Download - Philately, Fellowship, Fun€¦ · love of philately. Ed presented on KLM flight covers from Amsterdam to the Dutch East Indies. Ed’s presentation really was a history of KLM Airlines

Page 1: Philately, Fellowship, Fun€¦ · love of philately. Ed presented on KLM flight covers from Amsterdam to the Dutch East Indies. Ed’s presentation really was a history of KLM Airlines

November 2017 Number 29



Members attending the annual meeting inPenticton at the end of September cameaway with many great memories. The presentations were interesting - the foodtop notch and the socializing among the bestever - While the actual numbers attending were abit disappointing those who made the effortuniformly were of the opinion that this wasone of the most enjoyable meetings in a longtime.The executive is already working hard toensure that the next meeting slated for theVictoria area will be better yet.



Members elected Mark Oakley of theOkanagan as the next Chairman of theGroup- Mark, a retired Accountant, bringsnew enthusiasm to the job and is alreadyworking on making next year’s meeting aneven greater success

Our new Chair Mark Oakley has beenmarried 31 years and has 3 children whohave a mild interest in Dad’s “sticker”collection. Eldest daughter, Melissa has aframed display of each of Canada’sSupreme Court Law Stamps hanging in herlaw office, which oddly enough draws manyquestions from her clients. Carol assists mewith the Okanagan Mainline PhilatelicAuctions where I am the Treasurer andcomes to almost all of my stamp activitiesand of course looks the other way when myauction purchases show up on the creditcard..

Philately, Fellowship, Fun

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MEMBERSHIPMember attending voted uniformly forextending membership status to all membersof BNAPS who reside in the catchment areawhich includes the western United StatesBC and the Yukon - No fee is to be charged -events are to berevenue neutral - The new Chairman willsee that appropriate notices are sent to allthose on the membership list of BNAPSwho qualify for our group. All of thesemembers will receive notices - newslettersetc unless they notify us otherwise. Some members have volunteered to donatethe needed operating expenses.

We also extended the executive - which willnow look like this

Chairman - Mark Oakley Secretary/Treasurer Shirley Ann Frick Event Coordinator Gary Fisher Liason withPacific Northwest Stamp Clubs PeterJacobi Newsletter Editor Peter Fralick



With the change in format voted inChilliwack last year - we had morepresenters this time - judging by thequestions and comments they were all wellreceived and found interesting.

We’ll try to provide a synopsis of what wasshown and said at the meeting.

First up was Peter Jacoby with “My Favorite Collateral”. Which was a collectionof favorite things from the Kootenay mineera - we saw some things not to be seenagain I would think.

Then came Jack Isaacson with hisremarkable collection of early covers andmailings - dating back to the 1400's -amazing that something could have survivedthe vagaries of time and distance - fromItaly etc - to arrive in a small hotel inPenticton - but he did get it and managed toattract our interest -

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Peter Jacobi, Tim Woodland, Jon and Leanne Johnson

Ron Leith came from Vancouver to give hisshow of Victoria BC cork cancels - I didn’tknow the ins and outs of how they weremade and examples of such - highlyinteresting to the gang watching.

Then came Ken Pugh and “the AndreFordel/Fred Eaton Story” - how forgeriesthat were identified as such were made andsold - and some of the most interestinghistory behind the forgery setup - wheremany were not identified - anyhow welearned a lot I think.

That was the Saturday morning line up -after a good lunch we had morepresentations

Edward Haasdyk gave a bit of a differentpiece on “postal history of KLM flightsbetween Netherlands and Netherlands WestIndies” - showed the planes and pilots and alot of real history - the kind that doesn’tusually show up in books.

Then came the annual business meeting -theminutes of which to follow. This was followed by the banquet and guestspeaker, Sue Kershaw who spoke on TheLast Flight of HX313, the story of the plane,

crew, survivors and Belgians on the ground. She entertained and again judging from thequestions and comments managed to grabthe interest of those there.

Banquet Photo

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Sunday morning we heard from Jon Johnsonwith “WWII Canadian Merchant Marine “which was well presented - followed aCanadian ship as it went from place to placeacross the Pacific and almost around theworld - as a dutiful seaman sent lettershome to his Mother from each place -interesting to see the progress from place toplace - also interesting to see one of theletters with bits cut out by the censor - witha newspaper article a couple of days laterreporting the action that had been censored.

The last presentation was VendingAutomation of Canadian Postageby our special guest, Dave Bartlett -representing BNAPS. It was nice to see oneof the officers of our organization. He andhis wife added just a bit extra to themeeting.

A hearty thank you to the five of the sevenpresenters who volunteered to return theirpresenters honorarium to the Group - thusleaving us with a bit of cash for expenses.

This was the $50 thank you gift from theGroup to the presenters, voted in atChilliwack.


We tried something a bit different this time.Usually we use a hotel room for thehospitality setup. This year we used a smaller meeting room with a large table and chairs.This proved so successful it might be a goodidea for the future as well. People couldcome and go at their leisure and mix andmatch. We even had a sort of a crib gamerunning.


With the new rules for membership and thenew executive enthusiasm we could well beon our way to a rebirth of interest in groupactivities. This will be up to the members tolend a hand and make the belonging to be ahighly desirable affair.Has anyone else noted that small post officesno longer carry commemorative sheetstamps? They carry the coils of everydaystamps and booklets which is the only way toput something other than the ordinary littlecoils. I am told it costs too much to stock thecommemoratives. Many thanks to the BNAPS executive fornoticing the groups and taking an interest inpromoting their activities. When you get achance, tell them we appreciate this support.It is interesting to see the evolution of thegroup meetings. It appears we are on the wayback. Now if members would remember totell of possible conflicts we could avoidthings like the Vanpex conflict we had thistime. Mark is more in the mainstream ofclubs etc, which I was not, so maybe this willnot be such a problem.We would be interested in hearing fromanyone who has ideas as to how to interestthe local clubs in our meeting. One of themain reasons in moving the meeting around

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the province is to make it possible for localclubs to participate. For the last threemeetings we have had a grand total of fivepeople attending from the area where themeeting was held. Do you know of anyone whom you thinkshould be recognized on these pages? If soplease let us know so we can try to collectthe correct information and do so.


Thank you to our members for voting me asChair for our regional group for 2018. I amreally looking forward to working with ourexecutive to make membership in ourBNAPS group an enriching experience. Ourmotto is “Philately, Fellowship, Fun”. Getting together with a group ofknowledgeable stamp collectors to expandour knowledge of our hobby. What morecould one ask.

Firstly, join with me in thanking Peter forhis dedicated service as our Regional GroupChair for 7 years. Your volunteer service toBNAPS and your fellow collectors andphilatelists is appreciated beyond words.Thank you Peter. In keeping with Peter’sdedication to our hobby, he will becontinuing in his role as the Editor of ournewsletter.

Another decision taken at the Pentictonmeeting was a motion to extend regionalgroup membership to all BNAPS membersin our region. We also created an associatemembership for non BNAPS members whomay wish to join our group. This isdesigned for friends, associates and spouses’who wish to attend our events.

Our last meeting in Penticton, for me was agreat educational experience. As one of ourpresenters said, “to love stamps is to lovehistory”. I am always astounded by thedepth of knowledge that our presenters havein their subject areas. They truly have a

love of philately. Ed presented on KLMflight covers from Amsterdam to the DutchEast Indies. Ed’s presentation really was ahistory of KLM Airlines from inception tothe beginning of WWII. His flight coversdocumented to advancement of airplanetechnology and the tenacity of the pilotsserving their customers. Peter’s presentationon the history of the mining industry in theKootenays was outstanding. His presentationwas illustrated by postcards of many of theearly mining towns in BC. Ron’spresentation on the usage of cork cancels atthe Victoria post office was a study inpatience and detail. His presentation was ofparticular interest to myself as I have a smallcollection of small queens, many of coursewith cork cancels. Suffice to say, there was alittle something for everyone. Ken’s story onthe Frodel forgeries and the Fred Eaton storywas shockingly interesting. As a youngteenager, I used to frequent the Eaton storeon West Boulevard in Kerrisdale and that’swhere I received my first auctionexperiences. Also getting swept up in thebidding and paying the price. A lessonlearned young.

Thank you to our other presenters –Sue, Jonand Dave. Regrettably, I was unable toattend our Sunday activities but from allreports their presentations were of greatinterest to the membership and very wellreceived. I am certain these philatelists willcontinue to share their expertise with us atfuture events.

Planning is now underway for our nextgathering in Victoria 2018. If you have anyparticular areas of interest that you wouldlike to see explored, send forward asuggestion. If you have an area of interestthat you would share with your fellowphilatelists, please volunteer! The big newsis that we are trying to tie our meeting tocoincide with VICPEX to make the wholeexperience more enriching. Stay tuned as wewill keep you advised as further detailsbecome available.

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I look forward to meeting you personally inVictoria 2018.

Cheers, Mark Oakley

PS. Mark can be reached directly [email protected]


A chap from the Czech Republik haswritten asking if I know anyone who mightwant to exchange. He says he only wantsmint stamps in blocks preferably. Hespecializes in Olympics, particularly issuesrelating to Rio in 2016 and Sochi 2014 etc.If you are interested you could write . Hedoes not list a computer address - FrantisekUlrich - 538 54 Luze 106 Czech Republik.

FROM GARY FISHERI am interested in creating a list of membersand what their interest is. Please contact [email protected] with your name and whatyour subject or interest is and I will begin tocreate a list. Gary Fisher Vernon" To begin: my interest is Canada Post stationary andtown cancels. Thanks, Gary


I just came across this publication. It is"Canadian Railway Scenes", vol. #1 "GoodMedicine Books", Skookumchuk BC. 64pages. Lovely photos inside.

Articles about dieselization. Specifics reKettle Valley, and Crowsnest and KettleValley. Also Colquihalla Line. CowichanValley Line. There is a chapter on the B.C.Provincial Museum Train, as well as the

BC Forest Museum. I would cheerfully mailthis to one of the BC collectors. Contact meat: [email protected]

FROM PETER JACOBIFOR SALE: Peter's book. The book outlinesthe postal history of the discovery of thecopper-gold deposits of Rossland and followsthe early development of the city ofRossland, then goes into the formation of theTrail Smelter complex by Fritz AugustusHeinze and eventually the amalgamation of anumber of early mining companies to formthe " Consolidated Mining and SmeltingCompany of Canada, Ltd." or C.M.& S. forshort.

The book has 116 pages, 44 b&w and 109colour illustrations and sells for $25 plus $5.-for postage anywhere in Canada. Sendrequests to Peter Jacobi at [email protected] Payment by cheque please to Peter Jacobi,5767 - 185 St. Surrey, BC, V3S 7T1

Page 7: Philately, Fellowship, Fun€¦ · love of philately. Ed presented on KLM flight covers from Amsterdam to the Dutch East Indies. Ed’s presentation really was a history of KLM Airlines


Here’s an item that may interest you,welcome to put in newsletter if you wish. Not mailed but backside notation reads:“From B.F. Jacobsen Bella Coola”

Postcard is circa 1900 – 1910. Aquired atlast weekend’s Vancouver Rare Book,Photograph & Paper Show.


Visit us on Facebook at BNAPS PNWRG


Financial Report

June 1 2016 to October 31 2017


Dues 321.96

Interest 0.48

Donation 994.15

Penticton Registration 1,240.00

Total Revenue2,556.59


NW Federation Membership 27.05

Chilliwack Expenses 286.92

Penticton Expenses 1,939.96

Office Expenses 29.18

Total Expenses2,283.11

Net Revenue273.48Bank Balance May 31 2016 3,177.29add: Net Revenue 273.48

Bank Balance Oct 31 2017 3,450.77

Philatelic PhunnysDid you hear the one about the unstampedletter? Never mind, you wouldn’t get it

What did the envelope say to the stamp?

"Stick with me and well go places."

Other Funnies

I read that 4,153,237 people got married lastyear. Not to cause any trouble, but shouldn'tthat be an even number?

Did you know that dolphins are so smart thatwithin a few weeks of captivity, they cantrain people to stand on the very edge of thepool and throw them fish?

Page 8: Philately, Fellowship, Fun€¦ · love of philately. Ed presented on KLM flight covers from Amsterdam to the Dutch East Indies. Ed’s presentation really was a history of KLM Airlines



SEPT 30, 2017

Days Inn, Penticton, BC

Present: Peter Jacoby, Jon Johnson, JackIsaacson, Wayne Dods, Tim Woodland,Mark Oakley, Gary Fisher, Wanda Fisher,Bill Verbrugan, Ed Haasdyk, Ron Leith,Dave Bartlett, Peter Fralick, Paula Fralick

Guest: Leanne Johnson

1. Minutes:

Tim Woodland/Gary Fisher

That the minutes be accepted as circulated


2. Treasurer’s Report: There is noTreasurer’s Report at this time. It will bepublished the next newsletter.

3. Membership:

a. Mark Oakley/Gary Fisher

That all membersh of BNAPS that live inour catchement area be members ofPNWRG with no membership fee.


b. Mark Oakley/Gary Fisher

We will have an associate membership classwho will pay the current associatemembership fee and as set from time totime.


This means that guests invited to a PNWRGmeeting would pay the $10 associatemembership fee plus registration fee

c. Tim Woodland/Bill Verbrugen

That the associate member class have novoting rights in any PNWRG affair.


d. Mark Oakley/Bill Verbrguen

That the associate member fee for2017/2018 be $10.00


e. That visiting BNAPS members will betreated as PNWRG members re: membershpfees


4. Next Meeting:

a. Paula Fralick/Tim Woodland

That the next meeting be in Victoria


b. There was a discussion around the datesfor the next meeting and they havetentatively been set for Sept. 28, 29, 30,2018

c. There was the suggestion that everyone atthe meeting talk to 5 people and invite themto the next meeting, as a strategy to get newmembers.

5. Mark Oakely volunteered to be regionalcontact for the Okanagan

6. Information Item from Dave Bartlett:Items can be sent to BNAPS for thePNWRG web page. Our current newslettershave been on the page. Also there is aBNAPS Facebook page that we can add to.

7. Elections:

a. Secretary/Treasurer

Bill Verbrugen/Gary Fisher nominatedShirley-Ann Frick

Shirley-Ann was elected by acclamation

b. Tim Woodland/Bill Vergurgen

That we have a chairperson and an event co-ordinator


Page 9: Philately, Fellowship, Fun€¦ · love of philately. Ed presented on KLM flight covers from Amsterdam to the Dutch East Indies. Ed’s presentation really was a history of KLM Airlines

Dave Bartlett

Jack Isaacson and Peter Jacobi

Wayne Dods, Trudy Lajfar, Bill Verbrugen, Peter Fralick

c. Event Co-ordinator

Tim Woodland/Peter Fralick

That Gary Fisher be nominated as Event Co-ordinator.

Gary was elected by acclamation

d. Chairperson

Mark Oakely was nominated as Chariperson

Peter Fralick was nominated as Chairperson- Peter declined the nomination

Mark Oakely was elected by acclamation

e. Newsletter Editor: Peter Fralick wasnominated as Newsletter Editor

Peter was elected by acclamation


More Funnies

Money talks .. but all mine eversays is good-bye.

If you think nobody careswhether you're alive, try missinga couple of payments.

The pharmacist asked me mybirth date again today. I’m prettysure she’s going to get mesomething.

England has no kidney bank, butit does have a Liverpool.

I know a guy who's addicted tobrake fluid, but he says he canstop any time.

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Mast HeadChair

Mark Oakely - 1726 Sadin Court

Lake Country, BC V4V 1N9

[email protected]



Shirley Ann Frick - 10456 - 140B Street

Surrey, BC V3T 4P1


[email protected]

Event Co-ordinator

Gary Fisher - #101 3606 25th Avenue

Vernon, BC V1T 1P3

[email protected]


Newsletter Editor

Peter Fralick - Box 34 Hagensborg, BC

[email protected]
