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Personal Hygiene Tips
Women Athletes

Sharing towels, razors, soaps, water bottles, equipment or whirlpools

Skin injuries like turf burns and abrasions, and chaffing

Prolonged physical contact sportsespecially football, wrestling and rugby

Infections among athletes are commonly acquired by:

Practice good personal hygiene with frequent hand washings and showering with soap and water after all practices and games.

Things That Women Athletes
Must Keep In Mind:

Take care of your skin. Keep cuts and wounds clean and covered until healed, as recommended by your athletic trainer or team doctor.

Don't share personal items that come in contact with the skin. Combs, brushes and headscarves are commonly shared items that can spread fungal infections of the scalp, hair and skin.

Implement routine cleaning schedules for shared equipment (weights, pools, steam room benches)

Wear comfortable underwear that will promote a dry environment, as bacteria is better able to grow in wet environments.

During PeriodsOption 1. Use a traditional maxi pad or tampon ideally, an applicator-less model, which has less waste and pack it out.Option 2. Use a DivaCup, which is a reuseable, bell-shaped menstrual cup that is mostly used by women athletes.

Certain workouts, exercises and movements are more conducive to damaging your nails than others. Cut your nails to avoid collecting nasty germs at the gym.

Pre-Gym Hygiene For
Women Athletes

Buy gym clothes that cover your bodys most vulnerable spots to fight infection and disease.

Be sure to cover all cuts and scrapes to prevent fungal skin infections

Soak your feet in a warm water atleast for 1/2 hour to kill all the germs.

Post-Gym Hygiene For
Women Athletes:

Washing your hair regularly will help to avoid greasy skin and hair. Using an acid-balanced shampoo is safe on your hair, scalp, and body.

Dont leave your dirty gym gear in your bag or inside a spare pocket of your meal management system.

Presented By: Evie DawsonPowered By: