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  • 8/3/2019 Philadelphia University Presentation 2012


    What Brain Science Can Tell Us about Improving

    Students Learning

    Developed by Professor Terry Doyle

    Ferris State University

    [email protected]

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  • 8/3/2019 Philadelphia University Presentation 2012


    What was Then

    Guido Sarducci Five Minute University

  • 8/3/2019 Philadelphia University Presentation 2012


    Brain Systems Relation to Complex

    Cognition and Behavior can only be explained

    satisfactorily by acomprehensive blend of theoriesand facts related to all the levelsof organization of the nervous

    system, from molecules, andcells and circuits, to large-scalesystems and physical and socialenvironments.

    We must beware of explanations thatrely on data from one single level,whatever the level may be. (AntonioDamasio, head of the Department of Neurology at theUniversity of Iowa Medical Center)

    Beware of

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    Left Brain-Right Brain Myth

    According to the myth,

    we would all be more

    successful and fulfilled

    people if we learned totap the full potential of

    both hemispheres.

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    Left Brain-Right Brain Myth

    Individuals do differ in

    the way they think

    through problems and

    reflect on the world,but this has nothing to

    do with different

    balances of power

    between theirhemispheres.

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    Left Brain-Right Brain Myth

    "But boiling it down into a leftbrain 'logical' and right brain'creative' approach does notfollow from what we see in

    how the brain operates.

    It also suggests you could beusing one hemisphere morethan the other and that's notreally how it works.


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    Left Brain-Right Brain Myth

    The two sidescommunicate with eachother and work togethervia a complex wodge ofneural cabling known asthe corpus callosum.

    The two sides of the

    brains arecomplementary and workin concert. ( Scott,2011)

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    What We Know about the Brain

    What we know aboutthe brain comes frombiologist who study

    brain tissue,experimentalpsychologist who studybehavior, cognitiveneuroscientist who

    study how the firstrelates to the second.(Medina, 2008).

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    Brain Based Education

    Where are we at in theacceptance of brain-basededucation?

    Harvard University nowoffers a master's degrees inMind, Brain and Education.

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    Brain Based Education

    Harvards mission is to

    build a movement in

    which cognitive science

    and neuroscience areintegrated with

    education in research

    and in practice.

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    We are Born to Learn

    The brain was meant to explore and learn

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    The Brains Needs

    The brain needs to

    function effectively:

    1. Exercise

    2. Sleep

    3. Oxygen

    4. Hydration

    5. Food (glucose)

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    Learning is when Neurons Wire

    Learning is a change

    in the neuron-patterns of the

    brain.(Ratey, 2002, Goldberg, 2009) neurons-small.jpg

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    Teachers Definition of Learning?

    Learning is the ability to use information aftersignificant periods of disuse


    it is the ability to use the information to solveproblems that arise in a context different (if onlyslightly) from the context in which the information

    was originally taught.

    (Robert Bjork,Memories andMetamemories, 1994)

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    Basic Finding from Brain Research as it

    Impacts Human Learning

    It is the one who does

    the work who does thelearning( Doyle , 2008).

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    Part One

    Our Students Mindsets

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    Two Kinds of Mindsets

    Growth Fixed

    Decisions made in middle school

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    Growth Mindset

    Students with a growthmindset believe theirbrain is malleable and

    their intelligence andabilities can beenhanced through hardwork and practice.

    They believe only timewill tell how smart theybecome.

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    Fixed Mindset

    In a fixed mindsetstudents believe thatintelligence is a fixed trait-- that some people have

    it and others don't -- andthat their intelligence isreflected in theirperformance (Dweck, 2006).

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    Growth Mindset

    A growth mindset is one

    in which students value

    hard work, learning,

    and challenges whileseeing failure as

    something to learn


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    Fixed Mindset

    Students believe they

    either shouldnt need to

    work hard to do well

    orputting in the effort

    wont make any

    difference in the


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    Fixed VS. Growth

    Intelligence is Intelligenceunchangeable . is malleable

    and can be


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    Fixed vs. Growth

    Look smart. Desire to learnis paramount.

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    Fixed VS. Growth

    Avoid challenges. Failure is seen

    as an opportunity

    to learn.

    Risks are necessary

    for growth

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    Fixed VS. Growth

    Make excuses Effort isand try to avoid necessary for

    difficulties. growth and


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    Fixed VS. Growth

    Criticism is taken Criticism is directedpersonally. at their current

    skills level. Know

    they can improve.

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    Mindset and Intelligence

    There is no relation

    between students'

    abilities or intelligenceand the development of

    a growth mindset.

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    Feedback and Mindset

    Praise their efforts and

    their strategies, not

    their intelligence.

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    Part Two

    Cognitive Enhancements

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    Cognitive Enhancements

    We have accumulatedenough knowledgeabout the mechanismsand molecularunderpinnings ofcognition at thesynaptic and circuitlevels to say something

    about which processescontribute (James Bibb of theUniversity of Texas Southwestern MedicalCenter)

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    Cognitive Enhancements

    Greater cognitive capacitymeans--

    1.More synapses

    2.Higher levels ofneurogenesis (more neurons)especially in the memoryforming hippocampus

    3. Increased production of

    BDNF which stimulates theproduction of neurons andsynapses, (Neuroscientist Yaakov Stern ofColumbia University)

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    Cognitive Enhancements

    Both neurogenesis and

    synapse formation

    boost learning,

    memory, reasoning, andcreativity.

    (Yaakov Stern of Columbia University)

    We can get smarter!

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    Attention and Cognitive Enhancement

    One of the strongest

    findings in brain research,

    is that attention is almost

    magical in its ability tophysically alter the brain

    and enlarge functional

    circuits (neuroplasticity).

    What we pay attention to

    is key!

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    Cognitive Enhancements

    Skills were already good atdont make us muchsmarter: we dont pay muchattention to them.

    New, cognitively demandingactivity like the martial artsor a foreign language ismore likely to boostprocessing speed,

    strengthen synapses, andexpand or create functionalnetworks (Yaakov Stern of ColumbiaUniversity.)

    We need to learn new


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    Nicotine Promotes Cognitive


    Nicotine enhancesattention

    Nicotine has significantpositive effects on finemotor skills, theaccuracy of short-termmemory, some forms ofattention, and workingmemory, among otherbasic cognitive skills.

    (Martha Farah, University of Pennsylvania)

    Scientists at the National Institute on

    Drug Abuse reported in a 2010

    analysis of 41 double-blind, placebo-

    controlled studies.

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    Nicotine is a Cognitive Enhancements

    The improvements likelyrepresent true performanceenhancement andbeneficial cognitive effects.

    The reason is that nicotinebinds to the brain receptorsfor the neurotransmitteracetylcholine that are

    central players in corticalcircuits. (Martha Farah, Universityof Pennsylvania)

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    Adderall and Ritalin are Cognitive

    EnhancementsThere are cognitive benefitsof stimulants like Adderalland Ritalin, at least in somepeople for some tasks.

    Studies show that bothdrugs enhance the recall ofmemorized words as well asworking memory, whichplays a key role in fluid

    intelligence.(Martha Farah of the University ofPennsylvania)

    The dopamine boost these drugs

    provide can also be obtained by just

    thinking/believing you can do better.

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    Adderall and Ritalin have Side Effects

    Ritalin and Adderall arenot without their ownhealth risks.

    Side effects includedifficulty sleeping,seizures, high blood

    pressure, loss ofappetite, depression,and many others.

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    What Enhances Cognitive


    Three things for sure

    1. Aerobic exercise

    2. Meditation

    3. Some Video Gaming

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    Exercise and Cognitive Enhancement

    Exercise is the single

    most important thing a

    person can do to

    improve their learning.

    (John Ratey, 2008, Spark, The

    Revolutionary New Science of

    Exercise and the Brain)

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    Exercise Stimulates Synaptic Growth

    Exercise stimulates the

    production of new

    synapses, whose capacity

    and efficiency underlie

    superior intelligence.

    (Art Kramer of the University of Illinois at Urbana-


    It thus provides more

    generalizable benefits

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    Exercise and Cognitive Enhancement

    Exercise influences

    learning directly, at the

    cellular level, improving

    the brains potential to

    log in and process new


    Ratey, 2008 p35

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    Exercise and Cognitive Enhancement

    Exercise increases

    production of

    neurotransmitters that help:1.Focus and attention


    3. Patience

    4. Mood (more optimistic)

    (Ratey, 2008)

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    Exercise and BDNF

    (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor )


    Miracle Grow forthe Brain

    (Ratey, 2008)

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    Exercise Produces BDNF

    Improves brain health

    Enhances the wiring of


    Is a stress inoculator

    Makes the brain cells

    more resilient

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    BDNF and Exercise

    In particular BDNF seems to be important for

    long term memories (Ratey, 2008)

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    Meditation and Cognitive

    EnhancementThe second form of overallcognitive enhancement ismeditation.

    Meditation can increase thethickness of brain regionsthat control attention andprocess sensory signalsfrom the outside world

    (Neuroscientist Amishi Jha of theUniversity of Miami)


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    Meditation and Cognitive


    The training has shown

    success in enhancing

    mental agility and


    (Neuroscientist Amishi Jha of the

    University of Miami)

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    Gaming and Cognitive Enhancement

    Some videogames might

    improve general mental

    agility (Yaakov Stern of ColumbiaUniversity).

    Games that require motor

    control, visual search, working

    memory, long-term memory, and

    decision making, plus require that

    elixir of neuroplasticity: attention,specifically the ability to control

    and switch attention among

    different tasks.

    Space Fortress Video Game

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    Gaming and Cognitive Enhancement

    People get better on

    tests of memory, motor

    speed, visual-spatial

    skills, and tasksrequiring cognitive

    flexibility (Yaakov Stern ofColumbia University).

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    Serious Games

    A serious game is a gamedesigned for a primarypurpose other than pureentertainment.

    The "serious" adjectiverefers to products used byindustries like defense,education, scientific

    exploration, health care,emergency management,city planning, engineering,religion, and politics.

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    Virtual Textbooks

    The Future is Here--AlmostClick on any bar in thetimeline, and that barexpands to a list ofimages, which in turn are

    linked to video about thatartist.

    That's key, because, like agreat documentary, it

    makes learning aboutwhat can be a fairlynarrow subject intosomething painless.

    Art Textbook

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    Part Three

    New Ideas about what

    Aids Our StudentsLearning

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    Rest after Learning Improves Recall

    The researchers found thatduring rest, the areas of thebrain were just as active asthey were when they were

    learning the task.

    The greater the correlationbetween rest and learningthe greater the chance of

    remembering the task inlater tests.Dr Lila Davachi, NYU's Department ofPsychology and Center for Neural Science.

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    Significance of this Finding

    Should Students not

    take classes back to


    "Taking a break after

    class can actually help

    you retain the

    information you just

    learned." Dr Lila Davachi

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    Naps Help Learning

    You need to sleep beforelearning, to prepare yourbrain, like a dry sponge, toabsorb new information (M.Walker, UC Berkley).

    A NASA study found pilotswho napped for 27 minutesin the afternoon improved

    their flying performance by34% over non nappingpilots(Medina 2008).

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    Caffeine + Sugar and Learning

    The combination of caffeineand sugar enhancedattention, learning andmemory.

    Improves cognitive performancein terms ofsustained attentionand working memory byincreasing the efficiency of theareas of the brain responsiblefor these two functions.

    (Grabulosa, Adan, Falcn, and Bargall, 2010 reported in thejournalHuman Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental

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    Caffeine and Sugar (glucose) and

    Learning Sustained attention and working

    memory (Smit et al., 2006),

    Situations of extended cognitivedemand (Kennedy and Scholey, 2004).

    Better performance was observedin a selective attention taskcoupled with direct effects onvisual cortical processing anddecision-making assessed byevent-related brain potentials (Raoet al., 2005).

    Improvements in attention anddeclarative memory tasks withoutsignificant changes in mood (Scholeyand Kennedy, 2004; Smit and Rogers, 2002).

    However, further studies are

    required, controlling for different

    levels of cognitive effort and also

    considering measurements of neural


    This study aims were to analyze the

    effect of consuming caffeine (75mg)and glucose (75mg), alone and incombination.

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    The Brain and Learning

    Natural selection

    resulted in a human

    brain that could solve

    problems of survival inoutdoor, unstable

    environments while in

    almost constant

    motion.( Dr. John Medina, Developmental Molecular

    Biologist, University of Washington and Author

    of Brain Rules)

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    The Brain and Learning

    If educators had set

    out to design a learning

    environment that was

    in complete oppositionto what the human

    brain is good at they

    would have designed

    the schools of yesterdayand today.

    (John Medina, Brain Rules, 2008)

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    The ability of the brain

    to rewire and remap

    itself by means of

    neuroplasticity isprofound.

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    Treating Developmental Disorders

    "Showing that it's

    possible to rewire a

    brain's white matter has

    important implicationsfor treating reading

    disabilities and other


    disorders, includingautism, Marcel Just

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    Dendrite Growth

    The picture show the

    dendritic growth that

    has taken place 20

    minutes into newlearning .

    See the new cellular


    (Cognitive Neuroscientist Janet Zadina, 2010)

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    Use it or Lose it

    When new material is

    not practiced the new

    dendrite tissue is

    reabsorbed by thebrain to conserve


    (Dr. Janet Zardina, 2010)

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    Learning Activates the Brains

    Reward Pathway

    Real life, meaningful,

    and authentic learning

    activates the reward

    pathway in the brain

    It is this pathway that

    keeps us alive

    (Dr. Janet Zardina, 2010)

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    Learning Activates the Brains

    Reward Pathways

    By giving us a jolt ofpleasure (dopamine)the reward pathwayworks to ensure that wewill repeat thebehaviors necessary tosurvive.


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    Multitasking Slows Learning

    It is not possible to

    multitask when it

    comes to activitiesthat require the

    brains attention.(Foerde, Knowlton& Poldrack, 2006)

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    Multi-tasking violateseverything we know abouthow memory works .

    The imaging data indicatedthat the memory task andthe distraction stimuliengage different parts ofthe brain and that these

    regions probably competewith each other.

    (Foerde, K., Knowlton, Barbara J., andPoldrack, Russell A. 2006. )

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    Our brain works hard to foolus into thinking it can domore than one thing at atime. It cant.

    When trying to do twothings at once, the braintemporarily shuts down onetask while trying to do theother.

    (3 Dux, P. E., Ivanoff, J., Asplund, C. LO., and Marois, R. 2007. )

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    Sleep and Memory

    "Periods of slow-wavesleep are very long andproduce a recall andprobably amplification ofmemory traces.

    Ensuing episodes of REMsleep, which are very short,trigger the expression ofgenes to store what was

    processed during slow-wave sleep."

    Sidarta Ribeiro, Duke University, 2004

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    Sleep and Memory

    "When you're asleep, it seems asthough you are shifting memoryto more efficient storage regionswithin the brain.

    Consequently, when you awaken,memory tasks can be performedboth more quickly and accuratelyand with less stress and anxiety."

    Matthew Walker, PhD, director of BIDMC's Sleepand Neuroimaging Laboratory and AssistantProfessor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School,

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    Awake but Off Line

    New findings suggest thatwhen the brain is sleepdeprived even though theperson is fully awake the

    neurons used for importantmental task switch off.

    This is likely to haveconsequences on mentalperformance and we likely

    function less well the longerweve been awake.

    Chiara Corelli,2011( Nature)

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    Short Term Stress

    Acute stress activates

    selective molecules

    called corticotrophins

    (CRH) releasinghormones, which

    disrupted the process

    by which the brain

    collects and storesmemories. (Baram,2010)

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    The Brain is Social

    Survival is accomplished

    by working with other


    Groups of brains

    almost always

    outperform a single


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    The Brain is Social

    The brain was built forcooperative activity.

    When it comes to the brain

    and cooperation, the whole isdefinitely greater than thesum of its parts,.

    We found that the brain ofeach individual participantprefers the combined activityover his or her own part.

    (E. Fortune ,2011 in Science)

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    Part Four


    Approachesto Learning

    and Recall

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    We Use all our Senses

    The traditional belief amongneuroscientists has beenthat the five senses operatelargely as independentsystems.

    However, mounting datasuggest interactionsbetween vision, hearing,smell, touch and taste are

    the rule, rather than theexception.Aaron Seitz Journal Current Biology, 2006

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    Senses Create Multiple Pathways

    The more senses

    used in learning and

    in practicing what

    has been learnedthe more pathways

    are available for


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    Smells and Learning

    Proust Effect is the

    unusual ability of smell

    to enhance recall.

    Best results when

    smells are congruent

    with the situation.Medina, 2008, Brain Rules, p.212

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    Vision Trumps All

    Vision trumps all other senses

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    Vision Trumps All

    Text and oral

    presentations are not

    just less efficient than

    pictures for retaininginformation they are

    way less efficient

    (Medina, Brain Rules p.234)

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    Vision Trumps All

    Oral information has arecall of about 10%after 72 hours

    Add a picture and therecall increases to 65%

    (Medina, Brain Rules, P.234)

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    The short-termadvantage of studypractice shows thatcramming can improve

    exam scores.

    Carrier & Pashler, 1992; Roediger &Karpicke, 2006b; Thompson, Wenger,&Bartling, 1978; Wenger, Thompson, &Bartling, 1980; Wheeler, Ewers, &Buonanno, 2003

    However, if the goal ofpractice is long-term

    retention of coursematerial, crammingappears to be an

    irrational behavior.

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    Cumulative Tests Work

    These studies show that

    reviews in general and

    cumulative tests in

    particular lead toimproved student

    performance (ThomasEdmonds, 1984)

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    Memory Rules

    1. Repetition over

    time (distributed


    2.Elaboration ofmaterial

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    Listen to the Music

    Do you know the lyrics to

    songs that you did not try to

    learn and do not want to

    know the lyrics to?


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    Practice over Time

    Distributed Practice is a

    major key to recall.

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    Recall It to Remember It

    The best way to buildmemories is to recallthe information eitherverbally or in writing.

    Just rereading orrepeating information ismuch less effective in

    building long termmemories.

    Practice quizzes are

    great study tools

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    Elaborations are the Key

    For better or worse, our

    recollections are largely

    at the mercy of our


    (Daniel Schacter author of the SevenSins of Memory)

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    Emotion and Memory

    Emotional arousalorganizes andcoordinates brain activity(Bloom, Beal & Kupfer 2003)

    When the amygdaladetects emotions, itessentially boosts activity

    in the areas of the brainthat form memories (S.Hamann & Emony, UN.)

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    Why Students Forget

    Review helps to limit the 3 Sins of Memory that

    commonly occur among students.

    1. Blocking information stored but cant be

    accessed (Schacter, 2001)

    2. Misattribution attributing a memory to the

    wrong situation or source (Zola, 2002)

    3. Transience memory lost over time (Schacter, 2001)

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    Part Five

    Patterns and Learning

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    Patterns and Learning

    The brain is a pattern

    seeking device that relates

    whole concepts to one

    another and looks for

    similarities, differences, or

    relationships between

    them. (Ratey, 2002, pg.5)



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    Which of the following

    slides is easier toremember and WHY?

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    Slide Two

    (491) 580-2979

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    Slide One


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    Slide Two


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    Familiar Patterns

    Clustering is used to organize related

    information into groups. Information that is

    categorized becomes easier to remember and


    In Teaching Reading


    Main Ideas-concepts, issues

    Significant Details

    Important ExamplesLists

    Names, Dates, Places

    Terms, Definitions

    f i

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    Common Patterns for Learning

    Similarity and Difference

    Cause and Effect

    Comparison and Contrast

    In students own words

    Teach your Students the Patterns in

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    Teach your Students the Patterns in

    the CourseHierarchal-- Chemistry

    Linear History, Math

    Rank OrderBusiness


    Concepts-- Social Sciences



    R f

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