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Villard de Honnecourt, 1235

Many a time have skillful workmen tried to contrive a  wheel that should turn of itself; here is a way to makesuch a one, by means of anuneven number of mallets.

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 Moreover, you might set yourself to prove that by

equiping such a wheel with many balances, every

 part, however small, which turned over as the

result of percussion would suddenly cause another

balance to fall, and by this the wheel would stand 

in perpetual movement. But by this you would be

deceiving yourself... As the attachment of the heavy

body is farther from the center of the wheel, the

revolving movement of the wheel round its pivot 

will become more difficult, although the motive power may not vary. 


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Buoyancy-driven electric power generator United States Patent 6734574

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George Linton (1821)British Patent 4632

Dircks (1861) p. 436

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Charles Redheffer, 1812

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First law of thermodynamics --energy is conserved in any process

involving a thermodynamic systemand its surroundings.

A violation of this would be aperpetual motion machine of the first kind .

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Second law of thermodynamics -- “No process is possiblewhose sole result is the transfer of heat from a body of lowertemperature to a body of higher temperature.” (Clausius)

Spontaneously, heat goes from hot to cold objects, and only

the reverse when work is done on the system, e.g.,pluggingin your refrigerator.

Alternatively, the entropy of systems tends toward amaximum.

A violation of this would be a perpetual motion machine ofthe second kind .

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The USPTO Manual of Patent Examining Practice states:

With the exception of cases involving perpetual motion, a model is not ordinarily required by the Office to demonstrate the operability of a device. If operability of a device is questioned, the applicant must 

establish it to the satisfaction of the examiner , but he or she may choose his or her own way of so doing .[13]

And, further, that:

A rejection [of a patent application] on the ground of lack of utility includes the more specific grounds of inoperativeness, involving perpetual motion. A rejection under 35 U.S.C. 101 for lack of utility should not be based on grounds that the invention is frivolous,fraudulent or against public policy.[14]

The filing of a patent application is a clerical task, and the USPTOwon't refuse filings for perpetual motion machines; the applicationwill be filed and then most probably rejected by the patent examiner,after he has done a formal examination.[15] Even if a patent isgranted, it doesn't mean that the invention actually works; it justmeans that the examiner thinks that it works, or that he couldn't

figure out why it wouldn't work.[15]

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USPTO wanted working model of perpetual motion machines, and if they worked for a year,

then they would be investigated...

Newman’s Energy Machine rejected for a patent...

Newman sued: Newman v Quigg. Judge sent device to lab. over Newman’s protests, and the

device failed the “K-Mart test”. Newman lost.

But support in Mississippi led to private relief hearing in 1986 in the US Senate, thanks to

Senators Trent Lott and Thad Cochran.

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'It's a simple enough

problem,'' he said. ''You

measure the input and you

measure the output and

 you see which is larger.

Would Mr. Newman agree

to that? If he does, what

laboratory would he like to

have make the



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'He brought his slow -

moving car to a stop aftertwo hours and said it could

have gone on and on.

Newman compared it to

the first flight of the

Wright brothers.''


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Newman charges conspiracy, but he is still pluggedinto to the electric grid...

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Antigravity Machine Patent Draws Physicists' IreBrian Handwerkfor National Geographic NewsNovember 11, 2005

 A perpetual-motion machine may defy the laws of physics, but an Indianainventor recently succeeded in having one patented.

On November 1 Boris Volfson of Huntington, Indiana, received U.S. Patent6,960,975 for his design of an antigravity space vehicle.

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The Haisch Quantum vacuum energy extraction system

The McQueen Internal energy generating power source

The Flynn Method for controlling the path of magnetic flux from a permanent magnet

The Gates Spring driven apparatus