Download - PIIOTOGRAl'IIS BY ISRAELI AND l'AI.ESTINIAN ARTISTS ..."PEOPLE WANT REAL PEACE' This exhibition addresses a goal that seems impossible and inevitable at the same time -peace in the

Page 1: PIIOTOGRAl'IIS BY ISRAELI AND l'AI.ESTINIAN ARTISTS ..."PEOPLE WANT REAL PEACE' This exhibition addresses a goal that seems impossible and inevitable at the same time -peace in the

01110 ARTS CouNc11.'s •


Page 2: PIIOTOGRAl'IIS BY ISRAELI AND l'AI.ESTINIAN ARTISTS ..."PEOPLE WANT REAL PEACE' This exhibition addresses a goal that seems impossible and inevitable at the same time -peace in the


This exhibition addresses a goal that seems impossible and inevitable at the same time - peace in the

.\1.iddle East between the Israeli and Palestinian people. Their cultures are like geologic plates painfully

grinding against each other. But politics. compounded by religious division. camouflages common bonds

of social and economic interdependence. Those bonds have driven the peace process in the past and are

the best hope for a resolution of the present conflict.

1---fope for peace and the horror of conflict are daily concerns of people who live in the .\1iddle East. But

those issues also concern people who live elsewhere in the world. For that reason. the Ohio Arts Council

and its partners have been inspired to assemble an exhibition of diverse viewpoints from the .\1iddle East

and to share it v.:ith audiences in >." orth and South America. We hope :t will encourage dialogue among manv different cultures about a situation that will continue to evolve over time and affect our lives for

vea:·s to come.

lIY:.ages i:1 this exhibitio:1 convey the realities a:1d aspirations of 11 Palestinian and Israeli photographic

artists. These artists certainl;1 desire peace. but in the face of the perpetual disappoi:1tments of the past

the:' view their world with a coIY:.bination of optimism. skepticism and irony. >."o matter what the future

:;.olds. t:-iis assembly of photographic artists' work reflects many aspects of everyday reality in the region

at the oegin:1ing of the 21st century. Whatever happens through political negotiation or armed conflict

is irrelevar.t to what these artists and their works have to say: Life will go on and people want real peace.

i:1 :he worcs of Israeli writer David Grossman.

Aspirations :ocuses on the medium of photograph}· because it is available to artists of manv different

oackgrounds. It also is adaptable to different artistic attitudes from the abstract and conceptual to the

politically motivated and photo-journalistic. And for viewers. it provides a common ground for grasping

these artists' widely differing messages.

We chose to assemble artists only from Israel and the Palestinian territories because their confrontations

are well known and closely watched around the world. The selection of specific artists was based on our

perception of each individual's ability to convey a sense of self, place and community to viewers far away

from ·· ground zero.,.

That is. we chose artists who create images that are both personally relevant and

universally recognizable. \:ELLA CASSOL'TO A:-SD ROBERT STEAR:-SS. CCRATORS

FALL, 2000

! don't ,scr:t to port rs, t.�e Palestinians as the good g'!)s and Israelis as the bad g:.y·s. 1Ve are tif.:o miserable g'!)'S caught in a t,cin:rcJJ. He reflect each other. our fears and our suspicions. That is our tragecjx We are z:e:_:,· complicated people. ,ce and thePciestinicr:s. -D,wrn GROSS\1A:\

Tr.ere are t,;,o pair.ts of z:ie,c. One is that of the politicians and the other is that of the general public. both Israeli and Palestinian. From the ?aiestinicn perspectic·e I beliez:e the authorities do not read our feelings correct9·. I'nere is a similar discrepanry befo;een the Israeli political circles and the feelings of the people. -AH :-.lAD HARB

Comme:1ts from an interview by curator �ella Cassouto with David Grossman. Israeli novelist and ?Olitica1

commentator. and Ahmad Harb. Palestinian writer and teacher at Bir-zeit Cniversitv.

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Page 3: PIIOTOGRAl'IIS BY ISRAELI AND l'AI.ESTINIAN ARTISTS ..."PEOPLE WANT REAL PEACE' This exhibition addresses a goal that seems impossible and inevitable at the same time -peace in the


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Clot man employs photographic prints, books a:1d video a:1d sound installatio:1s that question the status quo and er..couragc multi-cultural cxcha:1ges among .:\rabs and

Jews, G,otm;m was bor:1 i:c :953 i:1 ls,·acl. grad'..:Z:tcd :':·0::11. �Iac:assal1 Co::--r..::11:...:.nit:· College i::-:_}c!"Jsalc� a:-:c: ,:,c ? o:\:cc:-::1ic Co::cgc o,· :__o:1cion in :98:, :-:e '.-:«s :) :...:. ;) . : s �; c cl : n st :· u c 1 i o ;; :-:--: c1 ;1 u a: s :·o :· t ca ch c :· s a ::1 cl

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s�1::--:-:or: o:':c::-: :11t1:,cs (1::·:·angcr-:1ents of photogTaphic i:;'.::gcs. Bice.'.: Box: S0:.11.·c.--::",,. I.,;cc:: is a series of images o:' to��·ist souvenirs th,-:t !·c:-�cct r.1any facets of.Jewish. C�1::·is:i;:::1 ar.G \'!usli::1 life. Sal!non \\·as bo:-r. and raised i:-:.Jc:·usale!n and �ivcs in \\'citnar. German:;. She has 2. cleg!·cc :n photograph�; f:·om Had.assah Comn1unit\· Co:legc . .Jc!·us2.�cm.

T..\ :.1 I R S H E R Shcr·s })}1otog::·a:)hs acc!·css urban realities tha: often arc over:ookcci in Israel. I----:Iis scr:cs Bice/,· I-{o/cs is a collcc�lo;1 oC rncnacing imc.ges that 1...:nc�c::·sco:·c the C.ark side of l:fc L:.ndc:· cons:ant sL!.rvci�lancc a::1d sccurit\· ;;1.easL:.::-es. She::· w�1s bo::·n in :966 in Is:·acl. :-le stuciicci photog!·a?l-::· at Ca::;;c::·�1 Obscu::·c: C!;;c� was a phot.ogrrJphcr :'o:· i.hc :s::·z:c: forces.

OS,.\\'. . .\ SIL\\" . .\Dl S:lwadi :1as ?r·odt.:ccc� p�1otog:·.:tpl-:s c:oc-.:!":--:cnt:ng life th1·oc.gi1out t'.1c \liddle Ec:st. including 1:1e Pc:lestinian u?:·ising a:;ci the cvcr-c!1anging politics and culture o:' ?alcsti:-iians ar-:.d Is:·ae:is. Silwadi was bo:·::;, it1 1973 near R.zt::-:-:.�!:Lih: �le is a self-taught photog;·aphcr a;iC. :12s \\·o:·kcc2 f'o:· :\l-.-\:"y::-i!i:. :1C\\-spa})C!' :r:. Ra::11::1:h:}1 at:.d as a:,;i:.otog:·;Jphc1· re:· .-\gcncc F!· ?!·css a:-1d Rcutc::·s . . ' i. n t c :· n �1 t 1 o :--: a� .

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• • • T T • • r ' co::-::--'�pos1uo:n.s. yet <:tp?c<1:· c.1suc1.. 1-1:s :rn�1ges :oc:._..:.s 0:1 :l1c relationships between people and their c,wi:·onmcnts, Ya·ari was born ir. Israel in 1966. He studied philosophy and literature at Tel Aviv Cnivcrsity, __ graduated fromBezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem and continued his studies at Denby University in Great Britain.

LEE Y..\:\"OR '{ano:· has explo:-eci innov�ttivc ?hotog:·ap:"lic :r.cdia. to ex?:·ess ti1;1c a;-.c: '.�uic:.ity. T-·Ic:· irr,agcs o:·te�1 a:·c p!·intcd 0;1:',1b:·ic or ?1as-..ic shee:s. \,· w<:s bo;·n ir:. r-:a1�-·a ir1 :963.She earned a 3;-�\ at 3ezalc: ,\cadcm; of' .\rt ar.c'. Dcsig:c anci an \'.F\ :':·o:-n :he ?::o·is \"II: ;__·:1:ve:·s::y i:1 :993.

:C.rc:\:..E::i ZIGH.\R -:-he Israc:i-Palcstir.iar1 co::1£:ict a:1d :::c ?Cacc ?::·occss a:·c cc:::l!';:1l :o Zigh:J.r:·s work. E--Ic \\·as :)orrA in r97r inJc:-usalcm and studied corn.putc:· science at _,\:-Qucis L::1ivcrsit:·- He is a p�1otog:·aphc:· fo:· . .:\1-Quds ne\\·spa:)c!· and i1as wo:·ked " R '. \0 7.. , . . , , ' 10::· cutc::·s �, cws: .g·c! .. �1g1--:a:-: :1as t)ccr1 a ?�otogrc1?11e1· for the j crusalc:r, Post a:1c, :\ssoc:a:cd Press,

Page 4: PIIOTOGRAl'IIS BY ISRAELI AND l'AI.ESTINIAN ARTISTS ..."PEOPLE WANT REAL PEACE' This exhibition addresses a goal that seems impossible and inevitable at the same time -peace in the


We're Building Ohio Through the Arts

The Ohio Arts Council, a state agency established in 1965, builds the state through the arts - economically, educationally and culturally - preserving the past, enhancing the present and enriching the future for all Ohioans. The Council believes the people of Ohio should share the arts. The arts arise from public, individual and organizational efforts. The OAC supports and encourages those efforts.

Bob Taft. Governor Barbara S. Robinson, OAC Board Chair Wayne P. Lawson, Executive Director

The Ohio Arts Council is an equal opportunity employer.

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Ohio Arts Council 727 East Main Street Columbus. OH 43205-1796 614/466-2613

For TTY/TDD use Ohio Relay Service 1-800-750-0750

The Riffe Gallery, operated by the Ohio Arts Council. showcases the work of Ohio"s artists and curators, and the collections of the state·s museums and galleries.


Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts 77 South High Street Columbus, Ohio 614/644-9624

Gallery Hours M,Tu 10-4 W,Th,F 10-8 Sat 12-8


Art& feople

Sun 12-4 1t1,�1 Free Admission

In Partnership with Arts Midwest With Support from Illinois Arts Council and Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cultural and Scientific Relations Department

Supported by Ohio Building Authority

Media Sponsors � TIME WARNER

� COMMUNICATIONS SBN mogoz1no __ ., __

TOM, Left to Right: Issa Freij. Worker. 1986

Adi Nes. The last Supper. 1999

Kha led Zighari, Jews Celebrating Jerusalem Day. 1995 Sharon Ya"ari, lawns. one of a series. 1999-2000

Amit Geron. Untitled [Marsaba). detail. 1999 Noel Jabbour. Palestinian Interiors. one of a series. 1994-95
