Download - PHASE 5: TESTING (connectacorner)


Phase 5: Testing  

Concept: Storyboard 1

Buzzfeed Quiz: What Type of Lonely New Yorker Are You?








Results determine your corner: Homie Hermit: DESIGN CORNER


Real life results based on user interaction with the quiz:

Sara Stojchevska got the HOMIE HERMIT Loner Vanna Chan got the FOODIE Loner Jennifer Vu got the FOODIE Loner Jason Pan got the HOMIE HERMIT Loner

Concept: Storyboard 2

Follow The Tweets - On Social Media

Concept: Storyboard 2

Follow The Tweets - Around New York City Streets

A personality quiz through storytelling- via tweets posted up on walls and buildings throughout the city.

Follow through the tweets to find out which type of “Lonely New Yorker” you are!

Depending on your result, there will be a location revealed to meet up at- either the Foodie, Music, URL/IRL or Design corner.

Your results will lead you to the address of the corresponding Connect-A-Corner e.g. Foodie Loner = Foodie Corner, Hipster Loner = Music Corner

Quotes from user 1: (Adam Goodman)

"It's interesting we're having this conversation now because of this concept of connect-a-corner"

I would definitely support this and go to this.

Is this a business you're creating? As someone who has started businesses before I could see potential in this

Using technology in a way to connect people is beneficial because there is an emotional disconnection and dilution of emotions due to constantly using technology to communicate- this is a good way of repairing that"

Key Insights:

Through the different “Testing” methods, we were able to get feedback on how effective the concept of Connect-A-Corner is.

We were able to identify areas of improvement that can changed when it comes to the final service.

The User Trials allowed us to gain insight from potential users by giving us detailed feedback and engaging with our potential demographic on a personal and intimate level.