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Updated 11/01/2018


Associate Professor Organizational Learning and Change

Hasselt University | Business Economics Research Center for Entrepreneurship & Family Firms (RCEF) Phone: +32 11 268693 | E-mail: [email protected]

Personal details Nationality: Belgian Date of birth: April 9, 1976 Work address: Agoralaan 1 - Building D, BE-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium Academic positions 2015 - present Tenured, Associate Professor Organizational Change & Learning,

Hasselt University, Belgium 2012 - present Affiliate Professor, School of Business & Economics, Jyväskylä

University, Finland 2009 - 2014 Untenured, Assistant Professor Organizational Change & Learning,

Hasselt University, Belgium

2007 - 2009 Postdoctoral researcher, Hasselt University, Belgium Position on Editorial Boards 2017 - present Member Editorial Review Board Journal of Family Business Strategy

(SSCI) Education 2012 PhD in Business Economics, Joint Degree, Hasselt University, Belgium 2012 PhD in Economics & Business Administration, Joint Degree, Jyväskylä

University, Finland

2007 PhD in Social Sciences, Organizational Psychology, Tilburg University, The Netherlands

2006 Personal development Program Matrix – Leadership & coaching in connection (sensitivity training, process consultation skills, interpersonal and group consultation), Hasselt University, Belgium (Certificate)

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2000 Master in Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Leuven University, Belgium

Research interests Quality of relational practices, change and learning processes in a diversity of contexts (team, organization, supply chain, network), strength-based change and leadership (appreciative inquiry), process consultation/humble inquiry, qualitative research methods.

Teaching interests and teaching activities Organizational change and learning, strategy formation, sustainable entrepreneurship, business ethics, organizational psychology, HRM, family firm dynamics, qualitative research methods (in particular theory development from cases). I have obtained CEFR level C1 on the Interuniversity Test of Academic English (ITACE). Executive education/MBA/post-graduate/adult learning programs 2017 - present HRM Anders (Hasselt University) 2016 Training process facilitation for accountants and coaches (Stakeholder

Platform of Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship) 2015 - present Postgraduate Patient Safety (Hasselt University) 2013 - present OpenBorders MBA (Hasselt University, FH Aachen & HEC-ULg

Management School) 2013 - 2015 HR Leadership (Hasselt University) 2007 - 2013 Human Resources Management (Hasselt University) 2011 - 2014 Entrepreneurial University (Hasselt University, Cluster Ambassadors,

for senior entrepreneurs of family businesses and ex-entrepreneurs) 2012 - 2015 CIGO Program (Consultancy in Groups & Organization: Leuven

University & Hasselt University in collaboration with Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA)

Courses (bachelor and master level) 2017 - present Research themes in Commercial Sciences (Bachelor’s level,

Commercial Sciences, member of the teaching team)

Participants have consistently provided my contribution with high scores. I consider these programs as very important as they are important means to valorize my research, translating knowledge and making it “work” in practice to the benefit of business and societal actors.

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2016 - present Business Ethics and Corporate Governance (Master’s level, Business

Economics, Business Engineering, co-coordinating lecturer) - New course

2016 - 2017 Business Management (Bachelor’s level, Business Engineering,

member of the teaching team) - New course 2016 - 2017 Corporate governance (including ethical aspects) (Master’s level,

Business Economics, Business Engineering, co-coordinating lecturer) 2015 - 2016 Governance and Accountability (Master’s level, Business Engineering,

member of the teaching team) 2015 - present Exploration at Hasselt University (Bachelor’s level, Faculty of

Medicine, member of the teaching team) 2014 - present Organizational change and strategy formation (Bachelor’s level,

Business Economics, coordinating lecturer) 2009 - 2014 Organizational behavior and strategic management (Bachelor’s level,

Business Economics, coordinating lecturer); I have renewed this course into Organizational change and strategy formation in 2014.

2009 - present Sustainable entrepreneurship (Bachelor’s level, Business Economics,

coordinating lecturer) - New course 2009 - present Strategic management (Bachelor’s level, Erasmus, coordinator) 2007 - present Family firms (Master’s level, Business Economics, co-coordinating

lecturer) - New course 2008 - 2013 Research methods. Case study approach (Bachelor’s level, Business

Economics, member of the teaching team) - New course 2008 - 2009 Strategy and ethics (Bachelor’s level, Business Economics/Business Engineering, Coordinating lecturer) 2007 - 2008 Research methods and psychology (Bachelor’s level, Business Economics/Business Engineering, Member of the education team) Communication skills (Bachelor’s level, Faculty of Medicine, Member of the education team) 2007 - 2008 Organizational Behavior (Bachelor’s level, Business economics,

Business Engineering, coordinating lecturer) 2001 - 2003, Organizational Psychology (Erasmus, Coordinating 2007 - 2009 lecturer)

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2002 - 2006 Competence management (Master’s level, Business Economics, coordinating lecturer) - New course

2001 - 2002 Organizational Psychology (Bachelor’s level, Business Economics,

Business Engineering, coordination lecturer)

Awards and distinctions 2015 Shortlisted for the Alan Moon Memorial prize for the paper “Career: A driver of

family business involvement for next generation family members?” (Murphy, L., Lambrechts, F., & Huybrechts, J.) at the 16th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe, Cork, Ireland.

2015 Award for Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, Journal of Family Business

Strategy. 2014 Best Conference Research Paper award for First-Time Presenter for the paper “How

about this other succession option? Gaining a deeper understanding of the conditions under which a nonfamily CEO can thrive” (Kelleci, R., Lambrechts, F., Voordeckers, W., & Huybrechts, J.) at the 14th Annual IFERA World Family Business Conference, Lappeenranta, Finland (R. Kelleci, a PhD student of mine, was the first-time presenter).

2012 The University of Alberta Best Research Paper Award for the paper “The

Distinctiveness of Family Firm Intangibles: An Empirical Study” (Huybrechts, J., Voordeckers, W., Lambrechts, F., Steijvers, T., & Lybaert, N.) at the 12th Annual IFERA World Family Business Conference, Bordeaux, France.

2009 Nominated for the Best Paper Award for the paper “Co-creating psychological

ownership for the changing family firm: Applying a relational practice perspective” (Lambrechts, F., Koiranen, M., Grieten, S., & Bouwen, R.) at the 5th EIASM Workshop on family firm management research, Hasselt, Belgium.

2000 Schelstraete & Desmedt Human Resources Award for Best Master Thesis in

Organizational Psychology, Leuven University, Belgium.

I love to teach. I use a mixture of lectures, experiential learning exercises and cases, small group work, paper assignments and class presentations to foster learning. My students have been describing my courses as very interesting and interactive, always linking theoretical concepts with examples from practice, and my teaching style as passionate, engaged and clear. Because of my engagement in the business community, my teaching has a strong grounding in organizational life. I have always been committed to the continuous improvement of all my courses. My student evaluations demonstrate a consistently high rating of course content and teaching quality. I have been facilitating numerous bachelor’s and master’s theses, of which the latter have been awarded several times the VKW Limburg (employers’ organization) prize for best thesis in collaboration with a local company.

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Development of three International Cooperative Agreements on Joint PhD programs 2009-present Cooperative Agreement on a Joint PhD Program between Hasselt University,

Belgium (Faculty of Business Economics) and Jyväskylä University, Finland (School of Business & Economics) - Four out of five students already defended their PhDs successfully

2017-present Cooperative Agreement on a Joint PhD Program between Hasselt University,

Belgium (Faculty of Business Economics) and Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland (School of Business & Management)

2017-present Cooperative Agreement on a Joint PhD Program between Hasselt University,

Belgium (Faculty of Business Economics), developed together with Professor Voordeckers, and Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy (School of Economics, Department of Management & Law)

Research stays In order to deepen collaboration, and broaden and build my international network, I engaged in five research stays: 2015 8-day stay at Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of

Management, Visiting scholar and facilitator CIGO executive program (Host: Professor Ronald Fry). USA, Cleveland, March

2014 8-day stay at Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of Management, Visiting scholar and facilitator CIGO executive program (Host: Professor Ronald Fry). USA, Cleveland, March

2013 One-month stay at University of Alberta’s School of Business, Centre for Entrepreneurship & Family Enterprise, Visiting scholar on invitation (Host: Professor Lloyd Steier). Canada, Edmonton, October 22-November 22

2009 - 2012 Six-months stay at Jyväskylä University’s School of Business & Economics, Visiting scholar on invitation (Host: Professor Matti Koiranen). Finland, Jyväskylä, several visits up to and including 2012

2008 15-day visit at Jyväskylä University’s School of Business and Economics and Helsinki University’s School of Economics, Finland

Valorization and procurement external project funding I have acquired a considerable amount of external project funding through various financing channels. Since mid 2009, I attained 418 337 euros, of which 229 387 euros as a project supervisor and 188 940 euros as a project co-supervisor. These projects included: - Bilateral international cooperation (BOF Bilateral and Short stay)

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- PhD research (BOF New Initiatives) - Collaborative research (funded by either the European Fund for Regional Development or the European Social Fund) with the local employers’ organization VKW Limburg, which nurtured productive relationships with the business community and provided high-quality research data. Moreover, as a result of the work of my colleagues and I in the executive continuing education program HRM, I was able to invest approximately 54 500 euros in an extra PhD student. Internal policy functions 2017 As a member of the UHasselt values/mission/vision work group, I actively

contributed to the renewal of the organization-wide mission and vision statement of Hasselt University

2016-present Chairman Education Management Team Business Economics, bachelor and


2014-2018 Vice chairman Accountancy, Finance & Governance group 2016-present Vice chairman Examination Committee Business Economics, bachelor and

master 2012-2015 Member of the Education Management Team Business Economics 2010-2014, Member of the Examination Committee Bachelor in Business Economics 2015 2010-2014 Member of the Business Economics Master Thesis Committee 2009-present Member of the Faculty Board Business Economics Doctoral student supervisor / co-supervisor / committee/jury member • Laura Hoekx, “The management of emotions in family firms”, Hasselt University

(supervisor) - Ongoing

• Lore Vanheusden, “Renewal processes in family firms”, Hasselt University (co-supervisor) - Ongoing

The Education Management Team Business Economics is responsible for the continuous assessment and improvement of our study program, which is a very important task. Hence, I have been investing a considerable amount of time chairing this team. During 2015-2017, we substantially renewed our Business Economics curriculum, ensuring a close fit between our educational offer and labor market demands.

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• Alana Vandebeek, “The “family factor” in board dynamics”, Hasselt University (co-

supervisor) - Ongoing

• Bilal Latif, “Corporate governance in Pakistan”, Hasselt University (co-supervisor) - Ongoing

• Koen Van Bergen, “CEO socialization paths”, Hasselt University (co-supervisor) -

Ongoing • Rüveyda Kelleci, “Nonfamily CEO in family firms”, Hasselt University (supervisor) -


• Bert Verleysen, “Generative organizing”, Hasselt University (supervisor) - Ongoing

• Jochen Bergs, “Patient safety in hospitals: Implementation of the surgical safety checklist”, Hasselt University (co-supervisor), 2016 - Now at UZLeuven, KULeuven & UHasselt

• Karolien Hendrix, “Organizational change in family firms”, Hasselt University (co-supervisor), 2014 - Now at PXL Business

• Ingeborg Vandepoel, “Cooperating and learning from a distance: Scrum in distributed

teams and a learning perspective on cooperation”, Tilburg University, 2016 (pre-examiner, member of the jury, opponent PhD defense)

• Jenni Luoma, “Understanding change management through the psychological ownership framework. Examination of Antecedents of Successful Change”, University of Jyväskylä, 2015 (pre-examiner, opponent PhD defense)

• Annelies Thoelen, “The value of ethnic identity for creative entrepreneurs: Essays on legitimacy, innovation and identity in the creative industries”, Hasselt University, 2015 (committee member & jury member)

• HannahVermaut, “In search of the diversity in diversity management: Exploring novel practices to manage a diverse workforce”, Hasselt University, 2016 (committee member & jury member)

• Annika Saarikoski, “Understanding Existential Courage in Entrepreneuring”, Hasselt University/Jyväskylä University (supervisor) - Ongoing

• Linda Murphy, “To Enter or not to Enter is not the question. A qualitative inquiry into the Career Experiences of Next Generation Family Members”, Hasselt University/Jyväskylä University, 2014 (supervisor) - At Cork University College, Ireland

• Maarten Vandewaerde, “Board leadership revisited: Essays on Shared Leadership within the Boardroom”, Hasselt University, 2013 (co-supervisor) - Now at Ernst & Young

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• Jorge Zumaeta, “The Cool Entrepreneurship Program for At-Risk Youth: An Illustration of the Social Construction of Economic Thinking”, Universiteit van Tilburg, 2013 (jury member)

• Swinnen Marleen, “Governance in Private Family SMEs”, Hasselt University, 2013 (committee member & jury member)

• Anne Laakkonen, “Construction of the entrepreneurial identity in the family business context. A cross-cultural study”, Hasselt University/Jyväskylä University, 2012 (supervisor)

• Henssen Bart, “’Mine’ or ‘ours’? Perspectives on psychological ownership in family

firms”, Hasselt University, 2012 (co-supervisor) - Now at HUB-KAHO

• Jelle Mampaey, “Legitimiteitsmanagement van inclusieve scholen in de Vlaamse onderwijsmarkt: Een synthese van het neo-institutioneel en impressiemanagement perspectief”, Hasselt University, 2012 (commission member & jury member)

• Joseph Roevens, “Systemic Constellations Work in Organzations”, Universiteit van

Tilburg, 2008 (jury member) Publications Articles Forthcoming Bergs, J., Lambrechts, F., Hellings, J., Schrooten, W., Desmedt, M., Vlayen, A., & Vandijck, D. (in press). Seen through the patient’s eyes: surgical safety and checklists. International Journal for Quality in Health Care Bergs, J., Lambrechts, F., Mulleneers, I., Lenaerts, K., Hauquier, C., Proesmans, G., Creemers, S., Vandijck, D. (in press). A tailored intervention to improving the quality of intrahospital nursing handover. International Emergency Nursing, doi: Published Grieten, S., Lambrechts, F., Bouwen, R., Huybrechts, J., Fry, R., & Cooperrider, D. (2018). Inquiring into Appreciative Inquiry: A conversation with David Cooperrider and Ronald Fry. Journal of Management Inquiry, 27(1), 101-114. Lambrechts, F., Voordeckers, W., Roijakkers, N., & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2017). Exploring open innovation in entrepreneurial private family firms in low- and medium-technology industries. Organizational Dynamics, 46(4), 244-261. Vandebeek, A., Voordeckers, W., Lambrechts, F., & Huybrechts, J. (2016). Board role performance and faultlines in family firms: The moderating role of formal board evaluation. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 7(4), 249-259.

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Bergs, J., Lambrechts, F., Simons, P., Vlayen, A., Marneffe, W., Hellings, J., Cleemput, I., & Vandijck, D. (2015). Barriers and facilitators related to the implementation of surgical safety checklists: A systematic review of the qualitative evidence. BMJ Quality & Safety, 24, 776-786. Murphy, L., & Lambrechts, F. (2015). Investigating actual career decisions of the next generation: The impact of family business involvement. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 6(1), 33-44. Verleysen, B., Lambrechts, F., & Van Acker, F. (2015). Building psychological capital with appreciative inquiry: Investigating the mediating role of basic psychological need satisfaction. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 51(1), 10-35. Henssen, B., Voordeckers, W., Lambrechts, F., & Koiranen, M. (2014). The CEO autonomy –stewardship behaviour relationship in family firms: The mediating role of psychological ownership. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5(3), 312-322. Lambrechts, F., Taillieu, T., Grieten, S., & Poisquet, J. (2012). In-depth joint supply chain learning: Towards a framework. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17, 627-637. Lambrechts, F., Bouwen, R., Grieten, S., Huybrechts, J., & Schein, E.H. (2011). Learning to help through humble inquiry and implications for management research, practice, and education: An interview with Edgar H. Schein. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 10, 131-147. Vandewaerde, M., Voordeckers, W., Lambrechts, F., & Bammens, Y. (2011). Board team leadership revisited: A conceptual model of shared leadership in the boardroom. Journal of Business Ethics, 104, 403-420. Lambrechts, F., Taillieu, T., & Sips, K. (2010). Learning to work with interdependencies effectively: The case of the HRM forum of the suppliers’ teams at Volvo Cars Gent. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 15, 95-100. Sluismans, R., Den Hertog, F., Lambrechts, F., & Lommelen, T. (2010). Robust regional innovation policy learning: Key lessons from a large-scale intervention program. Argumenta Oeconomica, 24(1), 89-107. Lambrechts, F., Grieten, S., Bouwen, R., & Corthouts, F. (2009). Process consultation revisited: Taking a relational practice perspective. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 45(1), 39-58. Lambrechts, F., Sips, K., Taillieu, T., & Grieten, S. (2009). Virtual organizations as temporary organizational networks: Boundary blurring, dilemmas, career characteristics and leadership. Argumenta Oeconomica, 22(1), 55-81. Berings, D., Grieten, S., Lambrechts, F., & De Witte, H. (2008). Work values and facets of job satisfaction as predictors of employees’ attitude to change in higher education. Gedrag & Organisatie, 21, 493-517.

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Lambrechts, F., Martens, H., & Grieten, S. (2008). Building high quality relationships during organizational change: Transcending differences in a generative learning process. International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, 8(3), 93-102. Lambrechts, F., & Martens, H. (2008). The reemployment process of older managers after a plant closing. Towards a career transition framework. The Business Renaissance Quarterly, 3(1), 41-75. Lambrechts, F. (2008). Tuomo Alasoini: ‘From the margins to the mainstream’. Develop: Kwartaaltijdschrift over Human Resources Development, 4(3), 46-49. Lambrechts, F., & Corthouts, F. (2008). Workplace Development Program Tykes: Organisatieontwikkeling als hefboom voor duurzame groei. Develop: Kwartaaltijdschrift over Human Resources Development, 4(3), 40-45. Lambrechts, F., Martens, H., & Poisquet, J. (2007). Generatief leren tussen en in organisaties. Develop: Kwartaaltijdschrift over Human Resources Development, 3(3), 20-36. Lambrechts, F., & Martens, H. (2007). Met goesting blijven werken en leren. Lessen uit drie onderzoeksprojecten. Over.Werk. Tijdschrift van het Steunpunt Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Vorming, 17(3/4), 128-133. Martens, H., Lambrechts, F., Manshoven, J., & Vandenberk, A. (2006). An organizational development approach towards age diversity practices in Belgian organizations. Ageing International, 31(1), 1-23. Grieten, S., Lambrechts, F., & Corthouts, F. (2006). Lessen uit een grote groepsinterventie. Develop: Kwartaaltijdschrift over Human Resources Development, 2(1), 9-23. Martens, H., Lambrechts, F., Vandenberk, A., De Weerdt, S., & Manshoven, J. (2005). Zilveren instrumenten en processen. Langer met goesting werking. Over.Werk. Tijdschrift van het Steunpunt Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Vorming, 15(1), 148-152. Books and booklets Hendriks, W., Lambrechts, F., Vandenrijt, L., Kelleci, R., Voordeckers, W., Huybrechts, J., & Dekker, J. (2014). De niet-familiale CEO in het familiebedrijf. Hoe komen tot een succesvolle en duurzame relatie? Hasselt: VKW Limburg. Huybrechts, J., Hendriks, W., Hendrikx, K., Lambrechts, F., & Voordeckers, W. (2012). Radicale innovatie door familiebedrijven. Openheid voor vernieuwing door behoud van waarden. Hasselt: VKW Limburg. Hendriks, W., Voordeckers, W., Lambrechts, F., & Vandewaerde, M. (2011). Corporate governance in het familiebedrijf. Hoe beter en sneller beslissen? Hasselt: VKW Limburg. Lambrechts, F., & Voordeckers, W. (2010). Is uw familiebedrijf een lerend bedrijf? Expertise kun je kopen – Leren niet. Hasselt: VKW Limburg.

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Lambrechts, F., Martens, H., & Poisquet, J. (2007). Met goesting blijven werken en leren. Werkende praktijken. Diepenbeek: Universiteit Hasselt. Lambrechts, F., Martens, H., & Poisquet, J. (2007). Met goesting blijven werken en leren. Interorganisationeel leren en innoveren via actieleergroepen. Diepenbeek: Universiteit Hasselt. Lambrechts, F., Martens, H., Poisquet, J., & Jordens, P. (2007). Met goesting blijven werken en leren. Kritische condities voor een duurzaam personeelsbeleid. Diepenbeek: Universiteit Hasselt. Martens, H., Manshoven, J, Lambrechts, F., & Vandenberk, A. (2006). Leeftijdsbewust personeelsbeleid. Doe-het-zelf instrument. Diepenbeek: Universiteit Hasselt. Book chapters Grieten, S., & Lambrechts, F. (2011). De theoretische grondslagen van Appreciative Inquiry. In G. Bouwen, & M. Meeus (Eds.), Vuur Werkt. Met Talent toekomst maken (pp. 145-161). Leuven: LannooCampus. Lambrechts, F., Grieten, S., & Taillieu, T. (2010). Gezamenlijk interafhankelijkheid managen: Het HRM-forum van de toeleveranciers van Volvo Cars Gent. In M. Andriessen, T. Bossuyt, H. De Witte, G. Francois, K. Proost, & B. Schreurs (Eds.), HRM. Werken aan evenwicht (pp. 53-78). Antwerpen: De Boeck. Lambrechts, F. (2007). Virtuele organisaties als tijdelijke organisatienetwerken gefaciliteerd door ICT: Grensvervaging, dilemma’s, loopbaankenmerken en (bege)leiding. In S. Prins, S. Schruijer, J. Verboven, & K. De Witte (Eds.), Diversiteit en vertrouwen in sociale systemen (pp. 125-146). Leuven: Lannoo Campus. Lambrechts, F., & Grieten, S. (2007). Academische verantwoording waarderend onderzoek of ‘Appreciative Inquiry’. In G. Bouwen (Ed.), Van bezieling tot beweging. De waarderende benadering toegepast. Praktijkboek voor begeleiders en verantwoordelijken in de social-profit (pp. 91-102). Genk, België: Stebo vzw. Martens, H., Manshoven, J., & Lambrechts, F. (2007). Personeelsbeleid voor oudere werknemers. Effectief en efficiënt langer aan de slag. In W. De Lange, & J. Thijssen (Eds.), De waardevolle senior. Personeelsbeleid voor oudere werknemers (pp. 153-166). Amsterdam: WEKA Uitgeverij. Martens, H., Manshoven, J., Lambrechts, F., & Vandenberk, A. (2006). Silver processes and instruments. Towards an age-friendly HR management. In T.S. Rocco, & J.G.L. Thijssen (Eds.), Older Workers, New Directions. Employment and Development in an Aging Labor Market (pp. 82-93). Miami, USA: Center for Labor Research and Studies, Florida International University. Lambrechts, F., De Weerdt, S., Corthouts, F., & Kauwenberghs, S. (2002). Duurzame ontwikkeling, duurzaam ondernemen, levenslang leren. Lessen voor het personeelsbeleid. In L. Peeters, P. Matthyssens, & L. Vereeck (Eds.), Stakeholder Synergie (pp. 29-49). Leuven: Garant.

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Conference papers, proceedings and presentations To develop and strengthen my international research network, and receive valuable feedback from peers, I have been (co)authoring on average four papers yearly at national and international conferences such as International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), European Academy of Management (EURAM), US Academy of Management, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), and Belgian Entrepreneurship Research Day. More detailed information: Press coverage and science communication to a broader public Concerning press coverage and science communication to a broader public, my activities are featured in five articles in national newspapers (De Tijd, Belang van Limburg, De Standaard, Het Nieuwsblad), nineteen invited interviews/comments for business magazines and websites (e.g., Trends, Trends Family Business, Sterck Magazine), and four television appearances (TV Limburg). Below you can find a detailed overview of my press coverage: A. Press coverage & invited interviews/comments in national newspapers 24/12/2016: Belang van Limburg Eén op de drie familiebedrijven staat voor overdracht. VKW Limburg en UHasselt gaan op zoek naar beste familiebedrijven (One out of three family firms is confronted with business transfer. VKW Limburg and Hasselt University search for best family firms) 26/10/2010: De Tijd Leren ook in een familiebedrijf een must (Learning, also a must in a family firm) 13/10/2010: Belang van Limburg Limburgs boek over lerende familiebedrijven voorgesteld: Leren brengt veel op (Limburg book presented about learning family firms: Learning brings profit) 31/01/2008: De Standaard Verschillende remedies tegen het stakingsvirus (Different remedies against the strikes virus) 31/01/2008: Het Nieuwsblad Lang geen eensgezindheid over remedies tegen stakingsgolf: Meer samenhorigheid op de werkvloer (Long no consensus on remedies against the wave of strikes: More cohesion on the workfloor) 28/11/2007: Het Nieuwsblad UHasselt leert hoe de motivatie aan te wakkeren (UHasselt teaches how to stimulate motivation) B. Invited interviews/comments/coverage in business/entrepreneurship magazines & websites 12/2017: Familielaan 16 (Jg. 1, Nr. 1)

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Wat zijn de troeven van familiebedrijven? Waarin onderscheiden ze zich van andere ondernemingen? En hoe speel je deze succesfactoren uit? Ronde tafel met drie excellente familiebedrijven. Samen met Prof. Frank Lambrechts van UHasselt (What are the advantages of family firms? How are they different from non-family firms? And how to exploit these advantages? Round table with three excellent family firms. Together with Prof. Frank Lambrechts, Hasselt University) 06/2017: Sterck Magazine (Nr. 21) Open innovatie in familiebedrijven (Open innovation in family firms) 02/2017: Sterck Magazine (Nr. 19) Hoe komen tot een succesvolle en duurzame relatie? (How to develop a successful and durable relationship?) 01/2017: Kunstlaan 16 (Jg. 19, Nr. 2) Gezocht: Parels van familiebedrijven (Wanted: Pearls of family businesses) 12/2016: Sterck Magazine (Nr. 18) Expertise kun je kopen, leren niet (You can buy expertise but not learning) 07/2016: Motmans & Partners Magazine De niet-familiale CEO in het familiebedrijf. Hoe komen tot een succesvolle en duurzame relatie? (The nonfamily CEO in the family firm: How to develop a successful and durable relationship?) 07/06/2016: Klassieke organisatieschema is aan herziening toe (Classical organigram needs revising) 04/2016: Trends Family Business (Nr. 27) Als de kapitein het schip verlaat (When the captain leaves the ship) 04/2016: Sterck Magazine (Nr. 15) De koers van familiezaken (The course of family firms) 08/2015: Kunstlaan 16 (Jg. 17, Nr. 4) De niet-familiale CEO in het familiebedrijf. Hoe komen tot een succesvolle en duurzame relatie? (The nonfamily CEO in the family business. How to build a succesfull and sustainable relationship?) 01/2015: Trends Family Business (Nr. 15) Langetermijndenken stimuleert risicovolle innovatie: Familiebedrijven zijn koplopers in innovatie (Long-term thinking stimulates risky innovation: Family firms are frontrunners in innovation) 02/2015: Trends Family Business (Nr. 16) Wij willen in de keuken van het familiebedrijf komen (We want to be in the kitchen of the family firm) 2015:

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Moet een familiebedrijf kiezen voor een externe CEO? (Must a family firm choose a non-family CEO?) 12/12/2012: Made in Limburg Praktisch boekje leert familiebedrijven innoveren (Practical booklet learns family firms how to innovate) 2012: Limburg Actueel Radicale innovatie door familiebedrijven (Radical innovation by family firms) 2011: Kunstlaan 16 (Jg 13, Nr. 2) Expertise kun je kopen, leren niet. Is uw familiebedrijf een lerend bedrijf? (You can buy expertise, not learning. Is your family business a learning company?) 2010: Limburg Manager (Jg 10, Nr. 55) VKW Limburg lanceert boek over lerende family bedrijven (VKW Limburg launches book about learning family firms) 27/08/2009: Trends Wel en wee op het werk (The daily life on the job) 09/03/2002: Vacature Ondernemen. Lessen voor het personeelsbeleid: Ieder is co-ondernemer (Lessons for HR management: Everybody is co-entrepreneur) C. Invited Interviews on television: TV Limburg Limburg@WORK News 28/04/2009: HR versus Econochock 29/06/2008: Privacy op het werk (Privacy on the work floor) 19/04/2008: Hoe omgaan met stress? Tips (How to cope with stress? Tips) 30/03/2008: Sociaal overleg (Social dialogue) SERVICE (SELECTION) A. Service oriented towards the academic community (editorial positions. review work, organization symposia/workshops) 2017 - present Member Editorial Review Board Journal of Family Business

Strategy 2009 - present Starting from 2009 I have engaged in the role of session chair

and Faculty Development Consortium speaker at various conferences such as IFERA & EIASM

11/08/2009 Co-organization of the Showcase Symposium in honor of Edgar

Schein, The Challenges of the Scholar-Practitioner, at the 2009 US Academy of Management in Chicago, USA.

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2008 - present Ad hoc reviewing journals and conferences

B. Service oriented towards the business community 20/04/2009 - present Member of the Steering Committee “Limburgs Platform

Familiebedrijven” (LPF-VKW Limburg) (Limburg Platform Family Businesses), since 2017 also known as “Expertisecentrum Familiebedrijven VKW Limburg” (Expertise Center Family Businesses VKW Limburg).

5/10/2011 - 1/09/2014 Faculty “OndernemersUniversiteit C.E.O. Limburg -

Universiteit Hasselt” (Entrepreneurial University C.E.O Limburg-Hasselt University), cluster Ambassadors, facilitating learning sessions (7/year) for senior entrepreneurs of family businesses and ex-entrepreneurs.

19/12/2007 - 1/03/2013 Faculty and member of the Steering Group “Human Resource

Management”, UHasselt executive continuing education program for managers and consultants with experience.

30/06/2010 - 1/01/2015 Member of the Steering Group Matrix, Leading and coaching in

connectivity, UHasselt continuing education program.

Within the collaboration RCEF and employers’ organization VKW Limburg, we have developed several practice-close, collaborative research projects in which we supported many family businesses to rise to various professionalization challenges (governance, organizational learning, radical innovation, nonfamily management) while at the same time collecting otherwise difficult-to-obtain data for research purposes. In the framework of this collaboration, I have led numerous workshops, seminars, and learning groups with entrepreneurs and managers as well as conducted various in-depth interviews and large-scale surveys, leading to four books, several papers, panel discussions and large family business events.

I have reviewed for journals such as Academy of Management Learning & Education, Organization Studies, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Journal of Cooperative Organization and Management, Family Business Review, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Production Planning & Control, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, among others. In 2015, I received the Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing award from the Journal of Family Business Strategy. I also review annually for conferences such as IFERA, EURAM, and US Academy of Management.

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1/06/2006 - 31/12/2007 Member of the Scientific Steering Group European Social Fund

project “VuurWerkt” (FireWorks) (Stebo vzw): Scientific advisory work.

24/05/2008 Facilitator 1st “Vlaamse Burgerconferentie” (Flemish Citizens

Conference), Flemish Parlement, Brussels. 6/06/2006 Founding member Allegro: Alumni learning network for

experiential learning programs UHasselt & KULeuven: CIGO, HRM, Matrix.

1/03/2008 - 30/06/2011 Member of the Scientific Steering Group European Social Fund

project “Leiden naar talent en bezieling” (Leading towards talent and inspiration) (Stebo vzw): Scientific advisory work.

11/07/2012 - present Chairman of the jury VOKA prize “HR Manager van het jaar” (HR Manager of the Year), since 2016 also known as “HR Award van het jaar” (HR Award of the Year).

3/01/2002 - present Advisory work/process consultation in a diversity of


3/01/2002 - present Giving numerous presentations and facilitating workshops in the

Flemish and Dutch business world (profit, social profit, not-for-profit)

10/10/2008 Co-organizer Anniversary Conference “Werkende H3R-

praktijken: helder, hart én hard. Cut the crap, let's talk business” (Working H3R-practices: clear, heart and hard), celebrating the 25 years anniversary of the executive continuing education program HRM.

8/10/2010 Co-organizer HRM Conference “Waarderend organiseren en co-

creëren: De opdracht van de people manager” (Appreciative organizing and co-creation: The job of the people manager).

31/03/2011 Co-organizer HRM Open Forum. 28/09/2012 Co-organizer learning network day alumni HRM 2012:

“Generative Leadership, Hic et Nunc”

Since 2002, I am involved in a diversity of advisory activities. These advisory activities are a close match with my research and teaching activities. Goal: (1) Building bridges between the world of academia and practice, and (2) building a broad network (for data collection purposes and finding suitable guest lecturers).

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27/09/2013 - present Faculty OpenBorders MBA: Change Management Module. Appreciative Inquiry: A strength-based approach to cooperative capacity building and transformative innovation.

24/10/2013 - 15/12/2015 Faculty executive continuing education program CIGO

(Consultancy in Groups and Organizations): UHasselt-KULeuven program in collaboration with Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

22/06/2016 Member of the Management Committee PXL Expertisecentrum

Innovatief Ondernemen (Expertise Center Innovative Entrepreneurship).

1/10/2016 Book recommendation on invitation for the book “Engage.

Reisgids voor veranderavonturen” (Engage: Travel guide for change adventures) (authors: Woody Van Olffen, Raymond Maas & Wouter Visser).

23/07/2015 - 30/07/2017 Member of the Scientific Steering Committee PWO-project

“Hefbomen voor een mindset die duurzame inzetbaarheid en innovatief werkgedrag bevordert in Limburgse KMO's” (Levers for a mindset that nurtures employability and innovative work behavior in Limburg's SMEs) (PXL Research).

1/10/2013 - 1/04/2015 Faculty and member of the Steering Committee of the executive

continuing education program HR Leadership. 1/04/2016 - present Concept development and faculty of HRM Anders, a new

executive continuing education program, replacing the HRM program and HR Leadership.

3/05/2016 Scientific advisory work, substantiation and member of the jury

of the award “Ambassadeur Excellent Familiebedrijf” (Ambassador Excellent Family Business), a distinction developed in a collaboration between the Expertise Center Family Businesses VKW Limburg and UHasselt, RCEF. The first ambassadors 2017-2018 have been announced in May 2017.

24/04/2017 - present Advisor and participant of the design team of the large-scale,

multi-stakeholder community formation project "Hasselt, Zorgstad" (Hasselt, Care/Health City).

C. Service oriented towards education development UHasselt/Business Economics Faculty 2012 - present I have been coaching pre-doctoral and post-doctoral researchers

within the UHasselt’s Business Economics Faculty’s Professionalization of Education program. In 2017, I have advised our doctoral school on the Competency Framework for

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PhD holders.

16/02/2011 Speaker at the study day for teachers & docents Economy, Hasselt University

02/12/2009 Speaker & forum member at the study day on “Activating,

cross-boundary & competence oriented learning”, Hasselt University

05/10/2009 Speaker at the study day on “Integration of research in

education”, Hasselt University