Download - PICPA Soars High! - Philippine Institute of Certified … Soars High! SUCCESS BEYOND BORDERS 2 Accounting Times Vol. 66 No. 3 March 2016

Page 1: PICPA Soars High! - Philippine Institute of Certified … Soars High! SUCCESS BEYOND BORDERS 2 Accounting Times Vol. 66 No. 3 March 2016

In the beginning we saw uncertainties, but we

firmly believed that despite the turmoil there

could be light - The Philippine Institute of

Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) will shine.

Indeed “PICPA SOARS HIGH!” as manifested

by the tremendous improvement during the

past eight months as compared to last year.

The Performance Governance System (PGS)

of the Accountancy profession has been

institutionalized through the concerted efforts of

PICPA and the four sectoral organizations, i.e.,


PGS Committee chair Normita A. Villaruz.

Cases filed before in court against the Institute,

have already been settled amicably.

After complying with all the requirements for

accreditation in accordance with the pertinent

provisions of Republic Act No. 9298, the

Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)

issued the renewal of PICPA's accreditation as

a bonafide Accredited Integrated Professional

Organization (AIPO) for Accountants on

December 1, 2015.

The theme for this year “Sharing success.

Beyond borders” guided us in our journey to

excellence. The year’s theme becomes both a

call and a challenge individually and collectively

as a profession.

This report highlights the Institute’s efforts

which contributed to its recovery from a

downturn and the achievement of remarkable

milestones thru the five-point agenda:

1) Membership Development;

2) Professional Development;

3) Corporate Social Responsibility;

4) Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency;


5) Upholding Ethics

During the convention in Palawan, PICPA inked

a partnership agreement with the Bureau of

Customs and Commission on Audit with the

Board of Accountancy as witness, through the

Citizen Participatory Audit (CPA) program. This

is the first time a government agency (BOC)

signed an agreement allowing a private sector

to participate in auditing its agency's revenue

and assessment.

Likewise, a members' pathway agreement

(MPA) with CPA Australia was signed to

enhance service to members locally and those

abroad. This is an exchange of information

between CPAA and PICPA and assistance in

providing speakers and sponsorships.

PICPA Soars High!




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2 Accounting Times Vol. 66 No. 3 March 2016

P R E S I D E N T ‘ S C O R N E R

These milestones have been realized by the

National Board with the able assistance of the

new ED Rosalina R. Pangilinan, and the

rationalization of the Finance and

Administrative functions headed by Mr.

Bernabe C. Caleon. Likewise the wide range of

seminar offerings by the Training Division under

TDR Eugene V. Villaceran has contributed a



Our institution is financially healthy as seen

through the National Office’s records of a net

revenue growth rate of 200% or a total of

P9,169,227 ,i.e. from a net loss of (P4,590,573)

as of June 30, 2015 to net income of

P4,578,654, for the eight month period wherein

consequently the Institute has reported a fund

balance growth rate of 57.56% at the time of

writing (i.e. from P33, 360,839 to P52,564,493).

The Board and the Committees are prudent in

the disbursements of funds. Despite the budget

allowed the President for local and foreign

travels including accommodations, he has

opted to pay them from his own pocket. The

cost of international travels has been reduced

dramatically since the President and his

Philippine delegation shouldered travel and

accommodation expenses personally. A

resolution was passed that the Institute shall

pay for expenses of only one representative

(Chair or Co-chair of the International

Committee) to council meetings abroad, like

AFA, CAPA, IFAC. The Committees also spend

their personal funds for meetings and activities,

all for the spirit of volunteerism.

The PICPA 70th Annual National Convention in

Palawan chaired and co-chaired by Ms. Ma.

Elma L. Ilagan–Ame and Ms. Annabelle

Pastrana-Ong respectively, posted a net

income after tax of P3.5 million. Gross receipts

totaled P16.5 million and disbursements

amounted to P11.4 million.

As an offshoot of the BoA Resolutions, PICPA

has offered series of seminars including

packages on top of those we are offering on a

regular basis. A total of P4.2 million was

generated for the month of February alone. We

have concluded Batch I, while Batch II is

ongoing. Batch III and IV are slated last week of

April and half of May. The latter batch is

intended for Accounting Teachers. An

additional P2.8 million revenues are expected

upon completion of these packages.

Another direct impact is on the membership

dues wherein the Sustaining Life Membership

(SLM) program became the most preferred

option. As of the time of writing it has ballooned

to P5,521,550 coming from P111,630 or

tantamount to an increase of P5.4 million. Our

members from the Commerce and Industry and

the Academe have likewise increased their

membership in good standing, in addition to

those members from the Public Practice.

Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency

The training reservation, which was done

manually in the past, is now computerized and

on-line thru the Doxcheck Security and

Management System. Our members are now

doing their reservations at their own convenient

time and place for as long as they have the

internet facility. This computerized system is

capable of generating printouts of the list of

enrolled participants which would facilitate the

validation of attendance. Stricter control on the

issuance of certificate of attendance is now in

place with the authentication provided by

Doxcheck. Shortly it will be linked to the

existing CPD program developed by the joint

PRC-PICPA CPD council, then to the

membership system. The on-line payment is

also on its way as the next step to complete the

computerization. We also managed to

maximize our operations with the Website

development with Content Management

System (CMS) and Technical set up and


We have tapped the services of a banking

institution for automated payroll processing

which included a biometrics system which they

gave for free. We aim to upgrade by using the

Cloud Accounting System which would not

entail investment on software and hardware as

offered by a reputable system provider. As a

result, we have improved productivity and

efficiency in front-line services, strengthened

internal controls and resources management,

and empowered our personnel and boosted

their performance. Thus, we were able to focus

on our core competence.

Aside from these, we also enhanced our

connectivity by upgrading from 5mbps to 25

mbps to send substantially more data between

devices in less time.

Despite the injunction order on holding the

implementation of the Quality Assurance

Review (QAR) resolutions, the Voluntary

Quality Assurance Review Committee (VQAR)

headed by Mr. Danilo T. Alas has completed

the three (3) phases of the VQAR Program as

follows: Phase I – Guide on Quality Control for

the Review of the Financial Statements; Phase

II- General Peer Review Checklist; Phase III-

Adoption of the PICPA QAR Manual and

SMET. The PICPA QAR seminars have

successfully rolled out in Baguio, Pampanga,

Batangas and other Chapters of PICPA.

Likewise, they have started the QAR with two

(2) volunteers, as of this writing.

In general, there is noticeable robust

improvement on people, process, organization

and technology in the Institute through the

leadership of the new ED and Finance and

Administrative Manager teams along with the

full support of our group.

At this juncture, please allow me to extend my

heartfelt thanks to the following who painstak-

ingly shared their precious time, efforts and

resources: Executive Officers; National Board

of Directors; Chairs/Co- Chairs of different

Committees; Chapter officers and Staff from the

National Office.

We are therefore inviting you to continue to

share success beyond borders to better serve

our beloved members and sustain our

accomplishments. With the guidance of our

Almighty Father, we can make things happen.

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The Accountancy Profession was conferred and awarded the following three (3) major and distinct awards by the Institute for Solidarity in Asia (ISA) after a Performance Governance System (PGS) Revalida in a Public Forum held last March 29, 2016 at the AIM Conference Center, Makati City, making it the first and only Profession among the 42 Professions in the Philippines, to be awarded the following:



ISA a non-stock, non-profit, non-government organization that advocates good corporate governance reforms and believes in making governance a shared responsibility.

The PGS is a governance framework that utilizes a balanced scorecard as a tool to incorporate good governance, best practices and principles into running organizations, or specifically of the Accountancy profession in its commitment to good governance in its members’ professional practice and responsible citizenship. It is all about the Profession's pursuit of adopting a good governance reform program as its contribution to the country’s national development.

Because of its significance to the Philippine economy, the Accountancy Profession was one of the professions that ISA involved in developing the Roadmap for the Professions. The Roadmap specifies for the professions the broad strategy outlined for the Philippines 2030 Roadmap, which consists of a strategy to develop the Philippines into a national community of responsible citizens in a generation's time. The Accountancy Profession is one of these sectors represented in this initiative together with local government units (cities, municipalities and provinces), business, media, youth, academe, church and the professions. The Philippines 2030 Roadmap represents the institutionalized efforts of all these sectors towards national development and responsible citizenship.

The Philippines 2030 Roadmap as developed touches on six (6) perspectives, strategies and objectives, which revolve around sense of community, shared values and sense of prosperity and progress. Among these strategic objectives, two are most relevant to the professions: professional and ethical standards aligned with global standards, and social responsibility programs spread to all sectors of society.

In 2002, The PRC during the leadership of Chairman Antonieta Fortuna – Ibe from 2001 made good governance as the flagship program and priority of the Commission. PRC's good governance projects covered a review of ethical and professional practices in the different profes-sions, to ensure that these were aligned with global best practices and the principles of good governance and responsible citizenship.

In June 2002, with then ISA President Jesus Estanislao's help, the PRC Officials and employees adopted a Good Governance Code of Ethics, and all the 42 Professional Regulatory Boards, which included the Board of Accountancy

and the 42 Accredited Professional Organizations, (APO) which included the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA), formally pledged to a Code of Good Governance for the Professions. On June, 23, 2003, Executive Order No. 22, “Adopting the Code of Good Governance for the Professions” was approved by then President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

The PGS has institutionalized the Accountancy Profession’s actions, plans, strategies and targets. Its adherence to the PGS has enabled it to become more directed and focused in its performance resulting to the attainment of significant milestones for the Profession.

The 2015 PGS ROADMAP FOR THE INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF PGS in the ACCOUNTANCY PROFESSION is a joint and flagship project of the Professional Regulation Commission - Board of Accountancy and the Accredited Professional Organization of the Accountancy Profession which is the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) together with the four (4) sectoral organizations of the Accountancy Profession – Government Association of Certified Public Accountants (GACPA), Association of Certified Public Accountants in Public Practice (ACPAPP), Association of Certified Public Accountants in Commerce and Industry (ACPACI) and National Association of Certified Public Accountants in Education (nACPAE) under the guidance of ISA.

The 2015 PGS Roadmap of the Accountancy Profession embodies its:

VISION: A dynamic force towards national prosperity and excellence with a global perspective.

MISSION: The Accountancy Profession,

March 2016 Accounting Times Vol. 66 No. 3 3



by: Ms. Normita A. Lansang-Villaruz

being in the forefront of all activities related to the economic growth and development of the country and attainment of national growth and objectives, commits to implement the Code of Good Governance for the Professions in the Philippines.

Towards this end, the Accountancy Profession shall endeavor to:

Build a growing pool of accountants who are dynamic, proactive, responsive and innovative leaders in the advancement of knowledge and the improvement of the quality of life;

Direct the Accountants toward a higher level of competence in their field of work and strict adherence to the code of conduct, and in this regard, have ethical commitment, ethical awareness and ethical competency; and

Provide a culture of excellence so that accountants could develop strong values of commitment, rationality, expertise and responsibility.

CORE VALUES: Service to Others, Integrity, Professional Excellence/Competence, Innovation, Solidarity and Teamwork, and Spirituality.

There are four (4) stages in the PGS Pathway of Good Governance. They are the Initiated, Compliant, Proficient and Institutionalized Stages.

In 2007, ISA recognized that the Profession has responded to the call to come up and adopt a Roadmap for the Profession. ISA awarded the Initiated and Compliant stages in 2008 and in 2009 the Profession was conferred the Proficiency level recognition.

In 2013, the Profession had undergone a Strategy Refresh and the sectoral organizations and other stakeholders were called upon for support and cooperation and had implemented accomplishment of Breakthrough results in its targets in its Strategies Scorecard.

Institutionalization in the Accountancy Profession not only means the achievement of the Profession’s Strategic Breakthroughs. PGS INSTITUTIONALIZATION also means cultural transformation in the professional practice and sustainable good governance for the CPAs as a dynamic force in nation-building.

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4 Accounting Times Vol. 66 No. 3 March 2016


BOA also released its Questions and Answers

(Q&A) pertaining to the Resolution, which can

be accessed at:



Queries on the implementation of this resolution

can be emailed to [email protected]

Visit the Facebook page: Professional

Regulatory Board of Accountancy for updated


Deadline for BOA Accreditation of

Accounting Educators Set The BoA is giving an opportunity for accounting

teachers to file their application for accreditation

with the PRC and its regional offices with an

incentive to defer the compliance of the

required Continuing Professional Development

units until July 31, 2016. By accomplishing an

affidavit of undertaking, the accounting

teachers will be given sufficient time to comply

with their obligations of accreditation.

In the CHED Memorandum Order (CMO)

3-2007, Section 22 provides that all faculty

teaching accounting and managerial finance

courses should be CPAs in the Philippines.

PRC BOA Resolution No. 59-2012 provides

that accounting teachers should be accredited

with the PRC/BoA following the procedures

prescribed in the implementing rules and

regulations of the Accountancy Law. The

accounting schools are also expected to

observe these requirements in hiring their

accounting teachers.

The BoA has requested the assistance of the

Commission on Higher Education in reminding

the accounting schools and accounting

teachers to comply with the requirements of the

law and the CMO.

For the full copy of the BOA Resolution: http://


Visit the Facebook page: Professional

Regulatory Board of Accountancy for updated


Looking for Seminars and

Training? When you need to undergo training in different

topics and thematic areas for Accreditation

purposes and life-long learning, visit the PICPA

website for our schedule of seminars held at

the PICPA National Office, Regions, Chapters

and Geographic Area Offices (GAO).

For National Office Training, please go to:

For PICPA Chapters, Regions and GAOs:


or Visit your chapters, their websites and Face-

book pages. Go to the Directory: http://

www.p -2016-chaper -


Is CPD Only Earned by Attending

Seminars? No! Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

credit units are earned in a variety of ways, as

prescribed by PRC Resolution 774-2013.

Aside from seminars and training, CPAs and

other professionals under PRC may earn CPD

through graduate and post-graduate studies,

authorship of books and articles, researches,

inventions, speaking engagements and others.

For the list of allowed CPD, pls go to: http://


Reminders to Seminar Participants

at National Seminars For your own convenience, we enjoin all

seminar registrants to reserve thru our online

r e g i s t r a t i o n f a c i l i t y a t h t t p : / / This way we can

avoid the long line of registrants at the start of

the seminar. “Walk-in” or not pre-registering is

highly discouraged and those who do this shall

be penalized by receiving their seminar

materials after the seminar.

As we have limited parking slots in the parking

area, we highly encourage car pooling, com-

muting or drop off for the members going to

PICPA for seminars or other concerns. Let’s do

our share to ease traffic and congestion in our


Proxy Attendance in PICPA

Seminars is Strictly Prohibited Needless to say, proxy attendance or letting

another person to attend for a registrant is

cheating. CPD cannot and shall not be earned

for another person. Sanctions shall be applied

for erring members.

For Your Comments: Draft BOA

Resolution Increasing CPD Units

from 60 to 210 All PICPA members and interested parties are

invited to comment on the draft Board of Ac-

countancy Resolution to increase the continu-

ing professional development (CPD) require-

ments from 60 to 120 units over the next three

(3) years and other provisions. A copy of the

draft can be accessed at the PICPA website:


Comments can be emailed to :

[email protected]


[email protected]

PICPA Speakers Wanted PICPA members and non-CPAs who are

interested to join the roster of PICPA Speakers

are invited to the demo teaching regularly held

at the PICPA House (National Office). If you

are a PICPA member in good standing (for

CPAs), with teaching experience of at least five

(5) years, and professional practice relevant to

subject matter of at least seven (7) years, and

with a ready module for conduct (Accounting,

Auditing, Taxation, Quality Assurance Review,

Financ ial Management , Informat ion

Technology, Communication and other soft

skills, you are welcome to submit your

application with the copy of your CV, certificate/

s of employment and transcript of records to:

[email protected]

or thru snail mail (photocopies only, don't send

originals) to:

E.V. Villaceran

2/F PICPA, 700 Shaw Blvd.

Mandaluyong City 1552

The invitation is open to all qualified CPAs and

other professional lecturers all over the country.

We will pre-screen applicants and send notice

of individual schedule to those who are

qualified to undergo demo teaching.

Note: Walk-in applicants are discouraged

Share your expertise and help uplift our


BOA Accreditation of CPAs in C&I

Enforced Issuers of financial statements with annual

gross sales or revenues exceeding ten million

pesos are now required to file a Certificate of

Compilation Service, in pursuance to BOA

Resolution 3-2016. This is effective for the

annual statutory financial statements ending

June 30, 2016 and thereafter, for submission to

the BIR and SEC. The Certificate shall be

signed by the CPA employed by the Issuer, or

by another CPA engaged in Public Practice

who is not its own employee and external

auditor. In both instances, the signing CPA

should be accredited by the Board of

Accountancy. Such certificate being

prescribed states the specific task and

responsibility that the CPA must faithfully

comply with in the course of the preparation of

the FS.

Deadline for submission of application for

Accreditation for CPAs signing the Certificate is

on April 30, 2016. However, those who lack the

minimum required 60 CPD units shall sign an

Affidavit of Undertaking that he shall fulfill the

CPD needed on or before June 30, 2016.

For a full copy of BOA Resolution 3-2016,

please go to:



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March 2016 Accounting Times Vol. 66 No. 3 5

The Board of Accountancy has formulated

a six-point strategy for the accountancy

profession. The strategic plan as linked to

the Expanding Horizons initiatives are

defined below:

1. Institute quality and governance


Projects: Performance Governance

System Institutionalization, Enhancement

of the Continuing Professional Develop-

ment and Accreditation Programs,

implementation of ASEAN Mutual Recog-

nition Arrangement, updated Code of

Ethics, Award for Most Outstanding

Expanding Horizon Organization, Netizens

Search of of Outstanding CPAs, AtTEST

Student Competition, ACCA partnership,

partnership with Integrity Initiative Inc.,

Governance reform and oversight over the

APO and sectoral organizations, Prepara-

tion of Manuals, Inspection of schools,

Internship Program, Stress Management

Project for the CPA examinees, adoption

of the CAPA Maturity Model, WB Public

Expenditure of Financial Accountability

Tool, UNCTAD ISAR Accounting Develop-

ment Tool, ACPA Assessment Tool,

introduction of the Doctoral Program in

Accountancy, setting up an e-library,

Accounting cases development project,

ISO Certification of CPAs, Support for the

Educational Scholarships and Training of

Accounting Teachers during the K to 12

Transition Period, Pursuit of Accountability


2. Effectively regulate the profession

Projects : QAR implementation, Pro-

active campaign against erring CPAs,

Coordination with other regulators,

Streamlining of administrative investiga-

tion process, Posting of list of CPAs in

public practice, promoting Cyber Security

over accountancy platforms, Prescribing

Schedule of fines and penalties,

Prescribing Quality Accreditation

Checklist, Office verification requirement,

the Certificate of compilation services on

the Financial Statements, Engagement

reporting of accredited CPAs in public

practice, Delegation of the signing of

accreditation papers, Accreditation of

CPAs in commerce and industry,

Accreditation of CPA partners and staff,

Whistleblower program.

3. Enhance image and reputation of

the accounting professional

Projects: Project ACCT, News Ledger

magazine, Highest Standards Technical

Journal, Debit Credit column in the

Business Mirror, Annual Report and Year-

book, Champion CPAs coffee table book,

Testimonial for the Pioneers of and Pillars

of the Profession, Project ABC on

Accountancy atbp, CSR project,

Accountancy Museum, Building for

Accountancy, Accountancy Jingle, Partici-

pation in the 75th Anniversary Celebration


4. Enhance stakeholders’ involvement

and cooperation

Projects : Holding of Accountancy Stake-

holders Forum, dialogue with Affiliated

Accountancy Certification Bodies, tie up

with Developmental Partners, intervention

in government accountants issues and

requirements, involvement in the Council

of Accreditation Regulators, Academic

Industry linkages, CPA for CPA (Revenue

audit of BOC) Project, Providing feedback

on K to 12, TESDA and Cooperative

Development Authority on accountancy

matters, Assistance in implementing the

Tax Academy Law, Meetings with

Accountancy Regulators of other

countries, Pursue membership or

interaction in UNCTAD ISAR, IFIAR,


BOA Chair Joel L. Tan-Torres..


V.5 April 2016


and UN.

5. Institute structural changes

Projects: Review of Accountancy Law,

amend Audit Threshold rules, strengthen-

ing the SMP, WB Review of the Standards

and Codes, Revision of Accountancy

Curriculum and Board Examination

Syllabi, improvement in the procedures for

CPA oath taking and Accountancy Week

celebration, Streamlining of administration

and preparation of CPA Board Examina-

tion and the new CPA oath taking,

Prescribing deadlines for completion of FS

preparation and audit cycle, Rationalizing

the Accreditation of Regulatory offices.

6. Provide communication and assist -

ance mechanisms

Projects: Website, Facebook, Twitter,

Sectoral and Career Tracking Surveys,

Volunteer Program, Information

Technology System Project, Notification

system, formation of the Technical and

Secretariat Office, organization of a

Special Project Office, Strengthen Sector

Organization’s Chapters, Propagation of

e-Working Papers for SMPs.

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6 Accounting Times Vol. 66 No. 3 March 2016

P I C P A a n d I T ’S C H A P T E R S A T W O R K

19th AFA Conference

Meeting with Asian Development Bank


World Bank assisted Quality Assurance

Review Activities

Phil. Army, Courtesy Call & Tax Briefing

CENTRAL LUZON PICPA PAMPANGA CHAPTER, Inauguration of New PICPA Pampanga Build-ing, Greenfields Square, Sindalan, San Fernando, Pampanga.

BICOL PICPA Albay Chapter and Luzon GAO, 2nd LGAO Conference in Legaspi City, Albay.


SOUTHERN TAGALOG PICPA Lipa City Chapter’s Plant-a-Tree Project, in coordination with the Office of the City Agriculturist in Marawoy, Lipa City, Batangas.

METRO MANILA PICPA Eastern Metro Manila Chapter’s Christmas Gift Giving at Maybunga Pasig, in cooperation with The Camera Philippines Inc.

NORTHERN LUZON PICPA Pangasinan Chapter’s ‘Tulong Eskwela Activity”, Bacayao Sur


PICPA Cebu Chapter’s “ Gift Giving at Tanibag Elementary School.


PICPA Negros Occidental Chapter, Oath-Taking and Induction Ceremonies

for New CPAs, O Hotel, Negros Occidental.


PICPA Cagayan De Oro-Misamis Oriental Chapter in cooperation with

Baconga Patriana & Company, Gift-Giving Activity, Workers of the PICPA

CDO-Misamis Oriental Chapter Building,


Gift Giving and Feeding Program, Archdiocese Fatima Parish.

Page 7: PICPA Soars High! - Philippine Institute of Certified … Soars High! SUCCESS BEYOND BORDERS 2 Accounting Times Vol. 66 No. 3 March 2016

RR No. 14-2015

Amends Section 2 of Revenue Regulations

(RR) No. 12-2015 in relation to RR No. 10-2015

“use of non-thermal paper for all Cash Register

Machines/Point-of-Sales Machines and other

invoice/receipt generating machine/software”

RR No. 15-2015

Amends Sections 4.109-1 (B)(1)(s), (t) and (u)

of RR No. 16-2005, as amended, relative to

sale, importation or lease of passenger or cargo

vessels and aircraft, including engine,

equipment and spare parts thereof for domestic

or international transport operations

RR No. 1-2016

Amends certain provisions of Revenue

Regulations No. 3-2005 “requiring timely and

complete payment of taxes as a pre-condition

for entering into and as a continuing obligation

in contracts with government”

RR No. 2-2016

Prescribes the guidelines and procedures in the

issuance of Authority to Release Imported

Goods (ATRIGs) for imported automobiles

already released from customs custody

RR No. 3-2016

Prescribes the policies and guidelines on the

adoption of credit/debit/prepaid card payments

as additional modes of payment of internal

revenue taxes.

RMO No. 22-2015

Amends certain portions of RMO No. 11-2014

relative to the policies, guidelines and

procedures in the periodic clean-up of Accounts

Receivable/Delinquent Accounts

RMO No. 25-2015

Prescribes the policies, guidelines and

procedures relative to the determination of

compensation for services of Authorized Agent

Banks under the Treasury Single Account

RMO No. 26-2015

Amends the pertinent provisions of RMO No.

25-2011 more particularly on the remittance of

proceeds from sale of loose documentary

stamps collected by the designated/authorized

Revenue Collection Officers, Special Revenue

Collection Officers and other collecting agents

RMO No. 1-2016

Implements the centralized processing of

Authority to Release Imported Goods (ATRIG)

for excisable products

RMO No. 4-2016

Amends pertinent provisions of RMO No.

20-2007 on the simplified processing of

applications for compromise settlement and

abatement cases by concerned Regional


RMO No. 7-2016

Prescribes the policies and procedures in the

decentralization of processing and issuance of

certifications on internal revenue tax payments

to all concerned revenue offices

RMO No. 8-2016

Amends the provisions of RMO No. 83-2010 by

centralizing at the National Office the custody

and safekeeping of all original documentary

proofs of ownership by the government on

absolutely forfeited assets

RMO No. 9-2016

Reiterates and clarifies the duties and

responsibilities of personnel holding position in

an Officer-In-Charged (OIC) capacity

RMC No. 70-2015

Reiterates the tax treatment of certain persons

engaged in the business of land transportation

RMC No. 71-2015

Allows taxpayers who are mandated to file their

tax returns thru Electronic Filing and Payment

System and Electronic BIR Forms in areas

affected by Typhoon Lando to temporarily file

their tax returns and pay their taxes manually

RMC No. 72-2015

Announces the entry into force, effectivity and

applicability of the Philippines-Qatar Double

Taxation Agreement

RMC No. 77-2015

Clarifies the procedures in the processing of

Estate Tax returns for agricultural properties

covered by the Comprehensive Agrarian

Reform Program

RMC No. 79-2015

Informs all internal revenue officials and

employees of the new BIR Mission and Vision

Statements, and Core Values

RMC No. 9-2016

Clarifies the taxability of Non-Stock Savings

and Loan Associations for purposes of Income

Tax, Gross Receipts Tax and Documentary

Stamp Tax

RMC No. 15-2016

Announces the entry into force, effectivity and

applicability of the renegotiated Philippines-

Germany Tax Treaty

RMC No. 19-2016

Clarifies the tax treatment of the Monthly

Provisional Allowance and Officer's Allowance

given to military personnel/officers under the

March 2016 Accounting Times Vol. 66 No. 3 7

recently signed Executive Order, entitled

"Modifying the Salary Schedule for Civilian

Government Personnel and Authorizing the

Grant of Additional Benefits for Both Civilian

and Military and Uniformed Personnel"

RMC No. 21-2016

Circularizes the Professional Regulatory Board

of Accountancy Resolution No. 03, Series of

2016 entitled "Requiring the Submission of

Certificate by the Responsible Certified Public

Accountants on the Compilation Services for

the Preparation of Financial Statements and

Notes Thereto"

RMC No. 24-2016

Reiterates the Department of Finance Order

No. 149-95 for non-stock non-profit educational


RMC No. 25-2016

Circularizes the prescribed processing fees on

applications for certification on tax payments

RMC No. 26-2016

Informs revenue officials, employees and

others concerned on the acceptance of tax

returns/payments of internal revenue taxes by

Authorized Agent Banks on two Saturdays prior

to April 15, 2016

RMC No. 30-2016

Reminds candidates of the May 9, 2016

National and Local Elections of their tax


RMC No. 31-2016

Announces the entry into force, effectivity and

applicability of the Philippines-Turkey Double

Taxation Agreement

RMC No. 32-2016

Announces the entry into force, effectivity and

applicability of the Protocol amending the

Philippines-New Zealand Tax Treaty

RMC No. 35-2016

Announces the availability of eBIRForms

Package Version 6.0 and other concerns

RMC No. 36-2016

Clarifies the effectivity of the submission of

certificate by the responsible Certified Public

Accountants on the compilation services for the

preparation of financial statements and notes


RMC No. 37-2016

Updates the list of documentary requirements

for the registration of each type of application

under Annex A of RR No. 7-2012, as amended

by RMC No. 70-2013

U P D A T E S f r o m t h e B U R E A U O F I N T E R N A L R E V E N U E

Page 8: PICPA Soars High! - Philippine Institute of Certified … Soars High! SUCCESS BEYOND BORDERS 2 Accounting Times Vol. 66 No. 3 March 2016

( With comparative figures February 28, 2015 & June 30, 2015)

UnauditedFebruary 29 February 28 June 30

2016 2015 2015


CPE Seminar fees 13,036,108Php 7,447,211Php 12,047,919Php

Membership dues 6,666,654 4,842,804 7,578,402

AWC receipts 1,369,982 2,346,370 2,484,495

Rental Income 1,310,872 1,435,717 2,184,787

Entrace and other fees 1,074,839 455,109 638,222

PICPA ANC Share 1,050,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

Rental and seminar share from chapters 722,810 1,109,462 1,546,502

Activities and committees income 565,065 173,354 39,729

Interest and dividends 334,037 497,529 942,453

Donations and solicitations 140,470 82,500 220,500

Sale of books 93,450 6,150 10,659

Total Revenues 26,364,289Php 19,396,206Php 28,693,668Php


CPE seminar expenses 5,176,767Php 3,077,981Php 5,278,514Php

Salaries and employees' benefits 4,618,258 4,848,221 7,496,617

Meetings, conferences & other activities 3,674,954 4,716,017 6,046,844

Depreciation 2,298,340 2,655,114 3,955,801

IFAC membership 1,067,579 826,563 1,678,583

Communication, light and water 1,117,500 1,241,364 2,134,939

Outside services 936,238 845,822 1,464,027

Board Expenses 777,765 1,025,056 1,590,391

Supplies 384,729 159,566 1,109,947

Taxes and licenses 301,537 295,433 444,707

Insurance 284,451 253,732 417,433

CAPA membership 173,406 173,406 173,406

SSS, PhilHealth, HDMF and other contribution 188,298 197,567 286,796

Accreditation Fee 147,000 140,150 189,180

Repairs and maintenance 180,284 180,360 261,709

Transportation and travel 97,669 140,386 185,700

Advertising 40,568 15,528 21,528

AFA membership 41,920 41,920 41,920

Presidents' Expenses - 238,041 360,548

Training and Development - - 72,820

Miscellaneous 278,372 121,674 72,832

Total Expenses 21,785,635Php 21,193,901Php 33,284,240Php Excess of (Expenses over revenues) Revenues

over expenses before income tax 4,578,654Php (1,797,695)Php (4,590,572)Php



(A Non-stock, Non-profit Organization)


PICPA National Office Only

For eight month period ended February 29, 2016