabed by the hammer until it reaches its target depth. The operation is continuously monitored and controlled by an engineer in the dedicated CIs control cabin.

“The CIs remotely-operated piling method offers complete control so that the level of ac-curacy achieved by every blow of the hammer is much greater,” says james Chadd, technical sales manager for the CIs group.  “The more accurate it is, the less time it takes to drive the pile. Put simply, it’s faster, much more efficient and costs less.”

acTeon SiSTer companieS ciS and mencK

“as global suppliers, meNCk and CIs work very closely together to meet the needs of oil

and gas operators around the world,” says dr. bernhard bruggaier, executive vice president for the acteon group. “They complement each other extremely well.  Whereas CIs focuses on serving the drilling market, meNCk caters to the marine and construction sector.  together, they provide truly comprehensive pile-driving services.”

modular and environmenTally-friendly

easy to assemble and deploy, the subsea Piling system is comprised of several primary components.  These include a hydraulic ham-mer dressed for working subsea, a control unit equipped with instrumentation and technol-ogy used to carry out and monitor the piling process, a power unit, hydraulic hose and cable winches that carry up to 300 metres of hoses or cable, and an upending frame. In addition to its unique constant-tensioning winches, when using the subsea Piling system to drive piles, CIs uses only the highest quality of biodegrad-

CanadaPiling Industry News

Page 9: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

Taking the

LEADin over 40 countriesaround the world

Deep Foundation Contracting ServicesLeader SystemsImpact Hammers

Statnamic Load Testing TechnologyReverse Circulation Drills

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Canada's oldest and most innovativedeep foundation contractor - Since 1897

Page 10: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

10 PIC Magazine • December 2013

CanadaPiling Industry News

able hydraulic oil to prevent against negative impact on the environment in the event of oil leakage.

Initially, the company plans to establish a foothold in the offshore sub-sea european market.   looking ahead, the CIs group anticipates that it will use the subsea Piling system to carry out a subsea pile-driving operation in the North sea for a major operator. 

CIs, a member of acteon’s Conductors, Risers and flowlines group, provides conductor and pile installation services associated with con-struction projects carried out in the global oil and gas industry.  These services are carried out both onshore and offshore to, for example, create foundations for new wells, platforms, bridges and jetties. 

The range of services provided by CIs supports the acteon group’s commitment to defining subsea services across a range of interconnected disciplines.

abouT acTeonacteon companies provide mooring, foundation, riser, conductor,

flowline and marine electronics products and services supported by strong engineering and project management capabilities. acteon’s com-panies are 2h offshore, aquatic, CaPe group, Claxton, Conductor Installation services (CIs), Core grouting services, fluke engenharia, Interact, Intermoor, j2 engineering services, large diameter drilling (ldd), lm handling, meNCk, mirage machines, NCs survey, off-shore Installation services (oIs), Probe, Pulse structural monitoring,

seatronics, subsea Riser Products (sRP) and team energy Resources. learn more at

abouT SubSea ServiceSsubsea services are defined as the provision of specialist equipment,

services and personnel that can operate from any fit-for-purpose vessel or platform. acteon’s subsea services offering is unique and addresses operational requirements that support oil and gas asset owners, con-struction and drilling companies, and vessel owners.

Text from The Edmonton Journal

Happy Birthday!junttan’s first purpose-built piling rig Pm20 reaches 30-year anniver-

sary junttan’s first 10 piling rigs were built on excavators during the period

1979-1983. The excavator based piling rig was and still is a compromise in many ways but it was rather efficient compared to the standards at the time. Compared to a purpose built piling rig, the excavator based rig had many operational restrictions in areas like pile handling, hydraulic output and stability, partly because of the dimensions of the machine and partly because of the basic structure. The transportation dimensions were quite large; the machine was tall and the tracks had to be wide to achieve adequate stability.

to eliminate these difficulties junttan ended up building its first purpose-built fully hydraulic pile driving rig, Pm20. The new rig had a telescopic leader with side inclination cylinders that made it more stable

than ever to accomplish the most demanding pil-ing jobs. The Pm20 had a hydraulic system that was optimized for the hammer and pro-duced enough energy to run all the required functions simultaneously. This meant maximized working efficiency which was a huge upgrade to the excavator based rig. The new rig had hydraulically extendable tracks that brought a new level of stability to working conditions and also reduced the transportation width significantly. another factor that minimized the trans-

portation dimensions was the structure of the upper carriage frame that was

open from the middle. In addition to the telescopic leader, hori-

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12 PIC Magazine • December 2013

zontal boom and a movable counterweight, the Pm20 had pile arms that made pile handling easier and more efficient than ever. The pur-pose-built rig didn’t need any other machines on the job; it could easily unload the piles, haul them and lift them securely up to the hammer with its telescopic leader and winches. as a final touch the ergonomics in the cabin were tested with wooden and cardboard mockups to make it unprecedentedly strong to protect the driver in accident situations.

The first Pm20 was introduced in the fall of 1983 after a production time of nine months. The buyer for this prototype was armas kal-lio, who was an independent contractor from southern finland. he already had a junttan no. 5 based on an excavator, which he had been very satisfied with.

junttan started its export with the Pm rigs and delivered the first ones to denmark and sweden as early as 1983. today, junttan has manufactured over 700 Pm rigs and they are now working in over 50 countries on all con-tinents. In 2013, junttan’s latest version of the Pm20, the Pmx20, has a basic structure that remains rather similar to its prototype from back in 1983. If you looked at a 30-year-old earth-moving machine in 1983, from a techni-cal perspective, it would have been totally out of date, whereas if you now look at a 30-year-old junttan Pm piling rig you’ll notice that the difference compared to a modern machine is actually quite minor. The abbreviaton Pm stands for Paalutuksen mestari (in english master of Piling) which quite justifiably de-scribes the pioneer the Pm20 was for the entire modern pile driving industry.

In 2010, junttan introduced the X-series pile driving rigs, which offer all the unsurpassed features its legendary predecessor Pm20 did. In addition, it provides great added value for overall rig operation and maintenance, mak-ing pile driving rig ownership much more convenient and profitable than ever before.

besides the upgraded features in mechanical structures, a completely renewed hydraulic system and an undercarriage that ensures high levels of stability and easy transportation, the Pmx rigs also have a unique, purpose-built pil-ing rig control system, the junttan X control system, which controls all the vital rig func-tions, and provides plenty of useful features for adjustments, operation, and maintenance. Thanks to the X-system, a junttan rig is more fuel efficient and environmentally friendly than ever. accompanied by the new tier4-cer-tified engine, the carbon footprint for driven pile foundations made by junttan rigs is basi-cally off the charts.

The first thoroughbred junttan is still work-ing on a daily basis in the Netherlands after 30 years of piling and with a meter showing over 40,000 operating hours. so is its brother #2 and beyond. When it comes down to determining the lifespan of junttan’s machines, no one re-ally knows – they just keep on running.

junttan oy specializes in the design, manu-facture, marketing and service of hydraulic piling equipment and excavator mounted rock drills. junttan is one of the few independent manufacturers in its product range. founded in 1976 and located in kuopio, finland, junt-tan has been the leading company in its seg-ment since inventing the concept of fully hy-draulic Pm20 pile driving rig.

Instantel® Third Party Access Software Application for Series IV Monitors

Introducing the Instantel® Third Party ac-cess for series Iv software application.  Con-trol, upload and download data directly from Instantel® minimate Pro4 or minimate Pro6 seismographs, without using the Instantel® blastware® Compliance module.

event data can be exported into the Xml, Csv, or asCII file formats. exported data can be further analyzed within a spreadsheet or leveraged using the Internet, automating the process of transferring vibration data directly from the series Iv unit to a website, for view-ing by approved stakeholders.

The Third Party access program also main-tains the proprietary Instantel event format and security features, and the same function-ality as the blastware Compliance module.

CanadaPiling Industry News

Pile Drivers, Divers, Bridge, Dock and Wharf Builders Local Union 2404

#101-580 Ebury PlaceDelta, B.C. V3M

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Page 13: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

Follow Our Lead To A Solid FoundationBAUER-Pileco is a leading global provider of foundation equipment and service

to the construction industry. Recognized for its technological advances and innovation, BAUER-Pileco and its network of dealers represent the BAUER

Group across North and Central America.

BAUER PILECORTG KLEMMFAMBO MAT SALES SERVICE BAUER-Pileco Inc., 111 Berry Road, Houston, TX [email protected] (713) 691-3000 / (800) 474-5326

Page 14: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

14 PIC Magazine • December 2013

Third Party Access – Series IV Functions:

• Set communication parameters to access the unit.

• Read the unit Status.• Read and write the Date and Time to the unit.• Read and write the Compliance Setup File of

the unit.• Control the Monitor Scheduler calendar

commands.• Read and write the Auto Call Home configu-

ration settings.• Start and Stop Monitoring.• Copy, delete and list Event(s), by address

and/or summary, on the unit.for more information:, [email protected], or 1.613.592.4642

DFI Announces Winner of the 2013 C. William Bermingham Award for Innovation – The Thermal Integrity Profiler

The deep foundations Institute (dfI) an-nounces that the Thermal Integrity Profiler (tIP) is the winner of the 2013 C. William bermingham award for Innovation. The award will be presented at dfI’s 38th annual Conference on deep foundations, september 25-28, Phoenix, ariz.

The Thermal Integrity Profiler (tIP) was developed by foundations and geotechnical engineering llC, and Pile dynamics, Inc., after research conducted at the University of south florida in 2005. Thermal Integrity Pro-filing is a technology that utilizes the heat gen-erated by curing cement (hydration energy) to evaluate the integrity of cast-in-place concrete foundations such as drilled shafts, bored piles, augered cast-in-place piles, continuous flight auger piles and drilled displacement piles. The Thermal Integrity Profiler is unlike any other system of assessing quality and integrity of cast-in-place concrete foundations in which it uses a phenomenon – heat generation by cur-ing concrete – not previously used to assess the quality and integrity of cast in place concrete foundations.

This award is in honor of C. William ber-mingham, dfI president from 1986-1987. The criteria for the award include “contributing to the advancement of the deep foundations industry by introducing a new and unique practice including means and methods, design procedures, equipment and materials by an in-dividual, a team or a company.” This is the sec-ond year in which the award has been given. The award recipient receives $5,000.

about the deep foundations Institute (dfI)dfI ( is an international as-

sociation of contractors, engineers, suppliers,

academics and owners in the deep founda-tions industry. our multi-disciplinary mem-bership creates a consensus voice and a com-mon vision for continual improvement in the planning, design and construction of deep foundations and excavations. We bring to-gether members for networking, education, communication and collaboration. With our members, we promote the advancement of the deep foundations industry through technical committees, educational programs and con-ferences, publications, research, government relations and outreach. dfI has more than 3,300 members. n

CanadaPiling Industry News

barker Ross has been providing recruitment solutions to global piling industry leaders since 2009. based in the Uk, their spe-cialist team has developed contacts across the globe which allow them to provide a truly international package of recruitment services to a wide range of piling and geotechnical contractors.

The company’s database covers the following specialists in piling and geotechnical; — Plant operators (Rig operators, Rotary, Cfa, driven, mini,

hydraulic grab & Cutter, Cranes, bentonite Plant)— Piling supervision— Piling engineering— Piling project management— Piling commercial staff

— design engineers & managers— drillers (site Investigation, geothermal, exploration,

stabilisation) — geotechnical supervision — geotechnical engineers— Project management— geotechnical design

being part of a well established leading recruitment group which employs 140 specialist recruiters, they can also offer clients a wide range of related services including Work-safe training packages and executive search and selection. n

Full CoveragebarKer roSS – The piling and geoTechnical recruiTmenT SpecialiST

To find out more please contact William Berridge on 00 44 115 948 3757 or email [email protected]

Page 15: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

O�ering a full range of piling products including sheetpile, H-pile, and pipe for sale or for rent anywhereacross North America from eight stocking locations.

Sheet piling - Hot Rolled, Cold Formed A572 Grade50 Standard. A690, A588, and other grades readilyavailable - all in your “as required” length.

Call us for support and service on your next project.

Providing Piling Product Solutions to the Heavy ConstructionIndustry for over 25 years

Providing Piling Product Solutions to the Heavy ConstructionIndustry for over 25 years

Providing Piling Product Solutions to the Heavy ConstructionIndustry for over 25 yearsO�ering a full range of piling products including sheetpile, H-pile, and pipe for sale or for rent anywhereacross North America from eight stocking locations.

Sheet piling - Hot Rolled, Cold Formed A572 Grade50 Standard. A690, A588, and other grades readilyavailable - all in your “as required” length.

www.rollformgroup.comRoll Form Group Suite 100 - 6701 Financial Drive, Mississauga, ON L5N 7J7 Tel: (905) 270-5300 Fax: (905) 593-3489 950 Industrial Road, Cambridge, ON N3H 4W1 Tel: (519) 650-2222 Fax: (519) 650-2223 26 Country Road 351, Iuka, MS, 38852 Tel: (662) 424-1460 Fax: (662) 424-0314Piling Products 945 Center Street, Green Cove Springs, FL, 32043 Tel: (904) 287-8000 Fax: (904) 529-7757

Page 16: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

PIC Magazine • December 201316

PIC canada | U.s. | international

more than a year after the Costa Concordia cruise liner ran aground and capsized off the coast of tuscany, salvagers have righted the cruise ship during a complex, 600 million euro ($800 million Usd) engineering project and will tow the vessel from giglio Island on which it rested. but before that could happen, the plan required installation of a stabilization and holdback system, completed by trevi group of Italy.

The 300-metre long, 114,000-tonne cruise ship hit the rocky reef and wrecked on janu-ary 13, 2012, claiming 32 lives. Costa Crociere, the ship’s owner, hired smit salvage bv of The Netherlands in collaboration with tito Neri srl of Italy to remove 2,042.5 cubic metres of fuel and 240 cubic metres of sewage from the ship, while authorities considered plans to salvage the vessel.

titan-micoperi, a partnership of Crowley group’s titan salvage, a marine salvage and wreck-removal company, and marine con-tractor micoperi of Italy proposed a six-phase plan to remove the ship for offsite salvaging while protecting the ecologically sensitive coast. Costa Crociere and the Costa Concor-dia emergency Commissioner’s office hired

titan-micoperi in april 2012 to perform the ship recovery.

The six-phase plan included the installa-tion of a stabilization and holdback system to prevent the ship from slipping or sinking fur-ther; preparation of an artificial seabed for the wreck to rest on after it was righted; installa-tion of 15 refloating sponsons on the port (ex-posed) side of the wreck; parbuckling, a 65-de-gree rotation of the ship using strand jacks; and attachment of 15 refloating sponsons to the previously submerged starboard side of the ship. The ship would then be towed to a ship-yard and dismantled.

The sheer size of the cruise liner, its posi-tion relative to the shore, and the risks related to its removal made the salvage the most com-plex ever attempted. about 500 people from 26 countries – engineers, divers, welders, techni-cians and more – have been working 24 hours a day, seven days a week on the project, stop-ping only for rough weather conditions.

foundaTion inveSTigaTion several crucial preparatory activities were

needed before any salvage operations could begin, including a seabed investigation to de-

termine the geologic conditions of the site and the installation of an anchor system to secure the wreck before winter storms could further damage the ship.

The trevi group, a foundation engineering and construction company based in Cesena, Italy, joined the titan-micoperi team in june 2012 to perform this work.

RCt srl, a trevi group division that spe-cializes in geotechnical and geologic investiga-tions, performed the subsurface mapping us-ing a soilmec sm-20 microdrilling rig for the survey. soilmec is a company within the trevi group that specializes in the design and pro-duction of machinery for special foundation works. The sm-20 is a multi-purpose hydrau-lic drill rig with a weight of 20 to 22 metric tons that was operated from a barge adjacent to the ship’s hull.

giglio Island, located about 20 kilometres from the western coast of Italy in the medi-terranean sea, is comprised primarily of gra-nitic rock. RCt found both solid and fractured granite at the shipwreck site. The fractures are generally filled with loose, running sand and gravel that presented additional challenges to investigation and construction.

Righting the

Costa Concordia

creaTing a STabilizaTion and holdbacK SySTem for The ShipBy TiBerio MinoTTi, Trevi SpA And vincenT Jue, SoilMec norTh AMericA

Trevi used a Soilmec SM-21 microdrilling rig to install rock anchors in the seafloor.

Page 17: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

Piling Industry Canada • December 2013 17

PICcanada | U.s. | international

anchor conSTrucTion for Ship STabilizaTion

a sophisticated hold-back system was cru-cial in stabilizing the ship and preventing slip-ping to deeper water. titan micoperi installed four large seabed anchor blocks, weighing more than 30 tonnes each, between the center of shipwreck and the shore. trevi used a soil-mec sm-21 to install ten tendons into each of the four anchor blocks to secure the blocks to the seabed by increasing the friction between the anchor block and the rock below. Installing the tendons was complicated by the underly-ing rock fractures.

The sm-21 was mounted with a Wassara down-the-hole hammer drill secure the an-chors. The water-powered percussive drilling technique offered environmental benefits, as it doesn’t require oil for lubrication of the hammer, thereby reducing pollution risk. Us-ing high-pressure compressed air to power the hammer was not permitted.

In order to monitor the load applied to the anchor block, a load cell was installed on each anchor block and connected to a data logger to

allow real-time transmission of data. during drilling, drill cuttings were brought

to the surface and managed and treated on

the barge using flocculants and a coagulant to separate the solids from the seawater for more effective disposal. during drilling, titan-mi-

A Trevi diver secured the apparatus for a (preliminary) 290-ton anchor test.



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newThe Model GK-405 Vibrating Wire Readout is designed for use with all Geokon vibrating wire sensors. It comprises a battery-powered readout unit that communicates, via Bluetooth®, with a Handheld , with a Handheld Field PC running the GK-405 application. The Model Field PC running the GK-405 application. The Model GK-405 can also read the thermistors included with GK-405 can also read the thermistors included with most Geokon vibrating wire sensors, and display the most Geokon vibrating wire sensors, and display the temperature directly in °C.temperature directly in °C.

All readings can be stored and exported to a number of different fi le formats. Syncing to a host computer is simple and straightforward, allowing project folders and data fi les to be easily saved. The Model GK-405 Readout is available with or without the Handheld Field PC because the Model GK-604-6 Field PC, provided with Geokon’s GK-604 Inclinometer Readout, is compatible with both systems.

For more information visit:

Model 4900Geokon Vibrating Wire Load Cell

Page 18: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

PIC Magazine • December 201318

PIC canada | U.s. | international

coperi monitored the seabed using a remotely operated vehicle (Rov) to ensure that the sen-sitive marine environment was not adversely impacted.

trevi completed this anchor construction work in late october 2012. metal structures weighting over 30 tonnes each were secured to the anchor blocks. steel chains were then con-

nected to the anchor blocks, threaded under the ship’s hull, and attached to portholes on the port (exposed) side of the ship for stabi-lization. This holdback system prevented the ship from slipping further into the water and was also used during ship parbuckling.

seven additional anchor blocks and asso-ciated tendons and load cells were installed during the parbuckling operation, upon which special towers and hydraulic jacks were assembled.

Cables connected to all of the anchor blocks were individually controlled by a strand-jack system to help support the ship’s mid-section. trevi completed this portion of the project in july 2013.

on september 17, 2013, after 19 working hours, titan-micoperi righted the ship and began the next phases of salvage.

Tiberio Minotti was Trevi’s project manager for the Costa Concordia project. Vincent Jue is a vice president with Soilmec North America. Soilmec manufactures drilling and ground engi-neering construction equipment. Reach Vincent at [email protected]. n

A Soilmec SM-20 microdrilling rig was used for the subsurface investigation into granitic rock.

Pile Installation RecorderWas there really a time when

augercast piles were installed without it?

[email protected]+1 216-831-6131

Works with any rig and in low headroom. Everything you need to know for great performance, in the cab, in real time.

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Drilling & Piles Ltd.

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Page 19: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

TORONTO: (519) 623-6454CALGARY: (403) 248-4884OTTAWA: (613) 241-5551“Innovations in Foundations”

Page 20: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

PIC Magazine • December 201320

PIC canada | U.s. | international

If you look at the ground conditions in the countries along the coast in the Nord of eu-rope, it is not strange that a lot of innovative pile systems are coming from these areas. due to the competition in the foundation indus-try it is always a challenge to come up with improved and new techniques to obtain the maximum pile production in the most com-mon types of soils.

IhC fUNdeX equipment, who’s main of-fice is based in the Netherlands, together with IhC hydrohammer are the innovators within the group for foundation equipment.

The wide variety of modern and high-qual-ity drilling and piling rigs can be used for al-most every pile system.

Recently le monde International became the representative for IhC fUNdeX in Cana-da. With the experience of le monde Interna-tional in the field of selling/maintaining drill-ing equipment in europe and Canada and the know-how of IhC fUNdeX, the Canadian market will be served very effectively. IhC fUNdeX’s extensive experience with world-wide servicing guarantees a fast support and short downtimes.

In 2013, several new machines were launched which are very useful for the Cana-dian market. These innovative machines are made to drill casings in the soil without noise or vibration, along with other benifital options

for low headroom areas, IhC fUNdeX recently delivered a new tbX 35 high-torque drill rig to a U.s. contractor for installing closed or open casings till maximum diameter of 558 millimetres (22 inches) with maximum 450kNm (331900 lbf.ft) of torque.

These machines are originally designed for “tUbeX” piles but more applications are pos-sible: • With a unique FCS clamp system, long piles

can be drilled with short stroke and extrac-tion of casings can be done as well.

• The low transport weights and the very low center of gravity helps to get access in dif-ficult terrains. The design makes it possible to work in areas with low headroom and/or narrow access where big rigs cannot reach. batter piles of an angle till of 45 degrees back-wards can be installed as well.

• The power-pack can be taken off for inside use. The operator can use the remote control

from inside of the cab or beside the rig. • This rig can install closed screw piles without

any vibration and without disturbing nearby construction. This can be done with or with-out grout injection. If the limited height pre-vents drilling of the one piece casing, casing sections are used. after installation the cas-ing is filled with reinforcement and concrete.

• The high capacity piles can also be used as anchor piles. Compact drill rigs are characterized by high

torque compared to the size of the machines. The Cd20d with a maximum torque of

200kNm (147512 lbf.ft) can drill casings closed or open till of 368 millimetres (12 inches). The compact design and flexible leader lengths make it versatile. optionally it can be delivered with different rotary heads, with 120kNm and 200kNm.

The Cd30s with a maximum of 300kNm is the next in the range off compact drilling rigs. These new compact high torque rigs are re-cently delivered by two european contractors to install closed screw piles with or without grout injection.

With a separate power pack on tracks it is possible to work inside buildings without the problem of exhaust emission requirements. The max hydraulic flow is 211 gallon/min (800l/min) with 280 bar.

In 2011, IhC fUNdeX acquired the com-pany vermeermt from the Netherlands there-by adding a variety of compact piling rigs have been to the range of machines. These rigs are driving casings with the principle of a down the hole drop weight, inside a closed casing. This method is vibration free with low noise making it very suitable to work inside, spaces with low headroom, and in difficult areas. The casing is driven down in segments and welded together. With a long stroke of the drop weight the impact energy is high, if compared with the dimensions of rigs. for example an 10 tonne rig can have a maximum impact energy of 70kNm, which is about the same as a IhC hydrohammer s70.

With a Twistihc fundeX equipmenT offerS neW TechniqueS for The canadian marKeT

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Piling Industry Canada • December 2013 21

PICcanada | U.s. | international

The stroke of the drop-weight is adjustable and the piling process is automatically com-puter controlled.

a new designed f2200 fUNdeX foun-dation rig features a mast of 25 metres (82 feet) and is the smallest in multi-functional fUNdeX range. The 250kNm rotary head is specially prepared to make Cfa pile with a maximum diameter of 1,200 millimetres (47 inches). an new erecting system ensures a

rapid build-up which makes it very suitable for small job sites. displacement drilling, push-pull system for sheet piles, and pilling with a hydraulic or diesel hammer are also possible with this technology.

a new data acquisitions system is available on every rig from IhC fUNdeX’s product range, this ensures the operator achieving the perfect pile and provides complete report of the pile making process. This system is

completely integrated in the rigs and can be

used for drilling, as well as for piling. The ad-

vantage of the integration is the fuel saving

function that makes piles in an most effective


for an up close look at IhC fUNdeX’s

newest rigs visit them at Connexpo 2014

in las vegas, or visit their website for more details. n




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Page 22: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

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OTNOROT 34 Anderson Blvd.Uxbridge, ON L9P 0C7P 905.640.9800F 905.640.9808

.C.D ,NOTGNIHSAW 6300 Foxley RoadUpper Marlboro, MD 20772P 301.599.1300F 301.599.1597

AIHPLEDALIHP PO Box 837Aldan, PA 19018P 610.626.2200F 610.626.2245

HGRUBSTTIP PO Box 306Coraopolis, PA 15108P 412.264.4480F 412.264.1158

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Servicing Canada and USA

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Page 25: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

Piling Industry Canada • December 2012 3


CANADAALBERTAAGRA Foundations Limited Contact: Chris Dobson7708 Wagner Road NW,Edmonton, AB T6E 5B2T: 1-780-468-3392 | F: 1-780-466-7465E: [email protected] Contractor/Supplier

AGRA Foundations Limited Contact: Steve Mallinson416 Monument Place SE,Calgary, AB T2A 1X3T: 1-403-272-5531 | F: 1-403-569-1083E: [email protected] Contractor/Supplier

Allnorth Consultants Limited Unit 6 - 226 Gregoire Drive,Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4K6T: 1-780-743-8433 | F: 1-780-753-9102www.allnorth.comConsulting Engineer

Allnorth Consultants Limited 203 10127 121st Avenue,Grande Prairie, AB T8V 8H9T: 1-780-538-2070 | F: 1-780-538-2079www.allnorth.comConsulting Engineer

Bauer Foundations Canada Inc Contact: Hans Peter Reichert5050 74 Avenue SE,Calgary, AB T2C 3C9T: 1-403-723-0159 | F: 1-403-723-0169E: [email protected] Contractor

Beck Drilling & Environmental Services Ltd 9919 Shepard Road SE,Calgary, AB T2C 3C5T: 1-403-297-1399 | TF: 1-800-561-3482F: 1-403-297-1390E: [email protected] Contractor, Geotechnical Drilling, Construction Drilling, Environmental Drilling

Beck Drilling & Environmental Services Ltd Contact: Brian Louden12311 17th Street NE,Edmonton, AB T6S 1A7T: 1-780-443-6272E: [email protected]

Beck Drilling & Environmental Services Ltd Contact: Blake SilverLot 8A Caribou Energy Park,Fort McKay, AB T: 1-780-881-7032E: [email protected]

Blackjack Excavating & Piling Ltd Contact: DarrylP.O. Box 99,Rycroft, AB T0H 3A0T: 1-780-864-0159 | F: 1-780-765-3117E: [email protected] Contractor

Bob’s Pile Driving & Crane Service Contact: Angelique CaouetteBox 807,Whitecourt, AB T7S 1N8T: 1-780-778-2761 | F: 1-780-778-8784Pile Contractor

Christianson Pipe Inc Box 5451,High River, AB T1V 1M6T: 1-403-652-4336 | TF: 1-888-652-4336 F: 1-403-652-4913www.christiansonpipe.comSupplier

Copp’s Services Inc. 231 28042 Hwy 11,Red Deer County, AB T4S 2L4T: 1-403-347-6222 | TF: 1-866-887-3606 F: 1-403-347-6401E: [email protected] Contractor

D.A. McIntyre Construction Ltd Contact: Al McIntyre#203 17205 106A Avenue,Edmonton, AB T5S 1M7T: 1-780-484-6333 | F: 1-780-987-4098E: [email protected] Contractor

DFI P.O. Box 405,Rycroft, AB T0H 3A0T: 1-780-328-4202 | TF: 1-800-328-4202 F: 1-780-765-2552E: [email protected] Contractor/Supplier

DFI 3403 - 74 Avenue,Edmonton, AB T6B 3B8T: 1-780-466-5237 | TF: 1-800-328-4202 F: 1-780-463-3613E: [email protected] Contractor/Supplier

Dominion Pipe & Piling Contact: Sheldon Dasiuk9100 Venture Avenue SE,Calgary, AB T3S 0A2T: 1-403-236-1788 | TF: 1-866-441-7473 F: 1-403-236-2478www.dominionpipe.caSupplier

Dominion Pipe & Piling Contact: Liz Pratt / Jaime Blasetti6515 34 Street,Edmonton, AB T2B 2V8T: 1-780-465-1585 | F: 1-780-465-1250www.dominionpipe.caSupplier

Edgen Murray Contact: Charles Aldrich8440 Roper Road,Edmonton, AB T6E 6W4T: 1-780-440-1475 | TF: 1-800-233-9969 F: 1-780-440-1629www.edgenmurray.comSupplier

Ernst & Young Orenda Corporate Finance Contact: Kieran Bowes10020 100 Street,Edmonton, AB T5J 0N3T: 1-780-638-6637E: [email protected] Consultant

HCM Contractors Inc Contact: Craig A. Rowe, P. Eng.Bay A 235038 Wrangler Road,Rocky View, AB T1X 0K3T: 1-403-248-4884 | F: 1-403-248-4897E: [email protected] Contractor

Helical Pier Systems Ltd Contact: Bob SchwalmBox 1284,Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4Z1T: 1-780-538-9875 | TF: 1-877-547-1017 F: 1-780-766-3764 | TFF: 1-866-668-9920E: [email protected] Contractor/Manufacturer/Engineer

Helical Pier Systems Ltd Contact: Alvin Pyke103 Portage Close,Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2S5T: 1-780-992-0007 | TF: 1-877-547-1017 F: 1-780-992-4904 | TFF: 1-866-668-9920 E: [email protected] Contractor/Manufacturer/Engineer

Inland Screw Piling Ltd Contact: Harry Knelsen#3, 4010 9 Avenue North,Lethbridge, AB T1H 6T8T: 1-403-328-4223 | TFF: 1-866-798-0965 E: [email protected] Contractor

Jarvis Enterprises Ltd Contact: Ian Jarvis160 MacEwan Park Green NW,Calgary, AB T3K 4E6T: 1-403-560-8043 | F: 1-403-295-1511E: [email protected]

Ki International Ltd Contact: Gordon WilliamsonBay 308 151 East Lake Blvd,Airdrie, AB T4A 2G1T: 1-403-912-6008 | F: 1-403-912-2007E: [email protected] Contractor

Ledcor Group of Companies Contact: Dan Tobin9910 39th Avenue,Edmonton, AB T6E 4S8T: 1-780-462-4211 | F: 1-780-465-8689www.ledcor.comPile Contractor, Drilled Shafts, CFA Piles, Sheet Piles, Secant Walls, Access Shafts

McIntyre DA Construction Ltd Contact: Al McIntyre203-17205 106 Avenue NW,Edmonton, AB T5S 1M7T: 1-780-484-6333 | F: 1-780-484-9184Pile Contractor

Servicing Canada and USA

Platinum Grover“�e Piling Connection”TM

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PIC Magazine • December 20124


North American Caisson Ltd Box 5283,Fort McMurray, AB T9H 3G3T: 1-780-791-1997 | F: 1-780-791-2404www.nacg.caPile Contractor

North American Caisson Ltd 2289 Alyth Place SE,Calgary, AB T2G 3L1T: 1-403-503-0599 | F: 1-403-503-0191www.nacg.caPile Contractor

North American Construction Group Inc Contact: Katie DempsterZone 3 Acheson Industrial Area, 2 53016 Hwy 60,Acheson, AB T7X 5A7T: 1-780-960-7171 | TF: 1-888-882-8332 F: 1-780-960-7103E: [email protected] Contractor, Consultant

North American Construction Group Inc 11405 - 163rd Street NW,Edmonton, AB T5M 3Y3T: 1-780-960-7171 | F: 1-780-969-5599www.nacg.caPile Contractor

Northstar Inc Contact: Jay GunnarsonBox 23264,Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6X2T: 1-780-539-0700 | TF: 1-877-539-0700 F: 1-780-539-3014E: [email protected]

Pile Base Contractors (1987) Ltd 5410 64A Street,Drayton Valley, AB T7A 0A1T: 1-780-542-5292 | TF: 1-800-252-7995 F: 1-780-542-6201Pile Contractor

Pilemaster & Bridge Inc 11031 92 Avenue,Grande Prairie, AB T8V 3J3T: 1-780-539-3538Pile Contractor

Pinnacle Drilling Products Inc Contact: Darryl MichalkoUnit 113 4800 104th Avenue SE,Calgary, AB T2C 2H3T: 1-403-236-3393 | F: 1-403-236-3394E: [email protected]

Pipe and Piling Supplies (Western) Ltd Contact: Bob Clarkson1403 7th Street,Nisku, AB T9E 7P8T: 1-780-955-0501 | F: 1-780-955-0505E: [email protected] / Manufacturer

Pipe and Piling Supplies (Western) Ltd Contact: George Young5515 40th Street SE,Calgary, AB T2C 2A8T: 1-403-236-1332 | F: 1-403-279-4588E: [email protected] / Manufacturer

Platinum Grover International Inc Contact: Aly Lalji750 333 11th Avenue SW,Calgary, AB T2R 1L9T: 1-403-264-6688 | TF: 1-888-745-4647 F: 1-403-237-8271E: [email protected]

Postech Edmonton Inc Contact: Daniel GirouxP.O. Box 72104,Edmonton, AB T6B 3A7T: 1-780-433-7711 | F: 1-780-432-1110E: [email protected] Contractor

Postech Metal Foundations Calgary/ Red Deer Contact: Glenn FleuryBox 15 Site 3 RR #1,Red Deer, AB T: 1-403-350-7775 | TF: 1-877-341-3201 E: [email protected] Contractor

Prairie Caisson Foundations Ltd 408 5th Street East,Hanna, AB T0J 1P0T: 1-403-854-3088 | TF: 1-800-824-2691 F: 1-403-854-3089Pile Contractor

Precision Piling Ltd Box 5 Site 3 RR1,Red Deer, AB T4N 5E1T: 1-403-340-1400 | F: 1-403-346-8100Pile Contractor

R & L Pumpjack Services Ltd Box 7077,Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1S4T: 1-780-542-4258 | F: 1-780-542-7454Pile Contractor

REDA Enterprises Contact: Ed MarchildonP.O. Box 7130 Stn. Main,Bonnyville, AB T9N 2H5T: 1-780-826-7237 | TF: 1-800-877-8796F: 1-780-826-2703E: [email protected]

Roterra Screw Piling Ltd 10620 205 Street,Edmonton, AB T5S 1Z1T: 1-780-454-9796 | F: 1-780-447-2033E: [email protected] Contractor

Ruskin Construction Ltd 4101 97 Street,County of Grande Prairie, AB T8W 5A8T: 1-780-538-1919 | TF: 1-888-538-1919 F: 1-780-538-3350www.ruskinconstruction.comPile Contractor

Soilmec North America Contact: Steve Wilson / Dave Beecroft509 11 Avenue Bay 4,Nisku, AB T9E 7N9T: 1-780-8811/1-801-288-8919F: 1-801-288-8917E: [email protected]

Sub Organic Investigations Ltd Contact: Gary ChandlerP.O. Box 142,Dunmore, AB T0J 1A0T: 1-403-526-6939 | F: 1-403-526-6939Pile Contractor

Taber Pipe & Equipment Ltd Contact: Earl Mills5703 62nd Street,Taber, AB T1G 1Y6T: 1-403-223-1277 | F: 1-403-223-1295E: [email protected]

Twister Piling Inc 1203 8A Street,Nisku, AB T9E 7R3T: 1-780-955-8880 | F: 1-780-955-8883Manufacturer

Universal Rig Contact: Duane or Russell Claerhout19 - 38317 Range Road 272,Red Deer, AB T4E 1A6T: 1-403-340-1444 | F: 1-403-340-1444E: [email protected] Contractor

Westco Drilling & Piles Ltd Contact: Derek O’Connor2525 39th Street N,Lethbridge, AB T1H 5M9T: 1-403-380-4084 | F: 1-403-381-4063Pile Contractor

BRITISH COLUMBIAAGRA Foundations Limited Contact: Derek Harris101 12391 Horseshoe Way,Richmond, BC V7A 4X6T: 1-604-270-1115 | F: 1-604-241-7119E: [email protected] Contractor/Supplier

Allnorth Consultants Limited P.O. Box 968,Prince George, BC V2L 4V1T: 1-250-614-7291 | F: 1-250-614-7290www.allnorth.comConsulting Engineer

Allnorth Consultants Limited 620 - 1100 Mellville Street,Vancouver, BC V6E 4A6T: 1-604-602-1175 | F: 1-604-602-1176www.allnorth.comConsulting Engineer

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Piling Industry Canada • December 2012 5


Allnorth Consultants Limited #2 - 3895 First Avenue,Smithers, BC V0J 2N0T: 1-250-847-8943 | F: 1-250-847-8945www.allnorth.comConsulting Engineer

Allnorth Consultants Limited 4445 Greig Avenue,Terrace, BC V8G 1M4T: 1-250-638-0808 | F: 1-250-635-4667www.allnorth.comConsulting Engineer

Allnorth Consultants Limited 2nd Floor 20 Townsite Road,Nanaimo, BC V9S 5T7T: 1-250-753-7472 | F: 1-250-753-9102www.allnorth.comConsulting Engineer

Beck Drilling & Environmental Services Ltd Contact: Brent SeymourKelowna, BC T: 1-250-212-0822

Beck Drilling & Environmental Services Ltd Contact: Scott Pretty13511 Vulcan Way,Richmond, BC V6V 1K4T: 1-604-214-7007E: [email protected]

Beck Drilling & Environmental Services Ltd Contact: Kevin MewsVancouver Island, BC T: 1-604-830-5566

Broadwater Industries Ltd 247 First Avenue East,Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1A7T: 1-250-624-5158 | F: 1-250-625-5668E: [email protected] Pile Contractor

Burton Pile Driving & Foundations 464 Curlew Drive,Kelowna, BC V1W 4L1T: 1-250-764-2522 | F: 1-250-764-8262E: [email protected] Contractor

Con-Tech Systems Ltd Contact: Thomas Schmitz/Dan MacLean8150 River Road,Delta, BC V4G 1B5T: 1-604-946-5571 | TF: 1-888-818-4826F: 1-604-946-5548E: [email protected], Foundations, Anchoring Systems, Grouting

D.C.D. Pile Driving Ltd 2705 North Island Hwy,Campbell River, BC V9W 2H4T: 1-250-286-0701 | F: 1-250-286-1343Pile Contractor

Dominion Pipe & Piling Contact: Rick Cable#6 - 8500 River Road,Delta, BC V4G 1B5T: 1-604-946-2655 | TF: 1-866-400-PIPEF: 1-604-946-2630www.dominionpipe.caSupplier

DYWIDAG - Systems International Canada Ltd. Contact: Joe Li19433 96th Avenue Suite 103,Surrey, BC V4N 4C4T: 1-604-888-8818 | F: 1-604-888-5008E: [email protected]/Supplier

Formula Contractors BC Ltd 9157 Rock Island Rd,Prince George, BC V2N 5T4T: 1-250-561-2933 | F: 1-250-563-2931www.formulacontractors.comOther

Fraser River Pile & Dredge (GP) Inc Contact: Tom Lively1830 River Drive,New Westminster, BC V3M 2A8T: 1-604-522-7973 | F: 1-604-521-7530E: [email protected] Contractor

Graham Marine Pile Driving 7778 Balfour Warf Drive,Balfour, BC V0G 1C0T: 1-250-229-2169 | TF: 1-866-666-2169 F: 1-250-229-2170E: [email protected] Contractor

Harbour Pile Driving Co. Ltd 78 Esplanade Street,Nanaimo, BC V9R 4Y8T: 1-250-753-6665 | F: 1-250-754-1632Pile Contractor

Helical Pier Systems Ltd Contact: Ed HeppnerRR1 S32A Comp C,Kaleden, BC V0H 1K0T: 1-250-497-8175 | TF: 1-877-547-1017 F: 1-866-668-9920 | TFF: 1-866-668-9920 E: [email protected] Contractor/Manufacturer/Engineer

Helical Pier Systems Ltd Contact: Red SchuhmannBox 6280,Fort St. John, BC V1J 4H7T: 1-250-785-4491 | TF: 1-877-547-1017 F: 1-250-787-0575 | TFF: 1-866-668-9920 E: [email protected] Contractor/Manufacturer/Engineer

Hi-Time Services Ltd Site 15 Comp90 RR1 Stn. Main,Fort St. John, BC V1J 4M6T: 1-250-827-3620E: [email protected] Contractor

JD Piling & Anchor Ltd Contact: DispatchSS 2 Site 5 Comp 25,Fort St. John, BC V1J 4M7T: 1-250-787-6001 | TF: 1-877-787-6006 F: 1-250-787-6005E: [email protected] Contractor

Johnston Construction 4301 Echo Field Road,Cranbrook, BC V1C 7B6T: 1-250-489-3419 | TF: 1-877-429-3419 F: 1-250-489-1090E: [email protected] Contractor

Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd Contact: Dr. Alex Sy500 2955 Virtual Way,Vancouver, BC V5M 4X6T: 1-604-669-3800 | F: 1-604-669-3835E: [email protected]

North American Pile Driving Inc 404A Salter Street,New Westminster, BC V3M 0A4T: 1-604-540-0317 | F: 1-604-526-5676www.nacg.caPile Contractor

Okanagan Pile Driving P.O. Box 1283,Vernon, BC V1T 6N6T: 1-250-545-4172Pile Contractor

Pacific Industrial & Marine Ltd Contact: Brian Thacker5105 Tzouhalem Road,Duncan, BC V9L 6Y1T: 1-250-746-7272 | F: 1-250-7467271E: [email protected] Contractor

Peavine Pile Driving & Excavating Ltd Contact: Gil GunterP.O. Box 777,Pouce Coupe, BC V0C 2C0T: 1-250-786-0157 | F: 1-250-786-0150E: [email protected] Contractor

Pile Drivers, Divers, Bridge, Dock & Warf Builders Local 2404 Contact: Darrell Hawk / Dan Halladay203 14625 108th Avenue,Surrey, BC V3R 1V9T: 1-604-584-2404 | TF: 1-800-562-2404 F: 1-604-584-2405E: [email protected] Union, Representing Trade Qualified Pile Drivers and Bridge Workers

Pipe and Piling Supplies (B.C.) Ltd Contact: Sal Orlando1835 Kingsway Avenue,Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1S9T: 1-604-942-6311 | F: 1-604-941-9364E: [email protected] / Manufacturer

Pro Pile Inc 11368 Clairmont Frontage,Fort St. John, BC V2J 4H8T: 1-250-787-2663Pile Contractor

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PIC Magazine • December 20126


RST Instruments Ltd Contact: Neil Bains200 2050 Hartley Avenue,Coquitlam, BC V3K 6W5T: 1-604-540-1100 | F: 1-604-540-1005E: [email protected] / Manufacturer

Ruskin Construction Ltd Contact: Brian MooreP.O. Box 1050,Prince George, BC V2L 4V2T: 1-250-563-2800 | TF: 1-800-535-3055 F: 1-250-563-6788E: [email protected] Contractor

Sawchuck Pile Driving 2962 Chapman Road,Courtenay, BC V9N 9H3T: 1-250-338-6197 | F: 1-250338-0225Pile Contractor

Shoreline Pile Driving & Floatation Structures P.O. Box 20253,Kelowna, BC V1Y 9H2T: 1-250-769-7694 | F: 1-250-769-7693E: shorelinepiledriving@shawcable.comwww.shorelinepiledriving.comPile Contractor

Skeena Pile & Bridge Ltd P.O. Box 1050,Prince George, BC V2N 2K8T: 1-250-562-4622 | F: 1-250-562-2364Pile Contractor

Team Foundation Systems Ltd 101 - 916 Ethel Street,Kelowna, BC V1Y 2W2T: 1-250-868-8326 | F: 1-250-868-8113E: [email protected] Contractor

Turecki Pipe & Steel Ltd Contact: Darren Turecki2796 W 37th Avenue,Vancouver, BC V6N 2T6T: 1-604-676-1600 | F: 1-604-676-1900E: [email protected]

Vancouver Pile Driving Ltd Contact: Gordon (G.W.) Carlson20 Brooksbank Avenue,North Vancouver, BC V7J 2B8T: 1-604-986-5911 | F: 1-604-990-0414E: [email protected]

West Coast Pile Driving Ltd 2126 Lorraine Avenue,Coquitlam, BC V3K 2M6T: 1-604-931-2242 | F: 1-604-931-6399Pile Contractor

West Shore Constructors Limited Contact: Cathy Campbell150 1000 Roosevelt Cres,North Vancouver, BC V7P 3R4T: 1-604-984-0441 | F: 1-604-984-4164E: [email protected] Contractor

MANITOBAAGRA Foundations Limited Contact: Tony Vacchio102 - 2233 McGillivary Blvd,Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1S6T: 1-204-488-5022 | F: 1-204-488-1845E: [email protected] Contractor/Supplier

AMEC Earth & Environmental Contact: Allyson Desgroseilliers, P,Eng., CCEP440 Dovercourt Drive,Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1N4T: 1-204-488-2997 | F: 1-204-489-8261www.amec.comConsultant, Engineer

Cam-Arrow Drilling Contact: Camile HenryBox 92 RR2,Lorette, MB R0A 0Y0T: 1-204-795-2521 | F: 1-204-878-4745E: [email protected] Contractor

DACO Piling 40 1st Street N,Niverville, MB R0A 1E0T: 1-204-388-4537Pile Contractor

Firm Foundations For You Inc Contact: Ed HeppnerBox 300,Austin, MB R0H 0L0T: 1-204-797-1230 | F: 1-204-466-2645E: [email protected] Contractor

LBT Enterprises Ltd Contact: Judy Wuensch90 Lakeside Road,Springfield, MB R2J 4G8T: 1-204-254-6424 | TF: 1-800-665-7396 F: 1-204-254-2980E: [email protected] Contractor

Minty’s Moving Ltd Contact: Harold MintyBox 270,Onanole, MB R0J 1N0T: 1-204-848-2552 | F: 1-204-848-2275E: [email protected] Contractor

Red Deer Piling Inc Contact: Joey VictorBay 1 7045 Edgar Industrial Link,Red Deer, MB T4P 3Z6T: 1-403-347-3220 | F: 1-403-340-8686E: [email protected] Contractor

Subterranean (Manitoba) Ltd Contact: Peter Mignacca6 St. Paul Blvd,West St. Paul, MB R3E 2S3T: 1-204-775-8291 | F: 1-204-783-0968E: [email protected] Contractor

Trottier Piling (2004) Ltd 75 Phil-Chris Way,Winnipeg, MB R3X 2A9T: 1-204-255-3456 | F: 1-204-255-3456Pile Contractor

NEW BRUNSWICKGEMTEC Limited Contact: Corey G. Keats191 Doak Road,Fredericton, NB E3C 2E6T: 1-506-453-1025 | F: 1-506-453-9470www.gemtec.nb.caConsulting Engineer

GEMTEC Limited Contact: Vincent Friolet720 Thornton Avenue,Bathurst, NB E2A 2W8T: 1-506-548-5064 | F: 1-506-548-5426E: [email protected]

GEMTEC Limited Contact: Stephen Perry1214 Fairville Blvd,Saint John, NB E2M 5T7T: 1-506-657-0200 | F: 1-506-657-0201E: [email protected]

GEMTEC Limited Contact: Paul McNeil77 Rooney Crescent,Moncton, NB E1E 4M4T: 1-506-858-7180 | F: 1-506-858-0742E: [email protected]

GEMTEC Limited Contact: Marc LaforgeP.O. Box 8044,Grand Falls, NB E3Z 3E9T: 1-506-473-6908 | F: 1-506-473-6905E: [email protected]

Irving Equipment Contact: Victor MurtyUS Gifford Road,Saint John, NB E2M 4X9T: 1-506-635-5555 | TF: 1-800-561-2726 F: 1-506-635-5608E: [email protected] Contractor

Postech Bathurst Contact: Jason Smith1100 St. Peter Avenue Suite 4,Bathurst, NB E2A 2Z7T: 1-506-546-5830 | F: 1-506-546-6055E: [email protected] Contractor

Postech Maritime Inc Contact: Daniel Smith635 Babin Street,Dieppe, NB E1A 5M7T: 1-506-857-9512 | TF: 1-855-333-7453 F: 1-506-855-2888E: [email protected] Contractor/Supplier

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NOVA SCOTIAAllnorth Consultants Limited 227 1595 Bedford Highway,Bedford, NS B4A 3Y4T: 1-902-223-5529 | F: 1-250-614-7290www.allnorth.comConsulting Engineer

Cumberland Postech Contact: Bruce Fage1205 Hwy 6,Amhurst, NS B4H 3Y2T: 1-902-660-3555E: [email protected] Contractor

Pipe and Piling Supplies (Eastern) Ltd Contact: Kevin Brady1477 Hammonds Plains Road,Hammonds Plains, NS B4A 2X2T: 1-902-835-6158 | TF: 1-888-835-6158 F: 1-902-835-6079E: [email protected] / Manufacturer

Pipe and Piling Supplies Ltd. Contact: Kevin BradyP.O. Box 44178, 1658 Bedford Hwy,Bedford, NS B4A 3Z8T: 1-902-835-6158 | TF: 1-888-835-6158 F: 1-902-835-6079E: [email protected]

Postech Northern Contact: Bryden MacDougallPO Box 1441,Antigonish, NS B2G 2L7T: 1-902-867-3400 | TF: 1-855-333-7453 F: 1-902-867-3500E: [email protected] Contractor/Consultant

NORTHWEST TERRITORIESDNX Drilling Inc Contact: Gord KirbyP.O. Box 1865 Stn. Main,Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P4T: 1-867-873-5494 | F: 1-867-873-5579E: [email protected]

ONTARIOAnchor Shoring & Caissons Ltd Contact: Derrick Speakman P. Eng3445 Kennedy Road,Toronto, ON M1V 4Y3T: 1-416-292-1401 | F: 1-416-292-1124E: [email protected] Contractor

Atlas Tube A Division of JMC Steel Group Contact: Kevin Kelly / Chris Makila200 Clark Street PO Box 970,Harrow, ON N0R 1G0T: 1-519-738-5000 | TF: 1-800-265-6912 F: 1-519-738-3537E: [email protected]@atlastube.comwww.atlastube.comManufacturer

Bermingham Foundation Solutions Contact: Milan BrestovackiWellington St. Marine Terminal,Hamilton, ON L8L 4Z9T: 1-905-528-7924 | TF: 1-800-668-3432 F: 1-905-528-6187E: [email protected]

Canadian Construction Association 400 75 Albert Street,Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7T: 1-613-236-9455 | F: 1-613-236-9526E: [email protected]

Cappco Tubular Products Inc Contact: Steve Nowacki755 South Service Road Suite 203,Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5Z2T: 1-905-643-5472 | TF: 1-866-642-2772 F: 1-905-643-3293E: [email protected]

CJ Contracting 810 Shevein Avenue,Fort Frances, ON P9A 2P4T: 1-807-274-8331E: [email protected] Contractor

Creighton Rock Drill Ltd Contact: Jamie Armstrong2222 Drew Road,Mississauga, ON L5S 1B1T: 1-905-673-8200 | F: 1-905-673-8208E: [email protected]

Dean Construction Co. Ltd 2720 Front Road,LaSalle, ON N9J 2N5T: 1-519-734-8999 | TF: 1-800-265-4834 F: 1-519-734-6888www.deanconstructioncompany.comPile Contractor

Deep Foundations Contractors Inc Contact: Mauro Scanga145 Ram Forest Road,Gormley, ON L0H 1G0T: 1-905-750-5900 | TF: 1-877-642-7055 F: 1-905-726-8345E: [email protected] Contractor

Dufrensne Piling Co (1967) Ltd 3385 Hawthorne Road,Ottawa, ON K1G 4G2T: 1-613-739-5355www.dufrensnepiling.caPile Contractor

DYWIDAG – Systems International Canada Ltd. Contact: Joe Li37 Cardico Drive,Gormley, ON L0H 1G0T: 1-905-888-8988 | F: 1-905-888-8987E: [email protected]/Supplier, Ground Anchors, Hollow Bars, Micropiles, Soil Nails, Tie-Rods

Geo - Foundations Contractors Inc Contact: Barb Capstick302 Main Street North,Acton, ON L7J 1W9T: 1-519-853-3216 | TF: 1-888-846-7858 F: 1-519-853-5847E: [email protected] Contractor

HC Matcon Inc Contact: Gaetan Mondoux4-122 Earl Thompson Road,Ayr, ON N0B 1E0T: 1-519-623-6454 | F: 1-519-623-6061E: [email protected] Contractor

Instantel 309 Legget Drive,Ottawa, ON K2K 3A3T: 1-613-592-4642 | TF: 1-800-267-9111 F: 1-613-592-4296E: [email protected] Monitoring

Interpipe Inc Contact: Steven Mathers3320 Miles Road,Mount Hope, ON L0R 1W0T: 1-905-679-6999 | TF: 1-877-468-7473 F: 1-905-679-6544E: [email protected]

Jacques Whitford Limited Contact: Raymond Hache2781 Lancaster Road Suite 200,Ottawa, ON R1B 1A7T: 1-613-738-0708 | F: 1-613-738-0721E: raymond.hache@jacqueswhitford.comwww.jacqueswhitford.comConsultant

Merlex Engineering Ltd Contact: Michael Merleau2-120 Progress Crt,North Bay, ON P1B 8G4T: 1-705-476-2550 | F: 1-705-476-8882E: [email protected]

Pipe and Piling Supplies (Central) Ltd Contact: Dave Boulton36 Towns Road,Toronto, ON M8Z 1A3T: 1-416-201-8700 | F: 1-416-201-8853E: [email protected] / Manufacturer

Postech Piers Peterborough #2345606 Ontario Ltd Contact: Ron Freer86 Greenhill Drive,Peterborough, ON K9J 6E4T: 1-705-742-2091E: [email protected] [email protected] Contractor/Supplier

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Local Presence - Global Competence

Canada West19433 96th Avenue, Suite 103Surrey, BC V4N 4C4 Phone: +1-604-888 8818E-mail: [email protected]


GEWI ® Piles

DYWI® Drill Hollow Bar System

DYWIDAG Bar Anchors

DYWIDAG Soil Nails

DYWIDAG Rock Bolts

DYWIDAG Multistrand Anchors

DYWIDAG Driven Ductiles Iron Piles


DYWIDAG Micropiles

DYNA Force® Elasto-Magnetic Sensor


DSI offers a complete line of geotechnical solutions for any application. DSI’s geotechnical systems include rock and soil anchors, soil nails, tierods and micropiles for permanent or short term application in foundations, slope stabilizations, retaining walls, excavations, tunnels and resisting uplift forces in structures. DSI has the perfect system for any specific Geotechnical solution.

Approved Quality On Time Delivery Excellent Service

Canada East37 Cardico DriveGormley, ON L0H 1G0Phone: +1-905-888 8988E-mail: [email protected]

Calgary Office2816-21st Street N.E., #205Calgary, AB T2E 6Z2Phone: +1-403-291-4414E-mail: [email protected]

Quebec OfficeC.P. 412St. Bruno, Quebec, QC, J3V 5G8Phone: +1-450-653-0935E-mail: [email protected]


131011_Piling_Canada.indd 1 30.10.2013 16:40:12

Page 31: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

Local Presence - Global Competence

Canada West19433 96th Avenue, Suite 103Surrey, BC V4N 4C4 Phone: +1-604-888 8818E-mail: [email protected]


GEWI ® Piles

DYWI® Drill Hollow Bar System

DYWIDAG Bar Anchors

DYWIDAG Soil Nails

DYWIDAG Rock Bolts

DYWIDAG Multistrand Anchors

DYWIDAG Driven Ductiles Iron Piles


DYWIDAG Micropiles

DYNA Force® Elasto-Magnetic Sensor


DSI offers a complete line of geotechnical solutions for any application. DSI’s geotechnical systems include rock and soil anchors, soil nails, tierods and micropiles for permanent or short term application in foundations, slope stabilizations, retaining walls, excavations, tunnels and resisting uplift forces in structures. DSI has the perfect system for any specific Geotechnical solution.

Approved Quality On Time Delivery Excellent Service

Canada East37 Cardico DriveGormley, ON L0H 1G0Phone: +1-905-888 8988E-mail: [email protected]

Calgary Office2816-21st Street N.E., #205Calgary, AB T2E 6Z2Phone: +1-403-291-4414E-mail: [email protected]

Quebec OfficeC.P. 412St. Bruno, Quebec, QC, J3V 5G8Phone: +1-450-653-0935E-mail: [email protected]


131011_Piling_Canada.indd 1 30.10.2013 16:40:12

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Rollform Group Contact: John Hammill950 Industrial Road,Cambridge, ON N3H 4W1T: 1-519-650-2222 | F: 1-519-650-2223E: [email protected] / Manufacturer

Rollform Group 2304 Dixie Road,Mississauga, ON V4Y 1Z6T: 1-905-270-5300 | TF: 1-800-233-6228 F: 1-905-306-3527E: [email protected]

Sacchetti Construction Ltd Contact: Paolo Sacchetti340 Mooney Avenue,Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5R4T: 1-807-344-4757 | F: 1-807-345-4083E: [email protected] Contractor

Selix Equipment Inc Contact: Dave Chaffe / Mario Roussel2455 Stevenage Drive,Ottawa, ON K1G 3W2T: 1-613-859-7403 | TF: 1-888-990-0905 F: 1-613-736-1075E: [email protected]

Simcoe Marine Construction Ltd Contact: Jamie ArcherP.O. Box 7130,Innisfil, ON L9S 1A9T: 1-705-456-0777 | F: 1-705-456-0888E: [email protected] Contractor, Dock & Warfs, Earth Retention, General Contracting, Marine, Pile Driving

Special Construction Machines an ECA Canada Company Contact: Ray Kemppianen166 Bentworth Avenue,Toronto, ON M6A 1P7T: 1-416-787-4259 | TF: 1-800-760-0925 F: 1-416-787-4362E: [email protected]

Tom Jones Corporation Contact: Parker Jones560 Squier Place,Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6V1T: 1-807-345-0511 | F: 1-807-344-1723E: [email protected] Contractor

Waterloo Barriers Inc Contact: Robin JowettP.O. Box 385,Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0T: 1-519-856-1352 | F: 1-519-856-0759E: [email protected]

Weatherall Dock and Dredge Inc Contact: Barb /MorganGrey Road 32 RR4,Markdale, ON N0C 1H0T: 1-519-986-3516 | F: 1-519-986-3648E: [email protected] Contractor, Pipe Piles, Sheet Piles

Williams Form Hardware & Rockbolt 670 Industrial Road,London, ON N5V 1V1T: 1-519-659-9444 | F: 1-519-659-5880E: [email protected]

QUEBECBisson Expert Contact: Raymond Bisson5450 Ramsay Street,Saint-Hubert, QC J3Y 2S4T: 1-519-990-2519 | TF: 1-888-655-2519 F: 1-450-678-1606www.bissonexpert.comPile Contractor

Construction Audet Et Knight 825 Avenue Beauchemin,Rouyn-Noranda, QC J9X 7A4T: 1-819-764-4666Pile Contractor

Construction DOMI Inc Contact: Martin Rousseau120 Rue Lavoie,Dolbeau-Mistassini, QC G8L 4M8T: 1-418-276-5555 | F: 1-418-276-7539E: [email protected]

Geopile/Geopieux 596 Saguenay West Blvd,Chicoutimi, QC G7J 1H4T: 1-418-696-9669 | F: 1-418-696-4264E: [email protected] Contractor/Supplier

GKM Consultants 1430 Hocquart Street Suite 100,St. Bruno, QC J3V 6E1T: 1-450-441-5444 | F: 1-450-441-0677E: [email protected]

Petrifond Foundation Co Ltd Contact: Vince Luongo8320 boul,Saint Laurent, QC H2P 2M3T: 1-514-387-2838 | F: 1-514-387-9684E: [email protected]

Pipe and Piling Supplies Contact: Anshu Bhotia5025 Ramsay,St-Hubert, QC J3Y 2S3T: 1-450-445-0050 | F: 1-450-445-4828www.pipe-piling.comSupplier / Manufacturer

Postech Metal Foundation Contact: Matthew Barrington525 Rue Du Parc Industrial,Sherbrooke, QC J1C 0J2T: 1-819-846-4004 | TF: 1-866-277-4389 F: 1-819-846-0793E: info@postech-foundation.comwww.postech-foundations.comManufacturer

Pretech Contact: Alain Desmeules4800 St-Ambroise (103),Montreal, QC H4C 3P8T: 1-514-861-0030 | TF: 1-800-387-8761 F: 1-514-861-9727E: [email protected] Contractor / Engineer

Spiralco Inc Contact: Donald Tremblay1275 Rte 225,St-Felix-de-kingsey, QC J0B 2T0T: 1-819-848-2747 | TF: 1-800-830-2747 F: 1-819-848-2830E: [email protected]/Supplier, Spiral Welded Pipe

SASKATCHEWANAGRA Foundations Limited Contact: Craig Percival121 150th Street East,Saskatoon, SK S7N 1Z2T: 1-306-373-3762 | F: 1-306-955-2388E: [email protected] Contractor/Supplier

AGRA Foundations Limited Contact: John Kozicki335 Seventh Avenue,Regina, SK S4N 5B8T: 1-306-949-8411 | F: 1-306-775-1472E: [email protected] Contractor/Supplier

Kinetic Construction Company Inc Contact: Rod KrauterBox 31023,Saskatoon, SK S7H 5S8T: 1-306-227-7224 | F: 1-306-931-3710E: [email protected] Contractor

North American Caisson Ltd Box 3435,Regina, SK S4P 3J8T: 1-306-545-5050 | F: 1-306-545-5058www.nacg.caPile Contractor

North American Construction Group Inc Box 2085,Martensville, SK S0K 2T0T: 1-306-384-3444 | F: 1-306-384-3452www.nacg.caPile Contractor

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UNITED STATESALASKARuskin Construction Ltd 310 K Street Suite 200,Anchorage, AK 99501-2014T: 1-907-264-6771 | F: 1-907-264-6775www.ruskinconstruction.comPile Contractor

ARIzONAAtlas Tube A Division of JMC Steel Group Contact: Chris Ragan / Marilyn Poindexter5039 N County Road 1015,Blytheville, AR 72315T: 1-870-838-2000 | F: 1-870-762-6630E: [email protected]@atlastube.comwww.atlastube.comManufacturer

CALIFORNIAHennessy International Inc Contact: John Hagfors1623 Mission Drive Suite 6,Salvang, CA 93463TF: 1-800-656-6766 www.hennessyinternational.comEquipment Suppliers

Hennessy International Inc Contact: John Hagfors1046 Carrier Pkwy,Bakersfield, CA 93308TF: 1-800-656-6766 www.hennessyinternational.comEquipment Suppliers

Pile Splices Inc Contact: Glenn Lockie264 Cazneau Avenue,Sausalito, CA 94965T: 1-415-331-7260 | F: 1-415-331-7261www.pilesplices.comSupplier/Manufacurer

Williams Form Engineering Corporation 3486 Hancock Street,San Diego, CA 92110T: 1-619-209-3640 | F: 1-619-209-3691E: [email protected]

COLORADOGeorge G. Goble Consulting & Engineering, LLC Contact: Dr. George G. Goble1965 57th Court North Ste. 106,Boulder, CO 80301-2826T: 1-303-494-0702 | F: 1-303-494-5027E: [email protected], Analysis, Design, Consulting, Civil Engineering

Williams Form Engineering Corporation 251 Rooney Road,Golden, CO 80401T: 1-303-216-9300 | F: 1-303-216-9400E: [email protected]

DELAWAREDeep Earth Technology Contact: David Edwards35322 Bayard Road,Frankford, DE 19939T: 1-917-678-7299 | F: 1-302-539-4443E: [email protected]

Emeca/SPE USA Contact: Beth Webb200 10th Street,Laurel, DE 19956T: 1-302-875-0760 | F: 1-302-875-0761E: [email protected], Piling Joints

FLORIDAApplied Foundation Testing Contact: Don Robertson4015 J. Lewis Drive,Green Cove Springs, FL 32043T: 1-904-284-1337 | F: 1-904-284-1339E: [email protected]

Kelly Tractor Co. Headquarters 5460 Okeechobee Blvd,West Palm Beach, FL 33417T: 1-561-683-2015E: [email protected]

Loadtest Contact: John Hayes2631 D NW 41st Street,Gainesville, FL 32606T: 1-352-378-3717 | F: 1-352-378-3934E: [email protected]

GEORGIAAB Chance / Hubbell Power Systems Contact: Brent Chisholm1075 Pinebloom Drive,Roswell, GA 30076T: 1-770-998-4764E: [email protected], Composite Piles, Steel Piles, Drill Equipment, Marine Equipment

Essve Tech Inc Contact: Jenny Bass13955 Highway 9N, Suite C,Alpharetta, GA 30004T: 770-740-0498 | F: 770-740-0369E: [email protected]

Williams Form Engineering Corporation 2600 Vulcan Drive,Lithia Springs, GA 30122T: 1-770-949-8300 | F: 1-770-949-2377E: [email protected]

IOWAPENGO Contact: Dawn Jamison500 E Hwy 10,Laurens, IA 50554T: 1-712-845-2540 | TF: 1-800-599-0211 F: 1-712-8452497E: [email protected]

ILLINOISArntzen Corporation Contact: Richard Arntzen1025 School Street,Rockford, IL 61105-0898T: 1-815-964-9413 | TF: 1-800-821-3475 F: 1-815-964-0045E: [email protected]

Atlas Pipe Piles Contact: Chris Ragan 1855 E 122nd Street,Chicago, IL 60633T: 1-773-646-4500 | TF: 1-800-733-5683 F: 1-773-646-6128E: [email protected] Mill

Atlas Tube A Division of JMC Steel Group Contact: Chris Ragan / Marilyn Poindexter1855 E 122nd Street,Chicago, IL 60633T: 1-773-646-4500 | TF: 1-800-733-5683 F: 1-773-646-6128E: [email protected] [email protected]

L.B. Foster Company Contact: Jim Maier125 Windsor Drive Suite 122,Oak Brook, IL 60523T: 1-630-954-1450 | F: 1-630-954-1429E: [email protected]/Manufacturer

Naylor Pipe Company Contact: Michael Griffin1230 E. 92nd Street,Chicago, IL 60619T: 1-773-721-9400 | F: 1-773-721-9494E: [email protected]

Pipe and Piling Supplies (U.S.A.) Ltd Contact: Bryan Alexander501 Shipyard Road,Seneca, IL 61360T: 1-815-357-6899 | F: 1-815-357-6955E: [email protected] / Manufacturer

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INDIANAEquipment Corporation of America Contact: Jim Campbell978 Geneva Court,Lawrenceburg, IN 47025T: 1-812-655-0779 | F: 1-812-539-2481E: [email protected]

Hercules Machinery Corporation Contact: Justin Reed5025 New Haven Avenue,Fort Wayne, IN 46803TF: 1-800-348-1890 F: 1-260-422-2040E: [email protected]

Jinnings Equipment LLC Contact: Justin Arnold/Scott Jinnings11515 Richard Road,Chorobosco, IN 46723T: 1-260-447-4343 | F: 1-260-447-4363E: [email protected]/[email protected]

Kelly Tractor Company Contact: Roland Freeman Eastern Canada103 Meadowlark Drive E,Seymour, IN 47274T: 1-561-310-8329 | F: 1-561-478-6144E: [email protected]

Mid-America Foundation Supply, Inc 3101 New Haven Avenue,Fort Wayne, IN 46803TF: 1-888-893-7453 F: 1-260-424-8635www.mafcopiling.comSupplier

Poseidon Barge Corporation Contact: Mike Lane3101 New Haven Avenue,Fort Wayne, IN 46803T: 1-260-422-8767 | TF: 1-866-992-2743 F: 1-260-424-8635E: [email protected]

LOUISIANAGulf South Piling & Construction Inc Contact: J.L. “Butch” CaseyP.O. Box 10073,Jefferson, LA 70181T: 1-504-834-7791 | F: 1-504-834-7792E: [email protected] Contractor, Pile Driving, Bridge Building, Bulkheads

MASSACHUSETTSNew England Construction Products, LLC Contact: Dave Sciortino22 Fifth Street Rear,Taunton, MA 2780T: 1-508-821-4450 | F: 1-508-828-5081E: [email protected]

MARYLANDEquipment Corporation of America Contact: Mike Brown6300 Foxley Road,Upper Marlboro, MD 20772T: 1-301-599-1300 | F: 1-301-599-1597E: [email protected]

MICHIGANPipe and Piling Supplies (U.S.A.) Ltd Contact: Ron Griffith5439 Kincheloe Road,Kincheloe, MI 49788-1996T: 1-906-495-2245 | TF: 1-800-874-3720 F: 1-906-495-5754E: [email protected] / Manufacturer

Williams Form Engineering Corporation 8165 Graphic Drive,Belmont, MI 49306T: 1-616-866-0815 | F: 1-616-866-1890E: [email protected]

MISSOURIAlpha Pipe Co. Contact: Jim Roeder/Carl Hylton2111 Bentley Plaza # 201,St. Louis, MO 63026T: 1-636-861-2900 | TF: 1-800-860-0599 F: 1-636-861-2442E: [email protected]

Crestwood Tubulars Inc Contact: Tom FergusonP.O. Box 6950,St. Louis, MO 61323T: 1-314-842-8604 | F: 1-314-842-9064E: [email protected], Steel Pipe

Hammer & Steel Inc Contact: Bob Laurence11916 Missouri Bottom Road,Hazelwood, MO 63042T: 1-314-895-4600 | TF: 1-800-325-7453 F: 1-314-895-4070E: [email protected], Piles, Hammer Cushions, Lubricants, Greese, Drill Bits, Hammers

Mississippi Valley Equipment Company Inc Contact: John Henry1198 Pershall Road,St. Louis, MO 63837T: 1-314-869-8600 | TF: 1-800-325-8001 F: 1-314-869-6862E: [email protected]

MKT Manufacturing Inc Contact: John Henry1198 Pershall Road,St. Louis, MO 63837T: 1-314-869-8600 | TF: 1-800-325-8001 F: 1-314-869-6862E: [email protected]

NORTH CAROLINAInternational Drilling Equipment Inc Contact: Stephen GazoRural Hall, NC T: 1-305-929-8572 | TF: 1-877-2076062 www.idedrills.comEquipment Suppliers

Versabite Piling Accessories Contact: Ernie Taylor1704 Tower Industrial Drive,Monroe, NC 28110T: 1-704-225-1566 | TF: 1-800-280-9950 F: 1-704-225-1567E: [email protected], Steel Castings for the Piledriving Industry

NEBRASKAPipe and Piling Supplies (U.S.A.) Ltd Contact: Macky Dahlman14110 Giles Road,Omaha, NE 68046T: 1-402-896-9611 | F: 1-402-8969660E: [email protected] / Manufacturer

NEW HAMPSHIREGeokon, Inc 48 Spencer Street,Lebanon, NH O3766T: 1-603-448-1562 | F: 1-603-448-3216E: [email protected]

NEW JERSEYAssociated Pile & Fitting, LLC Contact: Matt Scerbak / Judy PomoP.O. Box 1048,Clifton, NJ 7014T: 1-973-773-8400 | TF: 1-800-526-9047 F: 1-973-773-8442E: [email protected] / Manufacturer

Casagrande USA Inc Contact: Bill Birch93 Stickles Pond Road,Newton, NJ 7860T: 1-973-579-1906 | F: 1-973-579-1907E: [email protected] Suppliers

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Piling Industry Canada • December 2012 13


Equipment Corporation of America Contact: Bruce Langan117 Highway 35 South Suite 4,Keyport, NJ 7735T: 1-732-888-5477 | F: 1-732-888-5479E: [email protected]

F.S. Supply Contact: Joe SavareseP.O. Box 452,Keyport, NJ 7735T: 1-732-739-5570 | F: 1-732-876-0438E: [email protected], Pile Driving Machines, Parts & Service, New & Used Materials for Deep Foundations, Hydraulic Repair Service

SAS Stressteel, Inc Contact: Sales Team100 New Dutch Lane,Fairfield, NJ 7004T: 1-973-244-5995 | F: 1-973-244-0544E: [email protected]

Skyline Steel, LLC 8 Woodhollow Road,Parsippany, NJ 7053T: 1-973-428-6100 | F: 1-973-428-7399www.skylinesteel.comSupplier

OHIOGRL Engineers Inc Contact: Pat Hannigan30725 Aurora Road,Cleveland, OH 44139T: 1-216-831-6131 | F: 1-216-831-0916E: [email protected]/Consultant

Lally Pipe & Tube Contact: James M. Mocker534 Lowellville Road,Struthers, OH 44471TF: 1-800-291-7782 F: 1-330-750-1535E: [email protected]

Pile Dynamics Inc Contact: Nicole Angie30725 Aurora Road,Cleveland, OH 44139T: 1-216-831-6131 | F: 1-216-831-0916E: [email protected], Foundation Testing Instruments

R.W Conklin Contact: Philip J. Conklin3336 Carpenters Creek Drive,Cincinnati, OH 45241T: 1-513-769-0613 | F: 1-513-769-0610E: [email protected]

R.W Conklin Steel Supply Inc Contact: Philip J. Conklin10921 Reed Hartman Hwy Suite 307,Cincinnati, OH 45242T: 1-513-769-0613 | TF: 1-888-Conklin F: 1-513-769-0610E: [email protected]

OKLAHOMAVenture Drilling Supply Contact: Tyler WilliamsTahlequah, OK TF: 1-888-45-DRILL www.venturedrillingsupply.comEquipment Suppliers

OREGONWilliams Form Engineering Corporation 7601 North Columbia Blvd,Portland, OR 97203T: 1-503-285-4548 | F: 1-503-285-6858E: [email protected]

PENNSYLVANIAEquipment Corporation of America Contact: Pete RosePO Box 306,Coraopolis, PA 15108T: 1-412-264-4480 | F: 1-412-264-1158E: [email protected]

Equipment Corporation of America Contact: Tim DuttonPO Box 837,Aldan, PA 19018T: 1-610-626-2200 | F: 1-610-626-2245E: [email protected]

Williams Form Engineering Corporation 41 2nd Avenue S Bldg 1,Phoenixville, PA 19460T: 1-610-415-9910 | F: 1-610-415-9920E: [email protected]

SOUTH CAROLINAKoppers Inc 280 N. Koppers Street,Florence, SC 29501T: 1-843-669-8231 | F: 1-843-667-6823www.koppers.comSupplier

TEXASApex Steel Pipe & Piling Contact: Rob, Jason, Jessica or Scott1221 S. Shepherd,Houston, TX 77019T: 1-713-355-5200 | TF: 1-800-747-3515 F: 1-713-840-1913E: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

BAUER-Pileco Inc Contact: Jeremy Clark111 Berry Road,Houston, TX 77022T: 1-713-691-3000 | TF: 1-800-474-5326 F: 1-713-691-0089E: [email protected]

ESC Steel Inc Contact: Kevin Andersen6046 RM 2920 Road Suite 136,Spring, TX 77379T: 1-281-205-7261 | F: 1-281-205-7263E: [email protected]

Gerdau Ameristeel Contact: David Maedgen300 Ward Road,Midlothian, TX 76065TF: 1-800-527-7979 E: [email protected]

J.D. Fields & Co. Inc Contact: J. Patrick Burk55 Waugh Drive, Suite 1250,Houston, TX 77007T: 1-281-558-7199 | F: 1-281-870-9918E: [email protected]

Kobelco Cranes North America Inc 10845 Train Court,Houston, TX 77041T: 1-713-856-5755 | F: 1-713-856-9072www.kobelcocranesnorthamerica.comSupplier

Liebherr Nenzing Crane Co Contact: Wolfgang Herzog7075 Bennington St.,Houston, TX 77028T: 1-713-636-4050 | F: 1-713-636-4051E: [email protected]

Lodge Lumber Company Inc Contact: Daren FranksP.O. Box 96589,Houston, TX 77213T: 1-713-672-6679 | F: 1-713-672-5135E: [email protected]

McDonough Marine Service Contact: John Stevenson Jr.17500 Market Street,Channelview, TX 77530T: 1-281-452-5887 | F: 1-281-452-9682E: [email protected], Barge Leasing, Marine Transport

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PIC Magazine • December 201214


Moffatt & Nichol Contact: Michael Webber11011 Richmond Avenue Suite 200,Houston, TX 77042T: 1-713-977-7372 | F: 1-713-977-7379E: [email protected]

PilePro Contact: Rob Wendt100 Congress Avenue Suite 2100,Austin, TX 78701T: 1-866-666-7453 | F: 1-866-626-7453E: [email protected]/Supplier, The world leader in sheet piling connections

Spiradrill Contact: Scott McNeil112 FM 153,Smithville, TX 78957T: 1-512-237-4140 | F: 1-512-237-4143E: [email protected]

Venture Drilling Supply Contact: Tyler WilliamsGeorgetown, TX TF: 1-888-55-DRILL Equipment Suppliers

Watson Drill Rigs Contact: Donna Shady4015 South Freeway,Fort Worth, TX 76110T: 1-817-927-8486 | TF: 1-800-927-8486 F: 1-817-927-8716E: [email protected]

Western Rubber and Manufacturing Contact: Paul Eberhardt7015 Old Hwy 105 West,Conroe, TX 77304T: 1-936-588-3033 | TF: 1-800-367-5285 F: 1-936-588-3132E: [email protected]

WASHINGTONAmerican Piledriving Equipment, Inc Contact: Dave Yingling7032 South 196th,Kent, WA 98032TF: 1-800-248-8498 F: 1-253-872-8710E: [email protected]

Challenger Pipe & Steel, LLC Contact: Randy Hurst104 S Freya Suite 221, White Flag Building,Spokane, WA 99202T: 1-509-534-7473 | TF: 1-888-770-7473 F: 1-509-534-4254E: [email protected]

Collins Company Contact: John or Maria Collins19 Utsalady Road,Camano Island, WA 98282T: 1-360-387-9298 | TF: 1-888-300-0100 F: 1-360-387-2186E: [email protected] Contractor, Consultant Engineer Supplier Manufacturer

Pacific American Commercial Company Contact: Brian WellerP.O. Box 3742,Seattle, WA 98124TF: 1-800-678-6378 F: 1-206-763-4232E: [email protected], Sales, Rental and Service of all Pile Driving Equipment

Pipe and Piling Supplies (U.S.A.) Ltd Contact: Bryan Alexander3506 A Street SE,Auburn, WA 98002T: 1-253-939-4700 | F: 1-253-939-8982E: [email protected] / Manufacturer

PND Engineers Inc Contact: Bill Gunderson811 1st Avenue Suite 570,Seattle, WA 98104T: 1-206-624-1387 | F: 1-206-624-1388www.pndengineers.comConsulting Engineers

Kelly Tractor Co. Contact: Steve Emsley Western Canada T: 1-415-533-7776E: [email protected]

INTERNATIONALFINLANDJunttan Oy Contact: Miika EskelinenP.O. Box 1702,Kuopio, Finland FI-70701T: 35 817 287 4400 | F: 35 817 287 4411E: [email protected]

ITALYSoilmec SPA Contact: Marco Medaglia5819 Via Dismano,Cesena (FC), Italy 47522T: 39 0547 319111 | F: 39 0547 318548E: [email protected]

Trevi SPA Contact: Franco Cicognani5819 Via Dismano,Cesena (FC), Italy 47522T: 39 0547 319111 | F: 39 0547 318548E: [email protected] Contractor

PUERTO RICOStaytowers Group Inc Contact: Juan Vincente Sequeda562 Calle Trigo, Apt 1H,San Juan, PR 907T: 1-787-724-4114 | F: 1-787-722-0326E: [email protected], Vibration Monitoring, Consulting, Photo Surveys, Engineering Consulting

NOTTINGHAMSHIREBarkerRoss PilingContact: William Berridge1 Victoria Court,Nottingham, NG1 3LZT: 0011441159483757E: [email protected], Specialist Piling project staffing, rig operators, engineers, supervisors & more

THE NETHERLANDSIHC Fundex Equipment B.V. Contact: Arjen van der SchaafHoutkade 50,Goes, The Netherlands 4463ACT: 31 113 232900 | TF: 31 113 212630E: [email protected]

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CASAGRANDE USA, Inc. 93 Stickles Pond Road - Newton, NJ 07860 Tel.

Eastern Distributor • INTERNATIONAL DRILLING EQUIPMENT, Inc.645 Angus Street - Rural Hall, NC 27045 Tel. 877-207-6062

[email protected]

Texas Distributor • RODRILL, Inc.11670 Interstate 10 Frontage Rd, - Converse, TX 78109 Tel. [email protected]

Page 38: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

Largestdistributor of genuine

Junttan parts

Sales | Service Parts | Mobile Fleet

of TechniciansRentals | Leasing

3801-53 Avenue Lacombe, AB T4L 2L6

[email protected]

Page 39: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

B U I L D I N G F O U N D A T I O N S S I N C E 1 9 1 8

OTNOROT 34 Anderson Blvd.Uxbridge, ON L9P 0C7P 905.640.9800F 905.640.9808

.C.D ,NOTGNIHSAW 6300 Foxley RoadUpper Marlboro, MD 20772P 301.599.1300F 301.599.1597

AIHPLEDALIHP PO Box 837Aldan, PA 19018P 610.626.2200F 610.626.2245

HGRUBSTTIP PO Box 306Coraopolis, PA 15108P 412.264.4480F 412.264.1158

Page 40: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

Reliable partner fordrilling and piling solutions

TBX 45 high torque compact drilling F2800 CFA 1200 mmFPD 5000 piling

IHC FUNDEX Equipment is the world number one rig builder for high torque full displacement and CFA drilling.The equipment is built with the vast experience of IHC FUNDEX in the field of reliable foundation rigs for productivity. The in house technology and skills provide high-tech, efficient, sustainable multifunctional and specialized foundation rigs for almost every customer.These range from the largest piling rig to the most cost efficient drill rigs.

Le Monde Intl Drilling Equipmentrepresentative for Canada

206-103 Rue du ChateauGatineau, QC. J9A 3E1 Canada

T 819 205 0977C 819 918 [email protected]

IHC Fundex Equipment B.V.P.O. Box 834460 AB GoesThe Netherlands

T +31 113 23 29 00C +31 113 21 26 30

[email protected]

adv ihc.indd 1 23-10-13 10:49Reliable partner fordrilling and piling solutions

TBX 45 high torque compact drilling F2800 CFA 1200 mmFPD 5000 piling

IHC FUNDEX Equipment is the world number one rig builder for high torque full displacement and CFA drilling.The equipment is built with the vast experience of IHC FUNDEX in the field of reliable foundation rigs for productivity. The in house technology and skills provide high-tech, efficient, sustainable multifunctional and specialized foundation rigs for almost every customer.These range from the largest piling rig to the most cost efficient drill rigs.

Le Monde Intl Drilling Equipmentrepresentative for Canada

206-103 Rue du ChateauGatineau, QC. J9A 3E1 Canada

T 819 205 0977C 819 918 [email protected]

IHC Fundex Equipment B.V.P.O. Box 834460 AB GoesThe Netherlands

T +31 113 23 29 00C +31 113 21 26 30

[email protected]

adv ihc.indd 1 23-10-13 10:49

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PIC Magazine • December 201326

PIC canada | U.s. | international

The turcot Interchange is located on the Is-land of montreal south-west of downtown in the montreal-ouest and Westmount area. The highway interchange was built in 1967 and af-ter 41 years of service the infrastructure is in poor condition and it is time for reconstruc-tion. The interchange is a major passenger and freight transportation axis and is used by 280,000 vehicles per day.

The project which began in 2009 and is due for completion in 2016 has entered the drilling and soil stabilization phase. Camille blais et

fils from the mont-magny area of que-bec has been award-ed the tender to pro-vide stabilizing piles for the foundations of the structures. The work consists of 16 2.1 metre diameter holes along with 505 400 millimetre holes.

In preparation for the large diameter holes on the project Camille blais chose to purchase a mcdrill technology Cmv mdt th26 self-erecting piling drill from selix equipment Inc. The rig has over 450 hP and weighs in at 90 metric tonnes. Ca-pable of drilling up to 2.5 metres in diameter, and with a kelly bar over 50 metres in depth Camille blais believed it was the rig needed for this job. They also appreciated the speedy erection time thanks to the parallelogram sup-port system and that no crane support is re-quired. all mcdrill piling rigs are equipped

with heavy duty retractable/extendable crawl-ers for easy transportation and enhanced sta-bility on the job. The operator appreciates the very comfortable soundproofed cabin with large electronic display to control all drilling parameters.

The smaller diameter holes are being done with Camille blais’ mdt230b also a mem-ber of the group of 11 mdt drills selix sells and supports in Canada. The mdt230 is a 23 tonnes multipurpose drill that is known for its manoeuvrability, reliability, and productivity. all functions are remote controlled in order to minimize idle time and the carefully designed control layout makes it easy for any operator. motors are controlled independently to allow precise and slight movements.

Cal blais told selix recently that the job is going very well and he is very pleased with the performance of his selix/mdt drills. selix would like to take this opportunity to thank Camille blais for its confidence in the selix/mdt team and for choosing their drills for this important infrastructure project.

Who iS SeliX?“Whatever you do to put a hole in the

ground... that’s our business”selix is a company that services the drilling

industry in Canada. The company operates in the Canadian drilling industry and specializes in the supply and service of drilling equip-ment, equipment parts, and drilling consum-ables. The scope of the business includes small and large rock drills for quarries and construc-tion, and various sizes of multi-use drills for ground consolidation, environmental sam-pling, tie backs, micro piles, jet grouting and geo-thermal and hydraulic piling rigs from 35-90 tons. selix also has strategic supply ar-rangements with Carandina s.l.r. of Italy for the supply of foundation drilling tools, dai-nong (dNhI) of korea for hydraulic rock breakers and, Pve from holland for piling and vibro equipment. n

Perfect Pair Upcamille blaiS eT filS chooSeS SeliX and mdT for The TurcoT reconSTrucTion projecT

Page 43: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

Fugro has the experience, equipment, technology and professionals necessary to provide a complete and integrated plan to reduce potentially catastrophic and expensive risks on deep foundation projects. Fugro Loadtest is dedicated to advancing state-of-the-art deep foundation load testing specializing in bi-directional load testing using the award winning Osterberg Cell®.

While successfully managing geotechnical risks to improve whole project delivery, we provide safe and efficient solutions for a multitude of clients.

• Geophysical evaluations• Advanced site exploration (CPT, DMT, rock coring)• Seismic studies/liquefaction analysis• Complex soil properties analysis• Geotechnical analysis to optimize foundation configuration• Deep foundation testing and pile dynamic analysis• Construction monitoring and quality control• GIS data management


Prince Edward Island Link (Confederation Bridge)Prince Edward Island/New Brunswick


Telus Spark Calgary, Alberta

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PIC Magazine • December 201328

PIC canada | U.s. | international

The first two liebherr lb 44-510 rotary drilling

rigs are being employed in the construction of

a particle accelerator in darmstadt, germany.

first presented at bauma 2013, the lb 44-510

rotary drilling rig is the latest development in

liebherr's range of deep foundation products

and expands the tried and proven lb series of

rotary drilling rigs at the upper end of the scale.

The lb 44-510 has a torque of 510 kNm, making it the largest and most powerful rotary drilling rig currently in operation in germany. In kelly drilling applications, it is configured for drilling diametres of up to three metres and depths of up to 92 metres. The drilling rig weighs some 170 tonnes and is powered by a v8 diesel engine offering 505 kW (677 hp) and

complying with the emissions standard stage IIIb / tier 4i.

two lb 44-510 rotary drilling rigs are be-ing employed on the construction site, which covers a total area of 200,000 square metres to stabilize the subsurface with cast-in-place drilled piles. These operations form the basis for the construction of the international par-ticle accelerator faIR (facility for antiproton and Ion Research). 35,000 tonnes of steel and 600,000 m³ of concrete are to be used in this construction project.

The lead contractor is the faIR bohrpfähle joint venture, comprising züblin spezialtief-bau gmbh (engineering management) and max bögl gmbh & Co. kg (commercial man-agement).

besides other drilling equipment, each company has provided an lb 44-510 to the joint venture to realize the extraordinary con-struction project.

In total, some 1,400 foundation piles with a length between 40 and 62 metres have been set in the ground since march 2013. to this end, the first series production unit of the lb 44-510 was delivered in august. since mid-september, another lb 44-510 has been on the site, working in kelly drilling application.

all drilled piles are installed down to the final depth completely cased. That means that during the drilling process, the excavated ma-terial is removed under the protection of an advancing casing. because of the high ground-water level and the partially unstable ground, a water load is needed throughout the pile manufacturing process to stabilize the bottom of the boreholes.

a drill bucket is used to loosen and remove the drill cuttings. The efficiency of the rotary drilling rigs working in the rotary drilling method means that the boreholes can be ex-cavated down to the final depth completely

First Turnpremiere operaTion of The liebherr lb 44-510 roTary drilling rig in The conSTrucTion of a parTicle acceleraTor in darmSTadT, germany

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PICcanada | U.s. | international

cased, without the need for a casing oscillator. This procedure can be realized for the depth needed in darmstadt with the lb 44-510. Thanks to the high torque and enormous pull force of the lb 44-510, there is no need for the machine units to be changed after the drilling process.

In the past, two duty cycle crawler cranes with casing oscillator were required to reinforce the piles and for concreting, in order to reliably guarantee the necessary torque and pull force when extracting the casing during concreting work. The lb 44-510 provides for substantially greater productivity when installing piles down to great depths.

apart from the great drilling depths needed in the construction of faIR, which are extraor-dinary for cased drillings, working in a drink-ing water protection zone also meant special requirements when preparing the piles. to this end, around 30 piles are fitted with sophisticated measuring equipment for monitoring the forces on the piles and any subsidence.

quicK SeT-up, eaSy TranSporTaTion

despite its impressive size, the 170-tonne lb 44-510 rotary drilling rig does not need much time for its set-up. as the leader can be folded back for transportation with all hydraulic hoses connected, no disassembly is required when moving between two jobsites. subsequently, the lb 44-510 can quickly be set up using the quick assembly system – this process barely requires more time than for smaller machines. on the faIR construction site, the two lb 44-510 units were ready for operation in just six hours.

another benefit is that the machine is straightforward to transport. If required it can be disassembled so that no single unit weighs more than 40 tonnes. That means that it can be transported throughout the world without any problems.

The basic concept of the machine follows two tried and proven principles. This includes a large operating area thanks to parallel kinemat-ics. another aspect concerns the direct assem-bly of all winches on the leader, which on the one hand allows for a direct view from the op-erator's cab to the main winch, and on the other hand ensures that the ropes do not move while the leader is being adjusted. secondly, the un-dercarriage has long crawlers, increasing stabil-ity, and guaranteeing a small swing radius which

Servicing Canada and USA

Platinum Grover“�e Piling Connection”TM

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PIC Magazine • December 201330

PIC canada | U.s. | international

can only just be matched by the smaller units of the lb series.

The innovative bat rotary drive of the new lb 44-510 offers a torque of 510 kNm. The main advantages of the hydraulic drive manu-factured by liebherr are automated torque ad-justment, continuous speed optimization and four electronically adjustable speed ranges. further advantages of this rotary drive are its simple structure, its low maintenance require-ments and, above all, its exceptional efficiency.

besides the described application with the kelly bar, the lb 44-510 is also suitable for

drilling processes employing a double rotary head, continuous flight auger and full dis-placement tool. The powerful rope crowd sys-tem with a pull force of approx. 56 t allows the entire length of the leader to be utilized. This provides the operator with maximum perfor-mance and reliability even on the most difficult soils and under extreme operating conditions.

after its planned completion in 2018, the faIR particle accelerator will be one of the largest research facilities in the world. some 3,000 researchers from around 50 countries will then use faIR for their scientific projects.

for example, it is planned to use this major research institution to investigate how the universe developed from the big bang to the present day, and to decode the building blocks of matter.

besides basic research, faIR should also help to develop new medicinal therapeutic and diagnostic procedures, energy-efficient high-performance computers and new materi-als, for example for use in interplanetary space travel.

The new facilities are being built directly adjacent to the gsI helmholtzzentrum für schwerionenforschung (helmholz Center for heavy Ion Research), whose existing ac-celerator will be used as an injector for faIR. extremely intensive high-precision beams of antiprotons and ions from the entire range of elements can be generated on faIR. These can be used by scientists for researching rarely ob-served particle collision products.

anoTher SiTeliebherr conitues to work in germany with

their lRh 400 in the construction of a sheet pile wall in bremerhaven.

since may 2013, a liebherr piling rig, type lRh 400, is involved in the construction of the new “geestekaje” quay of the “Wasser- und schifffahrtsamt” in the North german city of bremerhaven.

The main task of the lRh 400 piling rig is the construction of a 300 metre long sheet pile wall in front of the existing, partially dilapidat-ed, quay wall. for this purpose approximately 1,400 tonnes of sheet piles are being installed, approximately 11,300 square metres of soil moved, and approximately 5,000 square me-tres of hard-surfacing created. The sheet pile wall is being installed from the water, the pil-ing rig working from a pontoon.

The lRh 400 is based on the proven lieb-herr duty cycle crawler crane hs 885 hd ex-tended by a fixed leader. The maximum length of the fixed leader is 42 metres. Thanks to the strong liebherr diesel engines the lRh 400 has been developed for special piling tasks with recommended high outreach. The ap-proved liebherr litronic system supports the use of the leader best.

The quayside is used as moorage for special vessels and the handling of floating sea marks. The executing construction company is Thiel-ing bau gmbh. n

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PIC Magazine • December 201332

PIC canada | U.s. | international

front-end engineering and design (feed) for Poland’s first lNg im-port terminal was assigned by the country’s natural gas distributor Pol-skie gornictwo Naftowe i gazownictwo (PgNig) to Canadian lNg en-gineering specialist sNC-lavalin in 2008. some euro 950 million were assigned to the project.

The terminal itself lies in the western part of Poland’s baltic Coast and reflects the ever-increasing importance of lNg as an energy source. one key determinant in swinoujscie’s favour is that it charges lower costs to receive larger ships and freight when compared with say gdansk. What is more, the immediate vicinity also provides major lNg clients, such as power stations and chemical plants.

Construction has had to meet the demands of a terminal receiving 2.5 billion m3 of liquefied gas annually. The terminal must offer jetty facili-ties for large lNg tankers, complete with a boil-off and re-condensing facilities, two storage tanks and a re-gasification train to produce gas at the correct pressure for the grid.

several companies became involved with the swinoujscie project. In the case of civil engineering, the project breakdown was hochtief, the project leader, on 47 per cent, danish-headquartered aarsleff also on 47 per cent, and the local duraco company six per cent.

for aarsleff, this is a large-scale piling project. While the company has won contracts in denmark for shell and statoil in connection with re-fineries and port facilities for industrial oil and gas, this is the company’s first gas terminal project of this size.

aarsleff ’s Chief divisional engineer hans kristian havbro was in charge of the project.

“This has been a large-scale project for aarsleff, as we were participat-ing in both the civil engineering and the rock groupings. With almost 50 per cent share, we were actually the largest partner. We have had 45 per cent of the total consortium turnover, while boskalis and hochtief have shared the remaining 55 per cent between them. This is apart from the dredging which boskalis did alone,” he explains.

Piling works at swinoujscie comprise the inside of the breakwater, which is a piled combi wall construction with raking anchors (flap an-chors). to achieve this, piling has had to accommodate 21,000 tonnes of tubular steel piles and sheet-piles, as well as 91,000 m3 reinforced con-crete for the superstructure, which comprises the base slab, the sea wall, the coping, and a paved access road.

even after bearing in mind the ambitious nature of the project, many challenges remained. swinoujscie is on an open coast, meaning that is its subject to prevailing weather conditions. When it came to the actual pil-ing, the seabed conditions included extremely dense sand layers, which caused a number of lock failures due to hard piling in order to reach the final levels. This went on to create certain problems as making good had to include drilling and grouting in order to install and weld plates under-water over the damaged locks.

Internal logistics sometimes affected the provision of materials, re-flecting a conflict between the civil and rock aspects. supplies had to be timetabled with particular accuracy within the confines of the construc-tion area. add to this linguistic and cultural differences (project languag-

Piling Helps Poland Import its LNGpoland’S liquid naTural gaS (lng) planT aT SWinoujScie near Szczecin iS Scheduled for compleTion neXT june

By MichAel SchwArTz

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PICcanada | U.s. | international

es were Polish, german, danish, and english) and it is easy to see how misunderstandings could occur.

The rock work (stone and x-blocks) was divided 60:40 between boskalis and aarsleff. In all, 1.5 million tonnes of stone were trans-ported and placed. furthermore, 32,000 ar-moured layer blocks were positioned (62,000 m3 of cast concrete) along with 127,000 m3 of trenches dredged for the breakwater toe.

Piling equipment at swinoujscie comprised the following:• Hitachi 180 med ICE 1412 vibrator with

junttan 9 tons hammer for tubes on jack-up;• Two Junttan PM 26 LC med PVE 40 vibrators

with junttan 9 tons hammer for sheet piles on land and tubes from jack-up;

• Liebherr 1280 with PVE 110 M vibrator on a leader lRh 600 and IhC s90 hammer for tubes on land;

• Sennebogen 5500 with LRH 400 and IHC s70 hammer for inclined anchors; and

• Manitowoc 10.000 E and Liebherr HS 883 hd for flap anchors.overall, aarsleff has expanded its fleet of

driven piling equipment by purchasing the Pm26 lC rig and nine-tonne junttan acceler-ated hammer. This is a direct response to the growing requirement for much larger precast concrete piles – up to 400 millimetres – need-ed to accommodate the high cyclical loadings generated by wind turbines. The hammer has an adjustable stroke of up to 1.2 metres, is operated from the rig’s hydraulic system and hydraulically accelerates the drop weight dur-ing the fall, boosting the impact energy and increasing by up to 20 per cent the efficiency at full stroke over a conventional free fall drop hammer of the same weight. The hammer pro-duces maximum impact energy of 106 kNm at full 1.2 metre stroke, while impact energy, stroke height and blow rate can be infinitely adjusted by the rig operator to suit ground conditions and pile type.

from time to time, the project required re-design.

“We did a redesign of the project and found several large scale savings (value engineering) mostly for our employer’s benefit. however, the redesigns also made the job more constructor-

friendly. for example, we changed the combi wall design from hz wall to a tubular steel pile wall with sheet piles (z profiles) between the tubular piles. We also changed the raking anchor piles to flap anchors, making piling of these faster,” states kristian havbro. “In gen-eral we re-designed the whole breakwater, the superstructure was made slimmer, and the armour layers were changed from tetrapods

(a two-layer system) to X blocks (a one-layer

system), giving a higher performance and re-

ducing the quantities of concrete. The redesign

period took from six to 12 months and accord-

ingly reduced the available project period.”

Piling at swinoujscie has now been com-

pleted and was considered by aarsleff to be a

successful feat. n

“This has been a large-scale project for Aarsleff, as we were participating in both the civil engineering and the rock groupings. With almost 50 per cent share, we were actually the largest partner”.

ONTARIO3320 Miles Road, RR#3Mount Hope, OntarioL0R 1WO

Local: (905) 679-6999Toll Free: (877) 468-7473Fax: (905) 679-6544

QUEBEC805 1 ère AvenueVille Ste. Catherine, QuebecJ5C 1C5

Local: (450) 638-3320Toll Free: (888) 514-0040Fax: (450) 638-3340

Interpipe Inc. is a steel pipe distributor of new and used structural steel pipe. We have two large stocking locations of Seamless, ERW, Spiralweld and DSAW pipe.

3” OD – 48” OD in a variety of wall thicknesses are stocked in both locations.

Piling Pipe 80,000 min yield seamless pipe for Micro Piling.

Seamless and ERW pipe for Driven Piles, Screw Piles and Drill Piles.

Large Diameter pipe for Driven Pile or Caissons.

ONTARIO3320 Miles Road, RR#3Mount Hope, OntarioL0R 1WO

Local: (905) 679-6999Toll Free: (877) 468-7473Fax: (905) 679-6544

QUEBEC805 1 ère AvenueVille Ste. Catherine, QuebecJ5C 1C5

Local: (450) 638-3320Toll Free: (888) 514-0040Fax: (450) 638-3340

Interpipe Inc. is a steel pipe distributor of new and used structural steel pipe. We have two large stocking locations of Seamless, ERW, Spiralweld and DSAW pipe.

3” OD – 48” OD in a variety of wall thicknesses are stocked in both locations.

Piling Pipe 80,000 min yield seamless pipe for Micro Piling.

Seamless and ERW pipe for Driven Piles, Screw Piles and Drill Piles.

Large Diameter pipe for Driven Pile or Caissons.

LOUISIANA3607 I-10 Frontage RoadPort Allen, Louisiana 70767

Toll Free: (877) 468-7473

ONTARIO3320 Miles Road, RR#3Mount Hope, OntarioL0R 1WO

Local: (905) 679-6999Toll Free: (877) 468-7473Fax: (905) 679-6544

QUEBEC805 1 ère AvenueVille Ste. Catherine, QuebecJ5C 1C5

Local: (450) 638-3320Toll Free: (888) 514-0040Fax: (450) 638-3340

Interpipe Inc. is a steel pipe distributor of new and used structural steel pipe. We have three large stocking locations of Seamless, ERW, Spiralweld and DSAW pipe.

3" OD – 48" OD in a variety of wall thicknesses are stocked in all three locations.

Piling Pipe 80,000 min yield seamless pipe for Micro Piling.

Seamless and ERW pipe for Driven Piles, Screw Piles and Drill Piles.

Large Diameter pipe for Driven Piles or Caissons.

Publication: Piling Canada Issue 1 2012 | Advertiser: Interpipe Inc. | Proof 4 | Initialed: JL

Page 50: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

PIC Magazine • December 201334

PIC canada | U.s. | international

The city of barrie holds an annual arts and crafts festival, called kempenfest, that attracts some 250,000 people during one, lone summer long weekend. Throughout the rest of the year, the barrie waterfront remains a hive of activity – everything from special events to barbeques to charity fundraisers to just a relaxing time at the beach. at the heart of all of this activity is Centennial Park, a dedicated green space that follows the graceful curves of kempenfelt bay. and it is this green space that has been the fo-cus of city officials for the last few years.

“essentially, we are re-aligning lakeshore drive further west of where it is now on what used to be the old railway corridor to create a larger green space for residents and visitors,” explains leonard borgdorff, senior project engineer, City of barrie. “We will be adding approximately 30 metres in width along the existing 1.1 kilometres of green space.”

This latest construction project is one of the last of a series recommended in a 2004 envi-ronmental assessment study that looked at

ways to improve access to the waterfront and downtown areas. most of the projects focused on road improvements. This one, too, will in-volve some roadwork, but it will also brighten up an already well-used park.

ready, SeT, goaccording to borgdorff, the design work for

the lakeshore drive re-alignment project be-gan in 2010 and the shovels hit the ground in august 2013. The four-year project will come at a cost of $27 million.

during this first year of the project, the work has involved mainly the building of bridges over bunker’s Creek and dyment’s Creek to help support the foundation and abutments. The first bridge spans a distance of 14.8 meters and the second 12.2 metres.

Next year will see the building of the new roadway. The following year, 2015, will see the transfer of traffic to the new roadway and improvements to the south end of Centennial Park, whereas the last year of the project, 2016, will see improvements made to the north end of the park.

“The soil by the bay is peat so we needed to get the piles to go through the peat to the firmer soil underneath,” explains borgdorff, who adds that the toronto-based firm anchor shoring & Caissons ltd. performed the piling work. “as a result, the piles are about 45 to 50 metres in depth.”

The piles themselves are 356-millimetre-diametre tube piles.

“We ended up using about 85 to 90 piles in the bunker’s Creek bridge and another 100 in total for the dyment’s bridge,” adds borgdorff.

overcoming challengeSThe first challenge of the realignment proj-

ect was dealing with the peat soil, a challenge that the workers were aware of before the start of the project. The second challenge involved issues that arose from the piling activity.

“The piling work created a lot of noise and vibration,” notes borgdorff. “We mitigated it as

best we could and provided explanations and timing schedules to the residents of the luxury condos that are located along the kempenfelt bay waterfront.”

but the project also unveiled an unexpected challenge that caught the city officials by sur-prise.

“We had a snapping turtle lay her eggs just outside of bunker’s Creek,” explains borgdorff. “she laid them before the contractor came on-site and outside of the project perimetre but we decided to call in an environmental specialist just to be safe. of the 36 to 40 eggs that were recovered, only four had been fertilized. The specialist took them to a special incubation fa-cility in Parry sound and then brought them back about nine weeks later to another wetland area in barrie. The little hatchlings all made it to the bay.”

Word of the snapping turtle and her young soon spread and what used to be just another run-of-the-mill construction project began to receive local media attention.

“It sort of raised the profile of the project a bit,” jokes borgdorff. “We were surprised to find the snapping turtle eggs here. We are more used to seeing ducks and Canada geese in the area.”

The creek work also saw fish habitat im-provements.

greener dayS aheadThe lakeshore drive re-alignment project

and expansion of Centennial Park is well un-derway. although one of the busiest areas of the city – especially during the hot, humid days of summer – the waterfront is undisput-edly one of the more popular and more attrac-tive sites in the area. by scheduling the work over a four-year period, city officials will have enabled residents and visitors alike to continue to enjoy the park as it is slowly transformed into a bigger and better green space, one that will be more accessible but still located in the heart of the city along the beautiful shores of kempenfelt bay. n

In The GreenThe ciTy of barrie’S cenTennial parK To geT bigger and beTTer By MelAnie FrAnner

Page 51: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

No such thing as common groundEvery ground is different. Every soil has its own distinctive features that need to be fully understood. As the world’s leading manufacturer of hydraulic piling equipment, we take pride in being able to help

our customers succeed in every soil, project and market.

Our evolving product line provides sophisticated solutions that are able to meet the strictest requirements of modern earth construction business. With the uncontested Junttan commitment and range of services

we have become known for, on whatever ground your next project may take place.

Junttan Oy Matkuksentie 7 FI–70800 KUOPIO, FINLAND Tel. +358 10 195 221 Fax +358 17 287 4411 [email protected]

CANADA SALES & SERVICECanadian Pile Driving Equipment Inc. | 3801-53 Ave. Lacombe, AB, T4L 2L6 | Tel: +1 403 782 1900

[email protected] |

JUNTTAN REPOlli Inkinen | Tel: +358 40 722 3967 | [email protected]

Page 52: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

PIC Magazine • December 201336

PIC canada | U.s. | international

China has long wanted the world to know about its maritime history upon which the country largely grew through its seafaring trade and pervasive canal systems. Now it will realize its vision with the National maritime museum of China soon to begin construction in the city of tianjin near beijing.

The design was created by australia’s Cox architecture, whose brisbane practice recently

triumphed at the 2013 World architecture festival in singapore with five awards, includ-ing house of the year and future Infrastruc-ture Project of the year. The maritime museum design won a remarkable three awards includ-ing World future Project of the year for its “strong conceptual clarity and sense of mari-time experience.”

The firm’s conceptual vision was to shift

away from recent decades of emphasis on the “iconic” museum to one of humanistic expe-rience. This was achieved by segmenting the building into five pavilions which radiate out like a fan into the harbour, each with a dis-tinct theme and each engaging with the water through outdoor vessel displays.

four of the pavilions are exhibition halls themed on Nature and oceans, World mari-time Civilization, Chinese marine Culture, and a historic vessel. They are cross-connect-ed so that visitors can interrelate the themes, particularly the time-line relationship between what was happening in China compared to the rest of the world. toronto-based barry lord of lord Cultural services is creating the curato-rial plan for the exhibitions.

The fan-shaped plan enables the pavilions to be linearly connected by a central Introductory hall, which reaches to a fifth pavilion compris-ing extensive public education, research, busi-ness, and curatorial facilities. a temporary exhibition hall projects back towards the city and frames a major plaza designed for mari-time re-enactments and other events. along-side it a large “maritime park” is envisaged to comprise marine botanic gardens, a wetland,

China’s Nautical


republic To Welcome naTional mariTime muSeum of china By JilliAn MiTchell

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water play pools, and a fishing and craft village that will employ the local community.

The architectural forms are designed to evoke a range of interpretations – an out-stretched hand (to the world), coral, starfish, sea anemone, a port of moored vessels, a school of jumping carp – but not overtly.

“you could expand the interpretations much further by abstraction, but our main ob-jective has been to create a form of ‘land art’ that unites the building with the water and the park through its geometries, including canti-levering the pavilions some 40 metres into the harbour,” says project architect jayson blight.

The structural design is the work of arup, with the primary challenge being to resolve the organic architecture in a way that facilitates construction completion by the end of 2015 – no mean feat for an 80,000 square-metre mu-seum.

“Working with Cox architecture and the local architecture and engineering institute tadI, we’ve devised a system of tilted planar portal frames that enables the three-dimen-sional curvilinear geometries to be created via parametric variation of the frames,” explains lead structural engineer matthew vola.

as vola furthers, the portal frames are sta-bilized by exposed diagonal bracing that also help to support the large building cantilevers. The topology of the bracing system was devel-oped using an evolutionary structural opti-mization (eso) technique.

The parametric design process enables Cox architecture and arup to resolve the struc-tural, architectural, and interior spatial design

simultaneously. essentially, Cox architecture designs the shapes and determines the cen-treline of the trusses, while arup forms up the floor framing, the cantilever trusses, the por-tal frame geometry and the bracing topology. design refinements are implemented by in-putting parameters which semi-automatically modify the structural elements.

This technology expedites the design pro-cess and produces a system of prefabricated structure and cladding components that will meet the tight program without diminishing design quality.

“We have been very conscious that speed in China sometimes compromises quality of detail, yet like the Cox team and barry lord’s team, we really want to create an architecture

worthy of displaying China’s rich and intricate maritime culture,” says vola.

“The maritime artifacts – including tra-ditional Chinese junks (an ancient Chinese sailing vessel) – and marine organisms to be housed in the museum possess their own complex structures, so it is important that the relationship of structure, space and form is as refined as possible and has its own implicit in-trigue.”

“historically China has been a great seafar-ing nation. The combined with the emergence of tianjin as a new world city I think the mu-seum with its proposed iconic architecture and could make a great contribution to the self-awareness of tianjin as a city and China as a whole.” n

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PIC Magazine • December 201338

PIC canada | U.s. | international

a total of nine separate infrastructure projects along the 70-kilometre Roberts bank Rail Cor-ridor (RbRC) is underway and expected to be completed by the end of 2014. The RbRC is an important rail connection between Canada’s largest container facility, and a major coal ter-minal located south of vancouver, with the North american rail network.

The rail and road improvement program is atypical in that it relies upon the unprecedent-ed collaboration of 12 different partners that represent local, regional, provincial and fed-eral governments, as well as private industry.

“This is one of the most significant, multi-agency partnership programs we have ever had in metro vancouver,” states sany zein, director of roads, translink, one of the 12 partners involved in the project and the official lead agency. “There are a couple of character-istics that make this program unusual. one, it involves 12 agencies, four of which are major funding partners. and two, it is unusual in its scope. This program includes nine fairly sig-nificant infrastructure projects.”

The four major funding partners of the pro-gram include: the federal government, which contributed $75 million; the provincial gov-ernment; the Port of vancouver; and trans-link. The latter three partners each contrib-

uted $50 million. The remainder derives from rail companies and municipalities.

maKing a good Thing beTTerThe RbRC consists primarily of single rail

track. traffic can be upwards of 18 trains per day, each of which range in length from 6,000 to 9,500 feet. studies anticipate that the rail traffic will increase to between 28 to 38 trains per day by 2021, with some train lengths reaching 12,000 feet.

as of today, there are some 66 road-rail crossing located along the RbRC. approxi-mately 388,000 vehicles cross the tracks per day. by 2021, this number is expected to in-crease to 560,000.

Theses increases in train and vehicular traffic have the potential to jeopardize future rail-operation efficiency and road-network ef-ficiency in the surrounding communities.

“We had a planning process at the front end of this program,” explains zein. “each of the partners involved brought potential projects to the table. all of them were evaluated according to benefit-to-cost ratio and project readiness. The federal funding was attached to a timeta-ble that required project completion by 2014. at the end of the day, a pool of projects was put forward and the nine that best fit the criteria were chosen.”

The nine infrastructure projects are de-signed to maximize the benefits to motorists, railways and neighbouring communities. ben-efits include: improvement of local traffic and traffic safety; reduction in train whistles and idling of vehicles at rail crossings; enhance-ment of rail operation efficiency and safety; increases in local and national trade competi-tiveness; and accommodation of growth in trade-related traffic.

STrengTh in numberSof the nine projects identified, two have al-

ready been completed. a 41b street Rail overpass at deltaport

Way was completed in december 2011. and the 80th street Rail overpass was completed in june 2012.

Three of the projects are closely related and as such, are referred to as the “Combo project”. These include new overpasses at 192nd street, 196th street and 54th avenue. Completion dates are expected to be july 2014, december 2013 and december 2013 respectively.

a two-lane overpass at 232nd street and an overpass at mulford 64th avenue at high-way 10 are two more projects currently under construction, as are the construction of an un-interrupted 12,000-foot railway siding at Pan-orama Ridge and a new street-rail overpass at

Come TogethermulTi-agency program in The WorKS WiTh $308 million in road, rail, and pile improvemenTS

By MelAnie FrAnner

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152nd street. all of these latter projects are scheduled to be complete in 2014.

driving improvemenTS and efficiencieS

of the nine projects included in the RbRC road and rail improvement program, all but one involves piling work. of the remaining eight projects, design-build general contract-ing firm ba blacktop ltd. won the bid for five of them. The company began in 1956 as a lo-cal driveway-paving firm in b.C. and has since expanded to become a leading builder of mu-nicipal roads, provincial highways and inter-changes, among other things.

ba blacktop contracted a local firm called vancouver Pile driving ltd. to do the piling work.

“We have a lengthy history with them,” notes simon daniels, manager, design-build, ba blacktop. “They just celebrated their 100th anniversary. We have been working with them for upwards of 15 to 20 years now.”

according to daniels, the Combo project entailed the most complex piling work.

“all of the three overpasses in the Combo project use pile-supported foundations for the bridges,” he explains. “The soils in the area are soft, clay soils so we used 610 millimetre open-ended piles that were driven down to various depths.”

In the case of the 196th street overpass, the bridge span was 323 metres long and the piling depth was 40 metres. The 192nd overpass had a bridge span of 219 metres long and the pil-ings were driven down to 25 metres. and the

54th avenue bridge span was 103 metres long with the pilings being driven down to a depth of 30 metres.

each of the piers had two pile clusters. The 196th street overpass had six piers in total, of which the two outside piers had two clusters of six piles each, with 12 piles per pier, and the interior piers had two clusters of eight piles, for a total of 16 piles per pier.

“The 610 millimetre piles are a very com-mon size but the amount of force that we end-ed up using to get to the right set depth was right at the edge of the pile capacity,” explains daniels. “We did have an idea at the outset that we would be close to capacity but we didn’t re-alize how close we would actually be.”

The pile driving work took approximately three months to complete for the 196th street overpass and two months each for the 192nd street overpass and the 54th avenue over-pass.

ba blacktop also oversaw the piling work done on 232nd street and 80th street.

“The 232nd street project had soft, clay soils, and there was no end-bearing layer,” explains daniels. “so we ended up using fric-tion piles. We utilized a slightly longer length of pile to limit the strength testing required, which is allowed for under the design code.”

according to daniels, the project involved 24 friction piles per pier for a total of two piers or 48 piles. The piles were driven to a depth of approximately 40 metres. Work was completed in august 2013.

The 80th street overpass involved a silky

and soft soil with a sand layer down below. again, 610 millimetre piles were used, this time to a depth of 16 metres. each of the two piers used six piles. The work was completed in 2011.

although the Combo project turned out to be the most complex of the piling projects overseen by ba blacktop, it did have some other advantages.

“With any job, especially with piling work, you do end up with some scrap waste,” states daniels. “on the Combo project, we were able to use some of the pile cut-offs for drainage and environmental work. In a sense, we ended up recycling some of the material, which is al-ways a good thing.”

collaboraTion WinS The dayWhether it be working with one or more

partners, the key to any success is teamwork. In the case of the RbRC road and rail improve-ments program, there were nine distinct proj-ects that spanned federal, provincial, regional, municipal and private jurisdictions. Pass or fail, a program of this magnitude is one for the history books.

“The federal government and all the fund-ing partners are looking at this program as a success story, as a model that it can take to other areas of the country to demonstrate how multi-agency groups can work together in a collaborative manner,” concludes translink’s zein. “This does put more pressure on us to succeed. but we are happy to take it on and to show that we can make it work to the benefit of all parties involved.” n

Page 56: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

PIC Magazine • December 201340

PIC canada | U.s. | international

a new bridge stretching from Windsor to de-troit is one step closer to completion, thanks to the recent U.s. Presidential Permit that was granted in april 2013. The permit gives the michigan government the green light to begin acquiring the land, which together with Ca-nadian land acquisition, will eventually host the Canadian and U.s. inspection plazas, the bridge, and the interchange with Interstate-75 on the U.s. side and the herb gray Parkway on the Canadian side.

“Canada and the United states are each other’s most important trading partners,” says the honourable lisa Raitt, minister of labour and member of Parliament for halton, in wel-coming the signing of the Presidential Permit. “The Presidential Permit represents an im-portant step towards a new bridge which will be needed for growing trade and traffic at the busiest Canada-U.s. commercial border cross-ing, with over 8,000 trucks crossing each day. The project will create thousands of jobs and opportunities on both sides of the border, both during the construction period, and in the years to come.”

and, in fact, a june 2012 study from the U.s.-based Center for automotive Research (CaR), entitled analysis of the economic Contribution of Constructing the New In-ternational trade Crossing: a New bridge

linking detroit and Windsor, estimated that the new bridge will generate 12,000 jobs per year for each of the four years of construction and more than 8,000 permanent jobs once the bridge is operational.

“Initially the construction of the bridge it-self will serve as an economic stimulus, pro-viding jobs and state revenues. once construc-tion is completed and bridge operations have begun, the region’s additional freight-shipping capability could attract private-sector invest-ment, augmenting the gross regional product and creating more employment opportuni-ties,” said kim hill, director of sustainability and economic development strategies at CaR and the study’s lead.

trade between Canada and michigan is currently estimated to be around $70 billion per year, which represents about one quarter of all U.s.-Canada trade.

“This is one of the largest infrastructure projects in Canadian history,” explains mark butler, Windsor gateway Project, transport Canada. “The new Windsor-detroit bridge will facilitate the movement of people goods and services by ensuring that there is sufficient border crossing capacity to handle the pro-jected growth in cross-border trade and traffic in the Windsor-detroit area. It will also pro-vide a much-needed crossing alternative to the

busiest commercial-border crossing in North america, create thousands of construction jobs and long-term employment opportuni-ties on both sides of the border, and support national security an public safety priorities in Canada and the U.s.”

fooTing The billThe total cost of the project – which includes

the Canadian and U.s. inspection plazas, the bridge and the interchange with Interstate-75 and the herb gray Parkway – is estimated to come in between $3.5 and $4 billion. The gov-ernment of Canada has already committed to fund up to 50 per cent of the capital costs of the herb gray Parkway. The Province of ontario will pay for the remainder of the cost of this project.

a proposed public-private partnership is anticipated to cover the costs of building the bridge. Canada would be responsible for cov-ering the remaining costs, which will include the Canadian inspection plazas, the michigan property acquisitions, utility relocations and the interchange with I-75. Canada has already spent more than $35 million for property in Windsor to accommodate the bridge and plaza.

“figures for individual project components are still being refined and construction of the project will be subject to competitive bidding processes,” states butler.

The Windsor-detroit bridge author-ity (Wdba), a new company established in Canada, will oversee the new detroit River International Crossing (dRIC), as it is referred to in Canada, or the New International trade Crossing (NItC), as it is referred to in the U.s. The Wdba will collect tolls for the new cross-ing. The toll revenues will then be used to re-pay the private sector and costs incurred by the government of Canada.

a bridge in The maKingalthough the actual bridge design has yet to

be decided upon, butler suggests that it will be

Going the DistanceneW bridge To Span american WaTerS

By MelAnie FrAnner

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PICcanada | U.s. | international

either a cable-stay design or a suspension one. In the event of the former, the bridge will

stretch a total of 1,480 metres and cover a span of 840 metres. approaches on either side will each span 320 metres for a total of 640 me-tres. The width will be 35.42 metres, each lane width measuring 11.25 metres for a total of three lanes. and the tower height will be 254.5 metres. Clearance will be between 40.5 and 47.5 metres.

If the suspension bridge design is chosen, the total length will be 1,352 metres, with a span of 855 metres. approaches on either side will span 253 metres on the U.s. and 244 metres on the Canadian side for a total of 497 metres. lane width would remain 11.25 me-tres each for three lanes. and the tower height would measure 139.8 metres. Clearance will be between 40.5 and 46.3 metres.

“each of these designs would work in this scenario,” adds butler. “The cost to build is similar for both.”

at the moment, the dRIC project is in-volved with pre-procurement planning, pre-liminary design and due diligence. between now and 2015, the Canadian and american governments will continue to acquire property on both sides of the border and to relocate util-ities. additionally, there is some roadwork that still needs to be done, including the design and construction of a couple more access roads that can used during the bridge-construction phase.

The bridge construction is still a long way from the start of any piling work but the gov-ernment of Canada has already retained geo-technical consultants to conduct geotechnical and foundations engineering for the project.

“The purpose of this geotechnical inves-tigation is to help determine the foundation

design of the bridge’s main span and its ap-proach spans, plaza buildings and interchange structures,” notes butler. “The work will be conducted on both sides of the border.”

a WorKing parTnerShipThe Request for qualification (Rfqs) will

be issued in 2014, followed by the Request for Proposals (RfPs) in 2015 and the signing with selected P3 partners. The four years between 2016 and 2020 will see the final bridge design and construction take place, including the U.s. interchange and inspection plazas on both sides. and, in 2020, travel on the new bridge is expected to commence.

“to date, there has been significant private-sector interest in the project, from a financial perspective,” states butler. “additionally, the project has received considerable business trade and public support on both sides of the border.”

one private party who did not offer his sup-port is the owner of the ambassador bridge, the only bridge currently available for regular commercial and private vehicular traffic be-tween Windsor and detroit. albeit, there also exists a tunnel, a rail tunnel for rail and a ferry service that is restricted to trucks carrying hazardous materials.

The decrease in traffic between Canada and the U.s. that has characterized recent years – thanks to gas prices, the tough economic situa-tion and increased passport restrictions put in place by the U.s. – has since been on the re-bound. This is expected to continue to increase in the years to come.

“We anticipate that commercial and private vehicular traffic capacity at the existing cross-ings may not be adequate for the expected in-crease in trade between our two countries over the years to come,” states butler. “but we don’t

want to be in the situation of waiting to build something when the problem already exists. We want to be able to anticipate the problem and be proactive.”

The road forWardalthough the new dRIC will come with a

hefty price tag, it promises to make a signifi-cant impact on the growing economic ties be-tween Canada and its largest trading partner, as well as easing congestion and potential ob-struction on Canada’s commuter and private vehicular traffic.

Work on both sides of the border has been underway for years – beginning with the en-vironmental assessment that began in january 2005 and the subsequent approvals granted in 2009. on the Canadian side, work on the $1.6 billion herb gray Parkway started in 2011.

The recent granting of the Presidential Per-mit opens the door to continued work on the U.s. side of the border, beginning with the necessary property acquisition. and one day soon, somewhere around 2020, the two sides will meet in the middle of what will more than likely be a stunning example of architectural and engineering ingenuity. It’s a story that can’t help but appeal to people from both sides of the border.

“We are working to move the project for-ward as soon as possible,” concludes butler. “transport Canada has been working with our U.s. and michigan partners with a focus on the michigan port of entry, including further de-sign work and advancing property acquisition. In addition, we have been continuing to con-duct a number of environmental mitigation measures on the site of the Canadian plaza, as well as conducting geotechnical drilling on the U.s. and Canada plaza sites.” n

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Page 58: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

42 PIC Magazine • December 2013

Index to AdvertisersPIC

american Piledriving equipment 31

arntzen Corporation 41

atlas tube jmc steel group 5

barkerRoss Piling 30

baUeR-Pileco Inc. 13

bay shore systems, Inc. 11

bermingham foundation solutions 9

Canadian Piledriving equipment Inc directory obC

Casagrande Usa Inc directory IbC

dominion Pipe & Piling IfC

dywidag systems International Canada ltd directory 8, 9

eCa Canada 22, 23

geokon, Incorporated 17

hammer & steel, Inc. obC

hCm Contractors Inc. 19

IhC fundex equipment bv 25

Independence tube Corporation 3

Instantel 42

Interpipe Inc 33

junttan oy 35

liebherr Werk Nenzing gmbh ofC

loadtest 27

Northstar Inc. 5

Pile dynamics Inc 18

Piledrivers local Union 2404 12

Platinum grover International Inc 29, directory IfC

Roll form group 15

Rst Instruments ltd. 32

selix equipment Inc. IbC

skyline steel 7

soilmec North america C/o Convey Inc 26

spiralco 21

verbeek management services 28

Waterloo barrier Inc 26

Westco drilling & Piles ltd 18

Page 59: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013

one step ahead

McDrill Technology and Selix Equipment Creating Solutions and Designing for the Future

Page 60: Piling Industry Canada Issue #2 2013


www.hammersteel.com800-325-PILE (7453) • (314) 895-4600

Piling, Pile Driving & Drilling Equipment


Missouri800.325.PILE (7453) • 877.224.3356 • 904.284.6800 • 913.768.1505 • 952.469.6060 • 973.512.2940 • 936.257.8790

California Florida Kansas Minnesota New Jersey Texas

Hammer & Steel Sells and Rents Comacchio MC Line

The basic line of multiuse rigid and articulated hydraulic crawler drill rigs which are suitable for several types of specialized works, such as ground consolidation, anchor drilling, geotechnical works, water well drilling and geothermal energy.

Hammer & Steel has been in business for 25 years and offer superior after-sales service

on all equipment. We have stocking facilities throughout the U.S.