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Page 1: Picking the Right Hearing Aid for Your Situation

Picking the Right Hearing Aid for Your Situation

Individuals with newly diagnosed hearing

loss typically have lots of questions about

what the next steps are. Audiologists,

hearing specialists, and other hearing aid

providers can give lots of assistance through

the process. They are skilled at explaining

what types of hearing aids are available and

what options patients have to start hearing more clearly again.

The first step for most people is to choose the appropriate style of

hearing aid. Styles range from tiny in-the-canal hearing aids that

are almost invisible to the bulkier behind-the-ear hearing aids

that connect to a receiver situated in the ear. One of the major

factors that affects what hearing aids are even a possibility is the

degree of hearing loss, because some types of hearing aids

provide stronger amplification.

Audiologists can provide hearing aid help to determine what

styles are available to each patient. Individuals also need to

decide how much new technology they want to have in their

hearing aids. Although hearing aids have all come a long way

since they were first introduced decades ago, manufacturers are

always coming out with new models that incorporate more

technology to provide a clearer, crisper listening experience.

With the added features comes an added cost, so hearing aid

providers can help patients weigh the costs and benefits of each

style of hearing aid.

Page 2: Picking the Right Hearing Aid for Your Situation

The last consideration is how long the hearing aid itself will last

and what sort of services it will need to have performed. For

example, hearing aids with plastic tubing require replacement,

and all hearing aids have batteries that need to get changed. In

addition, children may outgrow hearing aids, so it’s best to

choose a model that can be refitted as the child grows.

For More Information about Hearing Aid Help,

Call American Hearing & Balance At: (310) 773-4453


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