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WHAT we communicateHOW we communicate

Personnel Communication Personnel Communication

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The way company personnel The way company personnel communicate with each other communicate with each other can make all the difference can make all the difference between efficiency and between efficiency and ineptitude, ineptitude, success and failure, making success and failure, making money or losing it. money or losing it.

Ineffective communication is a Ineffective communication is a major, yet avoidable, obstacle major, yet avoidable, obstacle to business business productivity.

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Managers need to realize that successful communication is no one-way process but reciprocity is the essence of communication.

Let’s see two examples of good and bad communication.

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Mr. Jordan and Mr. Robinson Meeting

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Mr. Jordan calls his supervisor, Mr. Robinson, to come to

his office.

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When Mr. Robinson walks in, Mr. Jordan is busy with a very

important telephone conversation.

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After a couple of minutes, he starts the meeting with Mr Robinson, but his mind is

very much on what he had just heard.

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Hi Mr Robinson. This is why I called you: at the moment, we have an official lunch break lasting one hour.

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As from the first of next month, I want to reduce this lunch break to 30 minutes only, and bring the afternoon quitting time forward by a half-hour.

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No doubt, the staff will appreciate the opportunity to get home earlier.

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Please inform everyone and thanks for your time.

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Mr. Jordan begins to examine some papers

on his desk as a sign that he has

nothing further to tell the supervisor.

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Mr. Robinson, in turn, opens his

mouth as if starting to say something

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But he thinks better of it

and all he utters is a weak:

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Ok, Mr. Jordan

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Mr. Robinson exits

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