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Here are guidelines for the design of the project when applying to Ph.D. program at the academy .!!Key factors for developing a compelling project :!!Describe a feasible and well planned project!!Display good overview of relevant research in the field and formulate research questions!!Good link between theory and method!!Originality!!Scope!The project description should include a maximum 2000 words (equivalent to about 5 pages with font Times New Roman, 12 point font and 1 1/2 spacing. In addition, reference lists , in alphabetical order . Applications that do not comply with these limits will not be considered!!!Outline!The project outline should explain the following points which can also be used as headings :!!Title ( informative and concise )!!Short summary ( about 10 lines)!!The abstract should briefly summarize the main points below. The purpose is to give the reader enough information to assess the project's academic potential , but also the relevance of the Academy's research activity. A summary the project in its short form , the idea is that a well thought-out project also is briefly outlined project .!!Research question / hypothesis (about half a page )!!One issue is a presentation of what constitutes the project's core and academic motivation. The issue should answer the "what" , "how" and "why " . A hypothesis may be advantageously presented.!!The issue will clarify and articulate what is the project's main challenge and contribution , it shall also provide the reader of this outline a relevant perspective for understanding the design of the project.!!Background of the project ( 1-2 pages)!!How can the project complement previous research and contribute new insights ? The project must relate to existing research, you must demonstrate knowledge of similar research projects and relevant literature. Present the project's originality and novelty . Arguments for why it is important to invest in this project.!!Conduct literature searches ( RILM , JSTOR , BIBSYS etc.) .!!Theoretical framework (1 /2 to 1 page )!!What theoretical positions you want to apply to your material ? How can theory illuminate the problem ?!!Materials and Methods ( approximately 1 page )!!

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Describe the material or sources you will use in your project. Explain how the issue should be examined according to the choice of material. Which method or methodological choices governs your interaction with the project material?!!Describe the data / material (eg . Original texts, secondary sources , fieldwork , interviews , participation , statistics, etc. ) to be used , and how it will be collected and analyzed.!!Additional Information!!Present the card to your background and qualifications that make you suitable for the project. Describe any partners or research networks that are relevant to the project . Arguments for the project's feasibility. Need a project abroad ? Linguistic qualifications mentioned explicitly in the extent relevant for the project.!!Dissemination!!How will the project be communicated? ( Monograph , articles , lectures , CD recording , web presentation , presentations / posters at conferences , etc ) .!!Work schedule!!Make a schedule for three years , divided into six semesters, where you list the key milestones for the project. Also include education section ( course / event ) and any study outside the Academy . Everyone should expect that the first term is mainly spent on courses and essay writing on scientific theory and method (part of the training component ) .