Download - PERSONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT - CNI CORPORATIONnutritious ISP-10 that’s rich in protein and sprouted grains high in enzymes, fibre, vitamins, minerals and many more! 3 Snack on fruit,

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EXERCISE YOUR HEARTPerforming cardiovascular exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system and over time lowers your resting heart rate. These include running, swimming, biking or using gym machines. It is recommended to perform a moderate intensity cardio workout 30 minutes a day, five days a week, or a vigorous cardio session for 20 minutes daily, three days a week.

BUILD STRENGTHResistance training is another healthy lifestyle method that will potentially increase metabolism. Since muscle tissue requires calories to survive, the adaptation of new muscle creates a demand for greater calorie burn. Stick to a twice-weekly resistance program consisting of eight to 10 exercises, keeping repetitions around eight to twelve.

INVOLVE THE FAMILYInvolving the whole family is another method to create group support and quality time with loved ones. Create games that include the entire family for a workout filled with fun. Remember, a family that plays together stays together!

CONTROL YOUR WEIGHTReducing calories in your diet increases overall health and lower body weight. Use the basal metabolic rate formula which refers to the amount of calories burned at resting levels. An average BMR for women is around 2,000 to 2,100 calories a day, and for men, 2,700 to 2,900 calories daily.

STAY AWAY FROM PROCESSED FOODAvoiding processed foods can increase overall health and prevent unwanted weight gain and illness. Processed foods have been blamed for behavioral problems such as hyperactivity, weight gain and certain cancers.

CONTROL CRAVINGSEliminating nighttime eating will also assist in weight reduction and health improvement. Keep yourself occupied and be aware of times when cravings are highest. If necessary, take only beverages at night.

GET ADEQUATE SLEEPGetting adequate sleep is crucial for weight reduction and health. Sleep deprivation triggers the release of unwanted hormones such as cortisol, which alters glucose metabolism resulting in fat storage. Sleeping at least eight hours a night will help promote regular glucose metabolism and limit weight gain.

PLAY SPORTSA way to get moving again can come from enjoying your favorite sport. Games or leagues in your area provide a way to receive adequate exercise. Choose a sport that interests you and work on it!

BE HAPPYA healthy mind promotes a healthy body. Spend quiet time alone to understand yourself and emotions. This is an excellent way to confront and resolve internal issues and conflicts. It’s also good for stress and a great way to relax!

MAKE GRADUAL PROGRESSMake gradual and progressive strides toward improving your health. An overall lifestyle change takes time to create. Set small, time-oriented goals and track your success to achieve the big picture that is total wellness.

CNI WELL3 ISP-10High in Isolated Soy Protein to meet all your body’s protein needs, plus the power of 10 sprouted grains that’s rich in enzymes, vitamins, trace minerals and other important nutrients.

CNI WELL3 LIFE ENZYMEHigh in various types of enzyme which acts as catalyst for metabolism and various biochemical reactions to ensure balance of the body system. It restores body’s internal environment, improves digestion, strengthen cells, anti-inflammatory and improves immunity.

CNI WELL3 PRUNE BERRIESContains pure California prune concentrate and mixed berries that is high in antioxidant and a good source of dietary fiber. It has anti-aging effect and good for digestive health.


Choosing to follow a healthier lifestyle can promote a life full of quality and longevity. A variety of factors to implement into a healthier lifestyle include proper diet and exercise, stress reduction and consistent sleep patterns. By practicing these 10 methods to better health, you can reduce your health risks and enjoy a life full of value.

Easy Ways to Kick Start a Healthy Lifestyle in 201510

Page 3: PERSONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT - CNI CORPORATIONnutritious ISP-10 that’s rich in protein and sprouted grains high in enzymes, fibre, vitamins, minerals and many more! 3 Snack on fruit,

Are You Vitamin Deficient?When your body is trying to tell you something, it shows it in a very strange ways.

Today’s modern diet can easily lead to deficiencies of vitamins in the body, whether you eat proper food or due to problems with digestion it comes to problems with their absorption. It does not mean you will get sick, but you can face certain health problems because vitamins are very important for all biochemical reactions in the body. They are required for proper functioning. Here are five unusual warning signs that you are lacking vitamins:

To avoid vitamin deficiency, you are recommended to follow a healthy eating plan. The next topic: Healthy Eating Tips for 2015 definitely can slove your concern.

RED OR WHITE GROWTHS THAT LOOK LIKE ACNEYou are missing essential fatty acids and vitamins A and D.

RED IRRITATION ON THE FACE, PEELING SKIN AND HAIRYou are missing: Biotin, also known as vitamin for hair.

CRACKS IN THE CORNERS OF THE LIPS You have deficiency in: iron, zinc, vitamin B group, such as niacin (B3), riboflavin (B2) and B12.

MUSCLE CRAMPS IN THE FORM OF PAINYou are missing magnesium, calcium and potassium.

TINGLING OF THE HANDS, FEET OR OTHER PARTS OF THE BODYYou are missing B group vitamins, such as folic acid (B9), B6 and B12.






Page 4: PERSONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT - CNI CORPORATIONnutritious ISP-10 that’s rich in protein and sprouted grains high in enzymes, fibre, vitamins, minerals and many more! 3 Snack on fruit,



Tips for

1Roast meat and vegetables in the oven instead of frying. You can roast pretty much anything in the oven in half an hour or less with only one

teaspoon of olive oil, salt and pepper. Use foil to line the oven tray or make a foil “boat” for no-mess and easy clean up afterwards.

2Try to have at least one meatless day a week. Use beans, tomato salads and salads with nut toppings, oven roasted broccoli and cauliflower,

spinach and mushrooms with or without eggs to compensate. Better yet, go for CNI Well3’s highly nutritious ISP-10 that’s rich in protein and sprouted grains high in enzymes, fibre, vitamins, minerals and many more!

3Snack on fruit, vegetables and low fat plain yogurts instead of chips and chocolate bars. If you don’t like plain yogurts, make your own

toppings using fruit, berries, seeds, nuts, honey or cinnamon. Again, CNI Well3 ISP-10 supplies you with all these powerful nutrients and more!

4Try to eat meals that are at least half vegetables. Vegetables can be eaten in pretty much unlimited amounts and can easily fill up a

plate making a meal look larger.

5Use fresh sliced tomato or mashed avocado instead of ketchup and mayo in sandwiches. Most chicken or turkey sandwiches and wraps

taste delicious without any sauces at all when topped with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce.

6Go whole grains when possible. White flour based products taste better but they are stripped from most of vitamins and fibre

making them of low value to your body. Also due to higher fibre contents whole grains take a lot longer to digest keeping you fuller longer. Eat oatmeal, quinoa, brown and wild rice, rye and wholegrain bread when you can. Tip: Think CNI Well3 ISP-10 with the power of 10 sprouted grains.

7Although whole grain rice and pasta are healthier, white rice and pasta cooked with vegetables and without sugar based sauces,

cream and butter are not at all bad and are pretty healthy as far as meal choices go.

Here are some great tips:

Page 5: PERSONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT - CNI CORPORATIONnutritious ISP-10 that’s rich in protein and sprouted grains high in enzymes, fibre, vitamins, minerals and many more! 3 Snack on fruit,

8When making rice or pasta, throw a couple of handfuls of frozen vegetables in e.g., peas, carrots, and broccoli to make the meal

more nutritious and colourful.

9Homemade muesli is easy to make and it’s a lot healthier, it’ll taste better and will contain exactly what you want, not what is cheaper to

produce. Buy a pack of oats, a pack of cranberries and a pack of mixed nuts – and you’ve got a royal rubbish-free mix. Top it with honey and fresh berries and serve with low fat milk.

10Meal planning is essential. You will never make any good food related decisions when hungry, or when you are full for that

matter. Plan ahead, even before you go shopping, what you will cook and eat – you’ll end up spending less time and money and you’ll make better and healthier choices, too. It’s too late to think of what you are going to eat for lunch when you’re already half way through your day. For emergencies, keep some kind of meat and vegetables in the freezer, rice, pasta and canned tomato paste in the cupboard to make emergency meals – have at least 3-4 recipes of under 30min meals you know how to make on hand.

11Use smaller bowls and plates for every meal serving to trick yourself into thinking you eat more than you do. Basically it’s an

optical illusion that tricks your brain into thinking you are eating a “full plate”. It helps when you are trying to eat smaller portions throughout the day.

12Eat slower to eat less and get more satisfaction out of food. When you eat fast, your brain hasn’t got enough time to

register “fullness” signals coming from your stomach and you end up eating more. You don’t have to chew everything a bazillion times, but try to stretch the eating process to make it last at least twenty minutes when you can.

13Eat one piece of fruit with every breakfast. Turn it into a “Fruit of the day” challenge. It doesn’t have to be a different type of fruit

every time, as long as you have a piece. If you don’t have time to crunch on anything, make a smoothie or slice it up – it’s all about making it convenient.

14Drink coffee and tea without sugar and water instead of soft drinks. Use milk with coffee, lemons and mint with tea and

cucumbers and ice cubes with water to make the transition easier.

15Try to only eat home cooked meals, avoid anything pre-made and ready. No one will care about your food (and what’s in it)

more than you do.

16Try to always sit down at a table and eat when possible instead of eating on the go or in front of the TV. The less attention you

are paying to your food, the less your brain registers how much you eat making you think you ate less.

17If you must have desserts, have it at least an hour after the main meal to let your body deal with the food you have already eaten

first. Anything you add on top will go straight into reserves, slow you down and make you sleepy.

Last, but not least - make your meals look good. Food that looks ‘appealing’ is often also more satisfying. How you serve something can affect how much and how often you eat, your eating experience and your relationship with food in general. If what you serve looks like it has already been eaten once you will eat it fast, instantly forget about it and will probably reach out for something to be comforted after.

Page 6: PERSONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT - CNI CORPORATIONnutritious ISP-10 that’s rich in protein and sprouted grains high in enzymes, fibre, vitamins, minerals and many more! 3 Snack on fruit,


Repetitive strain injury (RSI) can be caused by a variety of tasks at work, such as forceful or repetitive activity, or by poor posture. The condition mostly affects parts of the upper body, such as the forearm, elbow, wrist, hands, shoulders and neck.

RSI is usually associated with doing a particular activity repeatedly or for a long period of time. It often occurs in people who work with computers or carry out repetitive manual work.

Symptoms of RSI include tenderness, aches and pain, cramp, stiffness, weakness, tingling,

numbness or swelling. If you have any symptoms, it's important to

get treatment quickly. The sooner treatment is started, the better the

chances of recovery.

CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME (CTS) & YOUCarpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a disorder caused by repetitive use, physical injury, or other conditions that cause the tissues that surround the median nerve, which stretches from the forearm to the hand, to become swollen and inflamed. This leads to symptoms such as pain, numbness, and tingling in the fingers, wrist, and hand. A study conducted in the USA found an increase of possible CTS among those who used a mouse more than 20 hours per week.

TIPS ON PREVENTING RSIThese practical tips can help to reduce your risk of developing RSI and other related disorders that can arise from working with computers.

• Making sure your desk equipment is properly set up and adjusted to your specifications is the first step in preventing RSI.

• Sit correctly in the right position and arranging your desk correctly.

• The standard keyboard and mouse are adjustable devices with settings that you can change in the same way you might adjust your office chair.

• Various types of non-standard keyboards are available. They may improve the positioning of the hands.

Most Common Pain Areas:Lower Back 63%Neck 53%Shoulder 38%Wrist 33%




• Some individuals find the standard mouse uncomfortable as they involve twisting the wrist. Alternative mice and other pointing devices are worth investigating.

• You could also consider speech recognition software, which allows you to control your phone or a computer application by using your voice.


• You can adjust the keyboard’s key “repeat rate” to avoid mistakes that you then have to go back and correct.

• Use “sticky keys” to avoid having to hold a modifier key down, such as Shift, Ctrl or Alt while pressing another key.

• “Predictive text” and “auto-correct” features guess what you want to type and save you unnecessary keystrokes.


• Slowing your mouse down can greatly reduce muscle tension in your hand.

• Download “mousetool” free software. It takes away the need to click on the mouse, which many people find painful. You may need to get permission from your employer in order to download the software.

• Use “keyboard shortcuts” instead of the mouse to navigate and execute commands.

• The “mouse keys” feature allows you to use the arrow keys on your keyboard’s number pad to move the pointer around the screen.


• Take regular breaks

• Don’t sit in the same position for long periods. Short, regular breaks can help prevent RSI and other upper limb disorders.

• It lets the muscles relax while others take the strain. This can prevent you from becoming stiff and tense.

• Most jobs provide opportunities to take a break from the screen, such as filing or photocopying. Try to make use of them.

These are important tips to prevent RSI and to ensure your productivity at work is not jeopardized.

Page 7: PERSONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT - CNI CORPORATIONnutritious ISP-10 that’s rich in protein and sprouted grains high in enzymes, fibre, vitamins, minerals and many more! 3 Snack on fruit,


Whether the source of your stress stems from your home, workplace, finances, or other external/internal pressures, the effects of stress can become physically, emotionally, and psychologically hazardous to your health.

One very common symptom associated with and induced by stress is insomnia. Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder that keeps you awake for extended periods night after night. Stress affects the levels of certain hormones in the body. High levels of these hormones can make sleep more difficult. The sleep problems that stress creates may ultimately lead to sleep deprivation. Insufficient sleep can potentially worsen your dilemma by further exacerbating whatever situation is causing your stress in the first place.

As far as learning how to manage your stress personally, the best answer is to find ways to relieve some of the stress in your life. Here are some simple suggestions that may potentially work to reduce the stress in your life.

This certainly isn’t a comprehensive list of ways to reduce stress in your life. They are merely a few suggested methods for lowering stress. There are many more symptoms of stress that should be monitored in your life such as:• Rapid weight loss/gain (without an intentional diet)• Frequent headaches• Gritting teeth, clenching jaw• Difficulty concentrating or making decisions• Feeling overwhelmed• Increased anger, frustration, hostility• Depression, frequent or wild mood swings• Neck ache, back pain• Constant fatigue





5UNPLUGTurn off the cell phone, power down your computer. Today, many people feel that they are ‘on call’ all the time. Sever the ties and enjoy some quiet time. Grab that book you’ve been meaning to read and head to the park, or just stay at home and relax in a comfy spot. Enjoy a little peace and quiet.

START SAYING NOMost people are pulled in about 20 different directions all of the time. Help out here, volunteer there…while they are all good causes and they all need help, you aren’t the end all answer for them all of the time. Today, many people volunteer or serve simply because they feel obligated to do so. If you volunteer somewhere, do it because you want to and enjoy it. Learn to say no every once in awhile and use the time doing something you enjoy.

EXERCISE You don’t necessarily need to go enroll in a gym or start a detailed exercise regime. Just get out for a walk, take a bike ride, or go for a swim. Whatever type of physical activity you enjoy; get out and do it. Exercise is an excellent way to relieve stress. Physical exertion is also a great way to ward off insomnia as well.

POSITIVE THINKING It may not sound like much, but it is helpful. This may be hard in the beginning, especially if you are a cynical person, but give it a try for a few days. Stress and anxiety is tiring. Positive thinking enables you to overcome your anxiety and find happiness and serenity. You may find that simple mundane things that caused stress before no longer adversely affect you.

THE BIG PICTUREWhen something starts ‘stressing you out’, take a step back and evaluate it in light of everything else going on in the world. Is it really significant enough to cause problems for you? In the grand scheme of things, how important were those two or three extra minutes that you had to wait in line at the store? Let the little things slide.


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CREATE YOUR OWN BOOTCAMPBootcamp-style workouts are a lot of fun. Who doesn’t love a challenge? You can create your own by doing strength and cardio exercises at home or outside at a park—all you need is a good pair of sneakers! Try this circuit: jumping jacks, lunges, high knees, push-ups, triceps dips (off a bench or curb), and sit-ups. Do each exercise for 60 to 90 seconds; rest in between exercises as needed. Repeat the whole thing two or three times.

JOIN A TEAMSometimes dragging yourself to the gym can be, well, a drag. How about signing up for an adult sports league? Sports quite literally make a game out of working out, so you'll get your heart rate up, burn calories, and have a good time doing it. If you already missed the chance to sign up for a team, offer to be an alternate. When the season gets going and schedules get busy, teams often need extra players, so you'll be the first person they call.

TAKE A WALKING TOUR OF YOUR CITYWalking is an easy way to stay in shape because it requires only a pair of supportive shoes and it's something you can do pretty much anywhere. A fun way to spice up your workout is by signing up for a walking tour of your city or nearby historic area. You can learn something new while fitting in a workout!

SIGN UP FOR AN OBSTACLE-COURSE RACEObstacle races, such as Rugged Maniac and Warrior Dash, are becoming ever more popular because they combine fitness with fun and adventure. Participants climb over walls, crawl through mud under barbed wire, navigate water pits, and even jump over fire. Let's just say, it's an exciting way to work out!

TAKE A HIKEHiking is a great way to get your heart pumping while enjoying some fresh air in the great outdoors. Grab some friends, lace up your sneakers, and get your hike on! The scenery and feeling of accomplishment after your hike are so much better than an afternoon at the gym.

TRY A TRACK WORKOUTRunning burns more calories than almost any other cardio activity, but it can be boring on a treadmill or along the same old neighborhood route. A great way to keep your running workouts exciting is heading to a nearby track. Changing up your speed challengs your body so you burn more calories - and it keeps the workout interesting.

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ONLINE DISCOUNTSOnline group buys, like Groupon, Eversave, BuyWithMe, and LivingSocial, often offer great deals on fitness activities, such as yoga classes, rock climbing, and even sailing lessons. Taking advantage of these deals is a great way to try something new and keep your workouts exciting!

TURN CHORES INTO A WORKOUTTackling your chores and burning calories at the same time? Talk about killing two birds with one stone! The key to turning your cleaning activities into a workout is focusing on the ones that have the highest calorie burn, like scrubbing the tub or vacuuming. To get yourself in the right mindset, throw on your sneakers and put on some upbeat music. If you want a real challenge, do some push-ups or squats every time a new song starts to play.

OFFER YOUR SERVICESVolunteering for a community-service project, such as building a home with Habitat for Humanity or cleaning up a park or other green space, is a great way to add some activity to your day while improving your community at the same time. If you spend the whole day moving around, it definitely counts as a workout!

PRACTICE YOGA AT HOMEOne of the best things about yoga is that you need only your body and a mat to do it. There are tons of online yoga workouts that demonstrate the poses, so you can try pretty much any kind of yoga without leaving the comfort of your own home.

Joining a gym can be a fantastic way to get fit, but it’s not the only way. You can enjoy a variety of workouts at home or outside that will give you the same great results and put a smile on your face at the same time! Here are 10 fun ways to get fit without going to gym!

fun Wayswithout going to gym


Page 9: PERSONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT - CNI CORPORATIONnutritious ISP-10 that’s rich in protein and sprouted grains high in enzymes, fibre, vitamins, minerals and many more! 3 Snack on fruit,

Call them weird, call them ridiculous but strange as it may seem - these tips have some truth in them! Give them a go and find out if they’re true or not!

CNI CAFÉ 3-IN-1 COFFEEAromatic, delicious and energising with the herbal goodness of authentic ginseng. Also try Tongkat Ali Ginseng Café, TAGG Coffee or Suri Coffee.

WINZ FLOURIDE TOOTHPASTEContains Xylitol to resist bacteria fermentation, increase the remineralisation process and give clean, pleasant cooling effect in the mouth.











Drink coffee to have a better napIn a Japanese study, people who took a "coffee nap"—consuming about 200 milligrams of caffeine (the amount in one to two cups of coffee) and then immediately taking a 20-minute rest—felt more alert and performed better on computer tests than those who only took a nap.

Why does this work? The study revealed that a 20-minute nap ends just as the caffeine kicks in and clears the brain of a molecule called adenosine, maximizing alertness.

For healthy teeth, don't brush after eatingA study has shown that brushing teeth immediately after meals and drinks - especially if they were acidic - can do more harm than good. Acidic foods like citrus fruits, sports drinks, and tomatoes can soften tooth enamel. Brushing your teeth at this stage can speed up acid's effect on your enamel and erode the layer underneath. The study recommended waiting 30 to 60 minutes before brushing.

Gain more weight to wear a smaller sizeAlthough a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle, muscle takes up less space. You can get bigger muscles and get smaller overall if you lose the fat. The bulk so many women fear only occurs if you don't lose fat and develop muscle on top of it. So, cut back on calories and add weight to your workout to lose inches.

Eat more to eat lessEating small amounts of carbohydrates does nothing but increase your blood sugar and leaves you wanting more carbohydrates. Choose a protein such as peanut butter or string cheese with an apple. They are higher in calories per serving, but the protein and fat helps you get full faster and stay full longer and you end up eating fewer calories overall.

Skip energy drinks when you're tiredEnergy drinks contain up to 5 times more caffeine than coffee, but the boost they provide is often short-lived and comes with unpleasant side effects like nervousness, irritability, and rapid heartbeat. Also, energy drinks often contain high levels of taurine, a central nervous system stimulant, and upwards of 50 grams of sugar per can (that's 13 teaspoons worth!). The sweet stuff spikes blood sugar temporarily, only to crash soon after, leaving you sluggish and foggyheaded—and reaching for another energy drink.

Drink water when you're bloatedAlthough it may sound as if it would only make matters worse, but it can often help. If you're on a high-fibre diet, your body needs more water to work more efficiently. Water mixes with water soluble fibre and makes it into a gel like substance. This affects the motility of the gut and reduces the symptom of bloating. Drinking more water also relieves bloating caused by dehydration. When you're dehydrated, your body clings to the water your body does have, causing you to puff up.

Quit diet soda to lose weightThe Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health revealed that overweight and obese adults who drank diet beverages ate more calories from food than those who drank regular soda. Many people think 'low-fat,' 'low-sugar,' or 'light' means fewer calories, but that's not always true. Typically when manufacturers cut something out and the end result tastes just as good, they've added something like additional sugar.

Drink a hot beverage to cool off Which will cool you off faster on a really hot day: iced coffee or hot? Two recent studies say the latter—and so do other cultures where drinking hot tea in hot weather is the norm, like in India. When you sip a hot beverage, your body senses the change in temperature and increases your sweat production. Then, as the sweat evaporates from your skin, you cool off naturally.

Exercise when you're tiredAfter a long, exhausting day at work, exercising sounds like the last thing you'd want to do, but getting your sweat on will actually energize you. Fatigue along with mood and depression improved after a single 30-minute moderate intensity exercise session. Everything we do uses oxygen, so when you exercise it helps you work more efficiently and you don't tire as easily. Plus, you also function better mentally.

To improve your relationship, spend less time togetherSpending time alone, instead of with your partner - allows you to process your thoughts rather than act impulsively and, as a result, you get to know yourself better. ‘Alone time’ enables you to be more in touch with yourself and can better give and receive. In addition, it reduces stress and anxiety, which could also contribute to relationship strains. Meditate, go for a walk, sit in a café and people watch, or even clean out your closet. It’s highly therapeutic!

Page 10: PERSONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT - CNI CORPORATIONnutritious ISP-10 that’s rich in protein and sprouted grains high in enzymes, fibre, vitamins, minerals and many more! 3 Snack on fruit,

FACTSYOUDIDN’TKNOWTHAT CAN MAKE YOUR LIFE EVEN HEALTHIERWant more protection against skin cancer? Drink coffee before a workout. Trying to build muscle? Stretch between sets. Hoping to reduce your risk of stroke? Squeeze a little lemon into your green tea. Though seemingly random, these unusual combinations highlight the latest findings from the emerging practice that we call "synergistic medicine," which pairs health-boosting strategies from fields as divergent as kinesiology, neuroscience, and dermatology—with truly outstanding results. Check out these dynamic duos to knock out memory loss, fatigue, disease, weight gain, and more. Talk about power couples!



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GREEN TEA + LEMONBenefit: Protect your heart In a study of more than 40,500 Japanese men and women, those who drank five or more cups of green tea every day had the lowest risk of dying of heart disease and stroke. Researchers attribute the protective effect to catechins, powerful antioxidants. To get more out of every cup, squeeze in some lemon juice. The vitamin C in lemons helps your body absorb 13 times more catechins than it can obtain from plain tea alone, and you can help your heart by drinking just one or two cups daily.

EGGS + ORANGE JUICEBenefit: Fight fatigue If you don't eat much meat, you may be feeling sluggish because you're not getting enough iron. Reason: Your body can readily absorb iron from meat (heme iron), but only 2 to 20% of the non-heme iron found in veggies, beans, and eggs makes it into your bloodstream. An effective booster: vitamin C.

Vitamin C keeps the iron up to 6 times more soluble—meaning your body can now use 100% of the non-heme iron you eat and stave off fatigue-causing anaemia. Wash down your morning omelette with a glass of C-rich orange juice. Or toss iron-rich tofu and C-dense broccoli into your salad. Keep the cooking to a minimum (or at low temperatures) and cut your produce into thick chunks. Vitamin C is easily destroyed by light, heat, and air.

For a great source of Vitamin C, think CNI Well3 Ester-C

THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET + NUTSBenefit: Avoid metabolic syndrome A Mediterranean-style diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, beans, fish, olive oil, and grains, is associated with everything from weight loss to a reduced risk of Parkinson's and heart disease. Now, research shows that people with metabolic syndrome—a condition characterized by high cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar and excess belly fat—can reduce these symptoms by adding an extra serving of mixed nuts to the healthful regimen. In a large study, Spanish researchers instructed people at high risk of heart disease to follow the diet with slight variations.

Researchers believe the fibre, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and omega-3

fatty acids in the nuts helped regulate insulin, blood pressure,

and inflammation.

SALAD + AVOCADOBenefit: Save your eyesightSpinach may be good for your eyes, but avocado makes it even more effective. Researchers at The Ohio State University found that when adults ate a lettuce, spinach, and carrot salad with or without 3 tablespoons of avocado, the avocado eaters absorbed 8.3 times more alpha-carotene, 13.6 times more beta-carotene, and 4.3 times more lutein than the others. Researchers believe the healthy fats in a coats increase the absorption of this decreased risk of macular degeneration ans cataracts.

EXERCISE + MUSICBenefit: Boost brainpower Twenty-one minutes of exercise is all it took to lift the moods of cardiac rehabilitation patients in an Ohio State University pilot study. But when participants listened to Antonio Vivaldi's “Four Seasons” on headphones, they performed significantly better on a verbal fluency test afterward. Researchers believe exercise boosts cognitive performance by stimulating the central nervous system, and the addition of music may help organize thoughts.

CURCUMIN + BLACK PEPPERBenefit: Bolster your memory Curcumin may be known for its anticancer properties, but this compound (found in the spice turmeric) is also making waves in Alzheimer's disease research. A recent study found that, compared with those who got a placebo, Alzheimer's patients who took 1 g of curcumin either as a supplement or mixed with food reduced the build up of plaque in their brains. However, curcumin tends to be poorly absorbed, so you'll need to mix it with black pepper to increase its absorption up to 2,000%.

CAFFEINE + CARDIOBenefit: Sidestep skin cancer Research shows that caffeine and exercise both have anticancer properties. Combined, they offer powerful protection against skin cancer. Both caffeine and exercise also decrease tissue fat, which research show helps cells deconstruct. So drink a strong cup of coffee an hour before exercise. Caffeine can also increase endurance and delay fatigue—helping you walk longer and stronger. Just don't forget the sunscreen.

So, here's another great reason to have a sip of that satisfying taste of CNI 3-in-1 Coffees!

Page 11: PERSONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT - CNI CORPORATIONnutritious ISP-10 that’s rich in protein and sprouted grains high in enzymes, fibre, vitamins, minerals and many more! 3 Snack on fruit,

Your Body’s best time for everything

The human body has a very sophisticated internal body clock that governs almost everything we do, without us even realizing it. Our body clock is a small group of cells made up of unique ‘body clock’ genes. These cells turn on and off and tell other parts of the body what time it is and what to do. In fact, most of our individual organs have their own internal body clock cells as well. Here’s a fascinating infographic about your body and the best time

04:30 (mid-night)

Lowest body temperature

06:45 (morning)

Sharpest rise in blood pressure

07:30 (morning)

Melatonin secretion stops

08:30 (morning)

Bowel movement likely

09:30 (morning)

Highest testerone secretion

10:00 (morning)

High alertness

02:00 (mid-night)

Deepest sleep

22:30 (night)

Bowel movements suppressed

21:00 (night)

Melatonin secretion starts

19:00 (night)

Highest body temperature

17:00 (evening)

Greatest cardiovascular efficiency and muscle strength

15:30 (afternoon)

Fastest reaction time

14:30 (afternoon)

Best coordination

Your body works on a rhythm, and is guided by what is known as your CIRCADIAN CLOCK. The circadian clock is a 24-hour Hormonal cycle within your body. It tells you when it's time to eat, sleep and do a variety of other things.