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  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1



  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


    A Publicaon of the Student

    Goverment of the Francis W.

    Parker School :

    Published November 2011

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  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


    by Nick Coetzee

    These pearly sands Ive grown to love,

    The waves crash with foam of white,

    I turn my head and look above

    To see the reworks.

    The sandpipers get a little scare;

    They scamper across the tide.

    The light from moons night glare

    Illuminates the sand as the waves.

    A special evening, without a doubt -

    Every year it returns with relief.

    This year, though, resolutions were stout,

    Determined, but rather brief.

    The warm ocean breeze runs through my hair

    The waves crash on my feet in a heap

    Nothing is better than this refreshing night air

    Time to put this year to sleep.

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    by Nicole Hunter

    Singular man rowing on the black sea

    That the man swears was blue at some point

    Though that mightve been long ago

    He does not know.

    He rows his black boat in a straight line

    because that is what his father told him to do

    That if he did

    he would end up somewhere better

    And so the old man rows

    In a straight line

    Into the dark twister raging

    not even a nautical mile away

    When he notices

    the little gray puppy had turned to a dog

    And then he noticed that he had


    Any tears the man could have shed the body

    refused to allow

    So with eyes and mouth equally as dry asmonth old toast

    he pushes the dog into the water

    where it soon embraces him

    Then takes him under

    As if it were alive

    Or envious of life

    And then

    The salt and pepper man

    takes the oars again

    And begins to row

    Up a black wave

    In the black sea

    In a straight line.

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  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


    by Nicole Hunter

    I dont remember your face

    Nor your sound

    Nor the presumably warm feeling of your embrace

    Those memories were lost when I saw you last.

    In place of all those other memories I was

    branded with a scent

    Your scent I mean

    Not the most recent scent

    That one I have luckily forgotten

    The smell of what seemed to be thousands of years before

    that when you were still animated


    You smelled like a man should

    Like a lumberjack like that lumberjacks castle

    and the pine forest where we used to hikeAnd the cigarettes that your granddad used to smoke.

    He said that they would kill him.

    And they did.

    And now the same has happened to you

    The charcoal still smells like cigarette smoke

    and the dirt still smells like pine

    In the castle where we couldnt see the sky

    And the grave where I left that sweet smelling vine

    Smells like both of those things combined.

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  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


    by Meghan Randolph

    Its a street known across color lines,

    Corners that change with neighborhoods,

    Spiced by the world wafting through window screens.

    Hidden in the depths of Rogers Park,

    An overlooked intersection

    On a street that never quiets,

    Is a corner that paints blues and greens over door-


    With unabashed expression.

    It speaks of tacos synonymous with futbol,

    Serving wisdom dipped in salsa

    To women holding babies swaddled in Africa.

    A community being preached from the pulpit

    Of a 24-hour Currency Exchange,

    Sermons are spoken in the universal language

    Of the body:Crooked smiles,

    Eyebrows raised,

    Eyes searching through the

    Shadows of crinkled foreheads,

    A hand outstretched.

    Here no one cares if you speak

    In broken English,

    Because everyones a little bit


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  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


    WhiteBy Ariel Kaufman

    Its been a long time since

    It really snowed.

    Like a ower falling over your eye

    In the glow of a clouded day,

    When your ngers are frozen

    In a sea of crystals shooting whiteness

    Like a gun so silent

    It can take your breath away

    With nothing left but the tapping of your


    As the winds cease for a small moment

    The oceans of glassy powder stop

    Everything from moving

    Like a forest re in a hurricane.

    So for a nite momentI can put my nose to the window

    And it casts a shadow

    so white.

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  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


    by Nicole Hunter

    When we went on the road

    How long ago was that?

    Feels distant as memories of our own birth

    With our egos fat as the lords

    And a hummer big as Americas fat ass

    And a thousand bucks that we saved fromWhatever it was we did.

    We thought it would be easy as picking a single blade of grass.

    Between food and drinks we ended up in the

    middle of the desert in Texas

    dry as a chain smokers hello

    with $40 for gas

    good for 36 gallons

    Good for 2 miles and some change.

    I remember slapping you quick as a dominatrixs whip for crying

    Wasting water as if we were in the middle of

    Fucking lake Baikal

    Instead of the biggest desert in America.Do you remember how we sat there and baked

    Like pot addicts in the noon day sun?

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  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


    by Emily Lipson

    Violently I squirm

    Under the weight of the thick soil

    Disagreeably pressing on my undeveloped buds

    My seed is a product of the core below

    The ground, the land, the moist, warm,

    underlayers of thick crust of earth

    act as my solicitous womb

    I grow beneath the iron megopolis,

    the coal-powered factory,

    the toxic cestpools of crude oil waste

    Detached from the industrial world,

    I am but a creation of it

    My home, infused with vitamins, minerals,

    insects, termites, roots, and sediment

    Is just an illusionAs my peeping stems

    penetrate the walls of this haven

    and seek the truth above

    Where reality gleams its ostentatious light

    That light is uorescent and

    hangs heavy from a factory ceiling

    Flickering without rhythm

    I dont see the illumination,

    but have a sure sense of it above me

    Get me out of this natural abodeThe bright light of heaven is calling

  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


    by Nicole Hunter

    Mama, you always told me that life was like

    being thrown into a desert

    with no shoes no food

    and just a small canteen of water.

    She told me that life was going to be shit.

    Thats exactly how she said it too.

    Kiddo, life will be shit.Most likely youll never want to die though.

    So youll drag yourself forward.

    Gasping for water she said.

    Wild with hunger.

    Someone will whisper to you that if you make it

    to the other side youll be rewarded with an eternal oasis.

    And so you will trudge on

    And if you are strong

    Enough to hunt and eat the weak

    Then every once and a while you will nd some water

    But this will eventually dry up or the pull of paradise will pull you onAnd on.

    A small paradise for the lucky with plump and wild geese

    with palm and a coconut scented beach.

    Mama, Im nearly at the other side of this desert.

    Mama, since I started walking I have found no water, no oasis no peace

    Mama, I fear that the desert does not end.

    I fear that if it ends that all there will be is a chasm.

    Mama, mama I fear you lied. I fear you lied to me. To get me to live.

    Mama, and if you didnt then why did you yourself give up on your journey?

    Mama, mama, all I see are marigolds.

    I see no source of water nor does light touch this place.

    Mama I fear that this is the end,

    In this place with Marigolds where the sun does not show.

    Mama I

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  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


    by Meghan Randolph

    At my Grandmothers house

    I used to collect reies.

    I would gather them in my arms

    And place them in mason jars,

    Believing that somehowTheir luminescent heartbeats

    Would ward off

    The dark unknowns

    Of a room

    Unfortunately unfamiliar.

    A room where Id sit

    Knee-deep in memories,

    Stuck on the possibility

    That an eighth grade book report

    And a sketchbook from 1983

    Could somehow part theirGraphite lines

    And offer up

    My mother.

    At my Grandmothers houseThey call me Suze

    Because my face paints

    Lines that are

    Mirror images

    Sought out only

    To comfort a family

    Missing a member.

    But there is transparency

    In my purpose.

    Like the tiny reies innocently kept

    To protect

    Against all that cant even be seen,

    I am just a faade.

    Nostalgia plays tricks

    On the eyes,

    And life

    Has a funny taste for irony,

    So what is seen

    Is just a mirage

    Of what wants to be seen

    At my Grandmothers house.

    At my Grandmothers House

    I used to collect reies.

    I would gather them in my arms

    And place them in mason jars.

    But like all things do

    At my Grandmothers house,

    My reies are sinkingTo the bottom of the mason jar,

    Fading with each pulse

    Of their lights



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  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


    by Nina Friend

    Regret is the prison cellThat locks us behind steel

    Leaves the key within our sight

    A choice we cant repeal

    Looking out the cell window

    Sky churns stormy madness

    Youd never see a rainbow

    Your smile drooping sadness

    Regret a single moment

    The slow blink of an eye

    Leaves you clinging to that moment

    Keeps you wondering why

    by Noah Mintz

    Sitting, on the ground

    They stay,A pair of shoes, once mobile

    Now so forgotten and lifeless,

    Brown, like leaves in Fall

    Are they,

    Laces tying together

    The two too still empty shells,

    The stitching on the sides winds

    Its way,

    Around the dark canvasLike treading to a churchyard,

    These vacant vessels that carried

    Through days,

    Falling with each step,

    Have fallen.

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  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


    by Meghan Randolph

    Wind whispered

    conspiracies in between her toes

    when he opened the sheets up like

    double doors.

    Her eyelids uttered

    to the beat

    of his keys jangling towards

    always leaving.When the breath

    escaped the souls

    of his feet,

    her cheeks burned

    like red lights on sallow skin,

    sunken with broken promises.

    But her bones couldnt stop


    They chattered about

    the love she thoughtshe made a verb,

    and the words

    tailgated red blood cells

    through heart valves,

    lling holes in with roses.

    But roots cant breath in blood,

    and owers always

    wilt in winter.

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  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


    by Nicole Hunter

    Dance, Dance little puppet

    Dressed in blue and green

    Twirl like re

    Churns when fed on wood and esh

    Dance until your arms and legs grow weary

    And then dance some more

    Until you realize that the voice speaking is not your own

    And the strings attached to every part

    Of your wooden body

    Then suffer until the pain becomes too much

    And the mind turns to mush.

    Then with the last you have light it upAnd watch it burn.

    Flecks of skin sizzle like strips of bacon

    In the frying pan that your mama never made for you.

    And my prince

    The princess, and the king and queen

    Will burn like

    logs into a roaring ame

    Watch it all turn to dust and know that you will not burn

    Though the res leathery tongue will lick the

    cheek singeing what used to be pristine wood.

    Watch until the black pearls the master gave you

    for eyes fall out and then smellThe ash youve created. Huff it like a coke addict

    huffs snuff after a six month rehab program

    And when you have gotten used to the scent

    Then remember the sight, the smell and the sound of

    your dearly beloveds scream

    The maggots and worms will not come for you or the strings

    attached to you instead they will eat around.

    Everyone around you.

    The coyotes will come and feast upon the

    deeply cooked esh that used to be the man

    You wereYoull hear the ripping ligaments and the rending of esh.

    You shall not sleep, there is no respite for you here.

    Then years from then when the land has

    long since been repaired

    And you stick out like a sore thumb

    you will be whisked away

    By the masters son.

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  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


    By Meghan Randolph

    Flower children between the moons

    Kicking off their shoes to feel their feet running

    Free, stringing stars to adorn themselves in wild

    Costumes, and breaking through

    Unknown astronomical layers lost in the wild

    Night sky. And while theyre running

    Free, the night time dreams of moons;

    Moons running wild


    Wild running moons

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  • 8/2/2019 Phaedrus 2011 Issue #1


    Tali Halpern........................................................3, 13, 38

    Halle Farago.................................................4, 5, 6, 7, 32

    Nick Coetzee................................................................ ..6

    Nicole Hunter..........................................7, 12, 20, 27, 42

    Alexandra Harmel.........................................8, 10, 48, 49

    Finnian Macmanus...................................................9, 25

    Noah Mintz..............................................................11, 37

    Patrick Hartman...............................................12, 33, 41Meghan Randolph.................................14, 15, 34, 39, 47

    Ariel Kaufman..............................................................16

    Eliza Mozer.............................................................17, 21

    Andy Gordon..........................................................18, 19

    Evan Silver........................................................22, 23, 43

    Naomi Saito............................................................22, 23

    Zo Sonnenberg............................................................24

    Emily Lipson................................................................26

    Chloe Slzas.................................................................28Hannah Figa................................................................29

    Arielle Homer.........................................................30, 31

    Lucy Svoboda...............................................................32

    Rachel Tseng....................................................34, 35, 46

    Lauren Wiebe...............................................................36

    Caroline Carter.......................................................... .36

    Nina Friend.................................................................37

    Lucy Hartman.......................................................... ...40

    Lily Homer.............................................................44, 45

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