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  • 7/27/2019 pickup krauser


  • 7/27/2019 pickup krauser


    AUGUST 9, 2013 32 COMMENTSDuring my early twenties I followed boxing. Like all things I do I threw myselfinto it both in the training (action) and in watching and reading about it (theory). Id buy the major monthly magazines such as Ring and KO, read the weekly Boxing News, and tape trade to get the latest fights.Barkely, before enjoying his declineBarkely, before enjoying his declineOne thing that always fascinated me was reading about the champions who derail their own lives and careers. Guys like Iran Barkley who was still functioning asa human punchbag into his early forties, unable to step away from the familiar sounds and smells of the gym and the glare of the ring lights. Guys like James Toney who could dazzle in winning a title and then need a gift decision to hand onto it against a journeyman with only a fraction of his talent. As Toneys old trainer once said:Once James became champion he forgot everything that got him there.What is the psychological quirk in some high achievers that causes them to abandon a lifetime of struggle and dedicated work once they reach their goal? What does it feel like to dedicate twenty years to an Olympic dream and then finally stand on the podium to be awarded gold.. and mostly importantly, how does it feel the next morning when you shuffle into your bathroom in your boxer shorts to clean your teeth and see the gold medal lying on your table?What happens when we achieve the goals we dedicated our lives to? We are standing on the top of Everest looking down. There are no higher summits left to scale.

    Weve done it. What then?Let me tell you about notch #176Let me tell you about notch #176Having dredged the PUA swamp for Vince Kelvin I thought wed go to the other end of the spectrum and look at a man who has achieved every wannabe players dream. Hesaccumulated the notch count. Hes reached the upper tier of quality. What happensthen? So lets turn it over to Steve JabbaNick asked me to write this post, so here we are.Scaling the heights : traversing the upper levels of PUA DOM. For the numbers oriented amongst you this means stuff like:Meeting and shagging girls within 40 minutes on a train (well it could be 43 minutes or less depending on the prevailing track conditions, wind speed etc). Thatticks the box for speed seduction.

    Shagging 5 girls in a week from cold approach (multiple times) low approaches/ result ratioShagging 3 girls from one night out within a week, having met them all in the same venue low approaches / results nightgameShagging 2 girls from 1.5 hour of daygame, 6 approaches, both hot girls, low approach / result ratio from daygame (publically available and peer reviewed evidence was posted on the LSS about 4 years ago for the REAL sticklers / doubting Thomass (yes I have seen your comments on Nicks blog) It doesnt exist anymore so dontbother lookingShagging very very hot girls indeed the elusive 8-10's that everyone talks aboutbut virtually none can deliver High qualityThe 5:15 from Milton KeynesThe 5:15 from Milton Keynes

    So how does it feel to be in this situation? Whats changed?When I first found out about this stuff, I was something of a legend in my own mind. HA. A few close friends from my home town knew me as a guy who DID get results but also worked hard for it. From my own recollection I was plagued with social anxiety, depression and generally feeling like a square peg in a round hole.Now, 8 years later, here I am:No social anxiety and a strategy for cutting depression off at the knees beforeit is allowed to develop. No real depressive interludes for 5 years now. I attribute this to persistence and hard work, but game was the unrelenting magnifying glass that FORCED me to figure this out. Its hard to pull AND sustain a relationshi

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    p if you are insecure and depressed, like I used to be.Complete absence of jealousy / worry about where I am on the totem pole vis a vis Everything. It started off about 4 years ago that I had core confidence i.e. unshakable belief in my abilities with women. Now I am pleased to say this feelinghas spread to other areas of my life.In other words, I am very biased towards feeling internally validated. Happy in my own skin, not needing approval off others, no nasty doubting myself internal dialogue. This wasnt always the case.I feel a little sorry for the headless chickens who dont have this bias i.e. theyare playing someone elses game. Worrying about their peers, where they fit in, what car they drive, worry what their friends think, etc. They are playing by someone elses rules. What rubbish! Judge yourself by your own yardstick. Generally feeling content in my life just liking myself. High self esteem.I have a little compartment of my mind called women and that part is marked FIXED. more interested in other areas now making money and general personal growth andmanaging getting older. I am WELL aware that I am nearing 38 years of age and physical decline will come. It hasnt started yet but I know it is inevitable..I believe I have the right mindset in place to cope with this. The last thing I wantto become is a sad reflection of my former self, reliving old glories.I want toage with dignity and still preserve what I have, as much as possible.Increased ability to sustain a monogamous relationship. 6-7 years ago I just couldnt do it I had a genuine fear of commitment. Recognise this? Im closer now thanever to being able to hang up my boots and say right, I will give this relationship a goCloser, but not totally there. Either way, its big progress for me ( I use the word progress advisedly).

    Re women: I am much less active than I used to be. It takes really high qualitygirls to make me even be arsed to do anything. I approach maybe 1 or 2 a month,right now. Often nothing. I am still at my peak, I just dont use it anymore and have far less inclination / motivation to do so.Let me expand on this a little moreI still have love for this stuff. Beauty stillmoves me. When I get the chance, and Im in a roomful of beautiful women I switchonNothing makes me feel more alive than doing my thing in these kind of situations. Now I have the maturity to be able to pull out my best game around the very hottest of womenIts a motivator, rather than making me nervous / tongue tied, whatever.Quality, yesterdayQuality, yesterdayThe high standards were always there but whats changed is probably 2 things:

    I feel I have nothing to prove to anyone, so the racking up the numbers drive iscompletely absent nowI feel like I have put in my time. On some level I feel tired of having to spendtime in having to go out, cold approach.Its time for something new, so right now I am actually strategising towards building a different kind of game less reliant on cold approach. Im aiming to build anecosystem whereby very beautiful women come into my life by usingMy inherent value as a man which ive built up over all my time on earth. Note this isNo1. Without this, nothing fucking works. Its the BASIS of everything else. Entourage game / social circle game junkies looking for a hack take note!!Intelligent deployment of resources to make it easier and more convenient to access these kind of women. ( I have to get the resources first, of course. Attempting to build a passive income stream to facilitate this)

    A well chosen location to live. London is not ideal, by the way. And no, I am not going to tell you where this is. I put my time in travelling as Nick has done.You must do the same!The only remaining personality issue that I have is a very strong sense of entitlement. When I drink alcohol this comes to the fore and I can be quite unpleasantto be aroundBut it is this strong sense of entitlement that has driven me to where I want to be with women, and is now responsible for propelling me towards making a lot of money, so I am not sure that I do want to tone it down. (Incidentally, I was advised to do this by a CBT therapist and tried..But failed.)Over the years Ive leaned more towards a white knight mindset. I do recognise tha

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    t I have perhaps gone a little too far..I take on too much responsibility for looking out for girls, worrying about hurting them, to my own detriment and healthIt never used to be this way. Ive actually found recently that there are signs that girls now look up to me almost like a father figure.Let me expand on thisI think I see girls in a more pure way now.I still desire and ove them, of course..Always have done. But I recognise how fragile they are too.The power that they supposedly have doesnt intimidate me, and I actually cheer forthem when I see them revelling in it. A little wry smile appears. Girls are supposed to be coquettes sometimes, and tease boysSo I dont get resentful and think bitches.I think this is the natural order of things. Its their feminine essence.Recognising this, I am also able to screen far more effectively and quicker thanbefore. On the rare occasions that I see it, I now know when a girl is being acunt. I can recognise a genuine cunt from a girl who is just reacting based on insecurity, feminine pride, etc. Its not my job to help the cunts, all I can do isremove myself and screen them out. It works beautifully well.This has the knock on effect where I become somewhat enraged when I see misogynyin action in real life and in the so called manosphere. It should be renamed litteboyosphere in my view. I think that if you have these kind of views, youre not doing well with women, period. (Though I must confess I hardly ever bother readingor watching anyone elses stuff. Zero interest).Those are the internal qualities. Im writing this post stream of consciousness soyou may find it interesting that Ive always thought this way : i.e. how does this relate to ME. Solipsism in action.So there we go. If you do well with women you become a smug, self satisfied, arr

    ogantmonster who thinks everyone else is a muppet! What could be more compellingthan that get cracking!


    0:02 Tom tells me she gave Sam a brief look as she walked past, pre-approach. Whether Sam was standing like this at the time is unknown to me.0:17 Note how empty and slow the street is in contrast to the bustle of Oxford Street on a Saturday afternoon. Sam adjusts his energy accordingly. A playful jogto keep his playful state but no big jump-infront, just the looping Torero Drift0:24 I think her immediate laugh was in recognition that this is a guy shed justsmiled at. Girls giggle and laugh to communicate I like this, please continue rath

    er than this is funny. Its probably a Yes Girl, or at least a strong Maybe. He gotmajor points from her for being savvy enough to recognise an approach invitationand ballsy enough to act upon it.0:28 She stops dead. A strong hook. Note he reels off the usual words, really nice rather than over-egging it even though shes a proper hottie.0:31 Shes into it immediately. Sams biggest challenge here is to control his state. Hes got a very very hot girl infront of him and it seems to be hooking. Ive beenthere its hard not to immediately run around with your shirt over your head celebrating. Or to let your voice crack and your eyes give you away. He must continue to project I normally get this reaction from girls of your calibre. But inside,you know hes jumping for joy.0:37 Boilerplate language when she gives you her country is Ive never been to [country] but I imagine [assumption]. Like I said this is a textbook set. Note the te

    ase on the end and the giggle it gets.0:44 Where are you from? is confirmation of hook point. He answers briefly and vacuums which draws another question from her and.. light kino. Girls never kino youby accident. Its a strong hook and shes beginning to invest.0:56 Her hand on the hip is another signal that shes into this.1:05 He turns it back onto her but note how he cheekily references her legs to sexualise slightly. Man-Woman vibe. Smooth. Id have added like a flamingo. Or a giraffe.1:16 This is a strange eventuality to analyse. She leads him which is far from ideal, but there was no other option to avoid the car so he reframes it playfully

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    . It could also be read as investment from her.1:23 When she talks, let her talk. Whoever is talking is investing. Hes just standing still and looking at her. Probably putting a bit of eye-mesmer onto her, but the video isnt clear enough to tell. Resist the temptation to do too much.1:30 Nice compliance test. You must always get a girl to remove her sunglasses asap or itll prevent good eye contact. Im guessing he tried the eye mesmer and realised the glasses had to go.1:40 Unimpressed by her modelling, reframed to make her self-conscious. A textbook covert withholding of validation.1:46 Theres enough attraction now so Sam dials it down a bit with normal chat andprobes logistics. Its always good to ask why shes there in case you get a I leavetomorrow and you have to shift gears into SDL / idate mode.1:53 ok and I understand. The two most common things youll say as you start to der into investing. Note how the relative work rate between them has flipped now.2:01 An attempt to prod her into more investment (goulash) doesnt hit so he turns t into a mild challenge. She knows hes not gonna kiss her ass and agree with everything. This shows personal boundaries.2:10 Note her leg movement. Tom likens it to horses pawing the ground while theyare excited. Shes flush with adrenalin. You have to be careful here if you are trying to spike then this is great. However too much of it will detract from yourinvestment and settling her down enough to solidify the set.2:21 He turns it back to her again. Keep talking about the girl. Its hoists herby her own solipsism and also maintains a screening frame.2:30 Boom! Well call that a spike. She immediately tries to break the sexual tens

    ion.2:51 This is the weakest portion of the set. Bumbling a little, sounding a bit too keen. Its really hard to keep on point the whole way through with a hot girl,especially when youre ad-libbing it all. What the set really needed now was somegravitas. Lower the voice, talk about more boring stuff. Its too fizzy for too long.3:03 I think Sam can feel the momentum slipping now. Ideally hed want to stay another five or ten minutes to bed it down but that little bumbling moment has knocked him off-balance so hes decided to cut and run before he fucks up an otherwiseprofessional piece of work. I know that feeling of suddenly having the play taken away from you and no longer having access to the free-wheeling analogue word-play. Better to take a number now than fuck it up and get dismissed later.3:10 You can feel the drop in conviction on the close. Deep down hes a bit pissed

    off he couldnt hold the frame better. He stumbles on his words a bit and uptalks.3:17 Little things like having her point out the paper stuck to his foot could be mismanaged. He handles this one fine. Dont deny the reality of the situation, dont try and pretend you are James Bond. He laughes it off, authentically.3:23 How little names actually matter.3:27 Yet another IOI. Hes still in the game. Just remember street stops are a bigask. With a girl like this you are red-lining your car. Minor slips can send you skidding into the wall.3:42 Compare his vocal tone, pacing, and creativity to just thirty seconds ago.Hes regained his mojo now shes agreed to exchange numbers. Its subtle but its there4:33 Ask yourself this question: Does it look natural that a guy like him is witha girl like that? I think it does. Hes conveyed enough of his value in the past f

    our minutes that she no longer seems out of his league.4:49 Its important to act like getting her number is no big deal. Sure, its a postive but its not a major score. Hold the frame that a man like you expects to have girls like that. More grist to the mill.5:00 With a fully-returned mojo he decides to string it along a bit more, no longer in danger of blowing it.Django, unchainedDjango, unchainedOverall Im giving this set 7/10. It was textbook work on a top-tier girl with good attraction, decent investment and competent handling of a few curveballs. Howe

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    ver it was still missing elements to lift it into excellence. Specifically, Samwould have benefitted from:Greater gravitas. His voice remained quite soft and high and his body language abit weightless at times. He was more cheeky chappy than grizzly bear. Less movement, less uptalk, lower voice next time please.The energy wasnt sufficiently dialled down to engage in the boring chit-chat thatcharacterises good investment. The beginning was beautifully pitched and fizzybut after about a minute that needs to be dialled down. When youre in investmentyou are lulling her to sleep. All those flashy vids you see on Youtube are bullshit. Tight game quickly becomes like two narcoleptics almost nodding off.He dropped his bottle half-way through and had to pull out a recovery. Tight game doesnt have those dramatics. The best sets are like the best defence in football the opponents never gets into a position dangerous enough that the defender must make a last-ditch tackle. He needs more reference experiences with girls of this calibre to truly feel entitled to them.Ultimately she was a strong Maybe Girl. She made it relatively easy for him by complying from the beginning and putting alot of herself into the conversation. The real test is a girl who gives you the Russian Minute.