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Media Pictures

Sophie Manley

These are the majority of pictures that I have taken for my magazine. I have used a few of these for my product but I didn’t manage to use all of my pictures because there are too many to use and some of them didn’t show up very well for a music magazine. I used a variety of pictures and ‘poses’ and I used 2 different sets of people and places. I tried to experiment with the pictures as much as I could so that they looked professional and suitable for the magazine.

I had to edit a few pictures to make them look better so that they would look like magazine pictures. I had to edit the background on most of my pictures because the background looked untidy and it didn’t fit in with the genre of the magazine

1st Group

This is another picture that I have edited to fit in with the genre of the magazine because with the background being blank I can change the colour to a dark colour for the ‘rock’ magazine.

It think the pictures that I chose for my magazine suited the magazine very well. I chose certain clothing in my groups to look the slight bit rock/punk, I tried to do the make-up appropriately in the 2nd group, I tried to use plain backgrounds so they wouldn’t be too difficult to edit and I also tried my best to come up with a variety of pictures to choose from for my magazine. I could of used more pictures in my magazine but I couldn’t find places and reasons to put the pictures on the pages of my magazine. I think that the quality of the pictures are very well because I knew how to edit them to make them look professional. If I was to do this again I would of chosen more bands and I would of got more of a variety of pictures so it would of looked more professional.